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Just randomly trying the fight again and again I've made it to conkledurr, leveled up a few times, and am getting closer with the levels I'm gaining. I think I should be able to beat it. Metagross can halfhealth the conkledurr at level 64 with a Zen Headbutt. Forretress already knows spikes, but not toxic spikes. Considering Klingklang / magnezone are practically useless as they get 1 shot by anything and move last, I might use forretress as a spikes first so that thats that. I think I should be good if I get everything leveled up though. idk if I should spend the heart scale on toxic spikes though :o I will if I need it to get past

How the fight goes so far:

Metagross kills hariyama with meteor mash, takes a bit of damage ~100 hp left if RNG is good

Steelix faints to Blaziken, but baits out a potion use:

Empoleon 1 shots blaziken with Hydro Pump after potion.

Mienshao wipes pretty much the whole team, finally gets taken out by either Escavalier if he survives the 1 shot, or empoleon if he survives, or metagross if he survives.

Lucario gets 1 shot by metagross, hammer arm -> bullet punch.

Metagross halfhealths conkledurr, conkledurr kills him.

I think if I use some cotton candy / ultra potions wisely, I might be able to win this fight as is

If Metagross levels up enough, I can give him Metal Coat and he can 1 shot hariyama with first move meteor mash, but since he cant with metal coat, hariyama always uses knock off which kills him :(

Edited by Mortally Divine
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Story time :D

Steven holds the pokeball of Forretress, who he thinks might be his only hope at beating Samson, who has a team that counters his favorite type of Steel. Steven's team of metal may be strong, but it is no match for the denting blows of Samson's vicious fighting types. Steven throws at Hariyama, starting every fight the same. Steven surprises Samson this time, starting out with forretress, who his horridly underleveled, having sat in a PC for what seemed to it like an eternity. Forretress spun around at the new battle, ready to fight hard for his trainer. Little did he know what was coming. Hariyama jumped up, ready to preform a Heavy Slam onto Forretress. WHAMO! POWERFUL! Forretress was crushed under this Hariyama, and shot Spikes everywhere to get the big thing off of him. Hariyama raised his arms up, and brought them down onto forretress. Brick Break. Forretress fainted from the move, not being able to withstand Hariyama's force. Steven smiled, the plan worked perfectly. Pokeball in hand, he threw it out in front of the crowd. Metagross hummed to life, ready to destroy. Meteor Mash. WHAMO! POWERFUL! Hariyama responded with another Heavy Smash, having the same plan for Metagross as he did for Forretress. He didn't realize Metagross can hit back. Thrown back by the Meteor Mash, Samson used a Super Potion. Out of nowhere, another Meteor Mash onto Hariyama. Samson used another Potion in a vain attempt to save Hariyama from the beating it was receiving at the end of Metagross's furious Meteor Mash. Another one, dropping Hariyama super low. Metagross followed up with a Bullet Punch, finishing off the big brute. Blaziken. Steven withdrew Metagross and Sent out Steelix. Steelix knew the plan, he had been through this many times before. Blaziken kicked, a furious Brick Break. Unfortunately, Steelix was more Sturdy than that, withstanding the blow he dug under the circus, causing rumbles throughout the ground. Blaziken Blaze Kicked in frustration, his opponent having ran from him. The rumbles grew strong, and Steelix dug up from the ground, throwing blaziken into the air, diving back into the ground. Samson used a super potion to heal Blaziken up while Steelix was underground. Blaziken saw it coming this time, and after Steelix emerged, he blaze kicked and finished Steelix off. Steven smiled, Blaziken was weak now. Empoleon, his starting pokemon, had never failed him. Though Blaziken was fast, being pumped up from the battle and his Speed Boost, Empoleon was an Aqua Jet, cutting through the watery air he had made at light speeds, crashing into Blaziken. Blaziken held on from the onslaught, only managing to Blaze Kick Empoleon off of him, which only lasted a second before Empoleon crashed into him again, knocking the fighting chicken out cold. "Return!" exclaimed steven as he withdrew empoleon and sent out Magnezone. Mienshao was Samson's next pokemon, and it was ready for the fight. Brick Break was soming Magnezone wasn't prepared for, and feinted instantly. Meanwhile, Steven had used an ultra potion on Empoleon. He sent empoleon back out, who took off in Aqua Jet, crashing into Mienshao. Mienshao countered with another Brick Break, sending empoleon back into his pokeball, feinted. Geez, Mienshao is tough. Steven sent out Escavalier. Escavalier had a serious look under his helmet, he was ready to kick some ass. Mienshao dashed at him, jumping around with fancy Acrobatics, after making contact with Escavalier once, something stopped him dead cold. He had been slammed by Escavalier's Iron Head, before feinting from the pain. Hawlucha was next. Escavalier was very weak, Mienshao having been a tough fight, his Acrobatics having come close to knocking him out. Steven used a revive on Steelix. Hawlucha hit Escavalier, fainting him. Metagross, you're up. Metagross was prepared, only 2 pokemon left to defeat. Metagross used Zen Headbutt, a slamming attack empowered with his psychic abilities, and slammed into Hawlucha who was trying the same Acrobatics Mienshao had used. "One more Zen headbutt, and he would be out, should I bullet punch to finish him off?" Metagross wondered, when he remembered how Hawlucha could swap places with extreme speed while bouncing off of him in the process, a move he called "U-turn". He prepared a Zen headbutt as he saw Hawlucha preparing to use U-turn, and he suddenly slammed into a much bigger pokemon. Conkledurr, Samson's Ace. Zen headbutt made contact with him, dealing heavy damage. Metagross was faster, and slammed another Zen headbutt into conkledurr, knocking him out. Predicted, and out-smarted. Hawlucha reluctantly flew back out, being the last pokemon Samson had. He tried to U-Turn back and switch with someone else, but it was no use. Clonk! A metallic force slammed into his head, knocking him cold. A final Zen Headbutt to end the fight. Steven returned Metagross back to his belt of pokeballs, and proceeded to rob samson of his pocket change for some more cotton candy, that shit is good!

