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Currently stuck against Shelly, and while I've gotten most of my team up, I can never seem to beat her. You guys have any recommendations for move selections and Team Replacements?


--My current team--
Grimer | Lvl 34
[No Hold Item]
Poison Point

-Sludge Bomb

-Sludge Wave


-Mud Bomb


Delcatty | Lvl 35

[No Hold Item]
Wonder Skin

-Charge Beam
-Wake-Up Slap


Kricketune | Lvl 35

Big Root
-Rock Smash


Swampert|  Lvl 35
Sea Incense
-Rock Slide
-Mud Shot
-Water Gun
-Mud Bomb


Growlithe | Lvl 35
Protective Pads

-Flame Burst
-Take Down
-Close Combat


Swoobat | Lvl 35
[No Hold Item]
-Charge Beam
-Future Sight
-Air Cutter
-Heart Stamp


--Other Pokemon you have in your PC--
Minccino | Lvl 4
Poochyena | Lvl 14

Zigzagoon | Lvl 14

Pancham | Lvl 11

Panpour | Lvl 10

Slugma | Lvl 20

Joltik | Lvl 10

Snubbull | Lvl 21

Pidgey(Shiny) | Lvl 18

Blitzle | Lvl 18
Glameow | Lvl 20

Happiny | Lvl 10

Igglybuff | Lvl 8

(Bronzor Egg)

(??? Egg)

Carnivine | Lvl 21

Sandshrew(Shiny) | Lvl 23

Bellsprout | Lvl 21

Shuppet | Lvl 20

Swirlix | Lvl 25

Arbok | Lvl 22

Phanpy | Lvl 24

Fletchling | Lvl 25 (Has Gale Wings)

Loudred | Lvl 24

Stunky | Lvl 26

Buizel | Lvl 25

Noibat | Lvl 24

Onix | Lvl 15


Also, I know that Water Pledge has twice the base power of Water Gun, but I only have 2 Blue Shards. Any recommendations as to where I can get the third Shard?

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  On 8/20/2018 at 3:09 AM, blastburnman said:

Currently stuck against Shelly, and while I've gotten most of my team up, I can never seem to beat her. You guys have any recommendations for move selections and Team Replacements?


--My current team--
Grimer | Lvl 34
[No Hold Item]
Poison Point

-Sludge Bomb

-Sludge Wave


-Mud Bomb


Delcatty | Lvl 35

[No Hold Item]
Wonder Skin

-Charge Beam
-Wake-Up Slap


Kricketune | Lvl 35

Big Root
-Rock Smash


Swampert|  Lvl 35
Sea Incense
-Rock Slide
-Mud Shot
-Water Gun
-Mud Bomb


Growlithe | Lvl 35
Protective Pads

-Flame Burst
-Take Down
-Close Combat


Swoobat | Lvl 35
[No Hold Item]
-Charge Beam
-Future Sight
-Air Cutter
-Heart Stamp


--Other Pokemon you have in your PC--
Minccino | Lvl 4
Poochyena | Lvl 14

Zigzagoon | Lvl 14

Pancham | Lvl 11

Panpour | Lvl 10

Slugma | Lvl 20

Joltik | Lvl 10

Snubbull | Lvl 21

Pidgey(Shiny) | Lvl 18

Blitzle | Lvl 18
Glameow | Lvl 20

Happiny | Lvl 10

Igglybuff | Lvl 8

(Bronzor Egg)

(??? Egg)

Carnivine | Lvl 21

Sandshrew(Shiny) | Lvl 23

Bellsprout | Lvl 21

Shuppet | Lvl 20

Swirlix | Lvl 25

Arbok | Lvl 22

Phanpy | Lvl 24

Fletchling | Lvl 25 (Has Gale Wings)

Loudred | Lvl 24

Stunky | Lvl 26

Buizel | Lvl 25

Noibat | Lvl 24

Onix | Lvl 15


Also, I know that Water Pledge has twice the base power of Water Gun, but I only have 2 Blue Shards. Any recommendations as to where I can get the third Shard?


