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Official Gym Leader Help Thread

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If you still have issues with Shade, go back to the department store a bit and buy a bunch of X-items. A couple of X-SpD and X-Def, along with an X-Speed or two

Have Amphy paralyse Gengar, then get a free switch into something that can live one thunderbolt/shadow claw, and alternate between healing/boosting. You can save on X-SpA if your boosting mon has charge beam from the first gym, but otherwise all you need to do is to set up on Gengar and sweep the rest.

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I don't understand why Delphox ISN'T taking out Gengar instantly. Mine did and it was level 39, psyshock capitalizes both on Gengar's somewhat average defense and his weakness to psychic which combined with delphox's high special attack should really be taking him out instantly.

And don't use Delphox against Banette, save him for doublade and trevenant instead. I keep saying players on here udnerestimate Shade's Banette and it's probably his 2nd or 3rd strongest pokemon.

Again, Pangoro learns crunch at 42, so he probably doesn't have it yet and if he does he won't listen.

You mentioned Emolga? Dude, train that little guy up as he's one of the best pikaclones there is.

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prolly the nature of delphox is hindering it from OHOKing gengar and maybe Evs of the delphox is not in the right place( most starters EV are random XD) nope reason why delphox is not OHOking gengar is not what i said, it is because delphox is ignoring orders... meh

Also just use delphox for gengar,duoblade and trevenant. you can use your other dark pokemons mightyena and houndoom to handle banette and his other pokemons.

well you can get ability capsules with pick up but.. that is gonna take awhile well not really just dump 2 female/male meowth with pick up in the day care and hop on bike and go round in circles and you will get a few lvl 61 meowth.when training/ grinding always have a few pick up pokemon in your team it kinda helps as u can get tons of stuff with pick up. i usually put 4-5 meowth with pick up in my team when i m grinding/EV training. here is the pick up table for reborn.why meowth and not other pick up pokemon is because meowth has the best move ever to farm $$ payday.

Meowstick M should be good with prankster. well meowstic M is an awesome support with light screen, reflect, misty terrain. have these 3 moves on your meowstick M and he can be super useful everywhere. misty terrain changes the field to not favor the gym leader. light screen and Reflect makes your whole team a little tanky. well i wont bother using screen on samsons team cause most of his mons pack brick break and brick break+ screen= bad

Also you do not need to bench your delphox just use common candy. i already said it in my first post guess i was ignored oh well. common candy lowers your pokemon lvl by 1 you can get them at the candy store here is a screen shot of the candy store:

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I'm not broke, and I have 15 common candies, I just use delphox as my ace while training because when my lower levels can't deal, delphox can because he always listens to at least my first command, and because he's so high level its OHKO. You weren't ignored <PokeManiac> it's just been more beneficial for me to have him at a higher level so far.

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Totally forgot about common candies trick, what Luna(Pokemaniac is his/her/xyr trainer class in Forum XD) is trying to say is you decrease the level just below one level that light screen or any other moves that you find viable or useful and then grind it up again to relearn it(it's a trick when heart scales are out of reach), and monochrome comments ROFL, i think she might have saved and reseted before facing Shade so that money is conserved until she overcame Shade(which is an important way to save money)~

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Hey man it's happened to me before, Charlotte BROKE me first ever playthrough figuratively and literally lol..

But I feel like Delphox would be more useful if she consistently landed hits right away rather than take unnecessary damage. Like I said, as long as your nature is decent and you don't have single digit Ivs/EVs psyshock should murder Gengar.

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I always save before battling gyms or talking to event pokemon. I try to be very careful about that. And I didn't know about that trick. The only thing is that Light Screen is way back at Lv30, although Will-o-Wisp is Lv47

Also, I have Pangoro and Whiscash at the day care while I work on Flaafy, Houndoom, Meowstick, and Mightyena. Do you know if their progress is affected by time spent in day care or how many steps you take?

Update: Houndoom's ability is now Flash Fire, thanks to an ability capsule I missed in Obsidia (the women in the pokecenter looking for her son)

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I think will-o'wisp at this point would be more practical since doublade and trevenant, the two that Delphox counters are mainly physical(unless doublade has shadow ball but with doublade special attack being mediocre compared to its evolved form, i doubt it), and great about Amphy, confuse parahax away~

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  On 10/4/2015 at 8:05 AM, TimTim said:

I think will-o'wisp at this point would be more practical since doublade and trevenant, the two that Delphox counters are mainly physical(unless doublade has shadow ball but with doublade special attack being mediocre compared to its evolved form, i doubt it), and great about Amphy, confuse parahax away~

How is trevenant a delphox counter? It is a grass type and only threatens Delphox with shadow claw. Banette is much more dangerous to it.

