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Official Gym Leader Help Thread

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Your team is pretty good.

You can give moxie to Honchkrow.He and speed boost yanmega can OHKO every mon.I don't know which pokemons you have in your pc,but you can teach something Trick Room and get advantage of Honchkrow's speed,if you can.

As timber said, Braviary and Hawlucha are good options too.

At the south-east corner of circus there is a shop where you can teach your pokemons moves in exchange of a heart scale.

Hope I helped.

Edit: Not sure what's the level cap,but Leveling up always helps.

Edited by Debojit97
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Idk if you have gulpin in ur box from Peridot, but Swalot is extremely good v samson. Stockpile/sludgebomb/bodyslam/toxic and a bunch of potions stalls out most his team. His medicham also doesn't have a psychic move iirc.

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Wow, I am absolutely stuck at Terra... I don't know if she's technically a gym leader, but I figured I'd post this here rather than creating a new topic.... so here's what I've got (I know I need to grind as well).

In party:

Lilligant: Level 64 (dreadfully underleveled)

Docile nature

Rose Incense

Leaf Guard

-Stun Spore

-Petal Dance

-Quiver Dance

-Giga Drain

Rhydon: Level 68

Mild nature

No item

Rock Head

-Stone Edge

-Hammer Arm



Magnezone: Level 69

Rash nature

Iron Plate


-Spark (need move recommendation)

-Flash Cannon

-Metal Sound


Walrein: Level 71

Docile nature

No item



-Frost Breath



Honchkrow: Level 68

Careful nature

Dread Plate


-Wing Attack (need move recommendation)

-Sucker Punch

-Foul Play

-Brave Bird

Yanmega: Level 68

Mild nature


Speed Boost


-Air Slash


-Bug Buzz

In the PC I have:

Bronzong: Level 66

Serious nature

No item (Could give Metal Coat to boost Heavy Slam)



-Trick Room

-Rain Dance

-Heavy Slam

Golem: Level 61

Relaxed nature

No item (Could also give Metal Coat for Heavy Slam)


-Heavy Slam

-Rock Smash (need to replace with Rock Slide or something :( )


-Brick Break

Mienshao: Level 61

Bashful nature

No item



-Fake Out

-Brick Break

-High Jump Kick

Infernape: Level 60

Mild nature

No item



-Flame Wheel (Ugh...)

-Close Combat


Hawlucha: Level 61

Naughty nature

No item


-Swords Dance


-Brick Break

-Sky Drop

Malamar: Level 55 (Would need some grinding)

Mild nature

No item

Infiltrator (can change to Contrary)


-Psycho Cut


-Foul Play

So, I have a lot to work with, I just don't know what to use. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm currently getting swept by her first 2 pokemon.

EDIT: Never mind. Managed to beat her with a bit of Trick Room play with my Bronzong and Walrein. :D

Edited by Buttulon
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In general, just level up your pokemon more. Golem would be great for Nidoking and Excadrill. Just level it up and make sure it has Sturdy active every time you send it out; heal it up before sending it out, and Earthquake them to death. Walrein is vital, because of the field, both its STABS are special. It can dish out great damage; try using it against Claydol and maybe Garchomp, considering Garchomp's attack is monstrous. Lilligant kills Quagsire easily,. Hippowdon is bulky, but the rest of the mons can kill it.

Yanmega might not be the best, considering both Flying and Bug are both physical. If you could give Bronzong Levitate, it will totally wall the Hippowdon (I don't think it carries Crunch). Possibly switch out Honchkrow (Dark is becomes normal in the field). Rhydon definitely swap out for Mienshao, as it can out speed a lot of her bulkier Pokémon, and Rhydon is going to be crushed by all of Terra's ground types. But I think you definitely have great momentum going in your team.

Good luck with Terra!

Edited by TheWaddleDee
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Yup, Terra's a gym leader, complete with badge and level cap raise. It's always nice when things go according to plan.

I'd be careful using Yanmega and Honchkrow because Terra's team has some Ice- and Electric-type moves, but it seems like Walrein and Golem with Earthquake would be able to handle things okay. If you level up some of your mons closer to 70 then you should be fine.

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  On 7/5/2016 at 3:16 AM, Imperial said:

I'm almost sure there's a move relearner in Agate circus. Try talking to people, you should find it. And as said there's also Braviary and Hawlucha

There is. He's in the bottom right. Taught my Blaziken HJK there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm stuck with Shelly. I've read other comments so I went and bought some persim berries and a guard spec.

