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There are some lvl30 Bunelby in the cave behind Corey's arena

Make it evolve and you're good since shade only have ghost/electrik moves for most of his pokemon

take down his rotom with your oricorio and Diggersby will curbstomp it (make sure factory field is active)


that is if you're still stuck @I Love Vulpix

Edited by smyrkisher
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7 hours ago, smyrkisher said:

There are some lvl30 Bunelby in the cave behind Corey's arena

Make it evolve and you're good since shade only have ghost/electrik moves for most of his pokemon

take down his rotom with your oricorio and Diggersby will curbstomp it (make sure factory field is active)


that is if you're still stuck @I Love Vulpix


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--My current team--
[Mightyena] | [64]
- Rock Smash
- Dark Pulse 
- Sucker Punch
- Play Rough

[Empoleon] | [67]
[Wave Incense]
- Surf
- Hydro Pump
- Brine
- Strength

[Drifblim] | [62]
[Spell Tag]
- Hex
- Shadow Ball
- Destiny Bond
- Cut


[Musharna] | [69]
[Amplified Rock]
- Hypnosis
- Psybeam
- Charge Beam
- Trick Room


[Toxicroak] | [68]
[Black Belt]
[Poison Touch]
- Sludge Bomb
- Poison Jab
- Sucker Punch
- Drain Punch


[Talonflame] | [66]
[Protective Pads]
[Flame Body]
- Acrobatics
- Flame Charge
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird




I also have these alternatives that i either just caught or are relatively under leveled


[Absol] (just caught)| [72]
- Sucker Punch
- Razor Wind
- Future Sight 
 Perish Song


[Typhlosion] | [58]
[Flash Fire]
- Inferno
- Flamethrower
- Flame Wheel 
- Extrasensory



I also have plenty of heartscales and shards if i need to go teach or buy new moves and plenty of time to grind if need be, also i dont know what items would be significant to have but if theyre listied i can tell you yes or no as to if i currently possess them or not, also my dumb ass forgot to take off the EXP Share of my Tranquil when i was doing the Type:Null sidequest so that is out of the question, and i also have $78472

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6 hours ago, thatoneguy9718 said:


--My current team--
[Mightyena] | [64]
- Rock Smash
- Dark Pulse 
- Sucker Punch
- Play Rough

[Empoleon] | [67]
[Wave Incense]
- Surf
- Hydro Pump
- Brine
- Strength

[Drifblim] | [62]
[Spell Tag]
- Hex
- Shadow Ball
- Destiny Bond
- Cut


[Musharna] | [69]
[Amplified Rock]
- Hypnosis
- Psybeam
- Charge Beam
- Trick Room


[Toxicroak] | [68]
[Black Belt]
[Poison Touch]
- Sludge Bomb
- Poison Jab
- Sucker Punch
- Drain Punch


[Talonflame] | [66]
[Protective Pads]
[Flame Body]
- Acrobatics
- Flame Charge
- Flare Blitz
- Brave Bird




I also have these alternatives that i either just caught or are relatively under leveled


[Absol] (just caught)| [72]
- Sucker Punch
- Razor Wind
- Future Sight 
 Perish Song


[Typhlosion] | [58]
[Flash Fire]
- Inferno
- Flamethrower
- Flame Wheel 
- Extrasensory



I also have plenty of heartscales and shards if i need to go teach or buy new moves and plenty of time to grind if need be, also i dont know what items would be significant to have but if theyre listied i can tell you yes or no as to if i currently possess them or not, also my dumb ass forgot to take off the EXP Share of my Tranquil when i was doing the Type:Null sidequest so that is out of the question, and i also have $78472

actually nevermind guys i beat her after 3 trys it just took a different pov

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. I've played through this game several times and on this run of the game, I'm having a bit of trouble with Charlotte. My entire team is level 68.




My team:



Fist Plate





Close Combat

Night Slash




Wide Lens




Dragon Pulse


Air Slash

Dark Pulse





Pixie Plate


Water Pulse

Charge Beam


Grass Knot





Protective Plates


Flare Blitz


Fire Pledge (I switched out Brick Break so I could make rainbow field... I kept failing).

Darkest Lariat





Rose Incense


Knock Off

Leaf Blade

Poison Jab

Bug Bite





Wave Incense



Water Pledge (switched out Metal Claw for the rainbow field).

