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Official Gym Leader Help Thread

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YES YES YES!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who helped me! I did it! Most of my mons were only Lv35-37 but they were so much more effective! I forgot to give ampy charge beam but it didn't matter because he took out gengar and banette all by himself with twave and confuse ray. Delphox tore through doublade and trevenant while Houndoom swept Rotom and Delphox finished Chandelure with help from Houndoom's Feint Attack. Omg I was just doing a dry run to see how they've progressed and its in spades and i'm so excited for this small acomplishment. Sorry if that's silly, but thank you all so much!

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Ampharos is slow, but later on in the game you get Trick Room, which will help tactically. For now though, his great SpAtk will pull through. To be honest I dislike slow mons so Ampharos isn't my first choice Electric type. I would rather get a Joltik (but just my preferences)

Edited by wytch_doctr
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gratz on defeating shade.now i m sure Charlotte or Aya is gonna be your next big hurdle till than good luck with the rest of you journey in reborn.

Oh and also be careful day care can delete moves which you want to keep so you should always look at what moves your mons in the daycare would learn. say you left the ampharos in daycare at lvl 37 and say it lvled up by 3 lvls to lvl 40 and learn discharge. the daycare will delete your the first move on ampharos and ampharos will learn discharge.to make things simple here is a diagram:

1)T wave<---this move will be deleted by the daycare couple if you pokemon learns a new move

2)T punch

3)Power gem

4)Confuse Ray

so yeah just be careful cause the daycare couple are ruthless at deleting moves do not know what are the best moves and the moves you want. so always put moves you don't want at the first slot.

Edited by Luna
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I notice some confusion regarding psyshock.

Psyshock is considered a special move, thus it works off special attack stat.

HOWEVER, it uses the opponents defense stat instead of their special defense stat to determine damage. To use an example, Cryongonal has AMAZING special defense but HORRENDOUS defense. Thus if you were fighting it and had to choose between psychic or psyshock, you would go with the latter since it takes advantage of his weaker stat. In Gengar's case, he's probably going to get KO'd by either since his Base HP stat is a miserable 60 and his special defense only an unimpressive 75, but with a defense stat of 60 psyshock would be good enough coming off a pokemon with solid special attack, which Delphox of course possesses.

Another thing regarding screens is that they're working off the opposing attack's type. So yeah while psyshock uses the defense stat instead of the special defense stat, it's still a special type move that uses the user's special attack stat and thus would be weakned by light screen. So again using Cryogonal, if he put up a light screen before you used psyshock, your psyshock would suffer a pretty noticeable damage penalty.

Learning how to use and overcome screens is important especially when using offensive psyshic types who typically are kind of frail defensively. Let me tell you, my alakazam had the defense of a granny in a wheelchair but could take at least one punch to the gut with reflect set up.

Also remember that criticals ignore defensive stat boost and offensive stat penalties. Thus a screen won't do anything against a frost breath or storm throw.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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Hey guys, just chipping in, I know some people have had trouble with Aya, I know I did.

And besides the usual (earthquake, psychic moves, ice moves) one thing that really helped me was Seel's Perish Song, she doesn't seem to swap her pokemon out, and after suffering a whole afternoon I was amazed at how (relatively) easy it was.

Hope it helps.

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  On 10/5/2015 at 5:34 AM, Synchronoise said:

Not gym leader related, but I didn't want to make a whole new thread for it

With regards to Ditto/Arceus, what's the general strategy to beating him? I cheesed most of the game with X-items, so the mons I have on me are mostly garbage like Emolga/Leavanny

The tactics vary with individuals here, many used perish song murkrow etc, i myself used status inflictor, noivern super fang and a wall who can stall out the status damage~

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well i used perish song prankster murkrow for all bosses now. but.. i used a tank noctowl+a bunch of ghost type with grudge and a hariyama with close combat on my first try took ages reason why i just use murkrow now. saves time and is so easy to breed just grab a swabulu with perish song and breed it murkrow. swablu can be found by headbutting trees at south aventurine woods. murkrow can be found on windy days at the magma/aqua gang hide out.

Edited by Luna
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Medicham's high jump kick hits HARD, can easily take out a 3rd to a half. nosepass gets thunder wave AND sturdy which can slow Arceus down(just remember he has full heals so keep spamming it. Destiny bond can take down pretty much anything in the game, then there's curse and perish song. Also note that the field can work against El by changing judgement's type into something your pokemon can resist, which usually gives them a 25-75% chance of resisting it depending on the type.

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I need some help with Noel, especially with his Porygon-Z and Cinccino. This is my current team:

Camerupt Lv 52



Lava Plume

Earth Power


Pachirisu Lv 44


Electro Ball




Klingklang Lv52


Gear Grind


Rock Smash

Mirror Shot

Gardevoir Lv 51



Magical Leaf

Drain Kiss

Calm Mind

Blastoise Lv 52



Aqua Tail

Water Pulse


Heatmor Lv 52



Flame Burst

Shadow Claw

Sucker Punch

I know I should probably replace Pachirisu, but I don't know who to replace him with.

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  On 10/11/2015 at 6:56 PM, Cinnamon115 said:

I need some help with Noel, especially with his Porygon-Z and Cinccino. This is my current team:

Camerupt Lv 52



Lava Plume

Earth Power


Pachirisu Lv 44


Electro Ball




Klingklang Lv52


Gear Grind


Rock Smash

Mirror Shot

Gardevoir Lv 51



Magical Leaf

Drain Kiss

Calm Mind

Blastoise Lv 52



Aqua Tail

Water Pulse


Heatmor Lv 52



Flame Burst

Shadow Claw

Sucker Punch

I know I should probably replace Pachirisu, but I don't know who to replace him with.

