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Official Gym Leader Help Thread

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  On 2/5/2017 at 5:30 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

Can you elaborate on which enemies are giving you trouble exactly? We'll be able to give you better advice that way.


As for general advice, try to take out the bigger threat first. That's especially true for the Blake+Fern battle, since Florinias entire team is weak to his Ice Types; if you're forced to go 2vs1, you're pretty much already done for. If you can set up a Grassy Field or Sunny Day, then Arcanine's Heat Wave should be extremely useful, since it's super effective against five of Blake's and three of Fern's Pokémon. Even without a boost, it might still leave a sizable dent in their teams, depending on how good your Arcanine's SpAtk is.

For the third battle, too: Take out the bigger threat first; if you're lucky, he might even Earthquake his ally to death.

As I see it, your team seems to have almost all the tools neccessary to deal with the enemies, only missing a Rock or maybe Electric attack. Flygon learns Rock Slide, you should probably replace either Crunch or Super Power with it.


If you feel like some of your Pokémon can't contribute to the battles, consider switching them out for something else. Got any options in your box?


Thanks for the help. It's mainly against blake and fern. So better to teach arcanine sunny day instead of morning sun (?).


I want to try to relearn flygon rock slide, only I don't have a heart scale right now (also no mining kit). Since I can't get back to reborn city at the moment I don't think I can get one. 


Extra pokemon I have is a Lv. 60 Blastoise who knows surf, hydro pump, water pulse & protect

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Morning Sun on Arcanine is an Egg Move, meaning you won't be able to relearn it. Replacing Flamethrower would be better, since you already have the TM for that one from Charlotte.

Maybe take out Walrein and Haxorus before even sending in Arcanine. Walrein knows Snurf, while Haxorus can set up with Dragon Dance. Krookodile doesn't resist Fire and Rhyperior is a magic magnet for Florinia's Grass Moves, so they shouldn't be as troublesome. (That also means you'll kind of want Hippowdon to go down before you start spamming Heat Wave.)

Finally, Heat Wave has an accuracy of 90%, so with 12 enemies around there's a decent chance it'll miss sooner or later. Giving Arcanine a Wide Lens can alleviate that. Alternatively, having it hold a Metronome will gradually boost Heat Wave's Power the more it's used, up to to double power. Both of those items are available at that point.


You should really always make sure to get the Mining Kit, you can get a lot of useful items that way, even Max Revives.


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  On 2/5/2017 at 7:28 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

Morning Sun on Arcanine is an Egg Move, meaning you won't be able to relearn it. Replacing Flamethrower would be better, since you already have the TM for that one from Charlotte.

Maybe take out Walrein and Haxorus before even sending in Arcanine. Walrein knows Snurf, while Haxorus can set up with Dragon Dance. Krookodile doesn't resist Fire and Rhyperior is a magic magnet for Florinia's Grass Moves, so they shouldn't be as troublesome. (That also means you'll kind of want Hippowdon to go down before you start spamming Heat Wave.)

Finally, Heat Wave has an accuracy of 90%, so with 12 enemies around there's a decent chance it'll miss sooner or later. Giving Arcanine a Wide Lens can alleviate that. Alternatively, having it hold a Metronome will gradually boost Heat Wave's Power the more it's used, up to to double power. Both of those items are available at that point.


You should really always make sure to get the Mining Kit, you can get a lot of useful items that way, even Max Revives.