tl;dr I won

Edited by Mortally Divine
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If you don't want to use trick room or spend the heart scale (even though you should have heaps to use...), use an ability capsule to change magnezone's ability to sturdy. That will give you a chance to either paralyse mienshao (get T-wave from the move relearner) or hit it hard enough that you can revenge with bullet punch from metagross.

Edit: And ninja'd. Good that you won though

Edited by sound of silence
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Help me guys i am currently facing Corey's gym (Poison). I can't seem to find any way to beat him.

My Team :

Emolga Lv26


Electro Ball

Shock Wave

Air Slash

Combusken Lv31

Quick Attack

Bulk Up

Double Kick

Flame Burst

Kricketune Lv28

Leech Life


Fury Cutter


Swoobat Lv28

Heart Stamp

Air Cutter


Odor Sleuth

Growlithe Lv28


Flame Burst

Take Down

Morning Sun

Tranquil Lv25

Air Cutter



Quick Attack

In my pc i have magby,blitzle,mareep,budew,espurr,drowsee,panpour,pachirisu. I can't seem to find any ground type pokemon anywhere during my journey to Beryl Ward.If possible, suggest me some ideas and where to train my pokemon so that i can defeat him. Thank you for your time ~

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  On 6/14/2015 at 12:35 AM, ShadowStar77 said:

Diggersby can be very good in general there. Huge Power + Take Down is super powerful especially at this point.

Where can I find 1 bunnelby?

  On 6/14/2015 at 1:48 AM, Xiri said:

If you are facing Corey in the Corrosive Mist field, try and use Gust to get rid of the field - makes the battle much easier.

But i deleted it in order to get air cutter :/

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  On 6/14/2015 at 5:07 AM, ShadowStar77 said:

Bunnelby is is Rhindohine Cave. In the forest before in Beryl Ward.

i found it ,thank you ! Can you tell me also where is the most suitable place to train my pokemon? i think my pokemon are not strong enough to face Corey.

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  On 6/14/2015 at 5:43 AM, noobmc said:

i found it ,thank you ! Can you tell me also where is the most suitable place to train my pokemon? i think my pokemon are not strong enough to face Corey.

I would probably train in Beryl Graveyard/Rhindochine Forest or Cave. There Pokemon there are around your level and the highest possible at the moment.

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I'm stuck on terra, my team is in my sig (only difference is that sharpedo has waterfall instead of dark pulse now). levels in order are 74,74,73,73,75,75

I would like help with finding new pokemon to use for her because all of my electric, flying, dark, and fire types get 1 hit (so everyone other than granbull). Thanks for the help!

(Also remember I cant go back to reborn city or anywhere post sleepy city(forgot the name))

Edited by Cyriusblade
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I am going to face the psychic gym soon but not sure my team is good enough or not.I am planning to have the 6 pokemons to face again him.I have blaziken,zorkark.arcanine,houndoom,scrafty and crawdaunt. In my pc i hav murkrow,piloswine,emolga,whiscash.Guys if possible suggest me some pokemon that would be very useful against the psychic gym.

