Vithan Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 Hello! I am having some Difficulty with Shelly Honestly. My Team Braixen lv: 34 [Ability : Blaze] [Nature: Adamant] - Psyshock - Flame Charge - Ember - Pysbeam Manectric lv:32 [Ability : Lighteningrod] [Nature : Naughty] -Quick Attack -Thunder Fang -Bite -Discharge Noibat lv: 32 [Ability : Telepathy] [Nature : Jolly] -Air Cutter -Roost -Bite -Wing Attack Meowstic lv:32 [Ability: Prankster] [Nature: Impish] -Psyshock -Miracle Eye -Psybeam -Confusion Cacnea lv:28 [Ability : Water Absorb] [Nature: Mild] -Payback -Feint Attack -Absorb -Needle Arm Buizel lv:25 [Ability : Swift Swim] [Nature: Careful] -Water Gun -Pursuit -Swift -Aqua Jet __ In PC __ Kricketot 15 Cleffa 5 Swirlix 10 Litleo 15 Pachirisu 14 Skitty 15 Ekans 23 DuckLett 1 Zigzagoon 15 Spoink 15 Lillipup 15 Happiny 10 Helioptile 20 Mareep 10 Meowth 13 Swadloon 20 Growlithe 20 Vanillite 15 I am willing to grind if needed or go out catching a pokemon that I don't have. Thank you for the help and advice before hand! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomy Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 (edited) Replace Cacnea with Growlithe,because he will learn Flame Burst at level 28 and you can change the field into a Burning Field!And level up a little more.. Reveal hidden contents Good Luck! Edited May 15, 2015 by Tomy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odybld Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 Also, Dodrio with Rage and Pluck, and Emolga with Acrobatics, can solo her without even burning the field. There's also an Onix in Peridot, that you can use as a suicide lead with Sturdy and set Stealth Rocks, that are gonna cripple her. There's also BASED GOD AMPHAROS, with Power Gem at 35. If you want a keeper that has a variety of uses, destroys multiple types and has moves that field effects like, raise that Mareep, even if it isn't for Shelly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BIGJRA Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 I played through this battle with Braixen and Meowstic on my team, I recommend relearning howl on Braixen and pulling Charge Beam on Meowstic instead of Miracle Eye. You can get a sweep of sorts if you try to use these two, also get Light Screen on Meowstic to weaken the Struggle Bugs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zareason Posted May 15, 2015 Share Posted May 15, 2015 Train buizel a bit, and use his to kill her bug/rock type. Go catch a graveler it will learn stealth rocks really quickly which should help a lot. And just don't open with blaziken. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sound of silence Posted May 16, 2015 Share Posted May 16, 2015 I'd level up the maetric and noibat a bit more. Also get braixen to level 36, evolve it to get mystical fire and then use a common candy on it to go back to level 35 so it doesn't disobey you. Noibat and manetric will do very well together since noibat has telepathy. Just spam discharge and air cutter since noibat, due to telepathy, will not get hit by discharge. That should KO most of her pokemon that go out against you, or at least her first two mons. Anorith I have no answer for except that you need to keep training that buizel up. Cacnea is useless in this fight sadly. Your meowstic REALLY needs work. Thats just a bad moveset that needs screens (reflect and light screen are godly and why you have deleted them I have no idea). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vithan Posted May 16, 2015 Share Posted May 16, 2015 (edited) On 5/15/2015 at 6:26 PM, Odybld said: Also, Dodrio with Rage and Pluck, and Emolga with Acrobatics, can solo her without even burning the field. There's also an Onix in Peridot, that you can use as a suicide lead with Sturdy and set Stealth Rocks, that are gonna cripple her. There's also BASED GOD AMPHAROS, with Power Gem at 35. If you want a keeper that has a variety of uses, destroys multiple types and has moves that field effects like, raise that Mareep, even if it isn't for Shelly. I Never did compare the base stats Between Ampharos with my Manetric. I mostly used my Manetric cause he was the better