Icy Wind

Aqua Jet




In my PC


Donphan (57)







Giga Impact



Bronzong (57)





Gyro Ball


Rock Smash



Seismitoad (54)


Swift Swim



Sludge Wave

Rock Smash

Hydro Pump

Drain Punch


Medicham (60)





High Jump Kick

Rock Smash


Drain Punch


Golem (46)





Stealth Rock

Rock Smash

Smack Down



I'm extremely broke. I could get my money up at the Rainbow Challenge if necessary. I have plenty of items that boost types. I have other pokemon, but they are either extremely low in terms of level or they have little to no real use (zigzagoon, stuff like that).





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Right first off if you are broke just capture some pick up mons and use them while you grind/Ev train mons up. cause pick up mons can pick up useful stuff and you save a lot from not needing to buy so much potions and repels.


You will need 2 ability capsule and some heart scales. well swap bronzong to heat proof ability. let it learn trick room and capture a boldore from the ruby caves evolve it to gigalith relearn rock slide and sand storm,swap ability to sand force. Turn 1 bronzong use trick room and Gigalith use sand storm. Turn 2 gigalith rock slide everything and anything you see. crustle,carracosta and golem as back up will help.prefer using carracosta and crustle they both learn rock slide with leveling.Move set items of mons mentioned are in spoiler tag.Hope this helps. as for grinding spots well u can spam kill crustle if u have a good water type and not completed all the crustle puzzle at route 1. 



Gigalith@Smooth rock

Ability:Sand Force

Nature:Adamant/Brave(if possible if not any nature will do as long as it does not boost speed or minus atk)

EV:252 Hp/252Atk/4 Spdef


Rock slide



Stone Edge


Bronzong@Amplified Rock(if possible if not there is no need for this item)

Ability:Heat proof

Nature:Adamant/Brave(if possible if not any nature will do as long as it does not boost speed or minus atk)

EV:252 Hp/252SpDef/4 def


Gyro ball



Safeguard/Heavy slam


Crustle@Hard Stone/Stone Plate


Nature:Adamant/Brave(if possible if not any nature will do as long as it does not boost speed or minus atk)

EV:252 Hp/252Atk/4 Spdef


Rock slide

Rock wrecker


Shadow claw


Carracosta@Hard Stone/Stone Plate


Nature:Adamant/Brave(if possible if not any nature will do as long as it does not boost speed or minus atk)

EV:252 Hp/252Atk/4 Spdef


Wide Guard(wide guard can be useful vs charlotte as she might spam heat wave,Eruption and lave plume)

Rock slide

Curse/Aqua tail



Golem@wide lens 

Ability:Sturdy/Rock Head

Nature:Adamant/Brave(if possible if not any nature will do as long as it does not boost speed or minus atk)

EV:252 Hp/252Atk/4 Spdef



Stone Edge


Heavy slam/double edge



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  • 2 weeks later...

Help with adrienne;I cant beat even half of her pokemon
I havent done ev training and I am struggling with most bosses of chapter 16

current team:

charizard lv 77 (docile) @ brightpowder
flare blitz
smokescreen(hax ftw)

leafeon lv 78,carefull @ scope lens
leaf blade
swords dance
quick attack
grasswhistle(hax ftw)

alakazam lv 80,timid @ brightpowder
shadow ball
grass knot
calm mind

azumarill lv 79,timid @ wise glasses
play rough

porigon 2 lv 80,modest,download @ silk scarf
try attack
shadow ball
signal bea,

hariyama lv 75,relaxed,@ brightpowder
force palm
close combat

yeah I know that him is useless

I have no backup pokemon,neither lucky egg(Need to beat adrienne)

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Adrienn's pretty tough, but if you have a good Steel type or two, xe becomes that much easier. I'm pretty sure that Beldum (Metagross) is available at that moment in the game, and so is Aron (Aggron), both good Steel Types to start cleaning up Adrienn with.

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well first off i would go catch some steel types/mons which can make use of steel moves. Next you will need a pokemon which can use tailwind to get rid of the annoying mist field and you should be able to sweep since the fairy tale field boost steel type moves. Also Ev training is kinda easy since you have not upgrade anything yet since u can only upgrade: railnet/azurine island and slums after you beat adrienn. well for my grass mono run my plan to beat Adrienn is to use dhelmise and prankster tailwind with whimsicott. you can use other mons.


EV training


Speed EV: woobat 

ATK EV: everything in obsidia Slums except makuhita and trubish

Other EV: just put on a power item of that EV and go to slums or railnet. IE if u want speed+sp atk put on a power lens and atk woobats.


