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WHY I HATE SNEEZING (A gripe/pet peeves thread)


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OK let me tell you a lil something about me alright

I hate sneezing.


For one, when I sneeze, I am loud. Like, sudden noise that scares the shit out of everyone in an quiet classroom kind of loud. So when I sneeze, I scare anyone around me (yes including myself). Shit is so loud I feel like I am giving a speech in front of the whole damn nation without a microphone.

Second, its uncomfortable for me to sneeze. When I sneeze normally I feel as if I have been hit in the face with frozen meat (ok maybe that's taking it a bit too far but ya'll get the idea). And on the occasions where I decide to be a genius and attempt to hold my sneezes in (or suppress them as much as I can) not only do I make a weird sound though not as loud, it feels like I threw a bunch of those pop on the ground firecrackers on my face and having them all "pop" and spreads to my entire face. Pain spreads from my nose to my cheeks to my forehead and is not a pleasant experience.

TL;DR I have unnaturally loud sneezes which can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful therefore I hate sneezing.

Also, I figured I should make a thread specializing in pet peeves and gripes. Just remember to follow the rules, ya'll, we still need to be civil. SO POST AWAY.

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Cars. I don't like them D: I'm okay with being in them, but whenever I'm in an area with a bunch of cars driving around while I'm walking, I always freak out. I don't know why, it's pretty obvious they're not gonna hit me, but there's always this sort of anxiety, I guess, when I'm near moving cars.

I also don't like being close to people I don't know. Another one of those weird things that freak me out a whole bunch for no good reason.

My final pet peeve is people who go on threads like these and post really obvious stuff (i.e. "Hypocrites, stupid people, jerkfaces, etc.) It's like, no, really? Who in the world has ever said, "Hey! This person is obnoxious/cruel/a hypocrite/a liar/a moron! This sounds like the kind of person I would want to hang out with on a regular basis!" Nobody, that's who.

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I don't like when people play the "I need attention" card. I have been guilty of that before, but some people in my school just live in it and it just makes me disgusted. We have thirsty people here in Virginia.

I also sometimes gripe over friends kissing girls. Like...really kissing girls. For some reason this just make me wonder if waiting for our first kiss is really the right move and I'm not sure.

Final pet peeve. Cars. Hate 'em. When somebody drives a Hummer, I wish one of the wheels flys out and the driver hits a nearby pole. I swear those cars are bullies in the streets. Fucking hummers. ;;

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Anything that has an engine and is used as a vehicle irritates me because they're loud as fcuk. Like seriously. Why would you tune your damn motorbike to be loud enough to set off car alarms when you drive by?! >_>

Sneezing too. ​Why can't I be cute when I sneeze For some reason I have a tendency to sneeze at least twice in a row. Once, I've sneezed six times in succession and good wololo was I lightheaded afterward.

Another one is bad grammar and spelling, while there are some exceptions at times. It's all the more irritating when I correct a person multiple times (even with their consent) and yet they still make the same mistake.

There's also hearing the sound of my phone ringing. To other people, I've got a really jazzy and snazzy ringtone. Don't get me wrong; I really like it. Just not when people call me. >> In line with this one, I really hate it when people text and/or call me while I'm listening to music on my phone. Like. Seriously. I will smash your face in once I see you in person if you do this, unless I was really waiting for you to contact me (doesn't make it less annoying though).

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  • Support Squad

*Cracks knuckles*

The weather, all kinds, fucking hate it, indoor superiority

Travelling in anything with a schedule, buses planes, whatever, i don't wanna wait for the inevitable fuck up

People walking slowly

People who walk in a wall because they want to be in a conversation but there's too many people so they just end up taking up space as a human walking meat wall

Little kids, they're annoying little shits, i don't care what anyone says or how cute they're meant to be

People who use the Dobby/Sock joke thinking they're original

Recycled insults, be original or there's no point to the verbal sparring

People who aren't open-minded enough to at least try something

People who don't offer genuine arguments and just dismiss my own

People who are 2Edgy4U, looking at you SephirothXXDarkKnightShadow

People (You seeing a trend here?) who butt into my business without a damn invitation

Perpetual stereotypes that use the excuse of retroactive mocking to get away with continuing the stereotype

People who Ab00se me

People who mock my typos (LOST)

People who adopt trends without actually considering that trend themselves

People who dismiss those who swear as vulgar idiots

When someone Jabs me in between my pelvis and my ribs, right where my F*cking Kidneys are

When a driver doesn't look out for pedestrians like myself

People who complain about their lot in life when they DON'T PUT ANY EFFORT IN

Two faced assholes who seem nice one second and then immediately sla someone off when they are not there.

I could go on, but this is all for now.