Electric type pokemon at the time. I will most definitely get Ampharos if his movepool is better. On 5/15/2015 at 8:20 PM, BIGJRA said: I played through this battle with Braixen and Meowstic on my team, I recommend relearning howl on Braixen and pulling Charge Beam on Meowstic instead of Miracle Eye. You can get a sweep of sorts if you try to use these two, also get Light Screen on Meowstic to weaken the Struggle Bugs. Hmm, I don't really remember having Howl, but I will replace it with my ember attack. It's hard making my Braixen do enough damage cause I feel like his attack stat isn't high enough for his level. Where is the move tutor? I think I found him/her before but I can't remember where at the top of my head. On 5/16/2015 at 1:12 AM, sound of silence said: I'd level up the maetric and noibat a bit more. Also get braixen to level 36, evolve it to get mystical fire and then use a common candy on it to go back to level 35 so it doesn't disobey you. Noibat and manetric will do very well together since noibat has telepathy. Just spam discharge and air cutter since noibat, due to telepathy, will not get hit by discharge. That should KO most of her pokemon that go out against you, or at least her first two mons. Anorith I have no answer for except that you need to keep training that buizel up. Cacnea is useless in this fight sadly. Your meowstic REALLY needs work. Thats just a bad moveset that needs screens (reflect and light screen are godly and why you have deleted them I have no idea). I forgot about the common candy! I will definitely try that for my Braixen.I notice what the Telepathy does, after I looked at his other Abilities, and thought it would be a good key to let me take charge of that battle.I also have Cacnea in my party since I wanted a grass type. I like having a balance team. But then I remember Grass is weak to Bug soon as the battle started. I am ashamed of my Meowstic. He is a better hit than my Braixen. And removing my light screen was an accident. I was hoping he would have a different movepool. So far everything has been psychic types and I was hoping for a dark or ghost type move to show up. Maybe it will later or Meowstic is primary a support role Pokemon. I have been debating on keeping my Meowstic since my Braixen is a Fire/Psychic type. Thank you for all the help, advice and input! I will get to work on reconstruction my team and leveling them up some! (Maybe I will get better once I learn what roles fits better to what pokemon.) Edited May 16, 2015 by Vithan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReddestDream Posted May 16, 2015 Share Posted May 16, 2015 On 5/15/2015 at 6:26 PM, Odybld said: Also, Dodrio with Rage and Pluck, and Emolga with Acrobatics, can solo her without even burning the field. There's also an Onix in Peridot, that you can use as a suicide lead with Sturdy and set Stealth Rocks, that are gonna cripple her. There's also BASED GOD AMPHAROS, with Power Gem at 35. If you want a keeper that has a variety of uses, destroys multiple types and has moves that field effects like, raise that Mareep, even if it isn't for Shelly. This. Stealth Rock is handy against Leaders with a type weak to Rock. And Onix with Sturdy is a perfect suicide lead to pull this off. Against Shelly, I set up Stealth Rock then set the field on fire with Numel and Vulpix. She never stood a chance . . . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sound of silence Posted May 17, 2015 Share Posted May 17, 2015 One thing with the SR suggestion though: Anorith I think does know rapid spin, so once it comes out, it must be taken out ASAP. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odybld Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Anorith must be taken out ASAP because of Rock Slide overkill, actually. That thing is evil. