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New Game starting advice


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As the title suggests, I'm planning on starting a new save file on Reborn and I'd like to deviate from my usual choices this time, so I decided to ask in here, out of these starters, which one would you advise me to choose?

Charmander, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Snivy, Oshawott, Fennekin

On my main game file, I picked Froakie and I gotta say, it pulled me through a lot of things that gave me trouble before.

But this time, I'll be playing as the lovely Lucia (I actually switched my main game's appearance to Lucia as well, can't help it, I love her design too much) and I'd like to give one of the starters mentioned above a try, so looking forward to your opinions!

EDIT: In the end I chose Totodile because I believe there are more good fire pokemon available earlier on than there are water ones. Thnx for all your opinions and since Fennekin was suggested a lot, whenever I play a 3rd file, I'll choose that :P

Edited by Masquerain
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I wouldn't say I want a harder game, my main file had some pretty tough moments as it is xD I just want a starter that will have efficiency throughout enough of the game, since as far as I recall, itsux2bgrass in reborn and thus grass types make for a really hard game x_x unless that changed

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After some thinking, I might be narrowing it down to one of the water starters or snivy, since I think the game offers you more good fire types than say...good water types (at least as far as I remember, correct me if I'm wrong) Or maybe if anyone remembers whether any good water types are available early enough in the game, they can enlighten me? xD

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I personally tried Charmander and Fennekin. I had tough moments in both runs but they have been life saviors some time.
The very one leader that is near impossible for me is Noel, though i heard he has been nerfed; so maybe prepare a fighting starter ?

But from your list, i'd pick Totodile, because as said there aren't many good water pokemons available yet.

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I ended up going for Totodile indeed, I figured toto gets a bunch of useful moves early enough and will be a good asset for the most part. But hey, if I ever go for a 3rd file, I'll definitely try Fennekin

P.S. Sorry, but turtwig is really one of my least favorite starters QQ

Edited by Masquerain
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  • Support Squad


Let me introduce you to


This llttle fucker puts in work every single step of the way. He is a stoic companion. That quad weakness to ice turn you away? Well, let me tell you.

Torterra gave no shits about Serras mons. Wood hammer will destroy lives. Blakes Weavile? Pffffft, Twerkterra gives no shits.

This guy is a monster, best started ever in Reborn.

Not even kidding though, it was easier with This guy ^^^ than Infernape or Greninja, two mons who seem like good options.

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You're dead to me

wow, that's mean t-t

Dashie is back too hmm? Was half of old Reborn stuck on a deserted island and rescued by motor boat 1 at a time???

Yus Dashie is back, he got bugged enough bout returning, huehue :lol:

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