Actually am in the final battle right now. i'm trying to get a 2 vs 1 game going. as soon as i can go back to reborn city i'll make sure to get the mining kit, thanks


Edit: I won, thanks. getting him 2 vs 1 and using altaria's Perish song on garchomp worked out

Edited by Petrol
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I'm currently preparing my team for the Devon Corp raid. I've got five pokemon trained up right now I'm thinking of bringing and I can't think of a sixth to take. Can you all give me some advice? I was thinking of training my Chinchou that had volt absorb but is it still harmed by the floors there? Anyhow, here's my current team, are they good ones to bring?:

Donphan lv 67 (still training it)



Rock Smash



Camerupt lv 73


Lava Plume

Rock Tomb 



Gardevoir lv 74


Icy Wind


Shock Wave


Scrafty lv 73 ( it has Moxie)

Brick Break


Dual Chop

Fire Punch


Bronzong lv 73




Heavy Slam




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  On 2/8/2017 at 12:05 AM, Cinnamon115 said:

I'm currently preparing my team for the Devon Corp raid. I've got five pokemon trained up right now I'm thinking of bringing and I can't think of a sixth to take. Can you all give me some advice? I was thinking of training my Chinchou that had volt absorb but is it still harmed by the floors there? Anyhow, here's my current team, are they good ones to bring?:

Donphan lv 67 (still training it)



Rock Smash



Camerupt lv 73


Lava Plume

Rock Tomb 



Gardevoir lv 74


Icy Wind


Shock Wave


Scrafty lv 73 ( it has Moxie)

Brick Break


Dual Chop

Fire Punch


Bronzong lv 73




Heavy Slam






If you do the puzzle properly you can avoid damage altogether. That being said both donphan and camerupt avoid taking damage too as the floor will not harm ground types. The biggest problem I see with your team is that its too slow. The first major plot battle of the raid will wipe your team out, and even if you got past that, the others really aren't much better. Bronzong needs Trick Room over strength. I'd axe donphan entirely since you already have a ground type. Lanturn would be an alright choice to replace it, or something with volt absorb/lightning rod (you can catch some high level manetric around the city if grinding is a pain). Please also find the strongest moves you can teach your pokemon as I'm sure scrafty has better attack choices than what you have given it. Do all the sidequests you can before going into devon corp as well. 

What else...oh right a 6th pokemon. Whatever choice it is needs to ideally have

-a way to beat most fighting types.

-Fast (faster than base speed of 85 would be a good starting point)

-A strong ground/ice/dragon attack.

-Should either be a fighting or fire type. 


That should help somewhat, but be aware that even with preparation, there is still a good chance you may have to restart from far back to get through this point of the game. Really do make sure you have every TM possible, type resist berries, ALL THE SIDEQUESTS DONE that you can (super important), lots of healing items, pokemon that can learn a variety of TMs and even then several tons of good luck.

Edited by sound of silence
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Would a Magmortar work? I've got a Magmar that I can evolve that I'm training. And what is a great way to get money, because there are a lot of healing items I need to stock up on and most of the trainers aren't giving out a lot of money. And thanks for the help!

Edited by Cinnamon115
Wanted to thank sound of silence for their advice and forgot to when I first wrote the post
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  On 2/11/2017 at 6:52 PM, Cinnamon115 said:

Would a Magmortar work? I've got a Magmar that I can evolve that I'm training. And what is a great way to get money, because there are a lot of healing items I need to stock up on and most of the trainers aren't giving out a lot of money. And thanks for the help!



unfortunately at this point of the game money options are limited to either rebattling clown indra at agate circus or abusing a party of pick up mons, as most of the grand hall trainers are many levels above you, and I've forgotten which day the one weak trainer rocks up to. 


Magmortar could be a good choice due to special defence. Having lava plume on it as one move would be a good idea.  


I'd also suggest giving gardevoir dual screens, or even have bronzong use one and gardevoir the other, or at least one screen and alternate it during the fights. I think from memory you can find both light screen and reflect before you do the raid. Probably teach it over icy wind. 


Speaking of TM's make sure you can at least alternate one move slot on a pokemon so you can teach and reteach them TM's outside of battles. I found I had to keep changing TM's through some of the fights in order not to have to restart entirely. 


It may also be beneficial to have a 7th pokemon around the levels you currently have. That seventh pokemon I'd suggest to be a strong flying type. Without spoiling too much, there will come a point in the raid where you know its time to use it, and then rotate it straight out after. That may already spoil it too much for you, but that should help. Also advisable for another fight in ep 16.

