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Just when you thought you were safe~ AMA/Whois Hilda


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Before you hooligans grab your torches and pitchforks, I had this (apparently -not-) so good idea in my first Mews and Announcements post.

You all should know the drill. Ask a question, and I'll get to some/all of them when I get the time. In the meantime, have some free dirt.

My name is Hilda. I am currently working for some city in the middle of Texas as a Recreation Leader. I have lived in said city in the middle of said Texas my entire life, but have had the opportunity to visit several different places, including Mexico, and various United States areas from coast to coast. My fields of interest/expertise are Christian Ministry, Christian Theology, World Religion, Human Relations, and World History. I have served as a youth minister and a summer camp counselor in the past, and am currently serving as a Global Moderator for Reborn, which is my most out-of-character experience because online moderation is a completely different ballgame than moderating people in the flesh. Throughout however, one thing remains constant. I am a person who enjoys working with people, be it through a text based medium thousands of miles away or on the same playground, church parking lot, campsite, etc.

I have already established above, but I -do- believe Jesus was the risen Messiah and that He is the lord of my life. This is a topic of contention that may cause others to not like me or attack me - but I have scholarly experience and outside-of-Scripture reasoning to hold said beliefs. It's almost as if one could say "She doesn't believe in God, she KNOWS God." - which I believe is the entire purpose of the Christological narrative. It's not about believing in a higher power, but believing that the Creator actively seeks us out and makes sacrifices of His own to pursue us. Rather than being an entity to be revered and put on a pedestal God is an entity that wants a mutual relationship with us.

That being established, I like to think of myself as a pursuer of absolute truth over ideals, and this methodology reigns supreme in every action I take. This is not the only approach I take and I am not as consistent with said view as I would like to be, but I feel that knowing the truth of each individual situation (cross referencing multiple viewpoints, and doing legitimate research and observation) is the best way to determine a course of resolution. I also feel that truth is harder to question than ideology, and is thus a more effective means of action. Some of you may mock me proclaiming to be a truthseeker AND a religious person - and this is the internet, I am well aware that I am not amongst only open-minded scholars. It's nothing new.

Politically, I am what one would call a weak or moderate Conservative in every sense of the word. I am only slightly leaning to the right. I am right in the middle of the spectrum with regards to Libertarianism or Authoritarianism. Causes that I feel are particularly important are the protection of Religious Freedoms, Abolishing "unnecessary and unneeded if properly avoided" Abortion rights, and maintaining a Small Government that doesn't overstep the Constitution. These three causes alone are all on the conservative agenda, as religious people, pro-Lifers, and Small Govt. Supporters tend to vote for more Conservative candidates. However, Liberals do a better job of handling Social issues, and if Conservatism ever wants to take giant strides ahead of other political ideologies into the political arena, they need ot concede and be a bit more Bipartisan to peoples of color, differing sexuality, low socio-economical status, and other countries.

An interesting contrast that I have is I am in a loving same-sex relationship that I wouldn't trade for any worldly thing ~ and oppose same-sex marriage being a national mandate. As a Christian I wake up everyday to have to come to terms with the concept being abominable according to God, but I also understand that God gave me the ability to make my own choices and that regardless of what sin we put in the spotlight, that I'm forgiven. I oppose political action that favors my relationship however, because currently the LGBT community (of which I am a part of, mind you) has an agenda that in it's quest to be equal, tramples over the rights of religious people to refusal on the grounds of their faith. I already listed above that I deem religious freedom to be of more importance -personally- than marriage "equality". This in NO way means I am being discriminatory, and I make it a point to respect the sexuality of others and treat my opponents with love (the internet is not the best medium to convey emotion and intent, so if I seem to be straying from being loving, PLEASE keep this in mind.)

Speaking of sexuality, I identify as an Asexual.

I have a passion for discussion and debate. It's one of the ways I get to see how others think and how they convey their emotions.

Everything else, as well as clarifications, I'll leave for you to question. Have fun!

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In the spirit of this being an AMA:

Do you got the moves like Mick Jagger?

I can't dance to save the life of me.

Do you like Pie?

Key Lime Pie is one of my favorite desserts of all time. I could live off of the stuff. Pumpkin and Apple are also very delicious.

Do you like pigs? Say yes.

*stops eating bacon mid-bite*..............ahahahha....ha....ha.....Yeah, I like pigs.

All the effort in that OP, are you disappointed in us?

I just hope more people ask. It doesn't matter what questions I get. c:

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Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name!

I am glad to see you differenciating between your sexual relationships and the ideology of the LGBT community. I really like that you don't force yourself in aligning your beliefs and your orientations. I hope you can keep going while you manage that balance.

Also, you may identify yourself as a moderate conservative in the american political spectre. And only in the american political spectre. As a kind-of-left european in a country that has everything from neonazis to monarchy loyalists to USSR-faithful communists to anarchists, I can't see you as "slightly leaning to the right". So don't bother leaning slightly to the right. Just stay true to what you believe, whatever it is.