Emolga was honestly a big help with sweeping Shelly. I gave one of the seeds to emolga, used double team, then spammed acrobatics (Just be careful of anorith though that rock slide and aqua jet kills (especially if rain is on the field and since it has the ability swift swim) but prankster meowstic w/ charm will basically reduce anorith's attack to nothing. hope this somewhat helped ^_^

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Ciel is sweeping me....


my lvld pokemon:

serperior 69


leaf storm

leaf blade

leech seed hidden power(ground)


donphan 69

sand veil



rock smash



arcanine 68


thunder fang

fire fang

close combat



typhlosion 70

fire flash

lava plume

hidden power(rock)



bronzong 67


trick room

rain dance

confuse ray



swoobat 68



charge beam

air slash

calm mind


alakazam 59

magic guard


grass knot

charge beam

calm mind


clawitzer 62

mega launcher


aqua jet

aura sphere

smack down


skuntank 65

keen eye

night slash

sucker punch




sharpedo 57

speed boost

ice fang


aqua jet

destiny bond


nidoqueen 58

sheer force


sludge wave

earth power

shadow claw


rhydon 65

lightning rod

drill run

mega horn

stone edge


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need help by shade 😞yes the moveset is bullshit.... and Diggersby Dig is useless against gengar... because he always switch to Moruda


Diggersby 37: Lax, Cheek Puch,

Dig, Take Down, Mud Shot, Double Kick


Skuntank 37: Naughty, Aftermath

Slash, Flamethrow, Night Slash Bite


Mightyena 35: Naive, Moxie

Tackle, Snarl, Assurance, Bite


Graveler 35: Sassy, Sturdy

Rock throw, Rock blast, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock


Blaziken 40: Adamant, Speed Boost

Flame Charge, Peck, Blaze Kick, Double Kick


Yamast 32: Docile, Mummy

Hex, Will o Wisp, Ominous Wind, Curse


My other pokemon

Greninja 38

Fletchinder 34

Unfezant 33

Floatzel 35

Shimmer 36

Dodrio 31

Fearow 30

Donphan 33

Emolga 37

Levitate 32

Pangoro 32

Sceptile 39

Vespiquen 40

Meowstick 34

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@Shoki What are the moves on your Meowstic and Emolga? You can consider teaching Nature Power to as many of your mons as possible: it turns into field-boosted Discharge. If I were you, I'd use Graveler's Bulldoze on Gengar now that it has Cursed Body and not Levitate, then you can just use Mightyena for finishing it off and getting your Moxie started. If/when Mightyena is KO'd, you can use Blaziken against Dhelmise and Skuntank against Mimikyu.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I need some help defeating Shelly? I followed some advice but bubble beam has me done in like three moves.


My pokemon:

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Thank you so much in advance!!

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  • Global Mods

start with hariyama and growlith

fake out illumise and use flame burst to burn the forest

use braixen and evole bonsly

get a ponyta by joining the aqua gang

and use spearow or klink

but importantly get rid of that illumise

changing the field and not letting shelly set up the rain will help you a lot

cause 1. fire attacks are stronger

2. anorith will not get his speed or attack boost (her true ace)

and get rid of araquanid too the moment he appears

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Im having some real trouble with Charlotte. I came very far with my team up until the the last 2 

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And i really really cant get past those last 2 because they both deal massive damage against my blastoise which was my trumph card obviously.


The rain dance tactic was not a good tactic at all for me. My blastoise is weakend everytime the field is normal so when the field is combusted my blastoise one shots most of the pokemon so rain dance tactic is definetly off the table.


so eveyone is hyping about the lycanroc tactic so i tried to catch a rockruff at route 2 but they dont even have rock slide in their moveset.. so why would people recommend this? I dont have any heart scales just lying around, these things are super rare.