Your team lack Grass type, so why not go for Lilligant? Look in my current run, that thing destroyed Noel without even trying.

Also, level up everyone up to level 54, it will help you.

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  On 10/11/2015 at 6:56 PM, Cinnamon115 said:

I need some help with Noel, especially with his Porygon-Z and Cinccino. This is my current team:

Camerupt Lv 52



Lava Plume

Earth Power


Pachirisu Lv 44


Electro Ball




Klingklang Lv52


Gear Grind


Rock Smash

Mirror Shot

Gardevoir Lv 51



Magical Leaf

Drain Kiss

Calm Mind

Blastoise Lv 52



Aqua Tail

Water Pulse


Heatmor Lv 52



Flame Burst

Shadow Claw

Sucker Punch

I know I should probably replace Pachirisu, but I don't know who to replace him with.

No need to replace Pachirisu. It can hold its own if you play it right.

In terms of beating Noel use his outdoor field to your advantage, manipulate the weather (or wait) until it is at least a clear day (preferably sunny) and then use your Camerupt's lava plume to set the field on fire. Then your field boosted, sun boosted attacks should help you out a lot.

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  On 10/11/2015 at 7:41 PM, Cinnamon115 said:

I've tried setting the field on fire, and that helps until I reach Cinccino. Cinccino destroys my team with Bullet Seed, Rock Blast, and Tail Slap.

KlingKlang would be able to tank pretty well but it has HP fire.

If you could get a nuzzle onto it that would be a pretty good thing for you as without its speed Cincinno is useless.

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Need some help with Ciel,

Porygon Z Lv 75 (No Item)


Trick Room

Dark Pulse


Tri Attack

Pelipper Lv 74 (Wide Lens)

Rain Dish

Hydro Pump




Pangoro Lv 75 (Black Belt)


Low Sweep

Rock Tomb

Sky Uppercut


Heracross Lv 75 (Black Belt)



Close Combat

Brick Break

Rock Tomb

Diggersby Lv 75 (Silk Scarf)

Huge Power

Quick Attack




Rhyperior Lv 63 (No Item) (Currently training this, haven't tried the gym with this guy yet, he took the place of a Venusaur though)

Solid Rock

Stone Edge

Rock Wrecker



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Ciel's team is Togekiss, Archeops, Gliscor, Talonflame, Noivern, and M.Altaria.

vs Togekiss - I'm going on a limb and saying Heracross is faster than Togekiss. Rock Tomb might manage some good damage (Equip a Hard Stone for better results). If Togekiss get's one-shot, this should lure either Archeops (speed) or Talonflame (resistance). In general she follows up with Archeops. If not, you're probably going to die to Air Slash. Follow up with Diggersby Strength while Ciel tries to heal Togekiss.

vs Archeops - Rhyperior should be able to take whatever Archeops tries to attack with. Follow through with Stone Edge. I would also drop Rock Wrecker as Stone Edge is superior. Hammer Arm would be a better move as Ryhperior doesn't care about speed drops.

vs Gliscor - I guess Pelipper is your best move here. You really need an Ice move user (definitely not an ice type, unless it's the Uber fast Sneasel in Ametrine mountain). Hydro Pump might work here if Pelipper can survive what Gliscor uses.

vs Talonflame - Porygon Z with Discharge or Rhyperior (assuming it's not in critical death range after Archeops, in which case it's just fodder) with Stone Edge should take it out without hassle.

vs Noivern - Again, an Ice type would be fantastic here. Barring that, Diggersby might manage to survive and wreck with field boosted, STAB, Huge Power, Silk Scarf Strength. Porygon Z (tri attack) and Rhyperior are also options here.

vs M.Altaria - ICE TYPE! But with this team, pretty much just hurl whatever is left at it, not one boasts an exceptional advantage other than Porygon Z for speedy Tri Attack.

Edited by Dragon116
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Truthfully Rhyperior stands the best(only) chance of one-shotting Togekiss but if Togekiss uses aura sphere and it lands a POWERFUL you're in trouble.

Rock wrecker is good for single player actually since I believe it lets you switch if you KO them. If it doesn't than okay it's not good lol.

Idk your team is a little...hmm. if you can pull off trick room, Rhyperior should be able to sweep like the entire team, with some levelling up(at least to 70). You can grind the color clown to do that.

I would replace Heracross with something else, something with a solid ice attack would be nice to deal with Gliscor and Altaria. Or a good steel for Archeops and Altaria.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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  On 10/12/2015 at 6:23 AM, Dragon116 said:

Ciel's team is Togekiss, Archeops, Gliscor, Talonflame, Noivern, and M.Altaria.

vs Togekiss - I'm going on a limb and saying Heracross is faster than Togekiss. Rock Tomb might manage some good damage (Equip a Hard Stone for better results). If Togekiss get's one-shot, this should lure either Archeops (speed) or Talonflame (resistance). In general she follows up with Archeops. If not, you're probably going to die to Air Slash. Follow up with Diggersby Strength while Ciel tries to heal Togekiss.

Uh, yeah, Heracross is getting outsped by the togekiss sadly, and rock Tomb is definitely not an OKO, I've tried that, trust me, so that's why I picked up the Rhperior with Rock Wrecker

  On 10/12/2015 at 6:29 AM, Monochrome_Complex said:

I would replace Heracross with something else, something with a solid ice attack would be nice to deal with Gliscor and Altaria. Or a good steel for Archeops and Altaria.

Yeah, I thought about replacing Heracross with something along the lines of a Mamoswine or a Warein, personally, I think Walrein looks cooler, so that would be my choice, but maye I could set up hail and spam blizzard or something with it.

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