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1 hour ago, Zargerth said:
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I suggest you evolve Ducklett into Swanna (level 35), you can use Rain Dance boosted Water Pulse (or Bubblebeam) against Anorith. That Anorith gains one-turn Spiky Shield by consuming the Seed it holds, so it's no use to attack it immediately. You can, however, weaken it with Feather Dance - Ducklett learns this move. Alternatively, focus on the other mon instead.


I also recommend you to try Dodrio instead of Talonflame in this battle. If you so choose, you can even withhold evolving Doduo until level 36 in order to get Swords Dance early. Then just use Common Candy and Dodrio should obey you. Noctowl has Reflect, take advantage of that. You also might want to use Decidueye's Grass Pledge on Anorith.


Thanks, i won because anorith used knock off against decidueye instead off rock slide

talonflame and staraptor did the rest

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Hi! I'm currently stuck at Terra, mostly because I can't get past her Palossand and Garchomp.

I think if I level up my ice pokemon I can get past the Garchomp, but the Pallosand acts really weird in the Glitch field. 

Anyone know what to use against it?


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1 hour ago, Gaiboi said:

Hi! I'm currently stuck at Terra, mostly because I can't get past her Palossand and Garchomp.

I think if I level up my ice pokemon I can get past the Garchomp, but the Pallosand acts really weird in the Glitch field. 

Anyone know what to use against it?

Palossand loses it's typing because of the Seed it consumes upon switching in, just like Quagsire. That means it has no STABs, but also no weaknesses (doesn't take super-effective damage from anything). It can attack Normal-types with Giga Drain only, since it's only damage-dealing moves are Giga Drain and Shadow Ball. You can use this to your advantage and use Leech Seed or poison it or whatever. Other alternative is to use powerful mons with strong moves and just break through.


Could you post your team, so that we might be able to give you more accurate or specific advice?

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Going against Terra with 


[Gardevoir] | [70]
[Odd Incence]
- Psychic
- Trick room
- Moonblast
- Magical leaf


[Pangoro] | [72]
[Black belt]
[Mold breaker
- Body slam
- Hammer arm
- Crunch
- Vital throw


[Dewgong] | [71]
[Lax incence]
[Thick fat]
- Surf
- Dive
- Frost breath
- Perish song


[Golem] | [68]
[Hard stone]
- Heavy slam
- Earthquake
- Rock smash
- Stone edge


[Delphox] | [67]
- Psychic
- Psyshock
- Fire blast
- Flamethrower


[Swampert] | [72]
[Wave incence]
- Hammer arm
- Muddy water
- Earthquake
- Rock slide


i can't get the dewgong to tank an attack from the garchomp, but if i could get in a perish song i could make it

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One alternative is to use X items and set up on another mon before Garchomp, the other is to have Trick Room active. That can be a bit of a double-edged sword, since many of her mons are slow as well. If you have any Synthetic Seeds, you can try letting your Dewgong hold one of those, but in this case you need to save Dewgong for Garchomp - the effects of Synthetic Seed wear off if you switch out.



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8 minutes ago, SilverHelio said:

Hello. I hate to admit it, but here I am admitting that I am having trouble beating Shade.

Here's my team:

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Well the first thing that comes to mind is evolving Tyrunt (lv39) and getting it crunch (lv34 from either evolution, common candy)

and in the status update I suggested murkrow/honchkrow, but it looks like you cant get a dusk stone til subrailnet if you don't want to trade 

Getting a fairy to set misty terrain could help, as ghost is weakened a fair bit in that, or at least changing short-circuit to factory might help a bit. 

Pangoro is not a bad idea as someone else mentioned, and it can also get scrappy I believe, which is nice. scrappy normal types in general could potentially be good?

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6 hours ago, SilverHelio said:

Hello. I hate to admit it, but here I am admitting that I am having trouble beating Shade.