Reset EV berries can be gotten from department store if u collected the stickers if not this guide ->HERE<- should help u tie up lose ends or find hidden sticker which u have not found yet.


Money farming


No enuf money to buy power items well a simple way to farm money is to vs the repeatable double trainer in the grand hall and put luck incense to get more money. I m sure you current team can beat the doubles couple easily. if not well, catch wild meowths and make them learn pay day and spam payday on lvl 5 woobats at railnet. also make use they have pick up to pick up items u can sell.


Modifications to current Team


well first off i would ev train your current team so that they wont have much problems in the next few bosses.Move set wise some of your team moves also need to be changed. if u have heart scales to spare you can change the nature of your team members also at 7th street.ill put the Ev spread,recommended nature and move set in the spoiler tag so it wont take so much space.



charizard lv 77 (Modest/Timid) @ Charcoal

Ability:Solar power

EV:252 SPAtk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Spdef

Flamethrower/Solar beam
Heat Wave
Air Slash
smokescreen/Dragon Pulse/solar beam/Tailwind


Put Fly on HM slave dont waste a move slot on your team. Heat wave will be useful in later parts of the game trust me. Air slash is a good hax move also as it can flinch. U can keep smoke screen if u want but i would replace it with dragon pulse or solar beam for coverage. Solar beam is good coverage provided u set up sun or sun is already set up.Tailwind if the move tutor for tailwind is unlock not very sure but tailwind can be very useful for Adrienn battle.


Leafeon lv 78,carefull @ scope lens


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Def

Leaf blade
Swords dance

Nature Power
Grass Whistle/Last Resort/Facade/X-scissors/Toxic


Nature power is was better than Quick Attack it helps with coverage as it changes according to the field and this is very helpful. Last Resort And Facade are just temp moves until u get the TM for X-scissors so u can put GrassWhistle if u like it but imho it is useless cause of its accuracy. if u want a good status toxic would be good too on Leafeon. Last Resort hits like a truck once u boost it with swords dance. Facade is for when u get status. 


Alakazam lv 80,timid @ brightpowder

Ability:Magic Guard

EV:252 SPAtk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Spdef

Shadow Ball
Grass knot
Calm Mind


Good moveset, good nature just do Ev training and Alakazam would be awesome.

Azumarill lv 79(Adamant) @ wise glasses

Ability:Huge Power

EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def

play rough


Move set wise all good just swap the nature and Ev train.

Porygon 2 lv 80(modest)@ silk scarf


EV:252 SPAtk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Spdef

Shadow ball
Signal beam


Evolve to Porygon-Z if u have dubious disk. if not well u can can ask in the online game play thread for help. i m sure some 1 has a spare dubious disk and can help u get Porygon-Z. Move set wise you are good nature also jut EV train and u should be fine.


Hariyama lv 75(Adamant/Brave)@ Life orb

Ability:Sheer Force

EV:252 Atk/ 252 HP/ 6 Def

Force Palm
Close Combat

Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Rock tomb

Heavy Slam/Poison jab


Swap rock tomb to elemental punches(ice/thunder punch) once u get access to them.Heavy slam is very useful vs adrienn. All hariyama needs is a trick room and u should be ok.Sheer force prevents life orb from chipping hp so it make hariyama atks super crazy.Replace heavy slam with poison jab once u get the Tm. Hariyama is very useful so do not under estimate him.


Additions to Team 


Now for the additional Team members u can train up to beat Adrienn. There are a few but most of them are either steel types or users of heavy slam. in addition to that there is also a list of tailwind users/mons which learn tailwind by lvling up just in case the tailwind move tutor is not around yet.All are in the spoiler tag again to save space.



Tailwind users


Well there are a few Pokemon which learn tailwind by leveling up which u can find easily at decent levels all around reborn. Noivern is out because well we are vsing a fairy gym and dragon types dont fair well vs fairy. Murkrow/Honchcrow /Mandibuzz are also out cause they are part dark type. Which leaves us with Pidgeot/Unfanzant/Xatu/Pelliper/Swana/Braviary/TalonFlame/Sigilyph/Butterfree/Whimsicott. To choose from personally i would go for Whimsicott or Talonflame as they can set up tailwind faster due to their ability. so i m just gonna list down the moveset for Talonflame and Whimsicott.


TalonFlame(Adamant/jolly)@ Flying Gem

Ability:Gale wings

EV:252 Atk/ 252 Speed/6 Hp



Flare Blitz

Brave Bird



Replace tailwind with roost once u get the TM.


