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  On 12/8/2014 at 12:51 AM, TheBackwardsLegsMan said:

If Ninetails doesn't use solarbeam, ignore this post because I've clearly forgotten what her pokemon do.

I EV trained my Blaziken on Touros, so he has perfect speed and attack EVs (31 attack IV and 24 speed IV as well, I think). That might be how I outsped them with him.

I have horrible recall, and I can't replay the fight (unless someone knows how to with cheat engine or something), but I think what I did was swap Swampert out so something else would eat the Solarbeams. Blaziken then took care of Nintails. Then I swept with earthquake, because whatever came after that didn't OHKO my swampert, I one shot the other pokemon with Blaziken, then took whatever came after that out with Swampert. This also killed my Blaziken, but he served his purpose.

Turn 1) I Sub something in for Swampert that can eat solar beam + eruption, or two pokemon that can take one attack each (whatever you do, you have to be replacing a KO'd pokemon with Swampert at the end of the turn). Blaziken was then able to take Typhlosion out. He'll get speedboost as well, so that shouldn't be a concern now. Unfortunately, you might just have to rely on focus band/RNG luck to get Blaziken to survive eruption. If you can get away with it even once, you should be set (unless you also get unlucky and something dodges earthquake).

Turn 2) Blaziken was by far the fastest pokemon now, so he took out Charlotte's Ninetails this time. In my game, I was now looking at Volcrona and Camerupt. Swampert outsped Camerupt and volcrona was subbed in for the Ninetails, so Earthquake killed it and left the Camerupt low. This also took out Blaziken. Whatever Camerupt answers with did not kill swampert, so now I had Swampert and another pokemon out.

I don't remember what came after, but that should get you through the first half of her pokemon with Swampert in tact. I really wish I could replay this battle with that team again so I could tell you exactly what I did, because I know for a fact I beat her pretty easily with just Blaziken and Swamperts, using my other pokemon as meat shields.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Appreciate this post a lot - I'll give it a shot again later. I've done some variations but I think there's something with the levels perhaps causing Typhlosion to turn-1 eruption instead of solarbeam even with water/ground pokes out. Fake out sounds like a good idea as well - I'm just somewhat resistant to training up any more pokemon given how much grinding I've done lately (first to beat samson, now for charlotte) but I guess it's necessary. I'm too hooked on the story to let a silly fight get in the way ^.^

Edited by beepboopbeep
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I have been stuck on Aya for a week now... A WEEK!

I really, truly need help with this one. I have trained and used absurdly many Pokemon on this girl and she is still beating me with 2 Pokemons left to spare, every time.

So far I usually yawn Tentacruel and Muk, hurt Muk a bit with Munna then shift to Emogla and Quagsire when both foes are asleep. Then I one-hit-ko them with earthquake (Emolga is not affected) - Then I shift for scrafty to one-hit-ko Gengar and proceed to die in a horrible fashion.

--My team--
Munna - 45

Dream Eater
Calm Mind

Quagsire - 45
Rain Dance

Emolga- 45
Shock Wave
Electro Ball
Double Team

Delphox - 45
Light Screen
Will O WIsp

Scrafty - 45
Brick Break
Hi Jump Kick

Dusclops - 45
Shadow Sneak
Confuse Ray
Shadow Punch

Other lvl.45 I have trained and tried with no luck..


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Your team has some pretty decent mons for Aya, but some of your team members are probably holding you back.

I would first take out Emolga (A great mon in the begining but loses it effectiveness as you continue through Reborn), Dusclops (Won't be doing all that much anyways), and Munna (Not evolved yet/way too slow)

Possible mons to use against Aya would be Meowstic, Malamar, Graveler, Piloswine, Dugtrio, Seismitoad, Marowak, Whiscash, Gastrodon.

Be wary of Gengar mainly as I believe it has Giga Drain and of Tentacruel due to it may having a Water-Type Move/Icy Wind.

