Deleted User Posted November 11, 2014 Author Share Posted November 11, 2014 On 11/11/2014 at 4:49 AM, Secundum said: Why was his ability not Speed Boost in the first place!? Blaziken with Hi Jump Kick from the move relearner on that field can OHKO every member of his team with ease. @ The guy who said he can't access the game corner: Yes you can. Just exit back through Agate circus. You automatically skip the sleeping city. Some people don't realize hidden abilities are a thing the first time they play the game and don't even think to soft reset for it. Yeah the initiation of EP12 and EP13, talking to Terra and Titania respectively, prohibits you from returning until beating the leader of that Episode. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sapphire Posted November 11, 2014 Share Posted November 11, 2014 On 11/11/2014 at 4:54 AM, Sheep said: You can't get back until after you beat Charlotte, unless you do it after you beat Samson but before you talk to Titania. Also, HJK won't OHKO Hawlucha but he's got brave bird so eh. Yeah. I think that was the only time I didn't use HJK. Tbh, I think that Samsons field hurts him more than helps him, especially with all the flying boosts there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hashill Posted November 11, 2014 Share Posted November 11, 2014 Venomoth will definitely do work if you give it Sleep Powder. Quiver Dance sharply raises its three stats on the Big Top field, so after two boosts you can fairly safely wreck everything he has. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red_Chaos Posted November 11, 2014 Share Posted November 11, 2014 (edited) On 11/11/2014 at 4:16 AM, Jericho said: Yeah grinding more sounds like a plan. Do you possibly have a Ability Capsule so you can change Blaziken's ability to Speed Boost? I would send Venomoth out against Conekeldurr. If Conkeldurr doesn't have a Dark Move, I'd use Cofagrigus out against him, but be weary there's a chance he could have guts so Burn at discretion. Pokemon that maybe could stand to be swapped out are Fearow and Camerupt. Maybe train up Seaking in replace for Camerupt? Hawlucha or Rufflet might be good choices to add to your team. I'd lean Hawlucha since it resists fighting where as Braviary is neutral damage. Meh, ive tried the AC thingy and i have yet to see it change to speed boost. Venomoth Usually croaks before i get to coney, and cofagrigus gets OTK the minute he hits the field Fearow has actually been the sweeper...surprisingly Could try to seakingcamerupt swap On 11/11/2014 at 4:42 AM, Sheep said: Samson's Conkeldurr definitely has guts. Outside of that, you might want to put sleep powder on your Venomoth. Honestly if you swap out poison fang for sleep powder then Venomoth can probably sweep his whole team. Um..........ill see what i can find. Might not have the option of getting it at this point.... On 11/11/2014 at 5:57 AM, Hashill said: Venomoth will definitely do work if you give it Sleep Powder. Quiver Dance sharply raises its three stats on the Big Top field, so after two boosts you can fairly safely wreck everything he has. he keeps dying tho :L Edited November 11, 2014 by Red_Chaos Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted November 11, 2014 Author Share Posted November 11, 2014 On 11/11/2014 at 9:43 PM, Red_Chaos said: Meh, ive tried the AC thingy and i have yet to see it change to speed boost. Venomoth Usually croaks before i get to coney, and cofagrigus gets OTK the minute he hits the field Fearow has actually been the sweeper...surprisingly Could try to seakingcamerupt swap Um..........ill see what i can find. Might not have the option of getting it at this point.... he keeps dying tho :L Just save before you use it and soft reset, it will get speed boost one of those times. Venomoth needs to be grinded a bit and it can set up if you send it in at the right time. I still think Hawlucha is your best bet here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted November 12, 2014 Share Posted November 12, 2014 (edited) This isn't exactly a gym leader though it is a boss so I'm asking anyway! It's the double