The only place to grind is the aqua hideout, at least that is the only place I found. Do y'all know any other good places to grind ?

Here is my team:

Ciela the Pidgeotto Lvl 30

Mild nature

Big pecks

Sand attack


Quick attack


Shimmer the Munna Lvl 30






Zen head butt

Incendio the Braxien Lvl 31



Fire spin

Flame charge



PPPPANDABEEEAR the Pancham Lvl 31


Iron fist

Circle throw

Vital throw


Karate chop

Rose the Roselia Lvl 30


Natural cure

Giga drain

Toxic spikes (I usually use this first but shellys anorith shakes them off with rapid spin )

Grass whistle

Stun spore

Fuegallo the Ponyta Lvl 25


Run away


Flame charge

Fire spin

Low kick

Please help! Thanks !

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  On 7/28/2016 at 5:08 PM, NiniNinja said:

I'm stuck with Shelly. I've read other comments so I went and bought some persim berries and a guard spec.

The only place to grind is the aqua hideout, at least that is the only place I found. Do y'all know any other good places to grind ?

Here is my team:

Ciela the Pidgeotto Lvl 30

Mild nature

Big pecks

Sand attack


Quick attack


Shimmer the Munna Lvl 30






Zen head butt

Incendio the Braxien Lvl 31



Fire spin

Flame charge



PPPPANDABEEEAR the Pancham Lvl 31


Iron fist

Circle throw

Vital throw


Karate chop

Rose the Roselia Lvl 30


Natural cure

Giga drain

Toxic spikes (I usually use this first but shellys anorith shakes them off with rapid spin )

Grass whistle

Stun spore

Fuegallo the Ponyta Lvl 25


Run away


Flame charge

Fire spin

Low kick

Please help! Thanks !

Have you tried setting up the burning field with Braixen's Ember? You have a great advantage there since you have 2 fire-types, because neither of them will get the burn damage each turn, while her bug-types get hella damage.

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You can fight repeatable trainers in the Grand Hall in Opal. Alternatively you can grind off Unowns beneath the Grand Stairway, in the bottom room with the long staircase, which net you an EV in Atk and Sp.Atk if you care about such things.

You might as well grind up to evolve Braixen and Pidgeotto, then give them one or two Common Candies to bring them back under the level cap. It might also be worth it to have any Dark-type in your team and make Pancham level up so it'll evolve too. I also suggest benching Munna for this fight since it's weak to Bug-type. Do you have any other mons in your PC that you think would help?

You can also burn the field if you want, but it means Braixen/Delphox and Ponyta would have to pull all the weight unless you want the rest of your mons to get damaged (besides Pidgeotto/Pidgeot, I think).

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  On 7/28/2016 at 7:20 PM, Timber Dragon said:

You can fight repeatable trainers in the Grand Hall in Opal. Alternatively you can grind off Unowns beneath the Grand Stairway, in the bottom room with the long staircase, which net you an EV in Atk and Sp.Atk if you care about such things.

You might as well grind up to evolve Braixen and Pidgeotto, then give them one or two Common Candies to bring them back under the level cap. It might also be worth it to have any Dark-type in your team and make Pancham level up so it'll evolve too. I also suggest benching Munna for this fight since it's weak to Bug-type. Do you have any other mons in your PC that you think would help?

You can also burn the field if you want, but it means Braixen/Delphox and Ponyta would have to pull all the weight unless you want the rest of your mons to get damaged (besides Pidgeotto/Pidgeot, I think).

Thanks so much! Also, I tried talking to trainers in the Grand Hall ( which is next to the laboratory right?) but they didn't battle me :(

I will grind up braxien and pidgeotto and hope that will help!

Here are the other mons I got in the PC: Growlithe lvl 25, litleo 18 and emolga lvl 20,

I was thinking that I would grind up Growlith and Ponyta as well so I can have 3 kick butt fire types.

  On 7/28/2016 at 6:06 PM, teddybrer said:

Have you tried setting up the burning field with Braixen's Ember? You have a great advantage there since you have 2 fire-types, because neither of them will get the burn damage each turn, while her bug-types get hella damage.

I didn't even know you could burn the field! Thanks so much!

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Well i would evolve Braxien to Delphox teach it fire pledge which cost 3 red shards(fire pledge available at lapis ward the house to the left of shelly's gym). Fire pledge burns the field too provide there is no rain. some of shelly's pokemon have rain dance if i m not wrong. well you can i would read the field guide so you would know what you can do to any field. field guild can be handy just click HERE for field guide.