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*Cracks knuckles*

The weather, all kinds, fucking hate it, indoor superiority

Travelling in anything with a schedule, buses planes, whatever, i don't wanna wait for the inevitable fuck up

People walking slowly

People who walk in a wall because they want to be in a conversation but there's too many people so they just end up taking up space as a human walking meat wall

Little kids, they're annoying little shits, i don't care what anyone says or how cute they're meant to be

People who use the Dobby/Sock joke thinking they're original

Recycled insults, be original or there's no point to the verbal sparring

People who aren't open-minded enough to at least try something

People who don't offer genuine arguments and just dismiss my own

People who are 2Edgy4U, looking at you SephirothXXDarkKnightShadow

People (You seeing a trend here?) who butt into my business without a damn invitation

Perpetual stereotypes that use the excuse of retroactive mocking to get away with continuing the stereotype

People who Ab00se me

People who mock my typos (LOST)

People who adopt trends without actually considering that trend themselves

People who dismiss those who swear as vulgar idiots

When someone Jabs me in between my pelvis and my ribs, right where my F*cking Kidneys are

When a driver doesn't look out for pedestrians like myself

People who complain about their lot in life when they DON'T PUT ANY EFFORT IN

Two faced assholes who seem nice one second and then immediately sla someone off when they are not there.

I could go on, but this is all for now.

You truly are my mother.

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I can't believe I didn't mention that part about people walking slowly. Especially when I have to get to a freakin' class. Sometimes at school I'm forced to go "off-road" or really, off the provided walkways and end up trampling on the grass. AKA I'm degrading soil by compacting it. Which leads to a decline in its porosity. Which means that it'll hold less air and water for plants.




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I have one word. People. That is all.

((actually... I bloomin hate my allergies too, but more because my eyes water like crazy for whatever reason. I sneeze alot too, but those are worse for other people in the room than me. [projectile snot... o.p.]))

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I have an abnormal intolerance of loud noises. Not particularly brief/sudden loud noises (like your sneezing), but loud noises that don't seem to last forever but in my mind they do. To a point where I absolutely can't stand it if the TV is too loud and I lost the remote or if some obnoxious alarm goes of. I'm wierd

Edited by Aero
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People who walk slow to my 1st-8th periods. ESPECIALLY ON DAYS WHEN THERE IS A BIG TEST. -_-

Helix Fossil worshipers.

People who are nice, like WAY too nice. I mean I know you trying to be nice and all, but this shit has limits.

Kids who stare at you straight in your eye like:


Most bugs.

Unicycles. What's the purpose of them?

And finally, people who talks about a person they don't even know behind their back :/

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these are all just gold and I found myself nodding to multiple ones.

THE TOILET THING IS SO TRUE. People don't flush after themselves, it's gross and I have this urge to find the person who left me this "surprise" and stick their heads in what they created ER HEM ANYWAY...

I can't stand people who only live in a "fantasy world" and avoid reality as much as possible. It's unhealthy and quite frankly embarrassing.

I can stand kids...to an extent. I think I'd be the kind of parent who loves my own kid but secretly hates most other kids that are not my own.

I certainly can't stand it when they stand behind you while you're drawing or playing a video game and STARE DOWN INTO WHAT YOUR DOING AND YOUR SOUL.

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My pet peeves:

- children in general, especially small children, because they yell, scream and mess up things

- when people mess up the shelves (I work at a library and this is a new pet peeve of mine)

- when people scratch plates with forks, knives etc. this sound hurts my head

- when people don't keep their mouths close when they eat and also when they make "omnomnomnom"-sounds, stop it's gross

- when you know you're 100% right but people still try argument

- people that won't flush toilets

- people who pee on the floor or on the toilet seat

- people who put something to the toilets that doesn't obviously belong there

- when customers use the staff's toilet and it clearly says STAFF ONLY in 3 languages (Finnish, Swedish, English).

- people who lack reading comprehension (idk did I wrote it correctly, feel free to correct me if it's written wrong)

- people who don't understand meaning of no

- badly trained dogs

Okay I'll stop now until I write a novel.

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  • Global Mods

When someone says something and I don't quite hear it so I ask something like "Huh?" and they just say "Never mind".

People trying to talk to me when I'm right in the middle of chewing food, or I'm clearly just about to take a bite out of something. I can't talk and eat at the same time (and it would be gross if I did) so unless you want to be my next meal please wait until I'm finished.

People who read too much into someone's words or actions. Like for example if someone says "Sorry I can't hang out right now, I'm busy" and the other person's brain translates "I'm busy" as "I'm making up an excuse to ignore you". I don't think this kind of thing has happened to me often, but as a shallow person who doesn't have much going on beyond what can be seen on the surface, this irritates me a lot when I see it happen.

