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@DerpierknightSince you have a Rhydon Trick Room should be a good idea. Primarina might work under it too, as long as you can somehow stop Charlotte from changing the Field to Burning. The caves on Route 3 also have Gravelers I think which can work just like Rhydon; if you picked up the Protector from Iolia Valley and have a Link Stone you could also evolve your Rhydon.

If you need a turn to set up Wide Guard can help with that since Typhlosion tends to spam Eruption/Heat Wave and Darmanitan knows Rock Slide.


side note: While Gardevoir is undoubtedly a great Pokémon both of its Types are already covered with other Pokémon in your team, so it or one of the other two might not shine as well as they usually would.

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  • 1 month later...

i'm doing a ghost mono run and i loose the fight agains victoria before kiki because of incinaroar.... he outspeed all except drifblim and gengar, but his darkets laritat ohko everything... any tips

my team

Deciduye - 38 - jolly

sucker punch

razor leaf

spirit shackle


golett - 42 - adamant

stomp tantrum

mecha punch

rock smach

dynamic punch

drifblim - 38 - bashful


omnious wind


charche beam

jellicent - 40 - milld



omnious wind

rain dance

Pumpkaboo - 37 - mild

leech seed


bullet seed

shadow sneak

Gengar - 43 - gentle


shadow ball

dream eater

confuse ray

in pc: duskull cofagrius shedinja banette and sandygast


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  On 11/10/2019 at 10:42 AM, gryson said:

i'm doing a ghost mono run and i loose the fight agains victoria before kiki because of incinaroar.... he outspeed all except drifblim and gengar, but his darkets laritat ohko everything... any tips

my team

Deciduye - 38 - jolly

sucker punch

razor leaf

spirit shackle


golett - 42 - adamant

stomp tantrum

mecha punch

rock smach

dynamic punch

drifblim - 38 - bashful


omnious wind


charche beam

jellicent - 40 - milld



omnious wind

rain dance

Pumpkaboo - 37 - mild

leech seed


bullet seed

shadow sneak

Gengar - 43 - gentle


shadow ball

dream eater

confuse ray

in pc: duskull cofagrius shedinja banette and sandygast



Hypnotize it with Gengar then change for Pumkaboo and use leech seed, let the pumpkin die when Incinaroar wakes up and choose Gengar to use Hypnosis again then change for jellicent or golett to kill it with Stomp Tantrum/Brine. You can try it without Pumkaboo but I think it is safer with Leech Seed. This strategy only works when Hypnosis hits but can't think of another with your current movesets. If your Gengar had Curse it would be even more easier. Also Hypnosis+Curse+Dreameater is a combo that could be useful for you in the future (when your opponent isn't a dark type)😉


OR you "just train" your Gengar to Lvl.50 so it can learn Destiny Bond 😄

Edited by TheVentusX
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  On 11/10/2019 at 10:42 AM, gryson said:

i'm doing a ghost mono run and i loose the fight agains victoria before kiki because of incinaroar.... he outspeed all except drifblim and gengar, but his darkets laritat ohko everything... any tips

my team

Deciduye - 38 - jolly

sucker punch

razor leaf

spirit shackle


golett - 42 - adamant

stomp tantrum

mecha punch

rock smach

dynamic punch

drifblim - 38 - bashful


omnious wind


charche beam

jellicent - 40 - milld



omnious wind

rain dance

Pumpkaboo - 37 - mild

leech seed


bullet seed

shadow sneak

Gengar - 43 - gentle


shadow ball

dream eater

confuse ray

in pc: duskull cofagrius shedinja banette and sandygast



Your best bet would be to confuse or hypnotize that Incineroar get lucky and then finish things with brine,if having trouble finishing it take a sandyghast or dusclops(If eviolite is available).If incinroar lives with less than 20 hp can try a banette with sucker punch

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Since a friend of mine is having trouble with Charlotte, I may as well ask for them with the current squad that they have.

