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Official Gym Leader Help Thread

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Alright, so I finally beat her in my first try with my new team, I ended up swapping the Pangoro with an abamasnow, because snow warning blizzard combo, and before I got abamasnow in I used trick room so it would go first no matter what. Also, rock wrecker on ryperior one shot that togekiss for me, and with trick room still up, he also one shot the talon flame. Then for the mega alteria, I had heracross rock tomb it twice and I switched diggersby in to strength it for the OVER 9000!!!!

Edited by AnimeFg
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Yeah im new around here guys my bad if i say or do spmething stupid ...

im basically stuck on shade gym

my team is totally shit...

charizard lvl 50

floatzel 27

gothorita lvl 32

granbull 26

lunatone 28

phanpy 32

I do know normal attacks wont do shit but i cant find other pokemons trong enough to replace them ... Im really close to delete my save and start it all again

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That's how you do it, GGs. I totally forgot about Abomasnow, perfect choice with trick room.

also what's with the TeamPlayer I see so much in nicknames? I don't get it?

^Why is Charizard level 50? Magcargo is excellent for this fight, and Raticate isn't half bad either as it has sucker punch. Mightyena is a good temporary replacement and those three should replace Goth and lunatone. If you can get Charizard down to level 39/40 it should start listening to you again as to actually be useful. If Phanpy has sturdy, evolve it, level it to 43 so it gets earthquake then level it back down and use it on Chandelure to beat him easily. If it doesn't have sturdy, than gets one that does.

Also male espurr with Prankster ability can set up misty terrain which removes discharge's buff and weakens shadow ball quite a bit, even if he's weak to ghost. Set up a light screen while holding light clay to keep shade from one-shotting most of your pokemon. You can catch him in Lapis ward alleyways believe.Just note that offensively he's not very good so you want him to set up and switch to someone who can actually lay some hurts.

Charizard should be able to handle trevenant and Doublade no problem. Keep him away from Rotom and Gengar unless you know for sure he can finish them off. Watch out for Banette's destiny bond too, if he uses it don't KO him until AFTER his next move(that hopefully isn't destiny bond.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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Catch a dark type and grind in grand hall. a good dark type for shades gym is mightyena as it learn a lot of dark moves early. i would train you other mons to lvl 40 and lower your lvl of your charizard as a charizard which does not obey u would be useless. you can buy common candy to lower the level of charizard after you other pokemon in grand hall. grand hall has trainers which you can re battle again and again.

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Yeah im new around here guys my bad if i say or do spmething stupid ...

im basically stuck on shade gym

my team is totally shit...

charizard lvl 50

floatzel 27

gothorita lvl 32

granbull 26

lunatone 28

phanpy 32

I do know normal attacks wont do shit but i cant find other pokemons trong enough to replace them ... Im really close to delete my save and start it all again


Not to be rude, but you should restart your game.

You have only 3 Badges, that wont affect you much, and you will play a different way than you played the game , you will be better.

I'm also in my second run, and now i know the game, it's so muuuch different , really, that's insane ^^

You should do that.

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Like he can still win it with some time, money and new mons but yeah his team is mess lol. The level 50 Charizard is something I'd expect from a 9 year old playing.

er.. sorry, I guess that sounded kind of mean, didn't mean it like that though.

@Dragon below: edited, thanks.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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@JP - I found Arcanine to be a fantastic pokemon for Shade. If you can train growlithe up to 39 for Crunch, and manage to mine a Fire Stone from the glowing rocks, it will beat almost everything Shade throws at you. Fire Fang and Flamethrower will handle Trevant and Doublade. Chandlure will likely wreck it, so you're going to want a bulky/Sturdy rock or ground type (Sturdy Golem/Sudowoodo) or speedy Water/Ground/Rock/Dark move user (many were listed in the previous posts).

@Monochrome - I realized Close Combat wouldn't after I posted, and I edited it while you were making your post. I think I gave a decent strategy regarding Heracross, especially as it has nothing on any other pokemon on Ciel's team.

@Anime - Good work! I never tried a Trick Room team before, both my previous runs I just got the Sneasel and wrecked with Icicle Crash.

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current team:
[bayleef] | [29]
[rose incense]
[Mild nature]
- Magical leaf
- synthesis
- razor leaf
- cut

[pidgeotto] | [25]

[big pecks]
[Mild nature]
- tackle
- wirlwind
- gust
- twister

[beedril] | [27]

[laz nature]
- fury attack
- focus energy
- twineedle
- toxic spikes

[meowstic F] | [25]

[sassy nature]
- psyshock
- psybeam
- covet
- confusion

[seel] | [28]

[ice body]
[lonely nature]
- icy wind
- headbutt
- aurora beam
- aqua ring

[pancham] | [25]

[mold breaker]
[docile nature]
- comet punch
- arm thrust
- circle throw
- karate chop

I also have these:

onix lvl 25

growlithe lvl 26

skiploom lvl 25

slugma lvl 25

pansear lvl 25

ariados lvl 24

pachirisu lvl 25

please don't laugh if my team is shit guys xp I've never really played pokemon all that seriously (my tactic with the official games tends to be ''I'll take any pokemon that's cute'')

but now here I am, stuck at a gym that's described as pretty easy everywhere I look. how to I do this?