People who keep pestering you about something even after you tell them no. Like this one person in my area who appears once every few months or so to ask people to donate blood. I've told her several times I'm scared of needles, but instead of accepting it and trying to look for other people, she tells me that a lot of people are and throws out 2344515497 reasons why I should give blood. I choked someone for repeatedly trying to poke me with a pen (my fight/flight response activated) so I doubt any of those reasons will make me overcome fear. Not that I should have to justify myself in the first place. "No" should be enough for her to leave me alone.

(I'm not scared of the needles when getting shots because those are small and I just feel tingly for less than a second, but that's the only time I'd voluntarily let someone near me with a needle)

Edited by StrawberryLoveIntervention
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THis is more family specific one for me, But I hate when my family members don;t pay attention to certain stuff. Like Aerosol use around that house. ((think things like Febreeze or other household cleaners, or anything that is sprayed into the air.)) I hate when they either forget I am in the room, or neglect to tell me about it. Cause, due to my asthma. ((and I think what is a mild allergic reaction.)) I cannot breathe when there aerosls in the air or other very strong odors and an substances.

Like the other day my little bro was cooking something and he put too much crushed red pepper on it and burned that red pepper. So, the odor was everywhere in the air. I didn't notice until I walked out into the kitchen, and he neglected to tell me he did. ((even knowing that I do indeed have trouble when that stuff happens.)) so got to cough my brains out for the next half hour was lovely.

But I can't be in the room when that stuff is hanging in the air cause it is suuuuper bad for me and stuff.

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*Cracks knuckles*

The weather, all kinds, fucking hate it, indoor superiority

Travelling in anything with a schedule, buses planes, whatever, i don't wanna wait for the inevitable fuck up

People walking slowly

People who walk in a wall because they want to be in a conversation but there's too many people so they just end up taking up space as a human walking meat wall

Little kids, they're annoying little shits, i don't care what anyone says or how cute they're meant to be

People who use the Dobby/Sock joke thinking they're original

Recycled insults, be original or there's no point to the verbal sparring

People who aren't open-minded enough to at least try something

People who don't offer genuine arguments and just dismiss my own

People who are 2Edgy4U, looking at you SephirothXXDarkKnightShadow

People (You seeing a trend here?) who butt into my business without a damn invitation

Perpetual stereotypes that use the excuse of retroactive mocking to get away with continuing the stereotype

People who Ab00se me

People who mock my typos (LOST)

People who adopt trends without actually considering that trend themselves

People who dismiss those who swear as vulgar idiots

When someone Jabs me in between my pelvis and my ribs, right where my F*cking Kidneys are

When a driver doesn't look out for pedestrians like myself

People who complain about their lot in life when they DON'T PUT ANY EFFORT IN

Two faced assholes who seem nice one second and then immediately sla someone off when they are not there.

I could go on, but this is all for now.

this. SO MUCH. especially people who walk slowly on the streets, fuCKING CHRIST.

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When people leave a teaspoon amount of milk in the jug and put it back in the fridge. Like what the fuck?


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When someone says something and I don't quite hear it so I ask something like "Huh?" and they just say "Never mind".

And too overused memes in general like [...] illuminati, meme faces.

When people leave a teaspoon amount of milk in the jug and put it back in the fridge. Like what the fuck?


Little kids, they're annoying little shits, i don't care what anyone says or how cute they're meant to be

Oh my god, I fit under like all of these categories. :T WELL THEN

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Just get a mod, I am sure they will help ya out if you explain it to them lol. It clearly wasn't your intent and even if you do get a warning point, 1 point is a minor slap on the wrist. ((trust me, it is. It will only ever become a problem if you keep racking up more so don't and it will go away pretty quickly.))

Now, something relevant...

I have an issue with those really touchy people. You know the ones. The people that you barely know and yet they insist on hanging all over you or hugging you even though you recently met them etc... Basically... they invade your personal space a bit too much for someone you aren't all that comfortable with.

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My sneezes are wonderful and quiet and just sound like me blowing air out of my nose really quickly.

Anyway, people who think they're too important to signal a lane switch.

People who are driving slow in the left lane.

Consequently, people who drive slowly in the left lane, and then speed up when you try to pass them in the right. Like seriously goddamn it's not personal I just need to get somewhere.

Those people that think they're right in an argument and try to sound smart by pointing out your logical fallacies when they don't even use the definitions of logical fallacies properly.

The word "cajole".

People who ride your ass on the freeway. I'M ALREADY GOING 8 OVER THE LIMIT WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME.

...And sorry to you with your bad sneezes (but you might not do this), but I have an issue with people who have huge sneezes (not noise, but the amount of particles that come out), and do nothing to contain it. Especially if it's on me. Or in my general vicinity. If I breathe in and I can smell that awful terrible smell of sneeze-y air particles, then I'm going to have a really bad time.

People who think they're the only ones to think something.

White Knights.

The existence of every other driver on the road.

Edited by Pixl
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