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Not many people need help with Luna anymore huh? I do :unsure:

All my pokemon are below 60 and all of hers are 62-65. where do i train for her? Im getting one shotted by everything that sees me. even poor OP Azumarill. why not nerf her?

that was a joke i swear

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I trained in Vanhanen Labyrinth for her, most Pokemon in the Valley I encountered were only in the 30's, while in the Labyrinth they're mostly end 40's - early 50's.

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I... honestly think I might be stuck.

I can't figure out any way to beat Samson, especially since I can't head back to Agate (so no Bull training, breeding, catching earlier pokemon, etc.) and I've already done the Crustle puzzle so I can't train against them either, so my only options for grinding levels are the woefully underleveled/unevolved (L. 51 Rufflet's the highest I've seen) pokemon in the Route 2 area/Celestine Cascade area.

Currently running...

Torterra (L. 64) with Wood Hammer/Earthquake/Crunch/Curse

Machamp (L. 63) with Dynamic Punch/Cross Chop/Rock Smash/Strength

Emolga (L. 64) with Acrobatics/Discharge/Cut/Light Screen

Grumpig (L. 64) with Psychic/Power Gem/Shadow Ball/Trick Room

Bouffalant (L. 64) with Thrash/Swords Dance/Megahorn/Reversal

and Gastrodon (L. 64) with Mud Bomb/Sludge Wave/Muddy Water/Recover.

I've managed to get as far as 1-1 with Grumpig v. Hawlucha, but I can't seem to beat Fly. Apart from hoping I get lucky with Bounce Grumpig (could teach over trick room/shadow ball and switch back afterwards), I'm thinking my only option seems to be training a wild Meditite or boxed Noibat (this will take a long time since I don't have any good grinding spots and the highest-leveled noibat I have is level 37).

EDIT: Seems I was a bit hasty about the wild levels being too low, about 5 minutes into playing afterwards I found a level 59 Noctowl

EDIT (Again): Seems Bounce did the trick. I can actually progress now, yay

Edited by Flyingmouse51
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  On 3/5/2015 at 12:06 AM, Flyingmouse51 said:

I... honestly think I might be stuck.

I can't figure out any way to beat Samson, especially since I can't head back to Agate (so no Bull training, breeding, catching earlier pokemon, etc.) and I've already done the Crustle puzzle so I can't train against them either, so my only options for grinding levels are the woefully underleveled/unevolved (L. 51 Rufflet's the highest I've seen) pokemon in the Route 2 area/Celestine Cascade area.

Currently running...

Torterra (L. 64) with Wood Hammer/Earthquake/Crunch/Curse

Machamp (L. 63) with Dynamic Punch/Cross Chop/Rock Smash/Strength

Emolga (L. 64) with Acrobatics/Discharge/Cut/Light Screen

Grumpig (L. 64) with Psychic/Power Gem/Shadow Ball/Trick Room

Bouffalant (L. 64) with Thrash/Swords Dance/Megahorn/Reversal

and Gastrodon (L. 64) with Mud Bomb/Sludge Wave/Muddy Water/Recover.

I've managed to get as far as 1-1 with Grumpig v. Hawlucha, but I can't seem to beat Fly. Apart from hoping I get lucky with Bounce Grumpig (could teach over trick room/shadow ball and switch back afterwards), I'm thinking my only option seems to be training a wild Meditite or boxed Noibat (this will take a long time since I don't have any good grinding spots and the highest-leveled noibat I have is level 37).

EDIT: Seems I was a bit hasty about the wild levels being too low, about 5 minutes into playing afterwards I found a level 59 Noctowl

EDIT (Again): Seems Bounce did the trick. I can actually progress now, yay

I know you said you already beat samson, but just some info on the crustles. You can rage powder them awake from the holes, faint the one that was in the hole, and the cave where it came from will start spawning them again endlessly, training for days.