Ampharos: Impish, 66, no item, Static, Discharge/Dragon Pulse/Power Gem/Thunder
Rhydon: Bashful, 68, Wide Lens, Lightning Rod, Horn Drill/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Megahorn
Incineroar: Careful, 70, no item, Blaze, Darkest Lariat/Cross Chop/Flare Blitz/Outrage
Slurpuff: Lax, 70, no item (for now), Unburden, Play Rough/Energy Ball/Draining Kiss/Surf
Donphan: Naughty, 70, Elemental Seed, Sturdy, Strength/Rollout/Earthquake/Magnitude
Golem: Brave, 64, no item, Sand Veil, Earthquake/Strength/Stone Edge/Heavy Slam

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  On 11/14/2019 at 1:22 PM, Sparky said:

Since a friend of mine is having trouble with Charlotte, I may as well ask for them with the current squad that they have.

Ampharos: Impish, 66, no item, Static, Discharge/Dragon Pulse/Power Gem/Thunder
Rhydon: Bashful, 68, Wide Lens, Lightning Rod, Horn Drill/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Megahorn
Incineroar: Careful, 70, no item, Blaze, Darkest Lariat/Cross Chop/Flare Blitz/Outrage
Slurpuff: Lax, 70, no item (for now), Unburden, Play Rough/Energy Ball/Draining Kiss/Surf
Donphan: Naughty, 70, Elemental Seed, Sturdy, Strength/Rollout/Earthquake/Magnitude
Golem: Brave, 64, no item, Sand Veil, Earthquake/Strength/Stone Edge/Heavy Slam


Catching a Bronzong on Route 3 and teaching it Trick Room shoud help. One of their potential Abilities is Heatproof which makes them immune against Fire.

With Trick Room active the Ground Types should be able to deal with Charlotte's team.

If your friend picked up the Protector from Iolia Valley they could use that to evolve Rhydon too.

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  On 11/14/2019 at 1:58 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

Catching a Bronzong on Route 3 and teaching it Trick Room shoud help. One of their potential Abilities is Heatproof which makes them immune against Fire.

With Trick Room active the Ground Types should be able to deal with Charlotte's team.

If your friend picked up the Protector from Iolia Valley they could use that to evolve Rhydon too.


Anything else that you can add? Like what pokemon to start with since they've acquired a Bronzong?

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  On 11/15/2019 at 5:34 AM, Sparky said:

Anything else that you can add? Like what pokemon to start with since they've acquired a Bronzong?


Bronzong needs to survive a turn to set up, so probably something that draws attacks away. It shouldn't really have much trouble surviving since afaik Typhlosion and Darmanitan can at most hit it for neutral damage with Darmanitan's Hammer Arm; Incineroar can probably draw Darmanitan's attention away and get cleared out for the Ground Types to take over.

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--Your current team--
[Rhydon] | [Lv 67]
[No hold item]
[Rock Head]
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Horn Drill

[Simipour] | [Lv 69]
[Mystic Water]
- Surf
- Cut (Yes, CUT)
- Rain Dance
- Brick Break

[Blaziken] | [Lv 70]
[Charcoal] (Might switch for elemental seed)
[Speed Boost]
- Strength
- Blaze Kick
- Bulk Up
- Sky Uppercut

[Gothitelle] | [Lv 62]
[Twisted Spoon]
- Psychic
- Psyshock
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power (Eletric)

[Gligar] | [Lv 62]
[No held item]
- X-Scissor
- Sky Uppercut
- Swords Dance
- Strength

[Noivern] | [Lv 64]
[No held item]
- Dragon Pulse
- Air Slash
- Hurricane
- Dark Pulse

Any pokemon I could catch or any tips during the battle in general?

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  On 11/18/2019 at 10:27 PM, DeadInside said:


--Your current team--
[Rhydon] | [Lv 67]
[No hold item]
[Rock Head]
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Horn Drill

[Simipour] | [Lv 69]
[Mystic Water]
- Surf
- Cut (Yes, CUT)
- Rain Dance
- Brick Break

[Blaziken] | [Lv 70]
[Charcoal] (Might switch for elemental seed)
[Speed Boost]
- Strength
- Blaze Kick
- Bulk Up
- Sky Uppercut

[Gothitelle] | [Lv 62]
[Twisted Spoon]
- Psychic
- Psyshock
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power (Eletric)

[Gligar] | [Lv 62]
[No held item]
- X-Scissor
- Sky Uppercut
- Swords Dance
- Strength

[Noivern] | [Lv 64]
[No held item]
- Dragon Pulse
- Air Slash
- Hurricane
- Dark Pulse

Any pokemon I could catch or any tips during the battle in general?


