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Kiki wrecks my team, please help >.<!

I manage to take care of the rest of the team but her Hitmonlee with High Jump Kick and Medicham are a problem (by the time I reach her Medicham 2/3rd of my team have fainted).

Never mind, my Cofagrigus pulled me through right to the end :D.

Edited by BlackMage
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Replace Magneton with a Psychic type with Psychic. The move is boosted by Kiki's Field, so you should be able to sweep at least half her team, especially if you go for a Calm Mind before, which is also boosted.

You may want to consider Granbull, as well. Granbull gets Intimidate and Charm, which is useful for lowering Kiki's Pokemon's Attack, and I don't remember her having a Special Attacker. Granbull also has a resistance to Fighting, so it should be able to live for a while. Combine Granbull with your Cofagrigous, which has Will-o-Wisp, and Kiki is basically Julia's level on difficulty.

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Having trouble against Ciel, my current team consists of

Emolga (68)

Walrein (68)

Serperior (74)

Rhyperior (64)

Arcanine (67)

and Scolipede (54) (this one's here in an attempt to counter her Mega Altaria via toxic stall, needs two protects to outspeed for a Toxic at the moment)

I also have a Gardevoir (69), Mawile (64), Pangoro (62), Golurk (61), and Dragalgae (56) in my box.

Movesets are available on request (too lazy to put them here right now), I'm mostly here to check if my team composition is alright and whether I need to train up (and wondering where any good spots to train are since at the moment I feel like there's a severe lack). Any advice?

My biggest issues with her team so far have been the Gliscor and the Altaria, as those two pretty much require me to pull out specialized counters to deal.

Edit: Nevermind, she derped and I got to Toxic/Blizzard her down. GG Ciel.

Edited by Autumneverlast
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There's a clown next to the three that stand right next to the main tent, that gives you battles with different teams for shards. Best place to train.

I'd suggest you put Gardevoir against Altaria, Walrein takes care of Gliscor easily, Rhyperior can go to work against the rest. If you want something to add to your team to make her easier, I suggest a Golduck (by surfing in Citrine or Celestine, not sure which of the two) with Swift Swim, Aqua Jet via relearner and Surf. Put the rain up and it takes good care of Gliscor, Talonflame and Archeops to let Walrein focus on Altaria as well.

There's an Icy Wind tutor in the Circus as well, Walrein can spam it against Altaria so you can outspeed her as well. Mawille with Sheer Force and Life Orb and STAB Iron Head will like outspeeding her like that as well.

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I am stuck with Charlotte :S

This is my current team:

- Swampert (lv 68) with Rock Slide, Earthquake, Surf and Hammer Arm. Ability: Damp

- Arcanine (lv 63) with Crunch, Flamethrower, Take Down and Agility. Ability: Intimidate

- Hariyama (lv 62) with Knock Off, Close Combat, Heavy Slam and Force Palm. Ability: Thick Fat

- Braviary (lv 62) with Defog, Brave Bird, Air Slash and Crush Claw. Ability: Sheer Force

- Ampharos (lv 62) with Signal Beam, Power Gem, Thunder Wave and Discharge. Ability: Static

- Beartic (lv 61) with Strength, Icicle Crash, Rest and Blizzard. Ability: Snow Cloak.

I was thinking of using a Trick Room user, so that Swampert outspeeds everything and earthquakes them to death. I thought about trying it with a Heatproof Bronzong but I don’t know if it will be enough...

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First, change Arcanine's ability to Flash Fire to gain a fire immunity. Send Beartic packing, won't help in this fight for sure. Give Fake Out to Hariyama via relearner. Get Braviary out, it is in danger of being VoltSwitch prey or det Discharged by yourself.