Whimsicott(Modest/Timid)@Amplified Rock


EV:252 SpAtk/ 252 Speed/6 SpDef


Leech Seed/sunny day/Helping hand



Energy Ball


Sunny day will help yer team cause charizard and Leafeon have sun based ability. Leech seed is for healing.Helping hand will help in doubles.Choose what you need/ feels better.


Heavy slammers


Well there are a few heavy slam pokemons available to use. heavy slam is awesome vs adrienn because in fairy tail field heavy slam/steel type moves are boosted. so most heavy slammers are slow so they either need tailwind or trick room to work basically we got the tailwind part covered cause we need to use tailwind to get rid of the mist field which is very annoying. Anyways here are the heavy slammer pokemon.


Dhelmise(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def


Phantom Force/Shadow claw

Anchor Shot

Heavy Slam

Power whip


Bronzong(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def


Heavy Slam

Gyro Ball

Trick room



Fortress(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def


Heavy Slam

Bug bite

Gyro ball

Bulldoze/Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Explosion


I would go for toxic spikes so u can get free chip damage from poison.


Mudsdale(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def



Heavy Slam

Close Combat/Superpower

Rock Tomb/Giga impact


Super power if u lazy to breed for close combat.


Hope this helps and good luck with Adrienn


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Hitting a snag at Titania, my lineup is as follows:


Empoleon with magic seed, moves:

Water Pledge, Whirlpool, Brick break, Mist (unused)


Charizard with magic seed & Solar Power, moves:

Sunny Day, Fire Pledge, Air Slash, Brick Break


Ludicolo with Magic seed, moves:

Hidden Power (ground), Hydro Pump, Giga drain, Zen Headbutt


Klinklang with Magic seed, moves: 

Shift Gear, Gear Grind, Discharge, Mirror shot


Noivern with Magic Seed, moves:

Hidden Power (ghost), Tailwind, STAB moves that won't come into use here


Dusclops with Eviolite, moves:

Hex, Will o Wisp, Curse, Confuse Ray


My plan is to throw up a Water Pledge with empoleon, then remove the overworld hail and replace the terrain with a rainbow, using the seed buffs to keep me ahead. I was able to get through Titania's Sandslash, Excadrill, Scizor, and Empoleon using this strategy, but my problem begims with Klefki.


At that point, I've got Ludicolo out at low HP, while Empoleon and Charizard are also in the wings with low HP.  I can either set a new rainbow with water pledge; prompting it to use Calm Mind, take it out with Klinklang; burning a use of seeds and potentially encouraging Titania to use swords dance with Aegislash (which ended my last attempt), or I can use Dusclops and hope she doesn't switch out; which would remove its chance to burn Aegislash without using a sacrifice and a healing item (Dusclops would survive a shadow sneak at +2).


Anyone got any refinements to my plan? I know Noivern is sort of a wasted slot, but I'm hoping to not have to grind up a replacement after I already leveled Empoleon specifically for this rainbow-fu plan, and it was my best choice among my trained reserves for this fight.


Edit: I just had the stupidest idea that might work: use a ditto with impersonate to beat her Aegislash with itself. I'm at work so I can't test this, but I have a good feeling I can use king's shield to trick her AI into using swords dance while I'm already heavily boosted.

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On 09/04/2018 at 10:56 AM, Luna said:



well first off i would go catch some steel types/mons which can make use of steel moves. Next you will need a pokemon which can use tailwind to get rid of the annoying mist field and you should be able to sweep since the fairy tale field boost steel type moves. Also Ev training is kinda easy since you have not upgrade anything yet since u can only upgrade: railnet/azurine island and slums after you beat adrienn. well for my grass mono run my plan to beat Adrienn is to use dhelmise and prankster tailwind with whimsicott. you can use other mons.


EV training


Speed EV: woobat 

ATK EV: everything in obsidia Slums except makuhita and trubish

Other EV: just put on a power item of that EV and go to slums or railnet. IE if u want speed+sp atk put on a power lens and atk woobats.


Reset EV berries can be gotten from department store if u collected the stickers if not this guide ->HERE<- should help u tie up lose ends or find hidden sticker which u have not found yet.


Money farming


No enuf money to buy power items well a simple way to farm money is to vs the repeatable double trainer in the grand hall and put luck incense to get more money. I m sure you current team can beat the doubles couple easily. if not well, catch wild meowths and make them learn pay day and spam payday on lvl 5 woobats at railnet. also make use they have pick up to pick up items u can sell.