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heero Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 I'm having some trouble with Kiki at the moment. My Current Team: Scrafty (Lv. 39) (Female) Nickname: Scrafty Nature: Relaxed Ability: Shed Skin Moves: Brick Break, Swagger, Crunch, Hi Jump Kick Lopunny (Lv. 41) (Male) Nickname: Link Nature: Hardy Ability: Limber Moves: Jump Kick, Quick Attack, Rock Smash, Dizzy Punch Typhlosion (Lv. 41) (Male) Nickname: Wing Zero Nature: Calm Ability: Flash Fire Moves: Flame Wheel, Swift, Defense Curl, Nature Power Ariados (Lv. 42) (Female) Nickname: Puru Nature: Relaxed Ability: Insomnia Moves: Sucker Punch, Leech Life, Night Shade, Shadow Sneak Meowstic (Lv. 43) (Male) Nickname: Empluse Nature: Docile Ability: Keen Eye Moves: Charge Beam, Psychic, Fake Out, Psyshock Simisear (Lv. 45) (Male) Nickname: Rainfall Nature: Naive Ability: Gluttony Moves: Taunt, Bite, Cut, Scald PC: Vulpix (Lv. 28) Onix (Lv. 25) Trubbish (Lv. 31) Clefairy (Lv. 32) Heatmor (Lv. 40) Corsola (Lv. 30) Nosepass (Lv. 33) (Shiny) I'm open to any suggestions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 Meowstic is probably your best bet, having a STAB and field-boosted Psychic. Replace Lopunny for a different Pokemon that will be good for the Gym, like Granbull. Intimidate and Charm is VERY nice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heero Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 On 5/20/2015 at 1:22 AM, Chubb the Pig said: Meowstic is probably your best bet, having a STAB and field-boosted Psychic. Replace Lopunny for a different Pokemon that will be good for the Gym, like Granbull. Intimidate and Charm is VERY nice. I was lucky enough to get a burned on the medicham from lava plume on typhlosion without swapping any pokes out since I was going to sack lopunny to revive meowstic in case for the worse. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
foovy10 Posted May 24, 2015 Share Posted May 24, 2015 may someone please explain to me Radomuses team and moves if anyone knows but i mostly need to know bout this gardovoir. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkenciel Zeno Posted May 24, 2015 Share Posted May 24, 2015 Yeah um this may be hard because im at flobot with these 3 ghosts (doing ghost monorun): got no held items Gastly lvl 25 levitate night shade confuse ray hipnose curse golett level 25 No Guard rollout magnitude shadow punch iron defence frillish level 25 Cursed Body will-o-wisp bubblebeam recover night shade flobot just seems way too difficult for this right now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracodino300 Posted June 1, 2015 Share Posted June 1, 2015 Needing help with Luna Team in Spoiler Reveal hidden contents Delphox 59BlazeFlame Plate-Flamethrower-Shadow Ball-Psyshock-PsychicLuxray 56GutsNo Item-Charge-Discharge-Spark-CrunchMamoswine 55Snow CloakNo Item-Earthquake-Icy Wind-Ice Shard-BlizzardDrapion 56Keen EyePoison Barb-Poison Fang-Crunch-Hone Claws-Toxic SpikesFlygon 56LevitateHard Stone-Rock Slide-Dragon Claw-Crunch-BulldozePanpour 30 (HM slave bc u need rock smash to get to gym....)TorrentNo Item-Water Sport-Scald-Cut-Rock Smash___________________PCPurugly 58 (team member usually, when not with panpour)DefiantSilk Scarf-Fake Out-Body Slam-Faint Attack-HypnosisEverything else below lvl 45 (Granbull 43 , Noibat 40 , Heatmoor 42 are only things I really ever used). I start off by setting up double toxic spikes with drapion (dies immediately after). My delphox can then 1-shot the bisharp, mamoswine can 2-shot the tyranitar and Luna often wastes a Hyper Potion or two here.After that I get screwed over hard. Malamar and honchcrow both take down at least two whenever I've had a shot at them. Nothing can touch the Umbreon. And I haven't even seen the last pkmn. The only thing I can think of doing is training up the lvl 30 Makuhita in my box, and I would really rather not. So, any ideas? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noir Posted June 1, 2015 Share Posted June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 6:34 PM, Dracodino300 said: Needing help with Luna Team in Spoiler Reveal hidden contents Delphox 59 Blaze Flame Plate -Flamethrower -Shadow Ball -Psyshock -Psychic Luxray 56 Guts No Item -Charge -Discharge -Spark -Crunch Mamoswine 55 Snow Cloak No Item -Earthquake -Icy Wind -Ice Shard -Blizzard Drapion 56 Keen Eye Poison Barb -Poison Fang -Crunch -Hone Claws -Toxic Spikes Flygon 56 Levitate Hard Stone -Rock Slide -Dragon Claw -Crunch -Bulldoze Panpour 30 (HM slave bc u need rock smash