As for grand hall trainers well the lab itself is the grand hall so enter the lab/grandhall and talk to people in the lab/grand hall. well i would post a screen shot but i cant at the moment so yeah.

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Your team seems like it should be fine against Shelly. Meowstic would have trouble against Bug-types, but I assume she's just there as a placeholder/meat shield. Growlithe and Unfezant would obviously pull most of the weight, but be warned that Masquerain has Icy Wind and Yanmega has Ancient Power.

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Can someone please help me beating Noel. I can reach the point of beating 4 of his Pokemons but after that it's like impossible to win. That stupid "Swellow" and "Porygon-Z" of his are destroying all my Pokemons. This is my team and I spent a lot of time making it as it is right now. I'm sure they will get me through this:

Swampert (Lonely/Damp) Lv54

-Rock Slide

-Sludge Wave


-Muddy Water

Gothitelle (Gentle/Competitive) Lv50

-Charge Beam


-Dark Pulse

-Heal Block

Arcanine (Hardy/Flash Fire) Lv51




-Close Combat

Ampharos (Modest/Static) Lv50

-Power Gem

-Confuse Ray

-Thunder Wave


Togekiss (Timid/Super Luck) Lv54


-Aura Sphere

-Magical Leaf

-Air Slash

Victrebell (Adamant/Chloryphyll) Lv50

-Leaf Blade

-Knock Off

-Nature Power


Togekiss's Yawn helped me making Porygon-z go to sleep and I finish him with Arcanine's close Combat, and I can thunder wave Swellow before he uses the Flame Orb. Other than that I die with Cinccino or Girafrig.

I need help please.

Edit: YAY! I won after the 12th time of losing. I used Sludge Wave to change the field and got 2 critical hits with Swampert's Earthquake against Porygon and Wigglytuff ^^

I won with Victribell's Growth and Nature Power against Clefable.

Edited by Rainlove
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  • 1 month later...

So I'm kind of stuck on Charlotte, I'm able to wipe close to 4 mons but she hits quite hard.

Current team

Clefable - Lvl 67

Moonblast, Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Minimise

Blaziken - Lvl 67

Highjump Kick, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Brave Bird

Gardevoir - Lvl 66

Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind, Double Team

Diggersby - Lvl 65

Quick attack, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Bounce

Magnezone - Lvl 64

Discharge, Thunderwave, Flash Cannon, Zap Cannon.

I could do some levels to near 70 but I don't wanna hit cap. All pokemon have good natures. Last one is a HM slave. Have all of them decently EV trained too. Suggestions appreciated!

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I usually go for the 'fight fire with fire' strategy with Charlotte, so Blaziken can be your MVP here, especially if it has Speed Boost (Charlotte's team is insanely fast, which is why it's popular to use Trick Room against her). For Blaziken, I'd say scrap Brave Bird for Flare Blitz, let the field turn into a Burning Field, and have Blaziken sweep everyone with its Fire attacks. Give it with a Charcoal or Flame Plate and set up a Bulk Up or two, and you could probably OHKO most of her team.

All Blaziken would need is a proper meat shield to keep it healthy so it can do its job safely. A good tank should be able to take a hit or two and draw the attention away from Blaziken. Is the team you listed the only Pokemon you have besides your HM slave?

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So I'm having some trouble with Charlotte and when I say trouble I mean I can't get past her first two pokemon.

My current team as of writing this is

Mamoswine- level 57 with Thick Fat, NeverMeltIce, and (I'm not sure if nature matters) Jolly.

AncientPower, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Blizzard

Mamoswine- level 56 with Thick Fat, Icicle Plate, and Impish.

AncientPower, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Blizzard

Roserade- level 63 with Technician, Rose Incense, and Hasty

Mega Drain, Grassy Terrain, Nature Power, Stun Spore

Simipour- level 60 with Gluttony, Mystic Water, and Jolly

Brine, Surf, Dive, Crunch

Charizard- level 67 with Solar Power, Flame Plate, and Brave

Flame Burst, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Air Slash

Cyndaquil- level 39 with Flash Fire, Exp. Share, and Quirky

Swift, Flame Charge, Lava Plume, Extrasensory

I'm training up the two mamoswine and cyndaquil by grinding the grass near the east entrance but I'm not sure if there is a better place to do that at.