Open with Hariyama and Swampert. Fake out Typhlosion and take it out with EQ. Switch Hariyama in and out to Fake Out Volcarona as well, then take it out (that carries Giga Drain) and KO it with Rock Slide. Use Knock Off against Delphox, but do it after Volcarona is out for the count, Volca must go down before attacking even once. If Hariyama isn't alive when Delphox comes, use Arcanine with Crunch. Throw what's left at Ninetales. If possible take a Boldore, evolve it and put a Sandstorm on after Ninetales comes out. It'll spare you the sun and the supercharged Fire attacks.

What do you have in the box?

Edited by Odybld
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  On 6/22/2015 at 8:16 PM, Odybld said:

First, change Arcanine's ability to Flash Fire to gain a fire immunity. Send Beartic packing, won't help in this fight for sure. Give Fake Out to Hariyama via relearner. Get Braviary out, it is in danger of being VoltSwitch prey or det Discharged by yourself.

Open with Hariyama and Swampert. Fake out Typhlosion and take it out with EQ. Switch Hariyama in and out to Fake Out Volcarona as well, then take it out (that carries Giga Drain) and KO it with Rock Slide. Use Knock Off against Delphox, but do it after Volcarona is out for the count, Volca must go down before attacking even once. If Hariyama isn't alive when Delphox comes, use Arcanine with Crunch. Throw what's left at Ninetales. If possible take a Boldore, evolve it and put a Sandstorm on after Ninetales comes out. It'll spare you the sun and the supercharged Fire attacks.

What do you have in the box?

Thanks a lot for this advice! For the time being I have changed Arcanine's ability. As for Fake Out, I will have to get a heart scale before (I hope I can mine it somewhere...).

In the box I think the only pokemon usable for this fight is a Golem (with EQ, Stealth Rock, Self-destruct and rock blast and sturdy as ability). However, it is only level 40.

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  On 6/22/2015 at 8:39 PM, RobinS said:

Thanks a lot for this advice! For the time being I have changed Arcanine's ability. As for Fake Out, I will have to get a heart scale before (I hope I can mine it somewhere...).

In the box I think the only pokemon usable for this fight is a Golem (with EQ, Stealth Rock, Self-destruct and rock blast and sturdy as ability). However, it is only level 40.

Stealth Rock is also an amazing assett against Charlotte. You just have to set it and Sturdy helps a lot at that front.

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Im stuck on corey with his misty field(the one u get when u find out he with team meteor) the thing is... this a fighting monotype. If there are any fighting types that i missed let me know pls.



Speed Boost

Double Kick

Flame Charge

Quick Attack





Seismic Toss


Karate chop


Thick Fat

Knock Off

Vital Throw

Force Palm

Fake Out


Iron Fist


Vital Throw

Karate Chop

Work Up

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Stuck with Noel, I outright hate his Porygon-Z. Here's my team.

1) Greninja - Naive - Protean

Night Slash, Extrasensory, Water Pulse, Shadow Sneak

2) Dragalge - Bold - Adaptability - Black Sludge

Sludge Wave, Toxic, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse

3) Arcanine - Dociile - Intimidate

Flare Blitz, Outrage, Extreme Speed, Close Combat

4) Cofagrigus - Serious - Mummy

Hex, Will-o-Wisp, Power Split, Curse

5) Scrafty - Lax - Moxie - Black Belt

Brick Break, Crunch, Facade, Fire Punch

6) Magneton - Serious - Sturdy - Metal Coat

Discharge, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Magnet Rise

Lost to him like so many times -_-! I also have a Donphan in rotation. Also, should I change some moves? I was thinking of replacing Arcanine's Flamethrower with ES and Scrafty's BB with High Jump Kick.

Edited by BlackMage
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Send Help! Ciel keeps kicking my teeth in than dancing on the remains :( .

My team:

1. Blaziken (Speed Boost): High Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Bulk Up

2. Azumarill (Thick fat obvs why not ): Waterfall, Play Rough, Super Power, Surf

3. Rhydon (Reckless): Megahorn, Stone Edge, Takedown, Earthquake

4. Noivern (Telepathy): Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Super Fang, Tailwind

5. Espeon (Synchronize): Psychic, Power Swap, Morning Sun, Shadow Ball

6. Meowstic Female (Infiltrator): Psychic, Dark Pulse, Light Screen, Shadow ball

7. Simisage (Gluttony): Seed Bomb, Acrobatics, Leech Seed, Brick Break

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  On 6/27/2015 at 12:15 PM, BlackMage said:

Stuck with Noel, I outright hate his Porygon-Z. Here's my team.