Modifications to current Team


well first off i would ev train your current team so that they wont have much problems in the next few bosses.Move set wise some of your team moves also need to be changed. if u have heart scales to spare you can change the nature of your team members also at 7th street.ill put the Ev spread,recommended nature and move set in the spoiler tag so it wont take so much space.


  Reveal hidden contents

charizard lv 77 (Modest/Timid) @ Charcoal

Ability:Solar power

EV:252 SPAtk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Spdef

Flamethrower/Solar beam
Heat Wave
Air Slash
smokescreen/Dragon Pulse/solar beam/Tailwind


Put Fly on HM slave dont waste a move slot on your team. Heat wave will be useful in later parts of the game trust me. Air slash is a good hax move also as it can flinch. U can keep smoke screen if u want but i would replace it with dragon pulse or solar beam for coverage. Solar beam is good coverage provided u set up sun or sun is already set up.Tailwind if the move tutor for tailwind is unlock not very sure but tailwind can be very useful for Adrienn battle.


Leafeon lv 78,carefull @ scope lens


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Def

Leaf blade
Swords dance

Nature Power
Grass Whistle/Last Resort/Facade/X-scissors/Toxic


Nature power is was better than Quick Attack it helps with coverage as it changes according to the field and this is very helpful. Last Resort And Facade are just temp moves until u get the TM for X-scissors so u can put GrassWhistle if u like it but imho it is useless cause of its accuracy. if u want a good status toxic would be good too on Leafeon. Last Resort hits like a truck once u boost it with swords dance. Facade is for when u get status. 


Alakazam lv 80,timid @ brightpowder

Ability:Magic Guard

EV:252 SPAtk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Spdef

Shadow Ball
Grass knot
Calm Mind


Good moveset, good nature just do Ev training and Alakazam would be awesome.

Azumarill lv 79(Adamant) @ wise glasses

Ability:Huge Power

EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def

play rough


Move set wise all good just swap the nature and Ev train.

Porygon 2 lv 80(modest)@ silk scarf


EV:252 SPAtk/ 252 Speed/ 6 Spdef

Shadow ball
Signal beam


Evolve to Porygon-Z if u have dubious disk. if not well u can can ask in the online game play thread for help. i m sure some 1 has a spare dubious disk and can help u get Porygon-Z. Move set wise you are good nature also jut EV train and u should be fine.


Hariyama lv 75(Adamant/Brave)@ Life orb

Ability:Sheer Force

EV:252 Atk/ 252 HP/ 6 Def

Force Palm
Close Combat

Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Rock tomb

Heavy Slam/Poison jab


Swap rock tomb to elemental punches(ice/thunder punch) once u get access to them.Heavy slam is very useful vs adrienn. All hariyama needs is a trick room and u should be ok.Sheer force prevents life orb from chipping hp so it make hariyama atks super crazy.Replace heavy slam with poison jab once u get the Tm. Hariyama is very useful so do not under estimate him.


Additions to Team 


Now for the additional Team members u can train up to beat Adrienn. There are a few but most of them are either steel types or users of heavy slam. in addition to that there is also a list of tailwind users/mons which learn tailwind by lvling up just in case the tailwind move tutor is not around yet.All are in the spoiler tag again to save space.


  Reveal hidden contents

Tailwind users


Well there are a few Pokemon which learn tailwind by leveling up which u can find easily at decent levels all around reborn. Noivern is out because well we are vsing a fairy gym and dragon types dont fair well vs fairy. Murkrow/Honchcrow /Mandibuzz are also out cause they are part dark type. Which leaves us with Pidgeot/Unfanzant/Xatu/Pelliper/Swana/Braviary/TalonFlame/Sigilyph/Butterfree/Whimsicott. To choose from personally i would go for Whimsicott or Talonflame as they can set up tailwind faster due to their ability. so i m just gonna list down the moveset for Talonflame and Whimsicott.


TalonFlame(Adamant/jolly)@ Flying Gem

Ability:Gale wings

EV:252 Atk/ 252 Speed/6 Hp



Flare Blitz

Brave Bird



Replace tailwind with roost once u get the TM.


Whimsicott(Modest/Timid)@Amplified Rock


EV:252 SpAtk/ 252 Speed/6 SpDef


Leech Seed/sunny day/Helping hand



Energy Ball


Sunny day will help yer team cause charizard and Leafeon have sun based ability. Leech seed is for healing.Helping hand will help in doubles.Choose what you need/ feels better.