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Thanks for reminding me of that, that's going to make training alternates much easier. Something odd I noticed though... I was playing this on the E12 version when I completed the Route 2 puzzle, and after updating to E14.1 I couldn't use Rage Powder to wake up the Crustles (or one of them at least) I moved to the holes pre-update, despite being able to do the same with another Crustle I tested elsewhere on Route 2. Anyone else have this problem, or is my save just glitched?

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I'm still stuck on Aya...

So far, i can't get through 3 of her pokemon without my entire team fainting. This is my team currently; I've looked through old posts and tried to swap pokemon around (I added Camerupt and Yamask) and I'm definitely going to do some leveling up but if anyone could recommend any other changes/advice i'd love to hear it im dying i havent played pokemon in a long time

Blaziken (lv.45 )

Ability: Speed Boost

Flame Charge / Blaze Kick / Double Kick / Slash

Meowstic (lv.40 )

Ability: Infiltrator

Extrasensory / Shadowball / Psychic / Psyshock

Camerupt (lv.36 )

Ability: Anger Point

Lava Plume / Earth Power / Curse / Take Down

Yamask (lv.32 )

Ability: Mummy

Hex / Will-o-Wisp / Ominous Wind / Curse

Raticate (lv.38 )

Ability: Hustle

Sucker Punch / Double Edge / Crunch / Super Fang

Emolga (lv.45 )

Ability: Motor Drive

Nuzzle / Volt Switch / Acrobatics / Shock Wave

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  On 3/6/2015 at 3:44 AM, corporalcutie said:

I'm still stuck on Aya...

So far, i can't get through 3 of her pokemon without my entire team fainting. This is my team currently; I've looked through old posts and tried to swap pokemon around (I added Camerupt and Yamask) and I'm definitely going to do some leveling up but if anyone could recommend any other changes/advice i'd love to hear it im dying i havent played pokemon in a long time

Blaziken (lv.45 )

Ability: Speed Boost

Flame Charge / Blaze Kick / Double Kick / Slash

Meowstic (lv.40 )

Ability: Infiltrator

Extrasensory / Shadowball / Psychic / Psyshock

Camerupt (lv.36 )

Ability: Anger Point

Lava Plume / Earth Power / Curse / Take Down

Yamask (lv.32 )

Ability: Mummy

Hex / Will-o-Wisp / Ominous Wind / Curse

Raticate (lv.38 )

Ability: Hustle

Sucker Punch / Double Edge / Crunch / Super Fang

Emolga (lv.45 )

Ability: Motor Drive

Nuzzle / Volt Switch / Acrobatics / Shock Wave

I would say your first step is to get all of your pokemon to 43 or so. For this fight i swapped out my emolga for a magneton since he is immune to sludge wave, which is the most dangerous move in that fight. I would lead of with Meowstic and Magneton/emolga, and take down the tentacruel first. The issue with camerupt is I tihnk the field you fight her makes earth power useless (x0.25 damage), so i would recommend catching a palpitoad from that island you take the boat too, it learns both mud shot and muddy water, both of witch I think gain power in the wasteland field, and muddy water hits only the oposing pokemon. If you do use palpitoad, be carefull of venasaur. Hope this helps.

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  On 3/7/2015 at 1:09 PM, arision1 said:

i need info on noles pokemon so i could build my team to beat the stats of his pokemon

May luck be with you. Every one of his Pokemon except Girafarig are extremely tough (in my opinion anyway)

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Just for information, I swept Florinia with a male Meowstic. Yup. It's crazy good for this point, the stats are well distributed and a Prankster Light Screen is something else. Use Light Screen, Charge Beam twice on the Maractus (assuming you get the boosts) and begin Psyshock-spam. Ferroseed might give some trouble with Leech Seed, Sandstorm and Pin Missile, but all in all Meowstic is a godsend for early game. So if anyone is having trouble with her, remember this!

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Having an Issue with Noel. This is my team.