It is really trivial today, but well, let's just start with the trivial and the usual and the meaningless and the safe stuff. What kind of music and movies to you like?

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I'd like to say that you're absolutely not an abomination for being in a same sex relationship and that stigma that you are is a destructive conditioned behavior that was put there by religion.

But to each their own, I guess.

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Dangit, I was about a month and a half from sorting the last of you out. Why'd you have to go and give me the answer sheet?

Also what Ame said ^w^

Have you ever wished you could fly?

EDIT: Also, why'd you have to go and do this? I was gonna do one Monday and now doing so would go against my hipster QQ

Edited by KosherKitten
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Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name!

I am glad to see you differenciating between your sexual relationships and the ideology of the LGBT community. I really like that you don't force yourself in aligning your beliefs and your orientations. I hope you can keep going while you manage that balance.

Also, you may identify yourself as a moderate conservative in the american political spectre. And only in the american political spectre. As a kind-of-left european in a country that has everything from neonazis to monarchy loyalists to USSR-faithful communists to anarchists, I can't see you as "slightly leaning to the right". So don't bother leaning slightly to the right. Just stay true to what you believe, whatever it is.

It is really trivial today, but well, let's just start with the trivial and the usual and the meaningless and the safe stuff. What kind of music and movies to you like?

I'm kind of that "awkward" person at the LGBT ball when it comes to "sexual" relationships due to to being the least sexy thing on the planet (so much so that the very act at this point is only enjoyable if I get the sense of my partner enjoying it.) As far as my -romantic- relationship, I'm very lucky to have a partner who understands how I feel about God and how I feel about fixing the inequities that -very much- are there. Any right winger worth their salt would have to look at every possible situation in which LGBT relationships and families -are- in-equal -and- can be fixed without infringing on "Separation of Church and State" - which, for those of you that are wondering, isn't what keeps churches from influencing politics, it's what keeps the government from limiting one's right to have their own faith and live by it.

Instead of making marriage an umbrella term and going so far as to deny people the right of refusal, We can always push for encouraging use of our Justices of the Peace and improve the financial and government rewards for being in civil unions that are not classified as marriage to where they are on equal footing. The only disparagement would then be the belief that you aren't "married" - and in all honesty, it only takes the couple in question to spend the rest of your days with each other. There isn't a need for a Justice of the Peace/Minister or even God. For the believers who are in the same boat as me, there's the grace that was given to us on the Cross to look up to each and every day, which makes it feasible to believe in a God who has thrown down the gauntlet while spending your days with the person you love. That's the beauty of my God, He has enough faith in ME to give me the choice, and so long as I pursue Him back, He will be there.

I'm not familiar with European politics, but that's really neat. Being myself and sticking up for what I hold as valuable is the plan, Stan. (Is Stan your name? :D)

I am into all genres, but I prefer Alternative Rock, Christian Rap, and Electronic Dance above all others. As far as movies, I like historically accurate action films (Gladiator), GodlyWood (God's Not Dead, Courageous, Facing the Giants), and tactful comedy movies...can't name one off the top of my head, hadn't seen one in a while.

I'd like to say that you're absolutely not an abomination for being in a same sex relationship and that stigma that you are is a destructive conditioned behavior that was put there by religion.

But to each their own, I guess.

I believe God's purpose for His creation -wasn't- what I have in mind, and I don't think that's a stigma so much as it is absolute truth. You're right. To each their own~ but that's what makes God good. We are encouraged to question His judgement through our bestowed free will, and we are allowed to make mistakes, so long as we find our way back to His arms when the dust settles. He let's -us- figure it out, and doesn't quit on us when we make mistakes. I wish that the "Christian" was a better example in general as to who "Christ" was, because too often we get people who do a poor job of shining their light and it seemingly has fed this natural tendency to label the churchgoer as an antique bigot who doesn't care about every/anyone but themselves, and often they are hypocritical and unaware and just flat out wrong.

There are many reasons I was skeptical in earlier years, and those reasons are things that should be fought and reformed by the body of Christ - but as far as God is concerned, I respect His statutes to know that while I may be deviant, I am not condemned and was created so that I may -not- be a robot for the Master, but a free thinking individual child of said Master who can acknowledge and atone for her mistakes and approach others as Jesus did.

...Oh. That's cool :]

Anyway, here goes: What would be your dream job? apart from, you know... sleep = get money

My dream job would be a metropolitan church planter. Church planters start churches in places where there is a considerable need for a Christian community to gather and support one another and the surrounding community, and one of the places of greatest need happens to be urban areas, where the only Jesus people here is from the mean, crotchety street preacher who doesn't know Jesus himself, and the buildings don't have steeples and the love of Christ isn't always there. I also think cities are REALLY cool, being a suburban, nearly rural dweller at the moment, and would like to live in some metropolis someday.