Also been thinking about using maybe 2 rhydons instead of the alolan sandslash and drapion? They get one shotted anyway.

does anyone still have any good tips, i have no idea what to do now, check my team below as it is right now:


Blastoise lvl 69

- rain dance, surf, brick break, dark pulse

Druddigon lvl 70

- surf, outrage, dark pulse, dragon tail

alolan sandslash lvl 70

- shadow claw, frost breath, brick break, slash

drapion lvl 68

- cross poison, night slash, toxic spikes, brick break

malamar lvl 70

- psycho cut, night slash, pluck, superpower

munchlax lvl 71

- metronome, belly drum, brick break, surf


in my pc:


meowstic lvl 61

magneton lvl 63

rockruff lvl 57

mamoswine lvl 61

heatmor lvl 62

garbodor lvl 51


Ive been trying to evolve to snorlax as well to give me the edge over charlotte but ive been walking alot and training alot and munchlax just doesnt wanna evolve 😕



Edited by Gargarensiz
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  On 10/30/2018 at 3:20 PM, Cosenoditi said:

Hi, I need some help defeating Shelly? I followed some advice but bubble beam has me done in like three moves.


My pokemon:

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Thank you so much in advance!!


Also you should probably switch out graveler and mightyena for spearow and maybe litleo? I had a mightyena as well in that fight but it didnt came in handy for me at all tbh. And graveler was just a pallet of hp for shellys yanmega. You need pokemons with fly and fire moves first and foremost against shelly. 


Goodluck, shelly is an absolute nightmare, personally the hardest leader i fought against.

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  On 9/3/2018 at 4:47 PM, Shoki said:

need help by shade 😞yes the moveset is bullshit.... and Diggersby Dig is useless against gengar... because he always switch to Moruda


Diggersby 37: Lax, Cheek Puch,

Dig, Take Down, Mud Shot, Double Kick


Skuntank 37: Naughty, Aftermath

Slash, Flamethrow, Night Slash Bite


Mightyena 35: Naive, Moxie

Tackle, Snarl, Assurance, Bite


Graveler 35: Sassy, Sturdy

Rock throw, Rock blast, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock


Blaziken 40: Adamant, Speed Boost

Flame Charge, Peck, Blaze Kick, Double Kick


Yamast 32: Docile, Mummy

Hex, Will o Wisp, Ominous Wind, Curse


My other pokemon

Greninja 38

Fletchinder 34

Unfezant 33

Floatzel 35

Shimmer 36

Dodrio 31

Fearow 30

Donphan 33

Emolga 37

Levitate 32

Pangoro 32

Sceptile 39

Vespiquen 40

Meowstick 34


Get emolga to do some electic attack so the power switches on. I think the field wont work in shades advantage anymore if the power is back on.

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  On 8/20/2018 at 3:09 AM, blastburnman said:

Currently stuck against Shelly, and while I've gotten most of my team up, I can never seem to beat her. You guys have any recommendations for move selections and Team Replacements?


--My current team--
Grimer | Lvl 34
[No Hold Item]
Poison Point

-Sludge Bomb

-Sludge Wave


-Mud Bomb


Delcatty | Lvl 35

[No Hold Item]
Wonder Skin

-Charge Beam
-Wake-Up Slap


Kricketune | Lvl 35

Big Root
-Rock Smash


Swampert|  Lvl 35
Sea Incense
-Rock Slide
-Mud Shot
-Water Gun
-Mud Bomb


Growlithe | Lvl 35
Protective Pads

-Flame Burst
-Take Down
-Close Combat


Swoobat | Lvl 35
[No Hold Item]
-Charge Beam
-Future Sight
-Air Cutter
-Heart Stamp


--Other Pokemon you have in your PC--
Minccino | Lvl 4
Poochyena | Lvl 14

Zigzagoon | Lvl 14

Pancham | Lvl 11

Panpour | Lvl 10

Slugma | Lvl 20

Joltik | Lvl 10

Snubbull | Lvl 21

Pidgey(Shiny) | Lvl 18

Blitzle | Lvl 18
Glameow | Lvl 20

Happiny | Lvl 10

Igglybuff | Lvl 8

(Bronzor Egg)

(??? Egg)

Carnivine | Lvl 21

Sandshrew(Shiny) | Lvl 23

Bellsprout | Lvl 21

Shuppet | Lvl 20

Swirlix | Lvl 25

Arbok | Lvl 22

Phanpy | Lvl 24

Fletchling | Lvl 25 (Has Gale Wings)

Loudred | Lvl 24

Stunky | Lvl 26

Buizel | Lvl 25

Noibat | Lvl 24

Onix | Lvl 15


Also, I know that Water Pledge has twice the base power of Water Gun, but I only have 2 Blue Shards. Any recommendations as to where I can get the third Shard?


