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The Ice cold King has arrived


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The reborn region has fallen into disarray and it is up to Grey and his darker alter ego Zero to save the day.

Hello everyone I am new to reborn, and I am currently nuzlockeing the game. I am using the reborn challenge rules and after losing around 10 times, I am currently just before the Tangrowth battle.

My team

Leo/The Espurr level 21

Natsu/The Braixen level 21

Galgantho/The pidove level 14

YourTrash/The Trubbish level 20

Mystery blue egg

Any tips and advice would be helpful, feel free to try and get to know me Grey is really nice, however Zero is a different matter.

P.S Bonus cool points to whomever knows the animes those names come from.

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The reborn region has fallen into disarray and it is up to Grey and his darker alter ego Zero to save the day.

Hello everyone I am new to reborn, and I am currently nuzlockeing the game. I am using the reborn challenge rules and after losing around 10 times, I am currently just before the Tangrowth battle.

My team

Leo/The Espurr level 21

Natsu/The Braixen level 21

Galgantho/The pidove level 14

YourTrash/The Trubbish level 20

Mystery blue egg

Any tips and advice would be helpful, feel free to try and get to know me Grey is really nice, however Zero is a different matter.

P.S Bonus cool points to whomever knows the animes those names come from.

Hey welcome mate. Get crazy and wild here.

And sorry, i don't know about teamcase. But don't worry, some people will help ya,

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hey welcome bro o/ by the way, best advise i can give ya: train all your pokemons till they reach the level cap. aways. and be ready to losse a few of them.

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Anyways, hello! Unfortunately, I was in school when the "Welcome to Our Club" song was posted... Can't believe I missed it.

EDIT: Isn't Zero Brain's alter ego, though? Unless you just made it up cuz you wanted to.

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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my only tip is to prepare rotations if you can, there are times when you are going to need Pokemon that aren't in your party and its a trouble to grind them up to the cap all at once, preparing ahead of time lessens the grindyness (its a word i swear) (also i dont know if nuzlockeing prohibits substitutes sorry for wasting your time if it does >.< )

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