battle you Vs. Zel and Taka in the Beryl Ward by the PULSE. --Your current team--[Frogadier] | [25][Hold Item: none][Ability: Protean][Nature: Hasty]- Water Pulse- Round- Lick- Grass Knot [Trapinch] | [25][Hold Item: none][Ability: Arena Trap][Nature: Adamant]- Bulldoze- Feint Attack - Rock Slide- Mud-Slap [Gloom] | [25][Hold Item: none][Ability: Stench][Nature: Hasty]- Acid- Poison Powder- Mega Drain- Sleep Powder [Kirlia] | [24][Hold Item: none][Ability: Synchronize][Nature: Modest]- Confusion- Charge Beam- Magical Leaf- Double Team [Growlithe] | [24][Hold Item: none][Ability: Justified][Nature: Mild]- Fire Fang- Take Down- Reversal- Odor Sleuth [Panpour] | [10][Hold Item: None][Ability: Gluttony][Nature: Quirky]- Cut- Lick- Leer- Water gun (Need for Cut) ------Other Pokemon you have in your PC--[swirlix] | [24]----Additional useful info such as money available, items you currently may have if they're relevant etc.2x Super Potions 9x Potions 5x Every Status Healing Item Zel's Pokes: 1 Glaceon 2 Espeon 3 Umbreon Taka's Pokes 1 Lilep 2 Tangrowth (Mega) 3 Chatot Welp, got any ideas guys? Edited November 12, 2014 by EXLink32 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted November 12, 2014 Author Share Posted November 12, 2014 Well you have your 2nd badge IIRC, so maybe just grind some first. Evolve Kirlia. Really train Panpour. The team as a whole looks relatively solid for this point in the game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blobblob88 Posted November 13, 2014 Share Posted November 13, 2014 I need help with noel Team Swampert lv 52 Mud bomb Strength Mud shot Muddy water Ninetails lv54 Will o wisp Hex Flamethrower Extrasensory Hariama lv 48 Vital throw Force palm Fake out Smelling salts Drapion lv 48 Venoshock Toxic spikes Night slash Hone claws Escaliver lv49. Insect plate Iron head X-scissor False swipe Slash Noctowl lv 48. Mentronome Air slash Zen headbutt Reflect Echoed voice Im also training a cubchoo into a beartic to see if it can learn super power from the move relearner I also have thses 2 as rotation and ik i have to lv up a couple more lvs but i sill cant get past his 3rd pokemon Rotation Donphan lv44 Fury attack Earthquake Assurance Rock smash Pachirichu lv 43 Cut Charge beam Electro ball Nuzzle Any help really appricated Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowDefender Posted November 13, 2014 Share Posted November 13, 2014 On 11/13/2014 at 4:54 AM, blobblob88 said: I need help with noel Team Swampert lv 52 Mud bomb Strength Mud shot Muddy water Ninetails lv54 Will o wisp Hex Flamethrower Extrasensory Hariama lv 48 Vital throw Force palm Fake out Smelling salts Drapion lv 48 Venoshock Toxic spikes Night slash Hone claws Escaliver lv49. Insect plate Iron head X-scissor False swipe Slash Noctowl lv 48. Mentronome Air slash Zen headbutt Reflect Echoed voice Im also training a cubchoo into a beartic to see if it can learn super power from the move relearner I also have thses 2 as rotation and ik i have to lv up a couple more lvs but i sill cant get past his 3rd pokemon Rotation Donphan lv44 Fury attack Earthquake Assurance Rock smash Pachirichu lv 43 Cut Charge beam Electro ball Nuzzle Any help really appricated I've never used Escaviler, but If you get SwordDance on it, It pretty much is gg. 2 SDs and sweep. other thing would be to grind your other pokes up to at least 52. The under levels could be one thing that could be hurting you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashtard Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 I'm having a hard time getting past Florinia's cradilly? any ideas would help, my current team is: quilava level 23 flame wheel ember quick attack smokescreen pachirisu level 20 charge beam spark quick attack cut espurr level 21 light screen confusion psybeam scratch noibat level 20 gust wing attack bite agility thanks!