to get to gym....) Torrent No Item -Water Sport -Scald -Cut -Rock Smash ___________________ PC Purugly 58 (team member usually, when not with panpour) Defiant Silk Scarf -Fake Out -Body Slam -Faint Attack -Hypnosis Everything else below lvl 45 (Granbull 43 , Noibat 40 , Heatmoor 42 are only things I really ever used). I start off by setting up double toxic spikes with drapion (dies immediately after). My delphox can then 1-shot the bisharp, mamoswine can 2-shot the tyranitar and Luna often wastes a Hyper Potion or two here. After that I get screwed over hard. Malamar and honchcrow both take down at least two whenever I've had a shot at them. Nothing can touch the Umbreon. And I haven't even seen the last pkmn. The only thing I can think of doing is training up the lvl 30 Makuhita in my box, and I would really rather not. So, any ideas? The most reliable Pokemon that you can use against her Umbreon is your own Drapion; considering leveling it to 57 and picking up Cross Poison as a more reliable means to damaging it. As for Malamar, pick up a Bug type move on Drapion to kill it easier as well. It has either Bug Bite or Fell Stinger, and while the latter isn't that good, killing Malamar with it gives you +2 immediately, which can help in cleaning up the rest. Use Flygon against Tyranitar and reserve Mamosine for her Honchkrow. Her final Pokemon's a Sableye, which is actually really annoying to you since it can burn you (I think) and Delphox can't reliably come in either. Thankfully you have Luxray with Guts against it so it can get worn down fairly easily. Consider messing with your movesets as well, and since HMs can be deleted here you might as well put Rock Smash on Mamoswine if you want the slot for Purugly; I suppose it'll do good against Honchkrow, but don't expect it to help too much. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracodino300 Posted June 1, 2015 Share Posted June 1, 2015 (edited) On 6/1/2015 at 6:51 PM, YagamiNoir4896 said: The most reliable Pokemon that you can use against her Umbreon is your own Drapion; considering leveling it to 57 and picking up Cross Poison as a more reliable means to damaging it. As for Malamar, pick up a Bug type move on Drapion to kill it easier as well. It has either Bug Bite or Fell Stinger, and while the latter isn't that good, killing Malamar with it gives you +2 immediately, which can help in cleaning up the rest. Use Flygon against Tyranitar and reserve Mamosine for her Honchkrow. Her final Pokemon's a Sableye, which is actually really annoying to you since it can burn you (I think) and Delphox can't reliably come in either. Thankfully you have Luxray with Guts against it so it can get worn down fairly easily. Consider messing with your movesets as well, and since HMs can be deleted here you might as well put Rock Smash on Mamoswine if you want the slot for Purugly; I suppose it'll do good against Honchkrow, but don't expect it to help too much. Thanks for the advice; I'll try that. I don't really use Mamoswine's Blizzard anyway so I could easily put rock smash in that slot. Edit: drapion couldn't really do any real damage, so I just used it up for toxic spikes setup. With some very fortunate switches from the opponent (purugly's body slam did 40% to honchcrow when i was trying to finish off umbreon) managed to win. Thanks for the help Edited June 1, 2015 by Dracodino300 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Omega_Ra1der Posted June 5, 2015 Share Posted June 5, 2015 (edited) Stuck on Noel because Hidden Power fire. Burning the field is a double-edged sword. Edit:Ignore this because just beaten noel. Current team( Training a Scrafty) Scrafty Lv.48 -Facade -Brick Break -Crunch -High Jump Kick Torterra Lv.54 -Crunch -Giga Drain -EQ -Cut Lunastone Lv.47 -Heal Block -Cosmic Power -Psychic -Stone Edge Manectric Lv.53 -Bite -Discharge -Wild Charge -Quick Attack Sharpedo Lv.50 -Poison Fang -Ice Fang -Crunch -Aqua Jet Hariyama Lv.52 -Knock-off -Close Combat -Wake-up Slap -Vital Throw In box that are active: Gyarados Lv.54 Ninetales Lv.54 Aggron Lv.52 Escavalier Lv.53 Noteable boxed Pokemon: Dusclops Lv.41 Magneton Lv.34 Mareep Lv.10 Croagunk Lv.28 Cofagrigus Lv.34 Piloswine