Swap out delcatty and see if you can replace it with a ponyta or other fire or flying pokemon. I dont think delcatty will be much of help and you really need all 6 pokemon to serve a purpose against shelly. She is tough as hell goodluck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Needing help versus Aya. Here's my team. Also got a few possibly useful Pokemon in the reserve squad, mostly Klink (untrained), Pallosand (lvl 44), Swanna (lvl. 44) and Alolan Sandshrew (lv. 40).  My Ground type attacks are being nerfed hard by the arena effect, Nidoqueen's Stomping Tantrum are taking out my Ground-weak attacks, Seaking can't OHKO Nidoqueen, then gets ganged up on for being a threat, and Raichu can't carry the load by himself. Any tips or useful 'Mons?

Reborn In-Game.jpg

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  On 8/11/2018 at 10:11 PM, Bignoob27 said:


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Facing Shelly


Money: 8238

Pidgeotto Level 34
No Item
Big Pecks
Relaxed Nature
- Gust
- Tackle
- Quick Attack
- Feather Dance


Combusken Level 35

No Item


Adamant Nature

- Double Kick

- Flame Charge

- Bulk Up

- Sand Attack


Growlithe Level 35

No Item

Impish Nature

- Flamethrower

- Flame Burst

- Reversal

- Morning Sun


Graveler  Level 34 

No Item 


Careful Nature

- Smack Down

- Rock Smash

- Bulldoze 

- Stealth Rock


Seaking Level 35

Sea Incense 

Swift Swim

Naughty Nature

- Waterfall

- Horn Attack

- Supersonic

- Water Pulse


Kricketune Level 33

No Item
Careful Nature

- Fury Cutter

- X-Scissor

- Focus Energy

- Cut



Seventh Member that's on my main team but was replaced with graveler for this gym:


Trubbish Level 34
No Item 


Quirky Nature

- Sludge Bomb

- Acid Spray

- Stockpile

- Swallow


PC pokemon


Spinark level 5

Zigzagoon Level 13

Skitty Level 20

Minccino Level 22

Noibat Level 24

Litleo Level 18

Minun Level 20

Ponyta Level 25

Spritzee Level 25

Sandshrew Level 26

Emolga Level 20

Espurr Level 27

Flaaffy Level 23



As for useful items other than that I have a single heart scale for move relearns, An electric gem and grass gem. I'm aware my team could be way better with moves, so if theres any tips on that i'd appreciate it. Is there a mon I could use that I missed? I've been stumped on this gym for a few hours now trying out new mons.

Edited by L__Haze
Added Money
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  On 11/24/2018 at 4:42 AM, L__Haze said:

Facing Shelly


Money: 8238

Pidgeotto Level 34
No Item
Big Pecks
Relaxed Nature
- Gust
- Tackle
- Quick Attack
- Feather Dance


Combusken Level 35

No Item


Adamant Nature

- Double Kick

- Flame Charge

- Bulk Up

- Sand Attack


Growlithe Level 35

No Item

Impish Nature

- Flamethrower

- Flame Burst

- Reversal

- Morning Sun


Graveler  Level 34 

No Item 


Careful Nature

- Smack Down

- Rock Smash

- Bulldoze 

- Stealth Rock


Seaking Level 35

Sea Incense 

Swift Swim

Naughty Nature

- Waterfall

- Horn Attack

- Supersonic

- Water Pulse


Kricketune Level 33

No Item
Careful Nature

- Fury Cutter

- X-Scissor

- Focus Energy

- Cut



Seventh Member that's on my main team but was replaced with graveler for this gym:


Trubbish Level 34
No Item 


Quirky Nature

- Sludge Bomb

- Acid Spray

- Stockpile

- Swallow


PC pokemon


Spinark level 5

Zigzagoon Level 13

Skitty Level 20

Minccino Level 22

Noibat Level 24

Litleo Level 18

Minun Level 20

Ponyta Level 25

Spritzee Level 25

Sandshrew Level 26

Emolga Level 20

Espurr Level 27

Flaaffy Level 23



As for useful items other than that I have a single heart scale for move relearns, An electric gem and grass gem. I'm aware my team could be way better with moves, so if theres any tips on that i'd appreciate it. Is there a mon I could use that I missed? I've been stumped on this gym for a few hours now trying out new mons.