I agree with the sentiment that will-o-wisp would help you though.

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poor poor me my forum name is Luna not pokemaniac. hmm well daycare depends on the number of steps you take 1 step=1 exp reason why hopping on a bike would speed things up.Lolz hard to get broke with the current reborn cause of re battle trainers in grand hall and if you save before every gym battles/boss battles. common candy trick is awesome if you want to get move at higher lvls or if you missed a move and do not want to use a heart scale/ do not have access to move re learner. but yeah light screen is at lvl 30 kinda far back which means a lot more grinding. and will-o-wisp is a good move to replace scratch.well once your are done grinding you should lower delphox lvl to 40 so that it can be used at shades gym.also you can teach charge beam to Ampharos.

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sorry, what i was trying to say is Delphox counters those two as it has good type match up against the two, my apologies again, apparently my English is still not up to standard XD for people to understand me~

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Light Screen is no longer necessary because Meowstic has Reflect now at Lv35. Pangoro is at Lv39, Whiscash Lv35, Zoroark Lv35, Houndoom Lv35, and Delphox at Lv50. Amp and Whisc are at the daycare atm with Amp at Lv32. Phox just learned Psychic to replace Scratch, which might be helpful because I noticed that Psyshock and Psychic are both psychic type, but Psychic is spec.attk while Psyshock is physical, which could potentially work to my advantage.

How does the member title change? Is it just how much you participate in topics? Cause i'm bug catcher but TimTim is psychic.

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Psyshock indeed deals physical damage, but weird thing about Psyshock is that it could be negated by light screen(not reflect, which is odd about it) set up by opponents' party, just a reminder in case you run into a screen setter next time~

Edit:Trainer class change by number of posts i guess?

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Ah, sorry TimTim. I get you now! That phrase had two possible meanings and I just took the wrong one. It was my misinterpretation not your English.

Yeah, psyshock uses the users special attack stat to deal physical damage. I think that would mean reflect is the screen that works against it but I could be wrong.

In terms of member titles they change automatically as you get more posts (from like youngster, bug catcher, hiker, pokemaniac, psychic etc). The distances for each ones stretch out the more you have (e.g. My one of Rival covers several hundred posts). If you want a custom one you can buy it with Rupees from the site shop (the change own member title)

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I also discovered that while in daycare whiscash upgraded magnitude to earthquake, which is pretty awesome. I taught Houndoom Feint Attack in place of Odor Sleuth. With Kai being Lv52, I noticed that with the Soothe Bell, taking him to the salon, and the fact our friendship lv is maxed, he listens to me a lot more now. He actually works really well as support when I save him for when I need him. I'm hoping that if I can at least take out Banette and Rotom I can sweep the rest. How early would you recommend trying to use Reflect since it only lasts 5 turns and i'm unlikely to get a second chance?

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I think Light Screen would be a lot better in the Shade Battle, since most of his mons are Special Attackers. Reflect is only good for Banette, so if possible set LS up before Reflect to counter the majority of his mons. But still, having both set up is probably better.

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reflect is physical, so as soon as its physical threats like Banette, Trevenant or Doublade come up, also you may buy the cotton candy for 5000 in candy store in obsidia ward(2-3 will suffice), it can revive meowstic if he fainted, expensive i know, but totally worth it, i revived my support mons mostly by cotton candy, since revives are scarce and only pick up ability mons can get your hands of those revives~As what wytch_dtr said, we call the tactic dual screen meowstic which is quite popular option~Another dual screen setter Bronzor family are also quite good but it is too far away from your current progress~

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Ok, I got Amp to learn Power Gem to replace Thunder Shock, but its speed is still only 45 at Lv35? That sucks. Whiscash can seriously take a beating tho, his defense is great. Not sure if EQ will work on Rotom is it has Levitate, but if it does he's out. I know Amp needs Charge Beam, so should I replace Power Gem? Because Confuse Ray and Thunder Wave are too valuable I think. Thunder Punch is his only offensive electric move too.

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Amphy needs charge beam more than t-punch as it excels in special attack, about Wishcash, i would use aqua tail or muddy water on Rotom instead of ground type move for obvious reason levitate~and Muddy water might be your best bet cause your mild nature and the two moves accuracy is similar one is 85 while the other 90(wish you luck, i had missed rock slide twice in a competitive play with freaking 95 percent accuracy), with amphy learning signal beam(coverage for grass type as bug move which resist amphy's electric move)later on, he/she is gonna be your great asset

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