A few pokemon I could switch in and train are Pangoro-level 64, Rhydon-level 56, Pawniard-level 54, Marowak-level 52, Bronzong-level 60, Machoke- level 50, Emolga- level 48, Ursaring-level 58, and Drapion-level 47.

Since I've never really played competitive pokemon I don't know much about EV's, IV's, or Nature's or anything else that could affect a pokemon so any help with explaining that would be appreciated as well.

Sorry this is so lengthy.

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  On 9/17/2016 at 5:29 PM, Crossmann said:

So I'm having some trouble with Charlotte and when I say trouble I mean I can't get past her first two pokemon.

My current team as of writing this is

Mamoswine- level 57 with Thick Fat, NeverMeltIce, and (I'm not sure if nature matters) Jolly.

AncientPower, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Blizzard

Mamoswine- level 56 with Thick Fat, Icicle Plate, and Impish.

AncientPower, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Blizzard

Roserade- level 63 with Technician, Rose Incense, and Hasty

Mega Drain, Grassy Terrain, Nature Power, Stun Spore

Simipour- level 60 with Gluttony, Mystic Water, and Jolly

Brine, Surf, Dive, Crunch

Charizard- level 67 with Solar Power, Flame Plate, and Brave

Flame Burst, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Air Slash

Cyndaquil- level 39 with Flash Fire, Exp. Share, and Quirky

Swift, Flame Charge, Lava Plume, Extrasensory

I'm training up the two mamoswine and cyndaquil by grinding the grass near the east entrance but I'm not sure if there is a better place to do that at.

A few pokemon I could switch in and train are Pangoro-level 64, Rhydon-level 56, Pawniard-level 54, Marowak-level 52, Bronzong-level 60, Machoke- level 50, Emolga- level 48, Ursaring-level 58, and Drapion-level 47.

Since I've never really played competitive pokemon I don't know much about EV's, IV's, or Nature's or anything else that could affect a pokemon so any help with explaining that would be appreciated as well.

Sorry this is so lengthy.

That team is pretty susceptible to fire attacks combined with the low level makes it a very hard challenge, you're probably fainted before you get the EQ in.

No other Water type pokemons? You could catch some in the ice cave before the city, and train those. I'm not really good with what kind of attacks are best to use etc. but a lot of people here are actually.

And i never looked at EV's and IV's, Nature's etc. and never had a problem, some things maybe would've been easier but i made it so that's not the most important thing i think.

Im also struggling with Charlotte at the moment.

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  On 9/17/2016 at 5:29 PM, Crossmann said:

So I'm having some trouble with Charlotte and when I say trouble I mean I can't get past her first two pokemon.

My current team as of writing this is

Mamoswine- level 57 with Thick Fat, NeverMeltIce, and (I'm not sure if nature matters) Jolly.

AncientPower, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Blizzard

Mamoswine- level 56 with Thick Fat, Icicle Plate, and Impish.

AncientPower, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Blizzard

Roserade- level 63 with Technician, Rose Incense, and Hasty

Mega Drain, Grassy Terrain, Nature Power, Stun Spore

Simipour- level 60 with Gluttony, Mystic Water, and Jolly

Brine, Surf, Dive, Crunch

Charizard- level 67 with Solar Power, Flame Plate, and Brave

Flame Burst, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Air Slash

Cyndaquil- level 39 with Flash Fire, Exp. Share, and Quirky

Swift, Flame Charge, Lava Plume, Extrasensory

I'm training up the two mamoswine and cyndaquil by grinding the grass near the east entrance but I'm not sure if there is a better place to do that at.

A few pokemon I could switch in and train are Pangoro-level 64, Rhydon-level 56, Pawniard-level 54, Marowak-level 52, Bronzong-level 60, Machoke- level 50, Emolga- level 48, Ursaring-level 58, and Drapion-level 47.

Since I've never really played competitive pokemon I don't know much about EV's, IV's, or Nature's or anything else that could affect a pokemon so any help with explaining that would be appreciated as well.

Sorry this is so lengthy.

Never played competitive pokemon myself either, but after my first run in reborn i started training EVs on my pokemons, First run i beat her with my simipour with surf , she would usually start with eruption on typhlosion which would turn the field into burning and surf would do normal damage and get it back to super-heated, so i would just spam surf on simipour and use the others pokemon to heal simipour when needed.