Have you tried faking out the illumise? Shelly isn't just a bug type gym- it's also largely a water type gym so your fire types aren't very helpful. You can either sub them for more flying types (beware of the anorith) or get water types since they're also useful if illumise sets up rain. Out of the mons you listed, I'd give a chance to emolga (both flying and electric moves would be handy) and espurr (if it has fake out, solely for flinching illumise and getting rid of rain).

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  On 11/24/2018 at 4:55 AM, Candy said:

Have you tried faking out the illumise? Shelly isn't just a bug type gym- it's also largely a water type gym so your fire types aren't very helpful. You can either sub them for more flying types (beware of the anorith) or get water types since they're also useful if illumise sets up rain. Out of the mons you listed, I'd give a chance to emolga (both flying and electric moves would be handy) and espurr (if it has fake out, solely for flinching illumise and getting rid of rain).


I had also obtained a Numel based on other guides for the game, was planning to use camerupt for a while

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Hello I need help with Samson, his Hawlucha causes a lot of trouble for my team in general. I have no way out of agate circus so there isn't many options for training mons except for maybe getting a rufflet.

My team


Edited by L__Haze
Nvm beat him
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Hi everyone! I'm facing Shelly right now and pretty stuck between Yanmega and Anorith. When I take down one, the other tears up the rest of my party.

My team at the moment:


Murkrow Lv. 35



- Brave Bird

- Assurance

- Wing Attack

- Night Shade


Roselia Lv. 35

Poison Point


- Giga Drain

- Toxic Spikes

- Nature Power

- Stun Spore


Emolga Lv. 35

Motor Drive


- Acrobatics

- Nuzzle

- Electro Ball

- Double Team


Blaziken Lv. 35

Speed Boost


- Blaze Kick

- Double Kick

- Bulk Up

- Rock Smash


Bronzong Lv. 35



- Gyro Ball

- Psywave

- Charge Beam

- Confuse Ray


Clawitzer Lv. 35

Mega Launcher


- Water Pulse

- Aqua Jet

- Aura Sphere

- Swords Dance

Other Pokemon I have in the PC














and what could be a Stantler or Nincada egg


Any ideas or tips would be great!


EDIT: Nevermind! Beat Shelley with a bit of reordering.

Edited by Regina Dracones
Problem solved.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'd like to not be annihilated by Shelly while doing a Grass Monorun...


--Your current team--
Roselia | 35
Rose Inciense
Poison Point
- Giga Drain
- Magical Leaf
- Worry Seed
- Toxic Spikes


Tangela | 35
- Mega Drain
- Knock Off
- Growth
- Poison Powder

Venusaur | 35
- Nature Power
- Poison Powder
- Leech Seed
- Petal Dance


Pumpkaboo | 35

- Razor Leaf

- Leech Seed

- Trick-or-Treat

- Shadow Sneak


Alternate form Carnivine* (Grass/Fire) | 35
- Nature Power

- Bite

- Leaf Tornado

- Incinerate
(*) From the Mod Pack: here

Ludicolo | 34
Rain Dish

- Mega Drain

- Bubble Beam

- Nature Power

- Mist


Thanks to any help that can come!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Edit: I forgot you could buy pecha berries in the department store. Gave one to Ampharos and, as a result of not being reamed by poison damage, lived with 4 hp. 



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I'm fighting Amaria and this happens:


I've paralyzed her Ludicolo and am fighting with my Serperior, both of which are the same level, 86 and it outspeeds my mon and KOs it. My Serperior is fully EV trained, IV bred and has a Timid Nature to boot. Even with the Swift Swim ability activated, it should by no means be able to outspeed my ace since I've paralyzed it.





Does anybody have an explanation to this?

Doesn't seem to have a scarf either since it's able to switch movesets as well.


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