1) Greninja - Naive - Protean

Night Slash, Extrasensory, Water Pulse, Shadow Sneak

2) Dragalge - Bold - Adaptability - Black Sludge

Sludge Wave, Toxic, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse

3) Arcanine - Dociile - Intimidate

Flare Blitz, Outrage, Extreme Speed, Close Combat

4) Cofagrigus - Serious - Mummy

Hex, Will-o-Wisp, Power Split, Curse

5) Scrafty - Lax - Moxie - Black Belt

Brick Break, Crunch, Facade, Fire Punch

6) Magneton - Serious - Sturdy - Metal Coat

Discharge, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Magnet Rise

Lost to him like so many times -_-! I also have a Donphan in rotation. Also, should I change some moves? I was thinking of replacing Arcanine's Flamethrower with ES and Scrafty's BB with High Jump Kick.

Get a heart scale and teach magneton thunder wave. That will make porygon-z a lot easier to beat, though you will have to sack it to win the fight. Lead turn 1 with dragalgae and use sludge wave. Hopefully that OHKO's wigglytuff before it can set stealth rock down (give dragalgae a cheri berry to hold in case of thunder wave). I'd also get another rock/steel because swellow will be very difficult to beat otherwise, since you have nothing better to deal with it. I'd also change scrafty's ability to intimidate for this match, as you might have to swap pokemon in and out frequently to stop swellow/cincinno from running through you, even though that will hurt due to changing his field to the corrosive field from sludge wave.

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  On 6/27/2015 at 12:15 PM, BlackMage said:

Stuck with Noel, I outright hate his Porygon-Z. Here's my team.

1) Greninja - Naive - Protean

Night Slash, Extrasensory, Water Pulse, Shadow Sneak

2) Dragalge - Bold - Adaptability - Black Sludge

Sludge Wave, Toxic, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse

3) Arcanine - Dociile - Intimidate

Flare Blitz, Outrage, Extreme Speed, Close Combat

4) Cofagrigus - Serious - Mummy

Hex, Will-o-Wisp, Power Split, Curse

5) Scrafty - Lax - Moxie - Black Belt

Brick Break, Crunch, Facade, Fire Punch

6) Magneton - Serious - Sturdy - Metal Coat

Discharge, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Magnet Rise

Lost to him like so many times -_-! I also have a Donphan in rotation. Also, should I change some moves? I was thinking of replacing Arcanine's Flamethrower with ES and Scrafty's BB with High Jump Kick.

His porygon Z is a full out special attacker so getting his download to boost attack rather than special attack helps a lot. I also found that setting the field on fire was a big help.

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  On 6/27/2015 at 6:09 PM, ChristianMoses said:

Send Help! Ciel keeps kicking my teeth in than dancing on the remains :( .

My team:

1. Blaziken (Speed Boost): High Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Bulk Up

2. Azumarill (Thick fat obvs why not ): Waterfall, Play Rough, Super Power, Surf

3. Rhydon (Reckless): Megahorn, Stone Edge, Takedown, Earthquake

4. Noivern (Telepathy): Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Super Fang, Tailwind

5. Espeon (Synchronize): Psychic, Power Swap, Morning Sun, Shadow Ball

6. Meowstic Female (Infiltrator): Psychic, Dark Pulse, Light Screen, Shadow ball

7. Simisage (Gluttony): Seed Bomb, Acrobatics, Leech Seed, Brick Break

Get something with Ice moves

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  On 6/27/2015 at 12:15 PM, BlackMage said:

Stuck with Noel, I outright hate his Porygon-Z. Here's my team.