Lv.33 Camerupt Lv.43 Edited June 5, 2015 by OmegaRa1der Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sound of silence Posted June 7, 2015 Share Posted June 7, 2015 On 6/5/2015 at 6:36 PM, OmegaRa1der said: Stuck on Noel because Hidden Power fire. Burning the field is a double-edged sword. Edit:Ignore this because just beaten noel. Current team( Training a Scrafty) Scrafty Lv.48 -Facade -Brick Break -Crunch -High Jump Kick Torterra Lv.54 -Crunch -Giga Drain -EQ -Cut Lunastone Lv.47 -Heal Block -Cosmic Power -Psychic -Stone Edge Manectric Lv.53 -Bite -Discharge -Wild Charge -Quick Attack Sharpedo Lv.50 -Poison Fang -Ice Fang -Crunch -Aqua Jet Hariyama Lv.52 -Knock-off -Close Combat -Wake-up Slap -Vital Throw In box that are active: Gyarados Lv.54 Ninetales Lv.54 Aggron Lv.52 Escavalier Lv.53 Noteable boxed Pokemon: Dusclops Lv.41 Magneton Lv.34 Mareep Lv.10 Croagunk Lv.28 Cofagrigus Lv.34 Piloswine Lv.33 Camerupt Lv.43 Yeah, for your team, do not burn the field, it won't help one bit. First piece of advice is get both escavalier and aggron out and into your team line up, and ditch sharpedo and surprisingly hariyama who actually isn't too useful this fight. Especially if escavalier has iron head + swords dance, you will find clefable so much easier to kill (provided that it's HP is not fire...I forget). Give aggron a cheri berry so it can KO wigglytuff and not get T-waved. You'll also need escavalier for porygon-Z, and I hope your special defense is higher than your defense. Fix that with some zinc otherwise it'll grab the download boost for special attack and it will cause you so much hurt. Lunatone needs more training as that might help against Porygon-Z as well. Otherwise that magneton would help provided its trained for long enough and has T-wave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted June 7, 2015 Share Posted June 7, 2015 On 6/7/2015 at 2:35 PM, sound of silence said: On 6/5/2015 at 6:36 PM, OmegaRa1der said: Stuck on Noel because Hidden Power fire. Burning the field is a double-edged sword. Edit:Ignore this because just beaten noel. Current team( Training a Scrafty) Scrafty Lv.48 -Facade -Brick Break -Crunch -High Jump Kick Torterra Lv.54 -Crunch -Giga Drain -EQ -Cut Lunastone Lv.47 -Heal Block -Cosmic Power -Psychic -Stone Edge Manectric Lv.53 -Bite -Discharge -Wild Charge -Quick Attack Sharpedo Lv.50 -Poison Fang -Ice Fang -Crunch -Aqua Jet Hariyama Lv.52 -Knock-off -Close Combat -Wake-up Slap -Vital Throw In box that are active: Gyarados Lv.54 Ninetales Lv.54 Aggron Lv.52 Escavalier Lv.53 Noteable boxed Pokemon: Dusclops Lv.41 Magneton Lv.34 Mareep Lv.10 Croagunk Lv.28 Cofagrigus Lv.34 Piloswine Lv.33 Camerupt Lv.43 Yeah, for your team, do not burn the field, it won't help one bit. First piece of advice is get both escavalier and aggron out and into your team line up, and ditch sharpedo and surprisingly hariyama who actually isn't too useful this fight. Especially if escavalier has iron head + swords dance, you will find clefable so much easier to kill (provided that it's HP is not fire...I forget). Give aggron a cheri berry so it can KO wigglytuff and not get T-waved. You'll also need escavalier for porygon-Z, and I hope your special defense is higher than your defense. Fix that with some zinc otherwise it'll grab the download boost for special attack and it will cause you so much hurt. Lunatone needs more training as that might help against Porygon-Z as well. Otherwise that magneton would help provided its trained for long enough and has T-wave On 6/5/2015 at 6:36 PM, OmegaRa1der said: Edit:Ignore this because just beaten noel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sound of silence Posted June 7, 2015 Share Posted June 7, 2015 Oh damnit. Apologies for the misread. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mortally Divine Posted June 8, 2015 Share Posted June 8, 2015 (edited) Samson (EP15) My Team (MONO-STEEL) Metagross (62): (Naive) (Clear Body) Hammer Arm Bullet Punch Meteor Mash Zen Headbutt Escavalier (61): (Naughty) (Overcoat) X-Scissor Iron Head Slash Reversal Empoleon(61): (Hardy) (Defiant) Hydro Pump Aqua Jet Drill Peck Metal Claw Magnezone(61) (Jolly) (Analytic) Magnet Rise Metal Souns Flash Cannon Discharge Klingklang(61) (Naive) (Minus) Gear Grind Shift Gear Dishcharge Brick Break (HM slave, sadly ) Steelix(61)-------(Really want to replace with Excadrill, but cannot go back to get Drillbur ) (Docile) (Sturdy) Iron Tail Crunch Rock Slide Dig I can only use steel types, and I'm pretty much out of Ideas except maybe grinding levels, which is taking forever on the low-leveled wild mons in route 2. Any ideas? (I could grind some levels off of samson himself by failing the battle but killing a few pokemon each time, but I'd lose a HUGE chunk of cash doing that, so I would prefer not to) EDIT: Kiki also gave me a lot of problems, only beat her by RNGesus and using Protect to make High Jump Kick miss. I also have more magnemites, a forretress and a wormadam steel coat thingy in the PC. I have 1 Metal Coat that can be held to boost Steel Type attacks. EDIT2: Just noticed I also have a level 24 Bronzor in the PC. Might be worthwhile? EDIT3: Just learned you dont lose money when you lose to samson... I thought you did? Well, time to use that to train up Edited June 8, 2015 by Mortally Divine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BIGJRA Posted June 8, 2015 Share Posted June 8, 2015 (edited) Grind levels almost to max against Samson, and, from experience, getting an attack up with meteor mash and then zen-butting everything with Metagross worked for most of his team for me. If you want, you can Charge Beam Magnezone and then use that + discharge to take out the special defense-lacking Pokemon on his team. Edited June 8, 2015 by BIGJRA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sound of silence Posted June 8, 2015 Share Posted June 8, 2015 On 6/8/2015 at 3:01 AM, Mortally Divine said: Samson (EP15) My Team (MONO-STEEL) Metagross (62): (Naive) (Clear Body) Hammer Arm Bullet Punch Meteor Mash Zen Headbutt Escavalier (61): (Naughty) (Overcoat) X-Scissor Iron Head Slash Reversal Empoleon(61): (Hardy) (Defiant) Hydro Pump Aqua Jet Drill Peck Metal Claw Magnezone(61) (Jolly) (Analytic) Magnet Rise Metal Souns Flash Cannon Discharge Klingklang(61) (Naive) (Minus) Gear Grind Shift Gear Dishcharge Brick Break (HM slave, sadly ) Steelix(61)-------(Really want to replace with Excadrill, but cannot go back to get Drillbur ) (Docile) (Sturdy) Iron Tail Crunch Rock Slide Dig I can only use steel types, and I'm pretty much out of Ideas except maybe grinding levels, which is taking forever on the low-leveled wild mons in route 2. Any ideas? (I could grind some levels off of samson himself by failing the battle but killing a few pokemon each time, but I'd lose a HUGE chunk of cash doing that, so I would prefer not to) EDIT: Kiki also gave me a lot of problems, only beat her by RNGesus and using Protect to make High Jump Kick miss. I also have more magnemites, a forretress and a wormadam steel coat thingy in the PC. I have 1 Metal Coat that can be held to boost Steel Type attacks. EDIT2: Just noticed I also have a level 24 Bronzor in the PC. Might be worthwhile? EDIT3: Just learned you dont lose money when you lose to samson... I thought you did? Well, time to use that to train up Bronzor and metagross will be key to getting past this fight for you, even though you'll be stuck grinding for ages. My advice would be to take down hariyama as fast as you possibly can without losing metagross or bronzong. Once hariyama is down, the next stage of the fight involves finding an opportunity to set up Trick Room with either bronzong or metagross. This will help you hit everything but his ace first, and samson's team is frail enough that metagross will stand the best chance of KO'ing mienshao, blaziken, and hawlucha. Take care that his lucario does have a focus sash. I don't know how your team will deal with conkeldurr though. I think that you may want to get forretress out for this fight and get Toxic spikes from the move relearner, and set them as a suicide lead against his hariyama. You might be able to protect hax your way past conkeldurr in that sense, though it'll heal itself up with drain punch each time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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