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im geting slaughtered by kiki my pokemon are

Hariyama lvl 41


thick fat

Naive nature

force palm

vital throw

knock off

seismic toss

gothorita lvl 40


shadow tag

quiet nature

future sight


feint attack


noibat lvl 31



quiet nature



air cutter

razor wind

dusclops lvl 38



brave nature

confuse ray

shadow sneak


shadow punch

toxicroak lvl 37


dry skin

mild nature

mud bomb

feint attack


sucker punch

and of course

blaziken lvl 45


speed boost

quiet nature

blaze kick


bulk up

flare blitz

so any ideas on how to win

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  On 12/10/2014 at 1:31 AM, arision1 said:

im geting slaughtered by kiki my pokemon are

Hariyama lvl 41


thick fat

Naive nature

force palm

vital throw

knock off

seismic toss

gothorita lvl 40


shadow tag

quiet nature

future sight


feint attack


Just Train it one more level so it evolves

noibat lvl 31



quiet nature



air cutter

razor wind

Pro Tip: Don't' use Noibat

dusclops lvl 38



brave nature

confuse ray

shadow sneak


shadow punch

Grind this up some, like at least 42, And get it to relearn Will-O-Wisp, ditch pursuit

toxicroak lvl 37


dry skin

mild nature

mud bomb

feint attack


sucker punch

Grind it, simple as that. None of it's attacks are really going to hurt Kiki, so maybe find a temporary replacement.

and of course

blaziken lvl 45


speed boost

quiet nature

blaze kick


bulk up

flare blitz

so any ideas on how to win

Get a new flying type. If you're willing to train a Butterfree to 46 (then use a common candy or two), you can get it to use. Psybeam, Sleep, Powder, Quiver Dance and be 4x resistant to fighting moves. Just watch out for something with Rock Attacks. Or Drifloon -> Drifblim would be cool.

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Well, there are alot of reasons why I can see why this team isn't working out. You only have one mon (Gothorita) that can actually hit for Super-Effective damage, and two underleveled mons.

First off, I would get rid of Noibat and Toxicroak as they won't be doing much (I'm not even sure you even keep Blaziken since its near the level to disobeying you unless you can level it down with Common Candies.)

Anyways, level up Gothorita so it can finally evolve Gothitelle, which can help alot. Other possible mons you can pick up to help would be any of the starter Bird pokemons, Swoobat, Clefable, Granbull, Spritizee, Swirlix.

Be wary of Scrafty, Lucario, Gallade, and Medicham specifically.

EDIT: Jericho already stated the Level up part so oh well.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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  On 12/10/2014 at 2:04 AM, arision1 said:

so what do i replace noibat and toxicorak with any sugestions

  On 12/10/2014 at 1:42 AM, Jericho said:

Get a new flying type. If you're willing to train a Butterfree to 46 (then use a common candy or two), you can get it to use. Psybeam, Sleep, Powder, Quiver Dance and be 4x resistant to fighting moves. Or Drifloon -> Drifblim would be cool.

  On 12/10/2014 at 1:50 AM, ~Derpy Simon said:

Other possible mons you can pick up to help would be any of the starter Bird pokemons, Swoobat, Clefable, Granbull, Spritizee, Swirlix.

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I've used Toxicroak vs Kiki and it actually works quite well as a lead. Unfortunately yours doesn't have revenge, but if it did it could fairly easily one shot her Machamp without taking too much damage 'cause Machamp can't really touch it. My Toxicroak was one of my better members for Kiki, but like I said it needs revenge to be useful.

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  On 12/9/2014 at 7:11 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

I would first take out Emolga (A great mon in the begining but loses it effectiveness as you continue through Reborn),

That is so wrong, for emolga is great. Acrobatics+ Nuzzle and Rain dance work wonders. move 4 can be anything, i use flash.

Nuzzle is broken, Acrobatics is high damage and Rain dance for pissing off other effects.

Also speed. Lv 69 Emolga with 64/24 Ev Iv spread outspeeds Typhlosion and Ninetales in Charlottes battle.

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Having trouble with the double battle vs Aya

Delphox Lvl 44


No Item


-Shadow Ball


-Mystical Fire

Mamoswine Lvl 42

Snow Cloak

No Item

-Mud Bomb

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard


Purugly Lvl 43


No Item

-Fake Out


-Feint Attack


Luxray Lvl 44


No Item


-Thunder Fang



Vibrava Lvl 42


No Item

-Rock Slide




Heatmor Lvl 43


No Item



-Flame Burst

-Bug Bite



Granbull Lvl 43


No Item



-Play Rough


Leavanny Lvl 32


Leaf Incense


-String Shot

-Bug Bite

-Razor Leaf

Noibat Lvl 40


No Item




-Air Cutter


Others not in rotation, but may be useful

Magnemite Lvl 32

Palpitoad Lvl 35

Lunatone Lvl 25


Any advice?