1) Greninja - Naive - Protean

Night Slash, Extrasensory, Water Pulse, Shadow Sneak

2) Dragalge - Bold - Adaptability - Black Sludge

Sludge Wave, Toxic, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse

3) Arcanine - Dociile - Intimidate

Flare Blitz, Outrage, Extreme Speed, Close Combat

4) Cofagrigus - Serious - Mummy

Hex, Will-o-Wisp, Power Split, Curse

5) Scrafty - Lax - Moxie - Black Belt

Brick Break, Crunch, Facade, Fire Punch

6) Magneton - Serious - Sturdy - Metal Coat

Discharge, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Magnet Rise

Lost to him like so many times -_-! I also have a Donphan in rotation. Also, should I change some moves? I was thinking of replacing Arcanine's Flamethrower with ES and Scrafty's BB with High Jump Kick.

Pick up Water Pledge in Lapis Ward for Greninja. It's more powerful than Water Pulse and can put out Fires, but it's generally up to you if you favour Water Pulse's confuse hax or something.

Keep your Dragalge healthy; Dragalge's superior Special Defense should provide P-Z with an Attack boost instead of a Special Attacking one,and it should have enough bulk to survive a few hits and Toxic stall/wear it down with Attacks. Alternatively, Hi Jump Kick from Scrafty should suffice in dealing strong damage if not OHKO it.

  On 6/27/2015 at 6:09 PM, ChristianMoses said:

Send Help! Ciel keeps kicking my teeth in than dancing on the remains :( .

My team:

1. Blaziken (Speed Boost): High Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Bulk Up

2. Azumarill (Thick fat obvs why not ): Waterfall, Play Rough, Super Power, Surf

3. Rhydon (Reckless): Megahorn, Stone Edge, Takedown, Earthquake

4. Noivern (Telepathy): Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Super Fang, Tailwind

5. Espeon (Synchronize): Psychic, Power Swap, Morning Sun, Shadow Ball

6. Meowstic Female (Infiltrator): Psychic, Dark Pulse, Light Screen, Shadow ball

7. Simisage (Gluttony): Seed Bomb, Acrobatics, Leech Seed, Brick Break

If you don't change your Azumarill's ability to Huge Power I can clearly say that your team really doesn't stand a chance against that Altaria. You should pick up a Steel type for this such as Bisharp, Klinklang or Metagross to deal with it, or a bulky Ice type like Walrein, or fast ones like Weavile; they're generally more frail, though, and Weavile needs Icicle Crash to actually have a chance of OHKOing it, which is why picking up Steel types is easier.

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  On 6/27/2015 at 6:09 PM, ChristianMoses said:

Send Help! Ciel keeps kicking my teeth in than dancing on the remains :( .

My team:

1. Blaziken (Speed Boost): High Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Bulk Up

2. Azumarill (Thick fat obvs why not ): Waterfall, Play Rough, Super Power, Surf

3. Rhydon (Reckless): Megahorn, Stone Edge, Takedown, Earthquake

4. Noivern (Telepathy): Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Super Fang, Tailwind

5. Espeon (Synchronize): Psychic, Power Swap, Morning Sun, Shadow Ball

6. Meowstic Female (Infiltrator): Psychic, Dark Pulse, Light Screen, Shadow ball

7. Simisage (Gluttony): Seed Bomb, Acrobatics, Leech Seed, Brick Break

you're gonna need an ice type. avalugg with sturdy and avalanche or beartic with icicle crash dewgong is also a good choice because its good sp.defense.

togekiss is probablythe most anoying one of her team with all of her attacks never missing and high flinch chance just get an electric,ice or poison type that outspeeds it with a togekiss only having 80 base speed it shouldn't be that hard.

you might also need a steel-type or a poison-type to deal with her mega altaria or you can try too take it out before it mega evolves altaria has good bulk but it's very slow with only 80 base speed noiver might be able to take it out with dragon pulse (you might want to give it a dragon gem or plate just to make sure).