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  On 2/11/2017 at 6:52 PM, Cinnamon115 said:

Would a Magmortar work? I've got a Magmar that I can evolve that I'm training. And what is a great way to get money, because there are a lot of healing items I need to stock up on and most of the trainers aren't giving out a lot of money. And thanks for the help!



As the post above said, Clown Indra is your best bet to get money. Try also using an Amulet Coin to double the amount of money you get.


Also, are you sure the trainers aren't giving out a lot of money? Because they give tons of money, so much so that the amount of money being given will be reduced drastically in the next episode. I had my wallet maxed out ever since I got to Agate circus, having to waste my money on tons of repels and healing items.

Edited by Farnsworth
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About to face julia


Poochyena Lv.17


Nature: Modest




Moves:Tackle,Howl,Sand Attack,Bite


Combusken Lv.18





Ability: Speed Boost


Moves:Ember,Double Kick,Growl,Peck


Teddiursa Lv.18






Moves:Baby-Doll Eyes,Fake Tears,Lick,Feint Attack


Trubbish Lv.17






Moves:Pound,Poison Gas,Acid Spray,Toxic Spikes


Spinarak Lv.17






Moves:Poison Sting,Night Shade,Scary Face,Leech Life


PC:Pachirisu Lv.5,Kricketot Lv.3,Espurr Lv.5,Purrloin Lv.11





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  On 2/12/2017 at 4:16 AM, Kingfrost78 said:

About to face julia


Poochyena Lv.17


Nature: Modest




Moves:Tackle,Howl,Sand Attack,Bite


Combusken Lv.18





Ability: Speed Boost


Moves:Ember,Double Kick,Growl,Peck


Teddiursa Lv.18






Moves:Baby-Doll Eyes,Fake Tears,Lick,Feint Attack


Trubbish Lv.17






Moves:Pound,Poison Gas,Acid Spray,Toxic Spikes


Spinarak Lv.17






Moves:Poison Sting,Night Shade,Scary Face,Leech Life


PC:Pachirisu Lv.5,Kricketot Lv.3,Espurr Lv.5,Purrloin Lv.11







Seems pretty solid, you shouldn't have any trouble with her.

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I've got a crobat already trained up for the next gym. Where do I find the amulet coin? Right now, the trainers at the grand hall only give out $1000 for each battle I win. I also can't get the luck incense as I evolved the Igglybuff and the lady won't accept it if it has evolved. Is there a pc inside devon corp to swap out pokemon with?

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  On 2/12/2017 at 6:10 PM, Cinnamon115 said:

I've got a crobat already trained up for the next gym. Where do I find the amulet coin? Right now, the trainers at the grand hall only give out $1000 for each battle I win. I also can't get the luck incense as I evolved the Igglybuff and the lady won't accept it if it has evolved. Is there a pc inside devon corp to swap out pokemon with?



I'm not sure Amulet Coin is avaliable right now... IIRC the only cash-boosting item should be Luck Incense =\


And yes, there's a PC, but:
1) You'll be stuck in Devon until you beat everyone in there.

2) After a while in Devon, going back to the PC/healer will be a pain in the butt after all the puzzles, so BE READY.

Edited by Maltor
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About to face Florinia



Teddiursa Lv.23



Moves:Baby-Doll Eyes,Fake Tears,Lick,Feint Attack


Mightyena Lv.23





Ariados Lv.24



Moves:Shadow Sneak,Night Shade,Scary Face,Leech Life


Minun Lv.22



Moves:Switcheroo,Swift,Electro Ball,Sing


Combusken Lv.24

Ability:Speed Boost


Moves:Double Kick,Growl,Ember,Flame Charge


PC Pokemon:Pachirisu Lv.5,Kricketot Lv.3,Espurr Lv.5,Purrloin Lv.11,Plusle Lv.20,Trubbish Lv.17,Skitty Lv.20,Pidove Lv.13,Woobat Lv.15










