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Official Gym Leader Help Thread

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It has common coverage with Yanmega, but you might want to keep it to spam Earthquake with Swampert in double battles. Lurantis is pretty slow and has a common weakness on fire with Escavalier, same as Yanmega. Lurantis also doesn't have any coverage moves. I would say one of these two. The second gym after Radomus is the fighting gym so you might want to keep Yanmega for that.

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I've recently started playing pokemon reborn and I'm chuffed that pokemon reborn presents an actual challenge compared to the actual franchised games. I actually didn't sweep a gym with one pokemon for the first time.

Bug type gym leader - Shelly's a tough one tho, and I've devised a strategy, which was to get a fighting type to use fake out on the Illumise to stop rain dance and then use a fire type to start the area fire field effect. Another thread with a guide helped, suggesting growlithe to also have a telluric seed and using an espurr (in my case I have a Meowstic) to use fake out. And then after wiping out illumise with flame burst, I would go ahead and spam fire type moves right? 

This is the tricky part. Shelly sends out araquanid, and that damned araquanid knows rain dance too. I can't do enough damage with my growlithe to araquanid or switch out meowstic with a flying type fast enough to one shot araquanid to stop the rain dance. 

Anorith also has rock slide which is sent out after masquerain dies to my fire type, and I can't use my hariyama because the majority of bug types are also flying types.

Please help I require assistance in bug type gym shelly, lapis ward.

Items: Telluric seed 1x, elemental seed 1x, electric gem, grass gem, heart scale 2x, ill-fated doll, magical seed 1x, protective pads 1x, purple shard 1x, rose incense 1x, soothe bell 1x, soul candle 1x, steel gem 1x, tiny mushroom 1x, twisted spoon 1x, blue shard 1x, rock gem 1x, cotton candy 1x, common candy 12x, pokesnax 1x, zinc 1x, super potion 11x, protein 1x, paralyze heal 5x, fresh water 1x, chewing gum 1x, burn heal 4x, awakening 5x, antidote 9x, ability capsule 3x, X attack 1x,  X speed 1x, Dire hit 1x, 

TMs: Cut, Rock Smash, Charge beam, Quash, Nature power


Money: $9263 (I sacrificed like $10000 for leveling up my emolga, I can always grind more money)

Growlithe lvl 34, agility, flame burst, flamethrower, morning sun

Bibarel lvl 35, hyper fang, water gun, yawn, headbutt

Noibat lvl 35, air cutter,  razor wind, bite, roost

Emolga lvl 33, shock wave, pursuit, electro ball, acrobatics

Hariyama lvl 35, force palm, smelling salts, knock off, belly drum

Meowstic lvl 26, Fake out, disarming voice, psyshock, confusion

Pachirisu, spinarak, kricketune, hoothoot, grimer, trubbish pineco, egg (idk what pokemon tho, top half is yellow bottom half brown), gothita, roselia(lvl 35), sewaddle, drifloon, Dustox (lvl 35), diglett, electrike, Mightyena (lvl 35), yungoos, prinplup (lvl 34)


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Take Prinplup and level it up to level 36. Then use a common candy to get it back to the level cap. Also teach it water pledge. Profit. Noibat is very weak, I'd recommend switching it out for Empoleon. If you don't mind grinding up a new pokemon, Seaking, found in the secret pool at Peridot ward if I recall correctly, can sweep this gym. But make sure it has swift swim for the ability. 

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thanks for replying to my long assed description of my position, you can defenitely see my desperation 

Wait I heard theres a rod you need to catch a seaking and the only rod I have is an old rod. what is the name of the rod and what do I require for its acquisition? 

Edited by Kooks
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  On 8/22/2021 at 10:22 AM, Kooks said:

thanks for replying to my long assed description of my position, you can defenitely see my desperation 

Wait I heard theres a rod you need to catch a seaking and the only rod I have is an old rod. what is the name of the rod and what do I require for its acquisition? 


You can find it as Goldeen and yes the old rod is all you need to find it. You will need to fight a pokemon battle if you haven't already for the owner of the pool to let you inside. 