If you have the Protector and a link stone, you should evolve Rhydon to Rhyperior and switch Gligar to something tanky and high attacking

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  On 11/19/2019 at 5:31 AM, Crystalrage said:


If you have the Protector and a link stone, you should evolve Rhydon to Rhyperior and switch Gligar to something tanky and high attacking


Unfortunately I do not have a protector but maybe I can backtrack to Iollia Valley, anything else I should do?


Edit: I dont think I can backtrack to Iollia Valley before beating Charlotte so yea, Yikes


Edited by DeadInside
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  On 11/19/2019 at 7:41 PM, DeadInside said:

Unfortunately I do not have a protector but maybe I can backtrack to Iollia Valley, anything else I should do?


Edit: I dont think I can backtrack to Iollia Valley before beating Charlotte so yea, Yikes



Then you can use trickroom and a golem with earthquake to finish her entire team.

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Been flailing about against Adrienn for a bit.

--Current Team--
[Braviary] | [Lv 75]

[No held item]
[Keen Eye]
- Fly
- Air Slash
- Crush Claw
- Aerial Ace

[Wormadam-Trash] | [Lv 77]
[Scope Lens]
- Iron Head
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Psychic

[Seaking] | [Lv 77]
[No held item]
[Lightning Rod]
- Megahorn
- Aqua Ring
- Surf
- Dive

[Vanilluxe] | [Lv 78]
[No held item]
[Snow Warning]
- Mirror Shot
- Mirror Coat
- Blizzard
- Ice Shard

[Toxicroak] | [Lv 79]
[No held item]
[Poison Touch]
- Poison Jab
- Sludge Wave
- Sucker Punch
- Drain Punch

[Krookodile] | [Lv 80]
[No held item]
- Dig
- Earthquake
- Smack Down
- Crunch

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  On 11/21/2019 at 5:57 AM, Sparky said:

Been flailing about against Adrienn for a bit.

--Current Team--
[Braviary] | [Lv 75]

[No held item]
[Keen Eye]
- Fly
- Air Slash
- Crush Claw
- Aerial Ace

[Wormadam-Trash] | [Lv 77]
[Scope Lens]
- Iron Head
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Psychic

[Seaking] | [Lv 77]
[No held item]
[Lightning Rod]
- Megahorn
- Aqua Ring
- Surf
- Dive

[Vanilluxe] | [Lv 78]
[No held item]
[Snow Warning]
- Mirror Shot
- Mirror Coat
- Blizzard
- Ice Shard

[Toxicroak] | [Lv 79]
[No held item]
[Poison Touch]
- Poison Jab
- Sludge Wave
- Sucker Punch
- Drain Punch

[Krookodile] | [Lv 80]
[No held item]
- Dig
- Earthquake
- Smack Down
- Crunch


Use defog at the beginning and then use steel types, but dont use fire attacks

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You can literally solo adrienn with a duo of good steel types that resist/immune ground. bronzong, magnezone and metagross all come to mind (magnet rise/air balloon) poison types can also corrode the mist field. if you're really desperate there's a few moves like defog and tailwind that can blow the mist away for a fairy tale field, where you can destroy her with steel types. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey, guys. I'm getting messed up with Charlotte (which is mainly because of my team) so I like to ask a few suggestions to swap for my team. Currently, my team is:


1. Charizard Lv. 68 | Blaze | Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Air Slash, Dragon Claw

2. Dusknoir Lv. 68 | Pressure | Shadow Punch, Payback, Curse, Will-O-Wisp

3. Steelix Lv. 68 | Rock Head | Iron Tail, Dig, Curse, Crunch

4. Clawitzer Lv. 67 | Mega Launcher | Water Pulse, Surf, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere

5. Galvantula Lv. 65| Swarm | Discharge, Electroweb, Sticky Web, Bug Buzz

6. Victreebel Lv. 64 | Chlorophyll | Leaf Blade, Venoshock, Growth, Poison Powder


EDIT: I also have some ability capsules. For backup pokemon, I don't have those that are high enough but I have a noibat, loudred, and mightyena. I can also train some new Pokemon that can be suggested.