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Corey's team : Croagunk, Skuntank, Crobat, Grimer, Nidorina, Skrelp (lead)

Question: Did you find all the policemen before Corey? because if you did, then the field will be tougher. Meowstic F is great, if you keep her alive and spam Psyshock/Psybeam depending on the defense of the opposing mon. Lower Phys Def = Use Psyshock, Lower Sp Def = use Psybeam. The level cap is 35, so I would try and level Meowstic as much as possible.

Pachirisu can be good vs Skrelp as it is a part water type. If that doesn't work, lead with bayleef and spam Magical Leafs.

To be honest I would Strongly suggest to get a Numel. It gets good Ground moves early, and Simple+Growth and Simple+Amnesia will be insanely powerful. It's obtainable in a thunderstorm next to the Train Station, with PokeSnax in your Bag. Remember to soft reset for Growth too, as it can either be growth or Stockpile. If worst comes to worst in this Gym Battle you could always evolve it into Camerupt (lv 33) and sweep.

If Seel can stay alive, it and Pachirisu can generally kill the Crobat, Corey's ace.

Edited by wytch_doctr
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Corey's team : Croagunk, Skuntank, Crobat, Grimer, Nidorina, Skrelp (lead)

Question: Did you find all the policemen before Corey? because if you did, then the field will be tougher. Meowstic F is great, if you keep her alive and spam Psyshock/Psybeam depending on the defense of the opposing mon. Lower Phys Def = Use Psyshock, Lower Sp Def = use Psybeam. The level cap is 35, so I would try and level Meowstic as much as possible.

Pachirisu can be good vs Skrelp as it is a part water type. If that doesn't work, lead with bayleef and spam Magical Leafs.

To be honest I would Strongly suggest to get a Numel. It gets good Ground moves early, and Simple+Growth and Simple+Amnesia will be insanely powerful. It's obtainable in a thunderstorm next to the Train Station, with PokeSnax in your Bag. Remember to soft reset for Growth too, as it can either be growth or Stockpile. If worst comes to worst in this Gym Battle you could always evolve it into Camerupt (lv 33) and sweep.

If Seel can stay alive, it and Pachirisu can generally kill the Crobat, Corey's ace.

I did find the policemen.. I just wanted the growlithe ^^;

and thank you! I'll try to get a numel then, my main problem was the skuntank and I just wasn't aware there even was a pokemon with ground moves available at this point of the game, so I'll just hope there's a thunderstorm soon now ^^

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@Coda You can check if there's one soon on the TV's, namely the Weather section. This week I only have Clear and Windy weather so it's random. There are some things you can do like setting the clock on your computer back but I don't do that.

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I never thought I would have to post here, but that goddamn bitch Shelly is just too goddamn hard! Her Anorith is stupid, her Wormadam always kills me, and her Volbeat is just broken.

The Team:

Infernape Level 35

Bashful Nature

- Close Combat

- Flame Wheel

- Mach Punch

- Leer

Emolga Level 32

Relaxed Nature

- Acrobatics

- Air Slash

- Shock Wave

- Cut

Swalot Level 32

Sassy Nature

- Sludge

- Stockpile

- Yawn

- Body Slam

swirlix Level 34

Relaxed Nature

- Draining Kiss

- Round

- Fake tears

- Endeavor

Meowstic level 35

Brave Nature

- Psyshock

- Extrasensory

- Charge Beam

- Shadow Ball

Tangela Level 29

Docile Nature

- Mega Drain

- Knock off

- Growth

- Poison Powder

In PC (Notables):




How the battle goes:

I send out Infernape and Emolga. Emolga kills Illumise with the help of Infernape. Masquerain either lowers our speed or uses Struggle Bug.

She sends out Anorith and Infernape tries to Close Combat it, but it's always confused. I switch out Emolga and sacrifice Tangela. Emolga comes back and kills Masquerain, then gets destroyed by Rock Slide. Yanmega comes out as Meowstic comes out. Yanmega kills Infernape as I send in Swalot, whoYawns Yanmega for Meowstic to kill. Swirlix does nothing but Fake Tears. Anorith dies as Volbitch comes out and is too fast and Struggle Bugs me to death as her Wormadam sits there and Psybeams Swalot.

Please help!