On my second 2 , using EV training , i managed to eliminate the field with a Frost Rotom with blizzard on first run, with EV traning he was able to outspeed her pokemons ,without the field backing her up made things a bit easier

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I started my second playthrough and Im going to try finish the game without using the mons that I used in the first playthrough

I need help beating Florinia

Here's my current team:

Mightyena - L.25

Rash nature:





Frogadier - L.24

Naughty nature



Water Pulse

Quick Attack

Arbok - L.22

Naughty nature





Stunky - L.19

Adamant nature

Poison Gas




Budew - L.17

impish nature

Mega Drain


Stun Spore


Litleo - L.22

Sassy Nature


Work Up

Noble roar

Take Down

Also in my boxes - Pancham L.16, Elektrike L.18, SKitty L.2O, Glameow L.21, Pidgey L.9, Gulpin L.1O

Mons that I'm not allowed to use: Meowth, Woobat

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Go get that Kricketot from the apartment in Peridot, evolve it, and wreck Florinia with Fury Cutter. Seriously, Kricketune is, like, custom-built to take down Florinia, and it's a decent battler in general until around Shelly.

If you'd rather use the mons you already have, Litleo could probably pull a lot of the weight while Pancham (after some leveling) could handle Cradily. Poison stalling with Stunky and/or Arbok is also an option, but just beware that Breloom heals poison damage and Ferrothorn is obviously immune to it.

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-- I Beat Ciel, Thanks for the Help! --

Hello, this is my first playthrough of reborn, and I have been doing fine until Ciel. I think my team should be able to beat her, but Talonflame has been one-shotting the remainder of my team by the time I get to it, and I am running on exactly 1 hp with Magnezone's sturdy when she pulls out mega Altaria.

My general strategy, in order:

Scrafty one shots togekiss with head smash, scraggy faints from recoil

Magnezone one shots archeops with discharge, switches out

Swampert takes down Gliscor with a bunch of surfs, Ciel uses all of her potions here. Noivern revenge kills Swampert.

Gardevior takes out Noivern, gets revemge killed by talonflame

Typically, it all works up till this point.

The F*king talonflame out speeds the remainder of my team. If it sets up swords dance, it one shots arcanine and noivern with acrobatics, and then pops my air balloon and leaves magnezone at 1 hp for altaria with flare blitz.

Otherwise, it's a battle of attrition between arcanine and talonflame, and talonflame comes out on top after a couple of acrobatics. It usually sets up swords dance in this process too. Noivern gets one shot, and I'm stuck in the same place as above with magnezone.

Suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks!

My team:

Swampert | 73 EV: 252 DEF, 118HP, 40 ATK, 40 SPATK, 51 Speed - I know these are all over the place, but as my starter there isn't much I can do now

Splash Plate

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Calm

Hammer Arm

Rock Slide



Scrafty | 74 EV: 252 ATK, 252 SPD

Hard Stone (So I can one-shot togekiss with head smash), usually she has the wide lens

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Naughty

High Jump Kick

Head Smash

Drain Punch


Magnezone | 74 EV: 252 SPATK, 252 SPD

Air Balloon

Ability: Sturdy

Nature: Naughty


Flash Cannon

Magnet Rise

Thunder Wave

Noivern | 74 EV: 165 SPATK, 165 SPATK, 174 SPD - Initially wanted a mixed sweeper, regretting not doing max speed and special attack now

Draco Plate

Ability: Infiltrator

Nature: Brave

Dragon Pulse




Gardevior | 74 EV: 152 SPATK, 128 SPDEF, 230 SPD - Wanted a bulkier special attacker, probably should have done HP rather than SPDEF

Mind Plate

Ability: Syncronize

Nature: Adamant


Calm Mind


Draining Kiss

Arcanine | 72 EV: 25HP, 30ATK, 47 DEF, 143 SPATK, 13 SPDEF, 252 SPD - I'm awful with EV's... didn't get flare blitz since I evolved too early

Black Belt (no fire boosting items)

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Brave


Rock Smash

Close Combat


Backups in PC:

Leavanny | 71

Miracle Seed

Ability: Chlorophyll

Nature: Rash


Leaf Storm

String Shot

Swords Dance

I've got a number of other misc mon's but I don't want to level them up if I don't have to - all the remainder have always sat in my pc

I've got plenty of money, but I only have one hyper potion, one max potion, and 5 max revives. My problem is, the only place a revive would be useful is on magnezone, but by then the balloon has popped and it's easy prey for altaria.

Edited by Mint3kool
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