Greninja Lv. 53 - Protean

Smack Down, Substitute, Water Pulse, Extrasensory

Drapion Lv. 49 - Sniper

Poison Fang, Fire Fang, Toxic Spikes, Crunch

Granbull - Lv. 53 - Intimidate

Play Rough, Fire Fang, Outrage, Strength

Hariyama Lv. 53 - Guts

Knock Off, Close Combat, Wake-Up Slap, Reversal

Noivern Lv 54 - Infiltrator

Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Shadow Ball, Hurricane

Mamoswine Lv. 53 - Thick Fat

Ancient Power, Rock Smash, Ice Shard, Earthquake

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  On 3/8/2015 at 5:49 PM, Qaaz said:

Get some fire with moves like Lava Plume or Flame Burst to set the field on fire

Get Magneton/Excadrill

Use toxic Spikes too

Granbull and Hariyama can't help u alot b/c of the types

The Stuggle Bug tactic allowed me to easily take out his Clefable as it couldn't hit more then my Mamoswine could heal from the field. All in all I stalled him out since he couldn't attack anymore. :P

Edited by RagesSorrow
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  On 3/8/2015 at 9:42 PM, arision1 said:

stuggle bug tatic. whats that?

Struggle bug reduces special attack by one stage, and from memory noel only boosts the defenses of his clefable with cosmic power as opposed to something like calm mind.

Even with a move like stored power, the special attack nerf will reduce the damage output by that much that noel can't hit you for any notable damage.

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Stuck on Shelly.

Team is as follows:

Quilava Female Level 33 Flash Fire

Flame Wheel, Swift, Quick Attack, Ember.

Litleo Male Level 31 Rivalry

Ember, Fire Fang, Endeavor, Noble Roar.

Noibat Female Level 23 Frisk

Air Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility, Bite.

Hariyama Male Level 29 Sheer Force

Force Palm, Vital Throw, Fake Out, Arm Thrust.

Pachirisu Female Level 29 Volt Absorb

Nuzzle, Electro Ball, Sweet Kiss, Swift.

Meowstic Female Level 34 Prankster (Should be Competitive, as its Hidden Ability is Competitive as a Female, and Prankster as Male. I caught a shiny HA FEMALE Espurr.)

Charge Beam, Psybeam, Psyshock, Shadow Ball.

Items in Bag:

A few balls, Soul Candle, Super Potions, Potions, a Paralyze Heal, a couple Antidotes, etc.

As for held items, none of my Pokemon are holding anything.


Nothing except Ponyta and Growlithe worth mentioning.

HELP. My level cap is what, 35? Since I was never GIVEN badge 3....

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The most immediate thing you could do is grab a graveler from the cave in the staircase so it can set up stealth rocks and lvl up your noibat and hariyama a bit more, shouldn't have many problems after that.

Edited by Claydoll
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  On 3/9/2015 at 9:48 PM, Claydoll said:

The most immediate thing you could do is grab a graveler from the cave in the staircase so it can set up stealth rocks and lvl up your noibat and hariyama a bit more, shouldn't have many problems after that.

Can I ask a quick question? Are her Volbeat & Illumise both preset to have Prankster?

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  On 3/9/2015 at 9:52 PM, Claydoll said:

Only volbeat iirc,

I hate her spamming Confuse Ray and Struggle Bug :/ It's not really fair tbh. Plus her ****ING Masquerein's Intimidate.... Another thing: HOW DOES ANORITH HAVE ROCK SLIDE? D:

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  On 3/9/2015 at 10:10 PM, OpalWardMusicFan said:

I hate her spamming Confuse Ray and Struggle Bug :/ It's not really fair tbh. Plus her ****ING Masquerein's Intimidate.... Another thing: HOW DOES ANORITH HAVE ROCK SLIDE? D:

This is just the beginning my friend, this is just the beginning...

Edited by DICK
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