Here's my team:

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Evolve your Ponyta and Tyrunt. Ponyta/Rapidash learns Fire Blast at lvl 41, so with a common candy you can make Rapidash obey you again, and now you have a powerful STAB move at your disposal. I guess Luxray is your best bet against Rotom, I'd save Venusaur for later. In my opinion Togetic isn't particularly useful in this battle, if it manages to deal some chip damage that's good enough. You can Gabite for the same purpose, I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Swampert LV 82

mystic water


Rain Dance






Magmortar LV 82


Vital spirit



Lava Plume

Thunder Punch

Confuse Ray




Scrafty LV 79


Zoom Lens

Shed Skin


High Jump Kick


Rock Smash

Rock Climb


Metagross lv83

Clear Body 

Twisted Spoon

Meteor Mash

Bullet Punch

Hammer Arm

Zen Headbutt



Torterra LV 80

Miracle Seed

Shell Armor




Wood Hammer

Giga Drain


Togekiss LV 78

Serene Grace


Air Slash

Moon Blast

Aura Sphere



In rotation: Drapion, Crobat, Venusaur,  Vaniluxe, Sivally(only with fighting memory), Grumpig, Gyarados

PS: If someone suggest some good moveset for each of my pokemon (Especially for the first six, plus Crobat, Drapion and Sivally)


Edited by Fulano
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I somehow beat her, so this is solved :D


Well I managed it to get until Terra without help but now I need some. I can't get past the Garchomp. It destroys everything with Draco Meteors and even after using 2-3 of them its damage output is unreal, I don't even know how that is possible . Basically I beat her team without many casualties. I have a full life Torterra, Barbaracle & Arcanine (except for Stealth Rock damage) and an almost dead Eelektross (which I can heal but it still gets 2hit :/) against the Garchomp and I can't manage to beat it.

I guess my last strategy that has a chance of working is reviving my Noivern to Tailwind and try to kill it by having my mons moving before it but the physical/special split is hurting me pretty good here.

Nvm: cant setup tailwind since chomp is faster


Edit 1:

Torterra, Adamant: Eearthquake, woodhammer, crunch, synthesis

Noivern, Modest: Hurricane, dragonpulse, flamethrower, tailwind

Eelektross, Quiet: Discharge, Flamethrower, grass knot, crunch

Arcanine, Rash: flamethrower, close combat, crunch, extreme speed

Scrafty, Careful: high jump kick, crunch, ice punch, head charge

Barbaracle, Jolly: Stone edge, that water shell signature move, cross chop, surf


all lvl 67-69


all have okay to good IVs and EVs are close to the max for most of them. no ideal spreads, mostly balanced around all stats, albeit trying to avoid useless EVs.


I got a couple TMs but nothing that'd help aagainst chomps except for Swagger. I will likely give that to Swagpants McScraftystein and see where life takes me.


Edit 2:

After using Draco Meteor twice already the garchomp brings my Careful 24/23 IV 84/100 EV on HP/Sp Def Scrafty with 1 X Special unto 10 HP using Draco Meteor with no crit. Fun times.

Also, because of the split my only Ice move does nothing to chomp, barbaracle also does nothing because water is special. Noivern dragonpulse only hits for neutral damage. Tried it so many times and even after getting very lucky (killing Nidoking with Noivern without taking damage while Terra used 1 Potion & killing Excadrill with no damage because she used swords dance, killing Quagsire with Eelektross, losing him in turn & killing Hippo & sandcastle with torterra which then died to chomps. even after chomp missed his stone edge on noivern dragonpulse did 15%. scrafty surviving with the said 10 hp doing 20% with ice punch. everything I do to it is chip damage. I'll probably stack up everybody with Gems and my 1 Focus Sash and see if that leads me somewhere but I don't see me winning this even with Blizzards & stone edges missing from the opponent maybe I'll get lucky with using Swagger. after that I'll likely just grind until everyones 74/75, pray to lord arceus (or ditto, whichever it is). rinse & repeat with gems & focus sash.