Heavy slammers


Well there are a few heavy slam pokemons available to use. heavy slam is awesome vs adrienn because in fairy tail field heavy slam/steel type moves are boosted. so most heavy slammers are slow so they either need tailwind or trick room to work basically we got the tailwind part covered cause we need to use tailwind to get rid of the mist field which is very annoying. Anyways here are the heavy slammer pokemon.


Dhelmise(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def


Phantom Force/Shadow claw

Anchor Shot

Heavy Slam

Power whip


Bronzong(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def


Heavy Slam

Gyro Ball

Trick room



Fortress(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def


Heavy Slam

Bug bite

Gyro ball

Bulldoze/Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Explosion


I would go for toxic spikes so u can get free chip damage from poison.


Mudsdale(Adamant)@ Metal coat


EV:252 Atk/ 252 Hp/ 6 Def



Heavy Slam

Close Combat/Superpower

Rock Tomb/Giga impact


Super power if u lazy to breed for close combat.


Hope this helps and good luck with Adrienn


thanks for the answers and sorry for the late reply

I beat adrienne using a agron  heavy slamer.I noticed that ev training with ev items + fast foward is pretty fast and I am on my way to ev training this team and some backups


but got a question about ev builds in this game.As the strongest potion we have is ultra potion that heals only 200hp it wouldnt better to give slow atackers(eg: azumaril,hariama) evs in def/sp def instead of hp?(example: 252 atack + 126 def + 126 sp def or maybe 252 attack + 252 def or 252attack + 252 sp def)?Because if we have much hp we wouldnt be able to heal that extra amount due to lack of max potion and full restore


no ev hariama has already over 300hp,azumarill has 290hp


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pick up mons usually pick up full restore at high levels well even at low levels they pick it up. Also ultra potion is not the strongest potion we have in reborn u can get full restore at lvl 10 of the department store. having more health helps. since health is beneficial for both special and physical moves. Azumarill  should have health if you are using belly drum+huge power+berry. as for hariyama well its spdef and def both are low and not worth investing into def or spdef imho. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having some trouble against Corey: more specifically, his Crobat. I can beat his other five Pokemon without much problem, but his Crobat just one or two-hit-KOs my Pokemon with Venoshock. 

Any suggestions on how to prepare myself, whether it's by items, new Pokemon or new moves are appreciated. 


Lv 30, Male


Protective Pads




Mach Punch


Flame Wheel



Lv 30, Male


No item









Lv 30, Male


No item



Body Slam

Acid Spray





Lv 30, Female


Twisted Spoon



Charge Beam

Light Screen

Disarming Voice




Lv 30, Male


No item

Compound Eyes




Draining Kiss

Bug Bite



Lv 30, Female


No item








Edited by quiter10
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@quiter10 use Swoobat with simple set up calm mind on either mareanie or anything but Skuntank. Also Ev train speed on the swoobat and have a speed increasing nature to make sure u out speed the crobat. swoobat set is below in spoiler:




Item: Sharp Beak


EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp


Calm mind


Air Cutter

Gust/Air Slash


level up to lvl 32 to get air slash than use 2 common candies.


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Ah...help me

with Adreinn...someone plz T^T

Cuz of my three type challenge back few years ago, i have these to fight against her

[Frosslass] lv 78

Wake up slap, Icy Wind, SHadow Ball, Destiny Bond

[Glaceon] lv 79

Ice Beam, Bite, Sand Attack, Blizzard

[Charizard] lv 79

Fly, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Fly

[Crobat] lv 79

Acrobatics, Poison Fang, Confusion, Dark Pulse

[Archeops] lv 79

Acrobatics, Crunch, Rock SLide, Dragon Claw

[Delphox] lv 74

Flame Thrower, Sunny Day, Psychich, Mystical Fire

[Aurorous] lv 74 

Avalanche, Mist, Bulldoze, Ice Beam

[Starmie] lv 77

Power Gem, COnfuse Ray, Surf, Power Gem

[Metagross] lv 60

Take Down, Hammer Arm, Meteroe Mash, Psychic

[Noiver] lv 49

Roost; other useless moves


Why cant fire hit mega mawile?

