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Maybe teach nature power to someone to use it to turn on the lights, since it becomes Discharge. 


A Nidoking would be a good check for Mimikyu. It resists Brick Break, is immune to Thunderbolt and has Poison Jab by level 43 (as Nidorino) to hit Super Effectively. Just break disguise with anything, then OHKO it with a Poison Jab. 


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Did Mimikyu really have Brick Break? I thought it had Play Rough. Anyway, you might want to save your Clawitzer just for breaking Disguise with Aqua Jet. Does your Scrafty have Intimidate? That should weaken Mimikyu, meaning it most likely spends a turn or two using Swords Dance.


Sucker Punching it might work, but it's risky simply because if you predict wrong, you're putting yourself in serious disadvantage. Have you considered using Klang? It can break Disguise and also deal damage with Gear Grind. I think it can take an unboosted Brick Break/Shadow Claw from Mimikyu, but if it has already used Swords Dance, then you need either faster mons or Intimidate in order to deal with that guy.


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1 minute ago, shymango said:

Help me,

I can´t seem to beat TItania in anyway. How did you guys beat her?


What's your team like? It's easier to give advice if we knew.


I used Magic Seeds. It's a consumable item that gives you Attack buff upon switching in, as well as one-turn King's Shield. Very useful especially against her Excadrill and Scizor. Despite being weakened, Fire-types still do quite well against her. Ground-types also work really well.


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Hi there,

Unfortunately, my team is really weak, I guess.


I have a Delphox




-Sunny day



-Dark Pulse

-Dragon Pulse


-Tailwind (but I use this one more to change the field)


Turtonator (but it´s not on my official team, although I liked him)

-Dragon Pulse

-Shell Trap





-Driil Run

-Swords Dance


-Iron head


But I am thinking of changing all my team. As a Water Pokemon, I am training swampert.

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Do you only have 4 pokemon?



Lead with something that can deal with Alolan Sandslash--a pokemon that can change the weather or beat it 1v1. It's extremely fast so the latter would have to be something pretty bulky or using a magical seed. It has poor special defense so you could use Delphox or Turtonator here. Turt with a seed should be able to OHKO it with Flamethrower assuming it doesn't try to set up aurora veil vs. it.


You should probably prepare to have pokemon to sac to Aegislash and Excadrill's first turn, which means you'll want to be able to deal with a couple of her other pokemon without losing someone in return. Noivern probably isn't doing much this fight, so you can probably sac it and just use Tailwind to ensure you outspeed. This would likely let your Swampert outspeed Excadrill and OHKO it with Earthquake. Drill is relatively fast but still slow enough that it's not too hard to outspeed. Tank its first turn and you can KO it back with a seed using mon of your own or just something faster. Escavalier can probably handle Klefki in a pinch--its Iron Head will hit hard and it resists Draining Kiss.


A ground type (like Swampert) is good vs. Klefki and Empoleon since it can't be thunder waved and they're slow enough that Swampert should be able to outspeed and OHKO if you maximize Attack investment and give it a bit of speed (147 is the benchmark to outspeed both of them, which also outspeeds her Mega-Scizor)



For Aegislash, one of the more reliable ways to deal with it is to sacrifice a pokemon to get it in sword form, then send out a pokemon that won't die to Shadow Sneak and can then OHKO it while it's in its vulnerable the state. From my experience, Normal and Dark types are good here since they immune/resist Shadow Sneak respectively but are weak to Sacred Sword, so the AI will go for that OHKO but can easily be outsped and OHKO'd by a super effective move. You could also try something like a Sturdy/Sash mon tanking a hit and OHKOing back, but you'd probably want to remove the Hail to make this reliable since the chip damage will ruin that. If you go this route, Golem and Donphan are both good options, since they get STAB Earthquake. My Swampert was also able to solo Aegislash, since fsr it just swords danced twice and died to Earthquake.


Delphox should be able to do heavy damage to Scizor. It has max spdef investment and the field makes Fire do part Dragon so it probably won't OHKO, but you should be able to do heavy damage, and you resist Bullet Punch. You could also burn it and try to wear it down with that+Hail, but keep in mind it has Roost.


idk which Choice item you got, but Band Swampert or Specs Delphox would be helpful here. Swampert is a good choice for this fight since it resists Steel, is bulky, and has STAB Earthquake. With Tailwind support it'll also outspeed everything so it should be able to deal with 4 of her mons





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Like @Paperblade mentioned, get something that can deal with A-Sandslash. If your Escavalier has Shell Armor- ability, it gains Defense upon switching in. If you let it hold Magic seed, it also gains Attack buff and one-turn King's Shield. Also, teach it Smart Strike (since it gets double-buffed) to hit even harder. Perhaps you can use Escavalier against A-Sandslash? Turtonator also gain the Defense buff, so you could use it vs. Scizor or Aegislash: just spam Flamethrower because if you fail the prediction with Shell Trap, you put yourself in a bad spot.


