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RainBOOM! Theme Team


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---Please don't delete~compiling all videos and stories for one release---

Hello all, on top of my Beaches and Blunts theme, I would like to start another theme run incorporating Rainbows and Booms!


1.)This would limit my choices to only Pokemon that can use Sonic Boom, Boomburst, Explosion, Self-Destruct, Egg Bomb, Seed Bomb, Magnet Bomb. Mud Bomb, Sludge Bomb, Present, Zap Cannon, Moonblast, Flame Burst, and Eruption (for corrosive mist field ignitions)
As a salute to the Rainbow God, Ho-oh, I am also including Sacred Fire to the list (with no intentions of using Entei)

2.) Once a pokemon has learned any of one of these aforementioned moves, it cannot forget them.

3.) If a pokemon were to learn another boom move, I may forget the previous boom move for the new one.

4.) I'm allowed ONE non-booming HM slave in the party at a time: It cannot see battle other than take hits, switch in, and be switched out.

5.) If the HM slave is the LAST pokemon alive in a battle, it can attack.


For Helia: thanks for the suggestions! (Is Focus Blast available?)

For my own sake, and the sake of future BOOM ENTHUSIASTS!!1!!

Possible Pokemon Roster:
Regularly Updated

Moonblast Candidates:

Lvl up: Clefairy, Oddish, Gardevoir, Swablu, Lunatone, Whimsicott, Flabebe, Spritzee, Sylveon, Carbink,

Zap Cannon Candidates:

Lvl up: Magnemite, Porygon, Ampharos, Forretress, Nosepass, Klink, Elektrik

Sonic Boom Candidates:

Lvl up: Magnemite, Voltorb, Yanma, Buizel

Breeding: Spinirak, Munna

Boomburst Candidates:
Lvl up: Exploud, Vibrava, Noivern

Breeding: Tailow, Chatot

Self-Destruct Candidates

Lvl up: Geodude, Voltorb, Koffing, Pineco, Baltoy

Breeding: Bonsley, Trubbish

Explosion Candidates:

Lvl up: Geodude, Voltorb, Koffing, Pineco, Baltoy, Seedot, Lunatone, Solrock, Drifloon, Stunky, Roggenrola, Gourgeist, Trubbish

Breeding: Grimer, Gastly, Onix, Nosepass

Egg Bomb Candidates:

Lvl up: Exeggutor, Chansey

Seed Bomb Candidates:

Lvl up: Exeggutor, Sunkern, Pansage, Chespin, Skiddo, Pumpkaboo

Breeding: Hoppip, Roselia, Cacnea, Cherubi, Snover, Maractus

Sludge Bomb Candidates:

Lvl Up: Grimer, Koffing, Gulpin, Croagunk, Trubbish, Skrelp

Magnet Bomb Candidates:

Lvl up: Magnemite, Probopass

Mud Bomb Candidates:

Lvl Up: Ekans, Diglett, Poliwag, Grimer, Wooper, Swinub, (Mudkip?), Barboach, Shellos, Croagunk, Stunfisk

Breeding: Psyduck, Chansey, Skitty, Numel, Tympole

Present Candidates:
Lvl up: Delibird

Breeding: Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Maril, Snubbul, Happiny, Miltank

Flameburst Candidates:

Lvl up: Vulpix, Growlithe, Magmar, Slugma, Numel, Pansear, Litwick, Heatmor

Breeding: Cyndaquil, Stunky, Torkoal, Elektrike

Eruption Candidates:
Lvl up: Cyndaquil, Camerupt

Breeding: Torkoal

Rainbow God:

Rain and Sun Inducers:
Too many to list


I came to this region hoping to make a big impact, and my journey had already started with a BOOM!

I was lucky to survive the trainwreck, and although a little shaken, I was far more excited than I should have been..I was ready for my first pokemon!

As I approached the line of pokeballs in the grand hall, the explosion from earlier wracked in my brain, and all I could think about was my dreamteam; full of spectacular booms and colors..I was ready!

Who to choose?...

Something that can blast my foes, and capable of taking blasts..


Introducing (nickname pending)

A little quick tempered, Serious

Explosive Specialty: Seed Bomb

Because my starter is a total baller, he wiped the floor with our first two opponents, Victoria and Cain with a series of Tackles.

As I left the safety of the dome, I began the search for a pokemon that can stick with me for a while.

I heard there was a potential Boomburster in the railnet...so I went there immediately.

My trained eyes roamed the dark, engaging in random battles until I found a black Noibat!

One tackle and vine whip later, I threw a pokeball..but it broke free just as I thought it might..

I threw the premiere ball I got earlier for the 10 for 1 bundle at the pokemart..

A catch! aaaawh snap! watch out world...


Nickname: /\/808\/\

Serious nature, Capable of taking hits

Explosive Specialty: Boomburst

I searched all night after hearing talk of radioactive Ekans and Grimers, but to no avail.

I could feel the steady rain and hear the sloshing of toxic water as I left the grass to sit on the west wall next to a reminiscing old man, and cast reels with my old rod...

On my way back to the Grand Hall, I found an abandoned house with a terrifed and hungry Whismur huddling next to the table..

It was definitely a different color than normal..probably dirty from the pollution outside.

I approached it warily, pokesnax held out and..it attacked!

Introducing the third addition to my team!


Hasty natured, somewhat vain


Explosive Specialty: Boomburst

I went back to the Lower Peridot Ward to search for a radioactive grimer..It was a clear day and my eyes endlessly roamed for something, ANYTHING.

Then I saw it, a flash of green..I cast my reel and hoped for the best..and boom! This was exactly what I was looking for!

Nickname: AtomiX8

Docile natured, Quick to flee (evasive little sucker!)