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Kiki is annoying the hell out of me! Someone please help


Blaziken Level 45

No Item


Speed Boost

Double Kick

Shadow Claw

Bulk Up

Blaze Kick

Klang Level 38

No Item



Rock Smash

Gear Grind

Charge Beam


Golett Level 40

No Item


Iron Fist


Mega Punch



Noibat Level 41




Air Cutter




Zebstrika Level 40




Charge Beam




Hariyama Level 41

No item


Sheer Force

Belly Drum

Knock Off

Wake Up Slap

Vital Throw

I'm willing to change any and all members of my party EXCEPT for Blaziken.

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  On 6/19/2015 at 12:21 AM, Jacobliterator said:

Kiki is annoying the hell out of me! Someone please help


Blaziken Level 45

No Item


Speed Boost

Double Kick

Shadow Claw

Bulk Up

Blaze Kick

Klang Level 38

No Item



Rock Smash

Gear Grind

Charge Beam


Golett Level 40

No Item


Iron Fist


Mega Punch



Noibat Level 41




Air Cutter




Zebstrika Level 40




Charge Beam




Hariyama Level 41

No item


Sheer Force

Belly Drum

Knock Off

Wake Up Slap

Vital Throw

I'm willing to change any and all members of my party EXCEPT for Blaziken.

I recommend getting rid of Klang, who would be terrible in this fight, and Noibat, who really can't do anything until it evolves. Kiki's worst enemy is her own Field, which boosts certain Psychic type moves, like Psychic. A Gothitelle or a Meowstic or something else with Psychic WRECKS her.

Granbull with Intimidate and Charm also effectively lowers Kiki's Pokemon's Attack, which is also great.

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  On 6/19/2015 at 12:40 AM, Chubb the Pig said:

I recommend getting rid of Klang, who would be terrible in this fight, and Noibat, who really can't do anything until it evolves. Kiki's worst enemy is her own Field, which boosts certain Psychic tyoe moves, like Psychic. A Gothitelle or a Meowstic or something else with Psychic WRECKS her.

Granbull with Intimidate and Charm also effectively lowers Kiki's Pokemon's Attack, which is also great.

I can probably sub them out. Cheers.

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You can trying using a swoobat, since fighting types are weak to both psychic and flying types, or, for me, ground types are usually effective against fighting types for some reason, like a sandslash, you can also trying using emolga too. If this was like episode 9-11, i would tell you that crobat would shred through kiki's team with a breeze.

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  On 6/19/2015 at 12:21 AM, Jacobliterator said:

Kiki is annoying the hell out of me! Someone please help



Stop reading there....I said it once, said it twice, going to said it again, Blaziken is God Tier. Blaziken can solo everything in this game, except maybe Poison Gyms. U honestly don't need to train or switch team members he can KO everything in her team. Use a common candy (believe the lvl cap is 45 for Kiki), lead with him, use Bulk Up 3 times and spam Blaze Kick. U should be able to out speed everything due to Speed Boost.


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  On 6/18/2015 at 10:53 PM, noobmc said:

I am going to face the psychic gym soon but not sure my team is good enough or not.I am planning to have the 6 pokemons to face again him.I have blaziken,zorkark.arcanine,houndoom,scrafty and crawdaunt. In my pc i hav murkrow,piloswine,emolga,whiscash.Guys if possible suggest me some pokemon that would be very useful against the psychic gym.

helpp...which is better for the gym battle? honchkrow or zoroark?

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  On 6/19/2015 at 6:28 AM, noobmc said:

helpp...which is better for the gym battle? honchkrow or zoroark?

I'd say Honchkrow if it has Moxie, especially if it has Night Slash or Sucker Punch via Relearner.

Still, I prefer to use Moxie Krookodile over both Pokemon, since Earthquake is great for Doubles, which Radomus' strategy.

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  On 6/19/2015 at 6:28 AM, noobmc said:

helpp...which is better for the gym battle? honchkrow or zoroark?

You might want to get a Bug type btw. At least in Episode 14 he had 2 'mons with a double weakness to it, but I don't know if that has changed in the current version.

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  On 6/20/2015 at 5:12 PM, PsychoticPudu said:

You might want to get a Bug type btw. At least in Episode 14 he had 2 'mons with a double weakness to it, but I don't know if that has changed in the current version.

Apparently he got a gallade over exeggutor.

regardless, bug types are very good as long as you KO him with them first. The chess attacks pick up rock typing which unfortunately allows him to squash bugs with the chess pieces if you cannot achieve the OHKO.

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