For the rest of her team most ice types should be able to take care of them avalugg can one shot all of her team except maybe togekiss and that's mostly due to air slash being anoying.

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Hello, I'm about to face Corey in E15 but I want to make sure I'm adequately prepared first. Obviously I've still got some grinding to do (everyone is level 26 right now) but if anyone could recommend some decent new members to my team, that would be very helpful!
Current team:
-Arm Thrust
-Flame Charge
-Air Cutter
-Heart Stamp
Gulpin @ Black Sludge
Liquid Ooze
Mild (has a perfect Attack IV)
-Fake Out
-Fury Swipes
Keen Eye
My current main plan is to use Swoobat's STAB Psychic types on half of his team and clean up with Luxio (because Guts/Facade combo), including using Luxio on his Crobat. I'd like to get a Ground type in to deal with his Skuntank at the very least, so I'm thinking I might temporarily drop Noctowl or Meowth to swap in a Phanpy or a Nidoran male (I'm willing to run back to the Game Corner to grab one if you think I should use that instead but I'm not sure if I should use my only moonstone on it). Anyway, comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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Nidoran male doesn't get any ground moves for a long time. If I remember correctly neither does Phanpy, so Diggersby would actually be the easiest way to take out Skuntank. Other than that i think you'll be alright, use Pignite to set up Rollout if you can pull it off.

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  On 7/8/2015 at 4:05 PM, BIGJRA said:

Nidoran male doesn't get any ground moves for a long time. If I remember correctly neither does Phanpy, so Diggersby would actually be the easiest way to take out Skuntank. Other than that i think you'll be alright, use Pignite to set up Rollout if you can pull it off.

Yeah, I forgot to check Phanpy's learnset - Donphan gets a Ground move from the start but I don't think I can access the Move Reminder yet to actually learn it. Today it was raining in my game so I grabbed the Numel from Peridot Station and leveled it up a bit, along with a Diggersby in reserve, I think I'll do fine. Thanks for the help!

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  On 7/8/2015 at 2:27 AM, Ecsentret said:
Hello, I'm about to face Corey in E15 but I want to make sure I'm adequately prepared first. Obviously I've still got some grinding to do (everyone is level 26 right now) but if anyone could recommend some decent new members to my team, that would be very helpful!
Current team:
-Arm Thrust
-Flame Charge
-Air Cutter
-Heart Stamp
Gulpin @ Black Sludge
Liquid Ooze
Mild (has a perfect Attack IV)
-Fake Out
-Fury Swipes
Keen Eye
My current main plan is to use Swoobat's STAB Psychic types on half of his team and clean up with Luxio (because Guts/Facade combo), including using Luxio on his Crobat. I'd like to get a Ground type in to deal with his Skuntank at the very least, so I'm thinking I might temporarily drop Noctowl or Meowth to swap in a Phanpy or a Nidoran male (I'm willing to run back to the Game Corner to grab one if you think I should use that instead but I'm not sure if I should use my only moonstone on it). Anyway, comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

For Corey's fight, you should also specify whether you are facing him on the corrosive field or the corrosive mist field too, as depending on what you did with the police officers determines which field you fight him in.

You've also missed a golden opportunity to get gulpin evolve and grab body slam as a swalot, which is a real pain, since swalot would've helped a fair bit for this fight.

Regardless, pignite and gulpin should both be taught facade over their respective normal moves. I would say lead with meowth regardless of either field, and if corey has the corrosive mist field on, give it facade over one of its normal moves.

You should also grind your pokemon a bit more. Level 26 is too low for this fight sadly, his ace hits very hard for this stage of the game. I would make sure to keep both luxio and swalot in reserve for his ace too, and try and take out as much of his team as you can with the other members.

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  On 7/9/2015 at 10:43 AM, sound of silence said:

For Corey's fight, you should also specify whether you are facing him on the corrosive field or the corrosive mist field too, as depending on what you did with the police officers determines which field you fight him in.