except if somebody has an idea that I overlooked of course. I do have a couple caught mons but I don't do that rotation stuff, only got the main team. if everything else fails I have a lvl ~53 jynx that i could train up to use blizzard on Jaws, but I'd rather put the energy and exp into my real team. (had to ditch her from my team :( for scrafty after learning that confusion will be her strongest psychic move </3)

Edited by Armanz
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I can't even kill 2 pokemon, each of my pokemon just get one/two shotted by dazzling gleam gardevoir/ earthquake granbull



current team
Lycanroc 76
Stone plate
keen eye
- accelerock
- stone edge
- stealth rock
- crunch

Arcanine 78
- flare blitz



Lucario 73
fist plate
- aura sphere

-close combat

-extreme speed

-dragon pulse

flygon 80
- rock slide


-dragon claw


magnezone 76
- tri attack

-charge beam


-flash cannon

greninja 77

mystic water
-dark pulse




--Other Pokemon you have in your PC--
alakazam 70

gardevoir 59

rotom wash 65

amoonguss 63

Edited by SenseiDucky
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Go to the move tutors and teach Gunk Shot to your Greninja, and possibly Tailwind to your Flygon. It's worth noting that Tailwind changes the field, so it's better not to use it right off the bat especially when you have Fire-types with you: the new field renders Fire-types usefulness. On the other hand, that's when Steel-type moves are also powered up, so moves like Iron Head and Flash Cannon come in extremely handy.


Your team is overall weak to Earthquake, so you might want to get rid of Granbull fast. You can try teaching Iron Tail to your Lucario - it's definitely not the best STAB move, but in this case better than nothing, I suppose. You're going to need Lycanroc and Magnezone for later, so try not to get them knocked out against Granbull.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so i'm doing some kind of 7gen run


my team is

primarina l34 - modest - torrent

Sparkling area

disarming voice

aqua jet

baby-doll eyes


Bewaer l 32 - relaxed - fluffy

take down


baby doll eyes

brutal swing


charjabug l31 - bashful - battery






Gumshoos l 30 - careful - strong jaw



sand attack

super fang


Pikachu l 35 - bashful - static

t wave


nasty plot

electro ball


mareanie l 27 - impish - regenerator



t spikes



in the pc i have fomantis and morelull both l24


any tips for shelly, because the only aditions to my team are alolan rattata and meowth (dark types are weak against bug)

and i got nothing very effictive

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the main problem with shelly is that she effectively neutralizes one of her main weaknesses (fire) as soon as the battle starts, but her other weaknesses (like rock and flying) are easily exploitable, if you can grab a pikipek that might help as would any good rock pokemon you can get. steel pokemon also resist most of what she has, and finally she WILL spam struggle bug, so try to focus more on physical attackers.


anyway i need help myself with the fairy type leader, i cant damage her pokemon at all hardly and they decimate me back, i dont have much in the way of countering her either. 


Current Team:

Galvantula lv75


Bug Buzz


Sticky Web


Noivern LV 70 (will train up a bit more, though the grand hall trainers being in their 80s dosent help)


Dragon Pulse




Infernape LV 76 

Flare Blitz

Close Combat

Shadow Claw

Grass Knot


Meowstic (F) LV 75


Charge Beam

Shadow Ball

Signal Beam


Omastar LV 74

Shell Smash





Mamoswine LV 75


Ice Fang




In Box: Ampharos, Skuntank, Pinsir, Krookodile, Kangaskhan, Drapion, Porygon (with BOTH evo items), 13x Skorupi 


i know Hurricane can get rid of the field (and with noiverns speed that isnt a problem) but idk how much that would help. last time i played i had Magnezone but i'd rather not grind one of those up (and have to do the damn mulch quest for the key to get magnezone in the first place) 

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On 2/13/2018 at 7:05 PM, the red guy said:

A little bit unrelated yet kinda relating to this, does it make me any less of a trainer if i use revives on gym leaders? Some of them really be difficult to me and i usually want to move on in the story

I don't know what you mean. Using revives makes the game easier, sure, but Reborn is way harder than the main games, so it's not a bad thing to use them sometimes.