Edited by repressible_operon
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@repressible_operonDo you have some way to set up Sunny day and the helkd Item Metronome? If so you could try spamming increasingly powerful Heat Waves with your Charizard. Just gotta protect it from Darmanitan's Rock Slide.


Route 4 has wild Bronzong - capture one with Heatproof as Ability and teach it Trick Room to turn the mostly speedy nature of Charlotte's team against her. The various Rock Types on Route 4 can also be used against her under Trick Room. The Move Relearner in Agate Circus can get you Rock Slide on your Steelix as well.

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This is my first topic in the forum.This is currently my team:




Speed Boost

Bashful Nature

Sky Uppercut

Blaze Kick

Flare Blitz

Brave Bird




Iron Fist

Hasty Nature

Bullet Punch

Sky uppercut






Sand Veil

Naïve nature

Rock Smash

Knock Off

Thunder Fang



Sharpedo(Used for destiny bonding):


Speed Boost

Lonely Nature


Ice Fang


Destiny Bond




Snow Warning

Timid Nature


Wood Hammer


Sheer Cold


Hawlucha(Trying To Replace Because it doesn't work most of the time):


Focus Band


Relaxed Nature


Flying Press

High Jump Kick

Sky Attack


I don't have a synthetic seed.

Any recommendations? I am getting stuck on Garchomp



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  On 12/26/2019 at 5:55 PM, Cibrix said:



This is my first topic in the forum.This is currently my team:




Speed Boost

Bashful Nature

Sky Uppercut

Blaze Kick

Flare Blitz

Brave Bird




Iron Fist

Hasty Nature

Bullet Punch

Sky uppercut






Sand Veil

Naïve nature

Rock Smash

Knock Off

Thunder Fang



Sharpedo(Used for destiny bonding):


Speed Boost

Lonely Nature


Ice Fang


Destiny Bond




Snow Warning

Timid Nature


Wood Hammer


Sheer Cold


Hawlucha(Trying To Replace Because it doesn't work most of the time):


Focus Band


Relaxed Nature


Flying Press

High Jump Kick

Sky Attack


I don't have a synthetic seed.

Any recommendations? I am getting stuck on Garchomp




Keep Perish song for garchomp, you can change the field using electric/grass terrian or any other terrain changing moves to easily take care of quagsire and pallosand. Even if she has other Pokemon left she will not always switch him out, so keep on trying.

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I need help with charlotte.



Nidoking 67 


earth power

poison jab


item: black sludge


garbador 67

item: black sludge



sludge bomb

toxic spikes


graninja 70





item: wise glasses


klingklang 67

gear grind



shift gear


simisear 67

item: charcoal


hidden power

flame burst



cherrim 66

wise glasses

morning sun

solar beam

sunny day

leech seed




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help with Serra please

i know I should get rid of venusaur but that's like the last thing i want off my team ;( (as you can tell with my avatar and username)


---Venusaur Lvl. 50---

Miracle Seed


Sassy Nature

-Double Edge

-Petal Dance


-Grass Pledge


---Blastoise Lvl. 46---

Wave Incense

Rain Dish

Quiet Nature


-Skull Bash

-Aqua Tail

-Water Spout


---Aggron Lvl. 49--- 

Rock Incense

Heavy Metal

Naughty Nature

-Iron Tail

-Rock Slide

-Rock Smash

-Metal Sound


---Alolan Golem Lvl. 50---

X Speed


Relaxed Nature

-Stealth Rock

-Rock Blast




---Zebstrika Lvl. 50---

No Item
Sap Sipper

Hasty Nature

-Wild Charge



-Flame Charge


---Camerupt Lvl. 49---

Earth Plate

Anger Point

Lax Nature

-Flame Burst


-Nature Power

-Rock Slide


I also have a mightyena, gothitelle, sharpedo, Honchkrow, growlithe super bad iv

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