Edited by Kingfrost78
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  On 2/12/2017 at 7:07 PM, Kingfrost78 said:

About to face Florinia



Teddiursa Lv.23



Moves:Baby-Doll Eyes,Fake Tears,Lick,Feint Attack


Mightyena Lv.23





Ariados Lv.24



Moves:Shadow Sneak,Night Shade,Scary Face,Leech Life


Minun Lv.22



Moves:Switcheroo,Swift,Electro Ball,Sing


Combusken Lv.24

Ability:Speed Boost


Moves:Double Kick,Growl,Ember,Flame Charge


PC Pokemon:Pachirisu Lv.5,Kricketot Lv.3,Espurr Lv.5,Purrloin Lv.11,Plusle Lv.20,Trubbish Lv.17,Skitty Lv.20,Pidove Lv.13,Woobat Lv.15











You should be alright fighting her

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  • 2 weeks later...

Need help for Samson

his Conkeldurr  get on my nerves...


Any good training spots around the Circus?

I only find the wild Rhydons and Ryhorns, which give me good Exp. :(



All around lvl. 60

Don't know all Ability and Natures


- Charizard

Flamethrower, fire pledge, Wing attack, Dragon Rage

- Noivern

Air Slash, Roost, Bite, Razor Wind

- Gastrodon:

 Mudy Water, Mud Bomb, Body slam, Rock smash

- Primeape:

Cross Combat, Karate Chop, Strength, Thrash

- Drapion:

Crunch, Cross Poison, Hone Claws, ...

- Magnezone:

Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Zap Cannon, Discharge



- Solosis lvl. 30(Maybe I will train it)

- Graveler lvl. 48

- Dusclops lvl. ~ 40(Maybe I will train it)

- Nidoqueen lvl. ~ 40

- Swalot lvl. ~ 45

Edited by HellBoyOnEarth
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Swap out Primeape for Solosis for the obvious type advantage. Plus, Reuniclus' high HP and Sp Atk should serve you well in this battle.


Swap out Magnezone for Dusclops. Being unaffected by fighting types means no STAB for Samson. Plus, Dusclops has good defenses so he should be able to take some punishment despite his low speed. Will-o-wisp will help even more since burns cut attack power in half.

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Have Charizard relearn Air Slash as well; it's stronger than Wing Attack and Charizard's SpAtk. is higher.

There's a Move Relearner hanging out somewhere in the south ark of the circus I think.


Best training spot should be the colour-themed clown near the Big Top, although some of his teams can be pretty tough.

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Hi. I'm having a bit of trouble beating Ciel.

My current team:


Torterra | lv 75
Ability: Shell Armor
- Leaf Storm
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Wood Hammer


Noivern | lv 75

Ability: Telepathy

Holding Wide Lens


- Hurricane

- Fly

- Boomburst

- Dargon Pulse


Greninja | lv 75

Ability: Protean

Holding Wave Incense


- Surf

- Waterfall

- Dive

- Smack Down


Pangoro | lv 74

Ability: Scrappy

Holding Black Belt


- Crunch

- Sky Uppercut

- Hammer Arm

- Shadow Claw


Arcanine | lv 75

Ability: Justified

Holding Silk Scarf


- Thunder Fang

- Flamethrower

- Rock Smash

- Strength


Meowstic | lv 71

Ability: Prankster


- Misty Terrain

- Psychic

- Charge Beam

- Dark Pulse


Also, as roughly half of my team is useless against flying types, I'm also training a Vanilluxe:


Vanilluxe | lv 47

Ability: Ice Body


- Mirror Coat

- Ice Beam

- Mirror Shot

- Hail


My current strategy was to knock out togekiss with greninja on smack down, but the serene grace is killing him with togekiss, leaving him pretty much useless. If that's not enough, Archeops ohkos the rest of my team with acrobatics. My best bet was to put on Misty Terrain to weaken the acrobatics, but I can't inflict him any damage beacuse he still outspeeds all of my team. Any suggestions how should I win this?