I guess Fighting/Ground-types with Sturdy can take out Excadrill, if you don't want to use Magic seeds (I'm telling you, they're really useful here). Ground-types, especially faster ones like Dugtrio, work well against Klefki and can even OHKO Empoleon.


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Hmmmmmmmmm do u have any access to Fighting types if so Use it


 I havent fought Titania per-say but heres what I know from letsplays *Takes deep breath*


Okay from what I know the field effect in which u fight her in adds The dragon typing to any Fire type Attack (Which Sucks for delphox and any fire type mons) and it also boosts Fairy (Obviously not useful) And steel Type moves. now half of her team can sort of get wrecked with a powerful Fighting type move (Im looking at u Sandslash) But 3 of her mons take neutral damage from fighting type attacks(Which sucks) Buuuuut lucky for u and Delphox her Mega is Part Bug and her Mega rely's heavily on Physical attacks.....I think u know what to do............. Also watch out for Aegislash (Im not kidding did I forget to mention when u use Swords dance in this Arena it Ups atk not by two stages but by four.....Oops and u probably know how scary Swords Dance Aegislash is )oh and if u dont have access to Fighting types GET LOTS OF GROUND TYPES like seriously if u go outside the gym there's literally a god damn desert filled with ground type pokemon.


Anyway I hope wut I said helps in anyway :):) 


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Shade is kicking my ass
Specifically his Gengar, haven't managed to fight him without losing one or two party members just to him. Even Synthetic Seeds do nothing to slow him.


Delphox lv37 (Blaze)

-Fire Pledge

-Mystical Fire


-Light Screen


Ludicolo lv36 (Swift Swim)

-Giga Drain


-Nature Power (Discharge)

-Rain Dance


Toxicroak lv37 (Dry Skin)

-Drain Punch

-Sucker Punch


-Mud Bomb


Zebstrika lv37 (Lightningrod)


-Flame Charge


-Thunder Wave


Meowstic lv35 (Competitive)


-Shadow Ball

-Fake Out

-Charge Beam


Pawniard lv36 (Inner Focus)

-Metal Claw

-Feint Attack




I'm aware of the amount of Ground weaknesses, but Shade doesn't seem to have any Ground attacks so that bit should be fine.

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Thanks for the help, but I actually ended up defeating him just a bit ago!


I ended up swapping out Meowstic for a Sandslash and used it to take down Gengar. With a Synthetic Seed, Sandslash would always survive the first Shadow Ball, and OHKOs with Dig. Toxicroak 2HKO'd Rotom *just* barely via Sucker Punch, and Delphox could sweep through Doublade, Dhelmise and Banette with no effort.



Mimikyu took about an hour's worth of tries on its own, and I only beat it after Discharge finally managed to paralyze it on the first turn.


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Depends a bit whether you choose a solo or duel fight. Anyways, Maractus is great and an easy win in theory with storm drain. you can catch it in the desert so it'll have a decent lvl as well..  It also learns Sunny day, and learns solar beam...


Also, if you actually plan on using delpox, it's likely to get OKHO'd so give it the item that does the same as the sturdy ability.



Water Absorb: The Pokémon heals up to 1/4 of its maximum Hit Points when hit with Water-type moves.
Chlorophyll: When sunny, the Pokémon’s Speed doubles. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Strong Sunlight.
Hidden Ability (Available through transfer):
Storm Drain: Water-type moves are drawn to this Pokémon. Water-type moves will do no damage and the Pokémon's SP ATK is raised one stage



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1 hour ago, dotahkin01 said:



Depends a bit whether you choose a solo or duel fight. Anyways, Maractus is great and an easy win in theory with storm drain. you can catch it in the desert so it'll have a decent lvl as well..  It also learns Sunny day, and learns solar beam...


Also, if you actually plan on using delpox, it's likely to get OKHO'd so give it the item that does the same as the sturdy ability.