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3 minutes ago, Yuziriha said:

Ah...help me

with Adreinn...someone plz T^T

Cuz of my three type challenge back few years ago, i have these to fight against her

[Frosslass] lv 78

Wake up slap, Icy Wind, SHadow Ball, Destiny Bond

[Glaceon] lv 79

Ice Beam, Bite, Sand Attack, Blizzard

[Charizard] lv 79

Fly, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Fly

[Crobat] lv 79

Acrobatics, Poison Fang, Confusion, Dark Pulse

[Archeops] lv 79

Acrobatics, Crunch, Rock SLide, Dragon Claw

[Delphox] lv 74

Flame Thrower, Sunny Day, Psychich, Mystical Fire

[Aurorous] lv 74 

Avalanche, Mist, Bulldoze, Ice Beam

[Starmie] lv 77

Power Gem, COnfuse Ray, Surf, Power Gem

[Metagross] lv 60

Take Down, Hammer Arm, Meteroe Mash, Psychic

[Noiver] lv 49

Roost; other useless moves


Why cant fire hit mega mawile?

lul fairy tale field lets fire type moves have additional dragon typing

fairies mostly have poor defenses so try physical moves

level up that metagross and give it bullet punch

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@Yuziriha Fairytale field makes fire type moves part dragon. think u can still use fire moves in mist field. Field only turn to fairytale field when adrienn's whimsicott uses tailwind.


well metagross and crobat will be helpful here. Err modifications to the team in the spoiler in terms of better move set for that mon. Also you are advice to EV train so will put the recommended ev spread of your team below also. In misty field fairy type gain more Spdef so i would try to gte rid of if as soon as possible if u want to use special type atks.



[Frosslass] lv 79(Modest/Timid) @ icy rock

Ability:snow cloak

EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp


Draining kiss/Hail

icy Wind/Blizzard

Shadow Ball

Destiny Bond/Aurora veil


[Glaceon] lv 79(Modest/Timid) @ nevermeltice

Ability:Ice Body/Snow cloak

EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp


Ice Beam

Shadow Ball/Signal Beam

Water pulse/Hyper voice/Aurora veil



[Charizard] lv 79(Modest/Timid) @ Charcoal

Ability: Solar power/Blaze

EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp


Air slash


Dragon Pulse

Heat Wave


[Crobat] lv 79(Adamant/Jolly) @ Flying gem

Ability: Infiltrator

EV:252 Atk/252 Speed/6 Hp



Cross poison

Leech life



[Archeops] lv 79(Adamant/Jolly) @ Flying gem

Ability: Defeatist

EV:252 Atk/252 Speed/6 Hp




Rock Slide

Dragon Claw


[Delphox] lv 79(Modest/Timid) @ Charcoal

Ability: Solar power/Blaze

EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp



Shadow Ball


Mystical Fire/heat wave


[Aurorous] lv 79(Modest/Quiet) @ icy rock

Ability:Snow warning

EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp




Nature Power

Ice beam/Blizzard


[Starmie] lv 79(Modest/Timid) @ mystic water

Ability:Natural cure

EV:252 SpAtk/252 Speed/6 Hp


Power Gem


Grass Knot

Signal Beam


[Metagross] lv 79(Adamant/Jolly) @ Metal coat

Ability: Clear Body

EV:252 Atk/252 Speed/6 Hp


Zen headbutt

Bullet punch

Meteor Mash

Hammer Arm



lead with aurorus and metagross. metgross use bullet punch and Aurorus spam blizzard until it dies. hope this helps Good luck with adrienn. if u need more mons top use just refer to the post above for heavy slam pokemon.



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On 5/11/2018 at 6:16 AM, Yuziriha said:

Ah...help me

with Adreinn...someone plz T^T

Cuz of my three type challenge back few years ago, i have these to fight against her

[Frosslass] lv 78

Wake up slap, Icy Wind, SHadow Ball, Destiny Bond

[Glaceon] lv 79

Ice Beam, Bite, Sand Attack, Blizzard

[Charizard] lv 79

Fly, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Fly

[Crobat] lv 79

Acrobatics, Poison Fang, Confusion, Dark Pulse

[Archeops] lv 79

Acrobatics, Crunch, Rock SLide, Dragon Claw

[Delphox] lv 74

Flame Thrower, Sunny Day, Psychich, Mystical Fire

[Aurorous] lv 74 

Avalanche, Mist, Bulldoze, Ice Beam

[Starmie] lv 77

Power Gem, COnfuse Ray, Surf, Power Gem

[Metagross] lv 60

Take Down, Hammer Arm, Meteroe Mash, Psychic

[Noiver] lv 49

Roost; other useless moves


Why cant fire hit mega mawile?

Another option is to go to Tanzan Cove and surf directly west from where the fisherman is standing. There's a cave there where you can catch Drilbur (and Excadrill if you're lucky) 


I beat Adrienn between Bullet Punch Metagross and Smart Strike Excadrill after a single SD.


Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could really use some help with Shade. He's always my wall. Any help is appreciated!


Here's the current team:


Nidoqueen (35) - Poison Point

- Toxic Spikes

- Bite

- Rock Smash

- Double Kick


Toxicroak (37) - Poison Touch

- Sucker Punch

- Mud Bomb

- Venoshock

- Drain Punch


Mightyena (37) - Moxie

- Bite

- Roar

- Swagger

- Assurance


Chesnaught (38) - Bulletproof

- Seed Bomb

- Rock Smash

- Spikey Shield 

- Bite


Zebstrika (35) - Motor Drive

- Spark

- Thunder Wave

- Flame Charge

- Stomp


Persian (39) - Technician (Quick Claw)

- Fake Out

- Bite

- Power Gem

- Swift


Some notable Pokémon in my PC are: 

Magnemite, Yamask, Alolan Sandshrew, Mothim, Meowstic (Female), Staryu, Growlithe, Lilipup, Unfezant (male), Psyduck and Kricketune.


Willing to make whatever changes necessary to take this Ghosty Guy down! 



Thanks so much for any and all help folks! 

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2 hours ago, CodeCass said:

Could really use some help with Shade. He's always my wall. Any help is appreciated!


Here's the current team:


Nidoqueen (35) - Poison Point

- Toxic Spikes

- Bite

- Rock Smash

- Double Kick


Toxicroak (37) - Poison Touch

- Sucker Punch

- Mud Bomb

- Venoshock

- Drain Punch


Mightyena (37) - Moxie

- Bite

- Roar

- Swagger

- Assurance


Chesnaught (38) - Bulletproof

- Seed Bomb

- Rock Smash

- Spikey Shield 

- Bite


Zebstrika (35) - Motor Drive

- Spark

- Thunder Wave

- Flame Charge

- Stomp


Persian (39) - Technician (Quick Claw)

- Fake Out

- Bite

- Power Gem

- Swift


Some notable Pokémon in my PC are: 

Magnemite, Yamask, Alolan Sandshrew, Mothim, Meowstic (Female), Staryu, Growlithe, Lilipup, Unfezant (male), Psyduck and Kricketune.


Willing to make whatever changes necessary to take this Ghosty Guy down! 



Thanks so much for any and all help folks! 

Which of his Mons makes you the most trouble?


IMO go like this into the battles:

Gengar --> astrong Psychic attack is a OHKO

Doublade -->  Fire

Dhelmise --> Fire or flying should be enough

Rotom --> I used in my Psychic run this combination: Musharna -> Hypnosis, Calm Mind, Psychic --> OHKO 🙂

Banette --> Think your Mighty can beat it

Mimikyu --> Sent in one slave mon to get the Disguise away, then shall it go fast down after an Steel attack(Maybe from Magnemite 😉 )

  • Thanks 1
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I need help against Samson. Can anyone help me? 

My team is as follows:
[Gardevoir] - lvl 65



Draining Kiss, TR, Psychic, Calm Mind


[Empoleon] - lvl 57



Mist, Brine, Rain Dance, Metal Claw


[Alolan Exeggutor] - lvl 57



Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, Dragon Hammer, Wood Hammer


[Beautifly] - lvl 60



Air Cutter, Morning Sun, Struggle Bug, QD


[Hippowdon] - lvl 57

Sand Force (was hoping to Ability Capsule it if possible)


SR, Rock Smash, EQ, Crunch


[Skuntank] - lvl 56 



Acid Spray, Toxic, Flamethrower, Night Slash

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4 minutes ago, lolokxd said:

I need help against Samson. Can anyone help me? 

My team is as follows:
[Gardevoir] - lvl 65



Draining Kiss, TR, Psychic, CM


[Empoleon] - lvl 57



Mist, Brine, Rain Dance, Metal Claw


[Alolan Exeggutor] - lvl 57



Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, Dragon Hammer, Wood Hammer


[Beautifly] - lvl 60



Air Cutter, Morning Sun, Struggle Bug, QD


[Hippowdon] - lvl 57

Sand Force (was hoping to Ability Capsule it if possible)


SR, Rock Smash, EQ, Crunch


[Skuntank] - lvl 56 



Acid Spray, Toxic, Flamethrower, Night Slash

Oh oops, forgot about the pokes in my PC:


[Alolan Marowak] - lvl 45

Cursed Body


Shadow Bone, Stomping Tantrum, Thrash, Fling


[Ampharos] - lvl 50


Charge Beam, Power Gem, Electric Terrain, Discharge

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