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Hi you can help me very hard to get by Shade, it's very annoying.
Current Team:
Greninja, lv.38, Ability: Protean, Item:
Water Pulse
Water Shuriken
Smack Down


Marowak, Lv.38, Ability: Lightningrod, Item: Rare Bone
Bone Club

False Swipe


Oricorio (Sensu Style), Lv.38, Ability: Dancer, Item:
Air Slash

Mirro Move



Swoobat, Lv.35, Ability: Unaware, Item: Twisted Spoon

Heart Stamp

Calm Mind

Air Slash

Charge Beam


Nidorina, Lv.28 (It's in Training and Moon Stone), Ability: Poison Point, Item: Big Root

Double Kick
Venon Drench

Disable Amoonguss, Lv.32 (And this is in the training), Ability: Effect Spore, Item:
Feint Attack
Nature Power
Giga Drain

In Box: Cherubi (Lv.3), Morelull (Lv.30), Beedrill (Lv.20), Sandshrew (Lv.24), Tranquill (Lv.26), Alola Sandslash (Lv.31), Elgyem (Lv. 30) gothic (Lv.25) Braixen (Lv.29) Graveler (Lv.30) SPHE (Lv.38) Fletchling (Lv.25) Growlithe (Lv.25) Pansage (Lv.22 ) and Ponyta (Lv.14)

Ps: I have many of you from Wonder Trade

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Current Team:

Shadowfire (Charizard) - Fire/Flying lvl63

Solar Power - Charcoal


Dragon Claw

Air Slash

Ancient Power


Gren (Aggron) - Steel/Rock lvl61

Rock Head - Hard Stone

Rock Slide

Iron Head




Lilly (Leafeon) - Grass lvl65

Leaf Guard - Rose Inscence

Last Resort

Sunny Day

Leaf Blade

Give Drain


Nightmare (Alakazam) - Psychic lvl61

Synchronize - Twisted Spoon



Calm Mind

Future Sight


Aurora (Vaporeon) - Water lvl61

Water Absorb - Splash Plate


Hydro Pump

Aurora Beam

Rain Dance


Arien (Typhlosion) - Fire lvl62

Blaze - Charcoal







This guy is just smoking me every time. I don't really have other pokes in the pc I've been training up. I have a couple I could go work on possibly, but this is just my main team.

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Alakazam is actually very good against Samson, since it should be able to take down most of his team. Sturdy might be the better ability for Aggron, because it allows you to take any hit and land one of your own; Hawlucha will outspeed anything thanks to Unburden, so you're better off trying to tank hits and then retaliate.


Use Charizard or Typhlosion against his Lucario and possibly Vaporeon against Blaziken. Don't let your Alakazam get knocked out immediately.


@I Love Vulpix Are you still stuck?

Edited by Zargerth
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3 hours ago, Zargerth said:

Alakazam is actually very good against Samson, since it should be able to take down most of his team. Sturdy might be the better ability for Aggron, because it allows you to take any hit and land one of your own; Hawlucha will outspeed anything thanks to Unburden, so you're better off trying to tank hits and then retaliate.


Use Charizard or Typhlosion against his Lucario and possibly Vaporeon against Blaziken. Don't let your Alakazam get knocked out immediately.


@I Love Vulpix Are you still stuck?

Yes I am

.Rotom is the most annoying

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6 hours ago, I Love Vulpix said:

Yes I am

If you don't mind leveling up new mons, I recommend Scrafty. It has STAB Crunch and good defensive stats.


While not easy to pull off, Greninja's Smack Down should remove Rotom's Levitate, meaning your Marowak could then use Ground-type moves on it.


Your troubles don't (necessarily) end with Rotom though, because Shade also has Mimikyu. And that Mimikyu can easily set up and sweep. I think Marowak is your best bet here, since it can break Disguise and deal damage on the same turn. 

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