Explosive Specialty: Sludge Bomb

As I walked through the city, I came across an abandoned building. Curious, I walked in upon two shady figures!

Announcing themselves as Team Meteor and warning me to stay away, they walked past me.

Mind racing, I followed them outside from a safe distance, watching their every move.

I followed them into a house I had visited earlier, where a nice lady stayed with her two baby pokemon.

They were trying to steal the pokemon!

After pulverizing the two grunts, the lady gave me a Cleffa. a potential MoonBlaster..


Modest Natured, Strong Willed

Explosive Specialty: Moonblast

Lvl learned: 46 as Clefairy

Looking for a 6th member to add to the team, I went back to the Grand Hall in search for a radioactive Ekans.

I heard talk it is black as night, with golden bands that can be seen in the dark from the reflected light of the nearby light posts..

I walked quietly and cautiously through the rain, alert for any telltale gold flash.

Suddenly, lightning flashed, and I saw not more than a foot in front of me a; black and gold Ekans!


Nickname: Ngalyod (Australian Aboriginal Mythology: Rainbow Serpent God of Land Transformation)

Gentle Natured, Somewhat Vain

Explosive Specialty: Mud Bomb

First Gym Battle verse Julia goes well, the recording NOT so well...

I went full screen, beat Julia, saved, and checked the video only to find it recorded my desktop, not the battle.

Slow claps*

I will go back and redo the playthrough to make sure my battle gets recorded properly.

Also making save copies from now on.


I hope you will enjoy my upcoming video uploads for major battles.
I will keep you all regularly updated on this team, and its many explosive ventures!

Edited by Zethe
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Yay shiny Chespin! He's, like, the cutest starter ever to me. (Yes, not Tepig. I was actually kinda disappointed at Tepig's design...)

Yay!you like me(Chespin I mean)and that shiny color make it look cool!good work Ame or whoever that work on the sprite.

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Oh cool. By the way, There's a Whismur waiting to be caught in Lower Peridot ward. Why didn't you yet?

Also, maybe expand the list of candidates with Pokemon that can learn the moves that Chespin's Bulletproof ability nullifies?

So Focus Blast, Energy ball, Weather Ball, Zap Canon? Maybe also Bullet Punch?

Edited by Helia
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Just one question: if a pokemon with self-destruct gets the chance to learn Explosion, are you allowed to learn the latter at the cost of the former, or do you have to keep both moves?
Also, if the legendaries (post-game) are there, are you allowed to get Ho-oh?

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Just one question: if a pokemon with self-destruct gets the chance to learn Explosion, are you allowed to learn the latter at the cost of the former, or do you have to keep both moves?

Also, if the legendaries (post-game) are there, are you allowed to get Ho-oh?

I will substitute explosion for self-destruct if it learns that move later on.

As for Ho-oh, if it could learn a boom move I have listed, I would use it in rotation, if not, I would simply catch it and put it in a box.

Edited by Zethe
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Isn't Sacred Fire a colorful explosion of flames? Also, Heat Wave also causes the field to ignite, so that would make pokemon like Ho-oh eligible...

Agreed, but I have not listed pokemon that aren't available atm.

Edited by Zethe
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If you would include all the moves that ignite the corrosive mist field (Heat Wave, but also Flame Burst and Lava Plume for example), then growlithe, cyndaquil, charmander (wich gets scrapped due to not being chosen), Pansear, Vulpix... get eligibility too. That would make it quite a mess. You probably want to restrict just to Eruption or something like that.

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If you would include all the moves that ignite the corrosive mist field (Heat Wave, but also Flame Burst and Lava Plume for example), then growlithe, cyndaquil, charmander (wich gets scrapped due to not being chosen), Pansear, Vulpix... get eligibility too. That would make it quite a mess. You probably want to restrict just to Eruption or something like that.

The reason for allowing flame burst and eruption was cyndaquil is acquirable at a certain part of the game for rotation, and Vulpix especially is a solid sun inducer, a 2 for one package, especially because a solid sun inducer is key for created rainbow fields'

I will take off lava plume and keep eruption and flame burst while adding Sacred Fire solely for Ho-oh, mainly because I view flame burst as an explosive fire attack simply by it's name, and Ho-oh is indeed a Rainbow God, in need of it's own potential role in the team's future.

This is merely subjective for my theme alone, but I can include heat wave mons in the list for future boom enthusiasts.

Mostly, I am aiming for explosions, boombursts, and sonic booms especially since they get special boosts in the rainbow theme, with other "explosive" moves incorporated for variety and effect.

i cant reliably set corrosive mist fields on my own, so flame burst and eruption are secondary in my choice of mons.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll keep updating the list.

Edited by Zethe
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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I want to update everyone on the status of this topic:
In the past year I had moved to China and begun teaching English so I have been very busy.
I just moved to Beijing and started a new job plus got a new apartment, so again...very busy.

HOWEVER...I want you to note that in my spare time I have been preparing a new format for presenting this topic on youtube..
Here is the format:
A Let's Play showing my journey with my themed team

-Voice actors (friends and fiance) for each important character, and I try my best to cover the lesser characters.

-A written narrative to go with the adventure you are watching and listening to.

-A voiced narrative of the written story

-Extra effects, music, and sounds to add weight to the story

After lagless01's suggestions, I have decided to give my character a little more....character.

He is now a Disciple of the Many-Colored Path hell-bent upon gaining Ho-oh's acceptance as worthy of setting eyes upon it.
He hopes to accomplish this goal and achieve Eternal Happiness (interpreted as immortality by him) by providing spectacular explosions of all colors (types).

He will see the world burn in the Sacred Flame just to proclaim Ho-oh's magnificence, and if the people will not accept it they will face the wrath of his Pokemon artillery.

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