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  On 3/6/2017 at 1:51 PM, YveltalBlue said:

Hi. I'm having a bit of trouble beating Ciel.

My current team:


Torterra | lv 75
Ability: Shell Armor
- Leaf Storm
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Wood Hammer


Noivern | lv 75

Ability: Telepathy

Holding Wide Lens


- Hurricane

- Fly

- Boomburst

- Dargon Pulse


Greninja | lv 75

Ability: Protean

Holding Wave Incense


- Surf

- Waterfall

- Dive

- Smack Down


Pangoro | lv 74

Ability: Scrappy

Holding Black Belt


- Crunch

- Sky Uppercut

- Hammer Arm

- Shadow Claw


Arcanine | lv 75

Ability: Justified

Holding Silk Scarf


- Thunder Fang

- Flamethrower

- Rock Smash

- Strength


Meowstic | lv 71

Ability: Prankster


- Misty Terrain

- Psychic

- Charge Beam

- Dark Pulse


Also, as roughly half of my team is useless against flying types, I'm also training a Vanilluxe:


Vanilluxe | lv 47

Ability: Ice Body


- Mirror Coat

- Ice Beam

- Mirror Shot

- Hail


My current strategy was to knock out togekiss with greninja on smack down, but the serene grace is killing him with togekiss, leaving him pretty much useless. If that's not enough, Archeops ohkos the rest of my team with acrobatics. My best bet was to put on Misty Terrain to weaken the acrobatics, but I can't inflict him any damage beacuse he still outspeeds all of my team. Any suggestions how should I win this?


For Togekiss, I'd recommend using a bulky steel type pokemon so that it can tank a couple of hits before dying. You'd still need to have flinch hax though.


For Archeops, I'd recommend using a bulky pokemon also. It's okay for it to outspeed you as long as you have a pokemon who can last a move and deal damage that can either OHKO it or decrease it's health enough to activate defeatist. This can be a water type like Azumarill.

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  On 3/6/2017 at 2:02 PM, Mr. Divergent said:

For Togekiss, I'd recommend using a bulky steel type pokemon so that it can tank a couple of hits before dying. You'd still need to have flinch hax though.


For Archeops, I'd recommend using a bulky pokemon also. It's okay for it to outspeed you as long as you have a pokemon who can last a move and deal damage that can either OHKO it or decrease it's health enough to activate defeatist. This can be a water type like Azumarill.


Is it worth, in your opinion, to train up Vanilluxe and to use him too?

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  On 3/6/2017 at 2:11 PM, YveltalBlue said:

Is it worth, in your opinion, to train up Vanilluxe and to use him too?


I'm not quite sure since I haven't used Vanilluxe actually. But based from what I know, it's defensive typing is not that good considering it doesn't resist flying and it isn't bulky. Still, I think it could potentially work for taking out Gliscor (was there one?) and Altaria using Ice Beam or Blizzard for higher damage output.

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  On 3/6/2017 at 2:34 PM, Mr. Divergent said:

I'm not quite sure since I haven't used Vanilluxe actually. But based from what I know, it's defensive typing is not that good considering it doesn't resist flying and it isn't bulky. Still, I think it could potentially work for taking out Gliscor (was there one?) and Altaria using Ice Beam or Blizzard for higher damage output.


ok. Thanks!

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My thoughts on that, half your team's a mess. Load up all those HM's on something else or get the Select Weather Mod because it comes with this cool HM Mod that allows you to use them without having to teach them to a Pokemon. Torterra isn't much help here since all of Ciel's Pokemon will wreck it and Tortera's STAB attacks don't affect them or aren't very effective.



Black SLudge/Toxic Orb

Hydro Pump


Extrasensory/Ice Punch (Ice Punch can be taught by a Move Tutor in the Peridot Ward Post-City Restoration)




Silk Scarf

Thunder Fang


Extreme Speed

Sunny Day



Light Clay

Light Screen



Disarming Voice


Noivern, just swap out fly for Tailwind.



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