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@ JapeneseWallpaper

I don't see why you made that comment but okay. Instead of commenting why you think Emolga is such a good mon, you should be aruging why you think Emolga would be a good matchup againist Aya.

Don't get me wrong though, I like Emolga as well but eventually I had to stop using her after she got KO'ed way too often.

@ Dracodino300

Your team looks pretty fine for Aya to be honest. I would recommend leveling up Mamoswine to Level 46 so it can learn Earthquake, which can do alot of work to Aya. Try leading out with Purugly (Use Fake Out on Tentacruel) and Mamoswine (Spam EQ) and see how that works. Once Purugly faints, you can switch out Vibrava to avoid the Earthquakes and use Rock Slide/Bulldoze.

If you still feel like your team was lacking, these mons you can use against Aya: Meowstic, Malamar, Graveler, Piloswine, Dugtrio, Seismitoad, Marowak, Whiscash, Gastrodon.

Also, be wary of Gengar as it has Levitate.

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Stupid me did not realize that I actually had to fight Terra there even though the field effect was there. Du to episode 14 changing my good abilities for bad ones and the undoing of the phys/special split, I just realized I am screwed

1. lv 71 Azumarill (huge power changed to thick fat)

-play rough

-aqua tail

-aqua jet

- superpower

2. lv 72 mamoswine (thick fat changed to snow cloak)

-icicle crash

-ice shard


-rock smash

3. lv 73 Blaziken (speed boost changed to blaze)

- flare blitz


-brave bird

-bulk up

4. lv 68 ludicolo

-hydro pump


-nature power -> metronome

-energy ball

5. lv 71 honckrow (moxie)

- sucker punch

-brave bird

-nigh slash


6. magnezone (epic fail here)

- charge beam

- discharge

- flash cannon

-hp fight

I have a defensive cofagrigus in my box that would otherwise do a lot of work but idiot me didn't put it in my party

lv 70 cofagrigus


-destiny bond

- shadow ball

-grass knot

Edited by alaneapen
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Spoilers n_n

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I too made the unfortunate mistake of saving while in the room you fight Terra in. I managed to win though.

Ludicolo is going to be a godsend, I can already tell you that. Blaziken may have an obvious weakness here, but he can still hit hard enough to finish off a weakened pokemon. Mamoswine will probably have to be your answer to Garchomp as well, although you may have to pray for some RNG luck there.

Stopping the claydol from using lighscreen will be huge as well. If energy ball isn't hitting at max damage it's gg.

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Just beat Blake, so going to go up against Terra soon.

Levels aren't listed because they will change before I get to her.


[Quick Claw]


-Aqua Ring




Dusknoir the Tank


-Confuse Ray

-Shadow Sneak

-Shadow Punch



[Mystic Water]

(Keen Eye)

-Rain Dance






(Blaze, formerly Magician)



-Mystical Fire



(Snow Cloak, formerly Swift Swim)

-Icicle Crash







-Bug Bite

-Leaf Blade


-Swords Dance

Other decent Pokemon in my PC: Level 48 Rotom, Level 55 Hawlucha, Level 64 Klinklang, Level 68 Golem, Level 59 Swoobat, Level 72 Bronzong with Levitate (No training, caught it like that.)

My team isn't in the best possible order yet, but it's what I've got for now.

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ok i need help with the poision leader my teem is

Blaziken lvl 45


speed bost

quiet nature

blaze kick


bulk up

flare blitze

hariyama lvl 44

black belt

thick fat

naive nature

force palm

vital throw

knock off


dusclops lvl 43



brave nature

confuse ray

shadow sneak


shadow punch

toxicroak lvl 41


anticapation (used to be dry skin dont know what went wrong there)

mild nature

mud bomb



sucker punch

grimer lvl 34


sticky hold

timid nature



sludge bomb

sludge wave

gothitelle lvl 43



quiet nature

future sight


feint attack


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