  Hide contents


Water Absorb: The Pokémon heals up to 1/4 of its maximum Hit Points when hit with Water-type moves.
Chlorophyll: When sunny, the Pokémon’s Speed doubles. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Strong Sunlight.
Hidden Ability (Available through transfer):
Storm Drain: Water-type moves are drawn to this Pokémon. Water-type moves will do no damage and the Pokémon's SP ATK is raised one stage



Not planning on using Delphox. And also I don´t have only these four that I mentioned before. I just mentioned because I thought they had more chances to win Titania. They helped a lot, of course, but I have other pokemon as well. And some that I want to train and EV train them.

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1 hour ago, dotahkin01 said:



Depends a bit whether you choose a solo or duel fight. Anyways, Maractus is great and an easy win in theory with storm drain. you can catch it in the desert so it'll have a decent lvl as well..  It also learns Sunny day, and learns solar beam...


Also, if you actually plan on using delpox, it's likely to get OKHO'd so give it the item that does the same as the sturdy ability.

  Reveal hidden contents


Water Absorb: The Pokémon heals up to 1/4 of its maximum Hit Points when hit with Water-type moves.
Chlorophyll: When sunny, the Pokémon’s Speed doubles. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Strong Sunlight.
Hidden Ability (Available through transfer):
Storm Drain: Water-type moves are drawn to this Pokémon. Water-type moves will do no damage and the Pokémon's SP ATK is raised one stage



But thanks for the tips! I caught her at the desert as well, and maybe I will use her now.

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Okay Noel is actually a monster. Please send help.


Simisear w/ Blaze, Lv 54

- Acrobatics

- Flame Burst

- Fire Blast

- Shadow Claw


Vanillish w/ Ice Body, Lv 43 (I know I need to grind him)

- Mist

- Mirror Shot

- Uproar

- Ice Beam


Swoobat w/ Unaware, Lv51

- Attract

- Air Slash

- Calm Mind

- Psychic


Venusaur w/ Chlorophyll, Lv51

- Petal Dance

- Poison Powder

-Leech Seed

- Petal Blizzard


Mawile w/ Intimidate, Lv49

- Play Rough

- Crunch

- Iron Defense

- Iron Head


Toxicroak w/ Poison Touch, Lv54

- Sludge Bomb

- Nasty Plot

- Sucker Punch

- Drain Punch


Pokémon in the box include: Arbok, Donphan, Sandslash, Floatzel, Tynamo (I keep meaning to train it but... Lv34...)


The main issue here is Porygon-Z. Ordinarily Venusaur does a great job stalling people out with Poison and his defenses using the Grassy Field, but Psychic shuts that right down. Same with Toxicroak and Drain Punch. I literally have no idea what to do about this thing.

Edited by Giratina
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  • 2 weeks later...

hey, i'm doing some sort of bird run

i have problems with shelly, anorith gets 2 pokemon down with rock slide, and i cant win

any tips


my team all level 34

Staraptor - take down, close combat, quick attack, aerial ace

Fearow - aerial ace, focus energy - assurance - fury attack

Talonflame - flail - roost - quick attack - peck

Noctowl - extrasensory - echoed voice - reflect - hypnosis

Decidueye - tackle - grass pledge - spirit schackle - pluck


i also have torchic l5, ducklett l14, tranquill l25, skarmony l1, pidgeotto l26 and a doduo l23 in my box

but i don't want to use torchic and skarmony until late game because i find the to op

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2 hours ago, gryson said:

hey, i'm doing some sort of bird run

i have problems with shelly, anorith gets 2 pokemon down with rock slide, and i cant win

any tips


my team all level 34

Staraptor - take down, close combat, quick attack, aerial ace

Fearow - aerial ace, focus energy - assurance - fury attack

Talonflame - flail - roost - quick attack - peck

Noctowl - extrasensory - echoed voice - reflect - hypnosis

Decidueye - tackle - grass pledge - spirit schackle - pluck


i also have torchic l5, ducklett l14, tranquill l25, skarmony l1, pidgeotto l26 and a doduo l23 in my box

but i don't want to use torchic and skarmony until late game because i find the to op


I suggest you evolve Ducklett into Swanna (level 35), you can use Rain Dance boosted Water Pulse (or Bubblebeam) against Anorith. That Anorith gains one-turn Spiky Shield by consuming the Seed it holds, so it's no use to attack it immediately. You can, however, weaken it with Feather Dance - Ducklett learns this move. Alternatively, focus on the other mon instead.


I also recommend you to try Dodrio instead of Talonflame in this battle. If you so choose, you can even withhold evolving Doduo until level 36 in order to get Swords Dance early. Then just use Common Candy and Dodrio should obey you. Noctowl has Reflect, take advantage of that. You also might want to use Decidueye's Grass Pledge on Anorith.


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