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Swap Swirlix for Fearow. Open with Emolga and Meowstic, Target and kill that Masquerian. If Yanmega doesn't come out, pull in Emolga and bring out Swalot. Save Emolga for Yanmega, and Infernape for a death switch-in. You need to pay close attention to Infernape or it will get crushed and you will have a very hard time against those last two bugs. Fearow should be fast enough, and have Aerial Ace, to do enough damage while it's out. The only other suggestion I can give is get a Bonsly, and evolve it into a Sudowoodo. Provided you cleared Masquerian and Anorith, there shouldn't be any more Grass/Water threats to manage.

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I need help beating terra! All my current pokemon are weak against her.

Currently I have:


-sky uppercut

-blaze kick

-brave bird

-bulk up


-rock smash

-shift gear

-gear grind



-dragon dance

-head smash

-dragon claw












Meowstic M

-dual screens


-only useful moves for this gym are dragon pulse and super fang

So I don't have a dedicated wall as of right now... And i'm stuck in ametrine and agate so i can't go back and catch anything in reborn like rotom, eevee or anything.

Any pokemon suggestions for grass, water or bulky pokemon?

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I need help beating terra! All my current pokemon are weak against her.

Currently I have:


-sky uppercut

-blaze kick

-brave bird

-bulk up


-rock smash

-shift gear

-gear grind



-dragon dance

-head smash

-dragon claw












Meowstic M

-dual screens


-only useful moves for this gym are dragon pulse and super fang

So I don't have a dedicated wall as of right now... And i'm stuck in ametrine and agate so i can't go back and catch anything in reborn like rotom, eevee or anything.

Any pokemon suggestions for grass, water or bulky pokemon?

Well, if your looking for a cheap weak point against her, use an Air Balloon on a Pokémon that's weak to ground. The AI is currently a little wonky, so it will still try to use ground type moves against you. I'm pretty sure the Speal evolutions might be useful against her too.

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Go back to the mountain where u saved Heather there are Ice pokemon that are 55-70 (i think above 60) they are usefull even vs Ciel

if u will hard trying u will find even 63-68 leveled pokemons and as i watch u can counter each of her Dual types i think

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Need help beating Charlotte :(


Pachirisu lvl 67


-Double Team


-Electro Ball

Pangoro lvl 67

-Sky Uppercut
-Hammer Arm


Weezing lvl 67

-Destiny Bond
-Sludge Bomb



Meowstic lvl 67

-Miracle Eye

-Sucker Punch



Pelipper lvl 67

-Rain Dance

-Hydro Pump



Delphox lvl 67

-Future Sight

-Fire Blast



I've tried everything, even buying 15 cotton candies and wiping them all with weezing's destiny bond. They all outspeed me and one hit my pachirisu, so i can't paralyse or at best i can paralyse one pokemon. The darmanitan is my worst problem, as it takes out at least 3 of my pokes before i can kill him. And i was too lazy to train more than six pokemons (i like learning things the hard way :D)

The pokes i have in pc that would be useful are between levels 15 to 30. I could use exp share and train them around in the wild, but it'd take ages and i really don't want to, unless there's no other choice :P

Edited by Wolfram2700
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i dont want to say anythink :D but it seems u are ****** up :D ofc pachirisu is and will be usseles from this Gym leader cos he has low stats go to ametrine and find some water types pokemons :!

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i dont want to say anythink :D but it seems u are ****** up :D ofc pachirisu is and will be usseles from this Gym leader cos he has low stats go to ametrine and find some water types pokemons :!

yeah, i share your thoughts regarding my situation hahaha.

I can't go to ametrine, i need dive and to use dive... i need charlotte's medal. i DO have squirtle, piplup, carvanha, tirtouga and even a shiny sandshrew in pc, but they are all lvl 15-30.

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There is still an option for you to win without even catching anything.

Buy as many hyper potion you can, and set pelipper in the first place of the team.

The first turn, you're using Pelipper and a random mons i would recommand Pachirisu.

Use Nuzzle on the thing you think the more threatening for Pelipper, and use Rain dance with pelipper.

Now, doesnt matter if Pachirisu survived or not, all that matter is Pelipper

Use surf with Pelipper. With the second pokemon you will constantly user hyper potion on Pelipper, Skipping the turn of the partner pokemon but enabling your Ace to use boosted surfes on both enemies at once.

Keep doing that until you can breath. It's better if Pelipper can hold a damp rock if you liked to mine.

I'm doing that for every double battle i'm struggling, i identify my ace, and i protect it with the other mon. No matter what i have to lose.

I suggest you to save before Charlotte, as a critical hit is quickly done and can corrupt your whole strategy, and you'll have to buy hyper potions again.

GL, but dont you dare to hurt my Waifu.

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Yea nice tactic but it has a little problem :D it lacks speed :D Darmatian even Typhlosion have High attacks so even a Pelliper as a Water type wont survive D; i know what im saying :D i had in my team Archeops and Pyroar :D with resistence but field is boosting attacks too much :/

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