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Okay update on the gym:
I have a level 35 empoleon with prinplup and water pledge
Seaking doesn't seem to sweep and rn it gets one shot by masquerein's grass type move

Edit: Got a lvl 11 goldeen with swim swift :)) a bit demotivated after finding out 2 hours wasted leveling up my previous seaking, now named thanks to the name-rater "Failure"

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  On 8/22/2021 at 12:54 PM, RebornFan7 said:

Don't lead Seaking, its attack will fall due to intimidate. Also careful not to attack Anorith on the first turn it gets sent out as it will be protected due to its item. 


thanks for these tips, and sorry to ask so much from you, but I recalled I required blue shards for water pledge. I've already found 1, if you can remember can you give me the locations of two others? I've searched everywhere and I've asked my friends for any locations but I cannot find any at all

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  On 8/22/2021 at 1:05 PM, Kooks said:

thanks for these tips, and sorry to ask so much from you, but I recalled I required blue shards for water pledge. I've already found 1, if you can remember can you give me the locations of two others? I've searched everywhere and I've asked my friends for any locations but I cannot find any at al


I'm sorry I don't remember. It's a shame water pledge is a 80 power move in this game if I remember right. 

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  On 8/22/2021 at 12:54 PM, RebornFan7 said:

Don't lead Seaking, its attack will fall due to intimidate. Also careful not to attack Anorith on the first turn it gets sent out as it will be protected due to its item. 


alright in what order should I bring out my pokemon, I have lvl 33 seaking (with swim swift), lvl 35 hariyama, lvl 35 emolga,  lvl 35 empoleon,  lvl 35 bibarel, lvl 35 growlithe

Edit: LETS GO I BEAT THE GYM ty for the help, the seaking didn't do a damn thing and got one shot, absolutely adored the 4 hours of grinding for 2 seaking and finding out it was a waste, lets go

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I would say start out with Growlithe and Empoleon and take out the Masquerain. The other pokemon will set up the rain for you.  The Yanmega is a danger for Seaking as it knows giga drain, and can out speed if left on the field for long, prioritize taking it out when you see it. Hariyama doesn't seem so useful here, use his turns to heal your other members. Lastly, if you are still having trouble, use the telluric shield (probably on Seaking, but Emolga seems okay too). 

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  On 8/22/2021 at 1:47 PM, Kooks said:

Edit: LETS GO I BEAT THE GYM ty for the help, the seaking didn't do a damn thing and got one shot, absolutely adored the 4 hours of grinding for 2 seaking and finding out it was a waste, lets go


Congrats ! In case you didn't know yet you can use the ability capsule to change a pokemon's ability if you wish to, including hidden ones. 

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ALRIGHT NEXT GYM I NEED HELP sorry for asking so much from you guys

I have a level 39 toxicroak that knows sucker punch, I can put an X attack on it for that more dmg 
I'm struggling with mimikyu because yk... its mimikyu

I require assistance once more!
Info on pokemon above, haven't updated or caught any new pokemon except croagunk from corey

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Um bump I need help with gym leader Shade
I can one tap 3 of his pokemon with x attack + sucker punch from toxicroak, but I can do half health on doublade, and then defeat doublade using scrafty.

The mimkyu is the hardest part. In the guide it recommends nuzzle, which I replaced with another move because im an idiot, and also my friend suggested drifblim using ominous wind (because it raises all stats including speed) and my drifblim doesn't have ominous wind as well

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  On 8/24/2021 at 1:43 AM, Kooks said:

Um bump I need help with gym leader Shade
I can one tap 3 of his pokemon with x attack + sucker punch from toxicroak, but I can do half health on doublade, and then defeat doublade using scrafty.

The mimkyu is the hardest part. In the guide it recommends nuzzle, which I replaced with another move because im an idiot, and also my friend suggested drifblim using ominous wind (because it raises all stats including speed) and my drifblim doesn't have ominous wind as well


You have a Growlithe, correct? So, I think it's good for Doublade since doublade is steel and ghost type. And, I recommend buying Cotton Candy from Sweet Co. Because it revives your fainted pokemon and you can revive toxicroak. And, try to convert the field to Factory Field so that his ghost type moves wont hv any effect. Hope this helps😁.


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  On 8/24/2021 at 3:45 AM, Afran said:

You have a Growlithe, correct? So, I think it's good for Doublade since doublade is steel and ghost type. And, I recommend buying Cotton Candy from Sweet Co. Because it revives your fainted pokemon and you can revive toxicroak. And, try to convert the field to Factory Field so that his ghost type moves wont hv any effect. Hope this helps😁.



alr thanks, and also I beat mimkyu by paralyzing it wiith toge mouse pokemon thingamajig that its name I forgot

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

edit: nvm i just cheesed it with x items
Im having a lot of trubble with radomus' third fight, it just feels like im trowing myself at a brick wall.