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) On 11/14/2014 at 12:59 AM, ashtard said: I'm having a hard time getting past Florinia's cradilly? any ideas would help, my current team is: quilava level 23 flame wheel ember quick attack smokescreen pachirisu level 20 charge beam spark quick attack cut espurr level 21 light screen confusion psybeam scratch noibat level 20 gust wing attack bite agility thanks!! Fighting types, like Mankey and Makuhita, can take on Florina's Cradily for ya (You can find them in the Obsidia Slums) . Quilava and Noibat should be able to take on the other grass types, and you can use Espurr for Grass/Poison types if there are any. I haven't faced Florina in a long time so I don't remember exactly Edited November 14, 2014 by ~Derpy Simon 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted November 14, 2014 Author Share Posted November 14, 2014 OK well. First things first. You NEED 6 party members. Then you need to grind them all a bit. Also Noibat is kinda bad, at least until it evolves. But if it works for you then it works for you. I'd recommend going to the Obsidia slums and catching a Makuhita and training it to level 24 when it evolves into a Hariyama. Cradily will regret the day it crossed paths with you. Pachirisu is kind of out of place against a Grass Gym. I'd also recommend catching a trubbish and starting with Toxic Spikes and then using Acid Spray which sharply lowers the opponents Special Defense each time. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashtard Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 thanks both! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chase Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 Basically, if anyone is struggling with Cradilly, Hariyama is pretty much the ultimate gift. Fake Out + Vital Throw pretty much ends that things life (or at least forces Florinia to Potion spam) The rest of Flobot's squad is highly susceptible to Fire and Bug type pokemon, of which there is a sizeable variety early game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted November 14, 2014 Author Share Posted November 14, 2014 Don't say too much. Ame will remove Makuhita too. (Then we'll be stuck with Mankey) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) I got a Swirlix and made him spam fake tears then OHKO'd. LIKE A BOSS! Edited November 14, 2014 by EXLink32 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wassupyo9 Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 So, I can't beat aya. I tried a lot of strategies, even leaving her muk alive and focus on the other pokemons she has. This is my team: 1.Charizard (45): Dragon Rage, Wing attack, Flame burst, Flare blitz 2.Persian (39): Cut, Slash, Bite, Fake out 3.Panpour (42): Acrobatics, Scald, Brine, Water Gun 4.Graveler (45): Rock Smash, Rollout, Earthquake, Bulldoze 5. Pachirisu (42): Super Fang!, Discharge, Swift, Charm. 6.Sunflora (45): Petal Dance, GrassWhistle, Giga Drain, Leech Seed (I usually don't bring her to battle Aya) 7.Muk (40): Sludge Bomb, Fling, Screech, Sludge wave 8.Meditite (35): Confusion, Calm Mind, Hi Jump kick, Strength 9.Klink (36): Gear grind, Mirror Shot, Charge beam, Autotomize 10, Heatmor (41): Slash, Cut, Flame burst, Bug bite I started the game at episode 13, so I don't know if I can get abra or other psy pokemons others use What do you think I can do? Thank you all Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alaneapen Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) Wassup, you can try to get a Swinub and delay its evolution to 37 for earthquake ,ev train in atk and speed. make sure its lv43-45 by Aya as a Mamoswine. Pair with a flying team and eq her entire team besides Gengar. My Mamoswine murdered her team. Its so op, its not funny. You should train the meditite until it learns a physical psychic move like zen headbutt/ psycho cut. That would help a lot. Edited November 14, 2014 by alaneapen 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 Leech Seed is your friend against Aya and her spam of powerful attacks. My usual strategy is to Leech Seed Muk (I forget if it still spams minimize) along with everything outside of Tentacruel and then take out the other side. Catching a Cubone outside is another solution as you really need the speed to take out that Gengar. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 Hmm, I see that Graveler there so you got some decent power to knock majority of her poison types. Meditite can do alot of work once you get it some physical Psychic moves, and alot more if it has Pure Power as its ability. Klink can be used to soak up some of the Poison moves, but be wary of EQ if any mon has it. Anyways, some Psychic mons that you can use for her are Inkay,Woobat,Munna, Spoink, and Espurr. Check this thread Pokemon Location Guide V2 and Reborn EV Training Guide if you're up to adding them onto it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sapphire Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 Why haven't you used a Link Stone to get Golem yet? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elfy187 Posted November 15, 2014 Share Posted November 15, 2014 Charizard[Fire][Flying] | [55][blaze][Relaxed]- Flame Burst- Flamethrower- Wing Attack- Dragon Rage Emolga[Electr][Flying] | [53][Motor Drive][impish]- Volt Switch- Acrobatics- Charge Beam- Discharge Machamp[Fight] | [54][No Guard][impish]- Cross Chop- Seismic Toss- Revenge- Strength Magcargo[Fire][Rock] | [53][Flame Body][Quirky]- Rock Slide- Flame Burst- Ancient Power- Lava Plume Klingklang[steel] | [53][Plus][Naughty]- Mirror Shot- Charge Beam- Discharge- Gear Grind I just cant Beat noel no matter what. her porygonZ just keeps downloading Spc Atk with its download ability. need any help that can be given. What pokemon should I catch or what. im training a back up team with gothita, teddiursa, Donphan, Houndoom, and Noibat. any help is greatly appreciated. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rinthewaluigiworshipper Posted November 15, 2014 Share Posted November 15, 2014 (edited) [Florinia] Noctowl 25 Hold item None Ability Insomnia Nature Naughty Move 1 confusion Move 2 peck Move 3 uproar Move 4 Hypnosis ------------------------ Sunflora 20 Hold item none Ability Solar Power Nature Relaxed Move 1 Razor leaf Move 2 worry seed Move 3 Grass Whistle Move 4 Mega Drain -------------------------- Braixen 25 Hold item none Ability Blaze Nature Brave Move 1 Scratch Move 2 Flame Charge Move 3 ember Move 4 Psybeam ------------------------ Pachurisu 24 Hold item Poke ball Ability Pickup Nature Calm Move 1 Cut Move 2 Endure Move 3 Charge Beam Move 4 Charm -------------------- In PC: Panpour 3 Ledyba 3 Kricketot 9 Swilix 10 ------------- Money: 4153 EDIT: I'm guessing I need more Pokemon on my team but I'm not sure who to use please help! Edited November 15, 2014 by Rinthewaluigiworshipper Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon Posted November 15, 2014 Share Posted November 15, 2014 @Rin I would recommend training Kricketot as spamming Fury Cutter can knock out most her pokes once used repeatedly. Another option could be Trubbish who can lay down T. Spikes and just spam Acid Spray as well. However, for the Cradily, a Fighting type like Mankey and Makuhita can take it on pretty well. @Elfy "Go-to Pokemon for Noel are Cofagrigus, Escavalier and Durant." - Etesian. Machamp should be able to take on Porygon-Z pretty well as long as you don't let it get a Special Attack Download boost. For Swellow/Staraptor, Klingklang would be your best option, as well as other bulky Steel/Electric types. For the Clefable, I would recommend a mon like Aggron or Excadrill if you don't believe your Klingklang can take it on. Here's a link if you guys need to find them: Pokemon Location Guide V2 & Reborn EV Training Guide Good luck to both. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rinthewaluigiworshipper Posted November 15, 2014 Share Posted November 15, 2014 (edited) @Rin I would recommend training Kricketot as spamming Fury Cutter can knock out most her pokes once used repeatedly. Another option could be Trubbish who can lay down T. Spikes and just spam Acid Spray as well. However, for the Cradily, a Fighting type like Mankey and Makuhita can take it on pretty well. Thanks for the help, but what level should I train kricketot to? Edited November 15, 2014 by Rinthewaluigiworshipper Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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