You've also missed a golden opportunity to get gulpin evolve and grab body slam as a swalot, which is a real pain, since swalot would've helped a fair bit for this fight.

Regardless, pignite and gulpin should both be taught facade over their respective normal moves. I would say lead with meowth regardless of either field, and if corey has the corrosive mist field on, give it facade over one of its normal moves.

You should also grind your pokemon a bit more. Level 26 is too low for this fight sadly, his ace hits very hard for this stage of the game. I would make sure to keep both luxio and swalot in reserve for his ace too, and try and take out as much of his team as you can with the other members.

I didn't see this before fighting Corey, oops. Yeah, I ended up grinding up to Level 27-ish before fighting him, with Gulpin evolved and with Body Slam instead of Pound. It was the Corrosive Mist field and Swoobat ended up sweeping most of his team, I unboxed a Numel I forgot I had so it could hit Skuntank, Swalot tanked stuff while I healed up other Pokemon, and Luxio took down Crobat in two hits, without even needing to use Facade (I got lucky and Crobat didn't use Venoshock). I think I got pretty lucky. Thanks for the other tips, though!

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Hello! I'm currently at Ciel and she's hard. Noivern, Togekiss, Talonflame can't beat. I have no clue what her ace is. (Altaria??)


Team + Rotation

[infernape][Level 73]

[iron Fist]
- Flare Blitz
- Acrobatics
- Shadow Claw
- Close Combat

[Rotom Wash][Level 73]

- Discharge
- Ominous Wind
- Hydro Pump
- Substitute

[Gastradon][Level 73]

[storm Drain]
- Waterfall
- Sludge Wave
- Surf
- Recover

[A Big and Powerful Staraptor][Level 73]

- Final Gambit
- Agility
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat

[Magnezone][Level 73]

- Discharge
- Zap Cannon
- Flash Cannon
- Charge Beam

[Yanmega][Level 73]

[speed Boost]
- Detect
- Ancient Power
- Air Slash
- Bug Buzz

[Luxray][Level 73]

- Wild Charge
- Swagger
- Electric Terrain
- Crunch

[Drapion][Level 73]

[battle Armor]
- Bulldoze
- Toxic Spikes
- Cross Poison
- Night Slash

[Probopass][Level 73]

[Magnet Pull]
- Stone Edge
- Power Gem
- Earth Power
- Discharge

[bronzong][Level 73]

- Extrasensory
- Heal Block
- Heavy Slam
- Explosion

[Toxicroak][Level 73]

[Poison Touch]
- Poison Jab
- Bounce
- Sucker Punch
- Drain Punch

Other Pokémon in my PC.

Turtwig Being Grinded ATM. Has Egg move Superpower! :D

Bidoof Level 6

Pachirisu Level 23

Purugly Level 44

Carnivine Level 43


Thanks if you help me!

Edited by Rebel Mudkip
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Hello! I'm going up against Shade relatively soon, and I want to make sure I'm bringing the right team members before I start grinding.

Note: my team is Level 33-35 right now; I know I need to level them up before I fight him.

Floatzel | Level 33
Swift Swim
- Aqua Jet
- Pursuit
- Double Hit
- Baton Pass
Swoobat | Level 33
- Calm Mind
- Air Slash
- Heart Stamp
- Assurance
Persian | Level 33
- Power Gem
- Fake Out
- Fury Swipes
- Bite
Pignite | Level 34
- Take Down
- Rollout
- Arm Thrust
- Heat Crash
Swalot | Level 34 @ Black Sludge
Liquid Ooze
- Body Slam
- Sludge
- Toxic
- Stockpile
Luxray | Level 35
- Thunder Fang
- Facade
- Bite
- Swagger
I'm considering grabbing Porygon to get a Porygon2 for the fight so I can make use of the field's boosts to Download and Zap Cannon, but I'm not sure if the Move Relearner is open yet? I'd also like to put a Ghost or Dark type into my team just to make sure I can handle him, but I'm not sure about what to pick. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated, thank you in advance!
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