my team is:
typlosion, lvl 110
choise specs
flash fire
heat wave
quick attack
focus blast

landerus T, lvl 120
bulk up
stone edge
stealth rock

garchomp, lvl 120
dragon fang
rough skin
stone edge


lopunny, lvl 120

cute charm / limber in mega form

work up

drain punch

high jump kick


gardevoir, lvl 120

big root
draining kiss
calm mind


clefable, lvl 120
mind plate
cosmic power
stored power

i have cought every legendairy up to this point and shedinja if it helps, i do also have a couple other strong mons but im not sure of their viability in this match

please help me

Edited by relax
dont need help anymore
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hey people,

having a really tough time against shelly (bug gym)


my team consist of:


blaziken 35

speed boost

quick attack

bulk up

blaze kick

double kick


ampharos 35



electro ball


thunder punch

power gem


emolga 35

motor drive


elec ball


shock wave

air slash


pidgeot 35

big peck




quick attack

feather dance


pyroar 35



fire fang



noble roar


castform 30


wather ball

sunny day

rain dance



the last 4 mons are specifically to fight shelly, my main team also have 


meowstic 34





miracle eye

disarming voice


mightyena 35





sand attack



kricketune 33






x scissor


and also got














any tips? 

i've been trying to use casform to get sunny day but its to slow and it gets 1hit ko with energy ball








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  • 2 weeks later...

I need help defeating Radomus. My current team is:

1. Greninja: Level 60

Ability: Protean

Item: none

Moves: Water Shuriken, Night Slash, Extrasensory, Hidden Power

2. Yanmega: Level 60

Ability: Speed Boost

Item: none

Moves: Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Ancient Power, Detect

3. Houndoom: Level 58

Ability: Flash Fire

Item: Quick Claw

Moves: Flamethrower, Crunch, Destiny Bond, Nasty Plot

4. Zoroark: Level 60

Ability: Illusion

Item: None

Moves: Night Daze, Night Slash, Extrasensory, Nasty Plot

5. Krookodile: Level 60

Ability: Moxie

Item: None

Moves: Crunch, Shadow Claw, Outrage, Earthquake

6. Aggron: Level 60

Ability: Rock Head

Item: None

Moves: Double-Edge, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Heavy Slam


Other Pokémon:

Drapion: Level 60

Ability: Sniper

Item: None

Moves: Poison Fang, Night Slash, Fell Stinger, Acupressure

Noivern: Level 60

Ability: Infiltrator

Item: none

Moves: Dragon Pulse, Hurricane, Boomburst, Air Slash

Masquerein: Level 60

Ability: Intimidate

Item: None

Moves: Silver Wind, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance

Trevenant: Level 55

Ability: Natural Cure

Item: None

Moves: Shadow Claw, Forest's Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Phantom Force




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  • 2 months later...

hi i need help defeating corey i cant seem to defeat even three of his pokemon

         pachirisu lvl 28 

          quiet nature

          run away

           protective pads



            charge beam



         charmeleon lvl 31

          adamant nature 


           quick claw


             dragon rage 


             fire fang 


             trubbish lv 25


               sticky hold


             double slap



               toxic spikes


             cherrim lv 28



               rose incence

              morning sun

              leech seed

               magical leaf

              petal dance 


           crabrawler lv 26




            power up punch 

            rock smash

            bubble beam 

            dizzy punch 


          delibird lv 27





           ice shard


           drill peck


i also have nature power


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  On 8/13/2022 at 5:26 AM, Supersabu said:

hi i need help defeating corey i cant seem to defeat even three of his pokemon

         pachirisu lvl 28 

          quiet nature

          run away

           protective pads



            charge beam



         charmeleon lvl 31

          adamant nature 


           quick claw


             dragon rage 


             fire fang 


             trubbish lv 25


               sticky hold


             double slap



               toxic spikes


             cherrim lv 28



               rose incence

              morning sun

              leech seed

               magical leaf

              petal dance 


           crabrawler lv 26




            power up punch 

            rock smash

            bubble beam 

            dizzy punch 


          delibird lv 27





           ice shard


           drill peck


i also have nature power



First of all, your mons are a bit underleveled, you can train them by fighting the grand hall trainers.

Regarding your party, I think it's not very good against poison types. I suggest using a swoobat (woobat from the underroot or underground railnet). Simple + Calm Mind, Confusion, Air Slash swoobat can easily sweep most of his mons. 

At lvl 32, charmeleon learns flame burst, you can use it as a last ditch effort, taking down one of his mons with you. I normally use it for crobat or skuntank.

Lastly, you can use delibird as a lead, stacking up some spikes to ease sweep from your other mons.

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