What's your theme?


I use the Scizor theme for the Reborn-...oh, just kidding, I don't know how to get the youtube box to show up in -in- the forum, so have a link.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHa21-M8HOw (if it doesn't work for you the song is 'Fight' by the band 'Icon For Hire')

why are you so wonderful?

I have no idea why you would think that, so I can't answer this question. <3

Dangit, I was about a month and a half from sorting the last of you out. Why'd you have to go and give me the answer sheet?

Also what Ame said ^w^

Have you ever wished you could fly?

EDIT: Also, why'd you have to go and do this? I was gonna do one Monday and now doing so would go against my hipster QQ


((cause now another 8000 of these thing are going to crop up... ugh.))

Sometimes, I just like to watch the world burn. C:....and also, yes, the ability of flight would be -very- convenient, and kinda fun. No capes though. Capes are only cool when you can't fly.

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Definitely an ass gal ........oh you want the ...other question answered.... (As a female, the booty don't give you back pain.)

I want to visit Vancouver, Canada. I always thought that was a really cool city and a bit more American influenced than the French cultural hub in Quebec.

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So you're a christian. That's surprised me somehow. I'm kind of catholic, but i'd think i feel to be more like agnostic. My lack of religion belief mostly why. But i don't know if God exist or not.

Do you want to see more team meteor Hilda on reborn in the future?

Do you want Gen 5 remake?

Have you ever met some disrespectful chirstians? Like doesn't respect other religion belief/ and is homophobic etc?

What other franchises than pokemon do you like?

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I believe God's purpose for His creation -wasn't- what I have in mind, and I don't think that's a stigma so much as it is absolute truth. You're right. To each their own~ but that's what makes God good. We are encouraged to question His judgement through our bestowed free will, and we are allowed to make mistakes, so long as we find our way back to His arms when the dust settles. He let's -us- figure it out, and doesn't quit on us when we make mistakes. I wish that the "Christian" was a better example in general as to who "Christ" was, because too often we get people who do a poor job of shining their light and it seemingly has fed this natural tendency to label the churchgoer as an antique bigot who doesn't care about every/anyone but themselves, and often they are hypocritical and unaware and just flat out wrong.

Huh, you put this in a perspective that I never truly thought about. What I was really trying to say is that being comfortable in your own skin is just as if not more important than your religious beliefs. I felt horribly sad when you mentioned that you "wake up every day to come to terms that you are an abomination to God" because I have been down that road and it took me a long time to accept my sexuality (I am pansexual, btw). For me religion has not been a positive experience, therefore I avoid being any part of a religious sect. I am honestly happier that way; to me, religion was restricting me from my freedom and being true to myself. If religion is not doing the same to you, then that's great because at least you are happy and comfortable with it and I encourage you to pursue what you like best.

"Canon" Jesus, as I like to call him, was a homeless man of color who travelled with 12 men and hung out with all the socially undesirable and taught them a gospel about love and equality. That's the kind of Christianity I admire. Not the "fanon" Jesus that the jerk Christians like to make an example of when they try to put down others.

That said, I do believe in some higher force. I dunno whether it is a god, multiple gods, aliens, spirits, or forces of nature. It can be any or all of these things. It just makes sense that there is something bigger out there.

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I'm not familiar with European politics, but that's really neat. Being myself and sticking up for what I hold as valuable is the plan, Stan. (Is Stan your name? :D)

Definitely not. My name is not Stan. Really, how did you come to that conclusion? :P

Not to mention, you missed the point.

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hi im tired hi

waffles or pancakes

who's your 'fav 5'

whats your ideal breakfast, or otherwise favorite meal, or otherwise something i could cook for you to cheer you up or be special or something

and favorite kind of sweet?

can you tell im hungry as im writing this

why do you text me and then not respond when i text back within like the next minute like did you fall asleep in that singular minute or :c

what's your dream home

and why is carmen sandiego's name literally a place if the point of her existing is that you don't know what place she is

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So you're a christian. That's surprised me somehow. I'm kind of catholic, but i'd think i feel to be more like agnostic. My lack of religion belief mostly why. But i don't know if God exist or not.

Do you want to see more team meteor Hilda on reborn in the future?

Do you want Gen 5 remake?

Have you ever met some disrespectful chirstians? Like doesn't respect other religion belief/ and is homophobic etc?

What other franchises than pokemon do you like?

I don't -really- know if I want to see more of NPC Hilda in the game. The particular grunt in question predates my membership around these parts, and actually didn't reflect me outside of nomination until recent episodes. For obvious reasons, Meteor Ace Hilda is my favorite Meteor in the game and I wouldn't be -opposed- to taking more significance, but I don't think that's feasible as the story is already written out, and I want Ame to take her game in the direction -she- wants to take it.

I would most definitely pre-order Snow White version.....or whatever the remake would be called. C:

No because those people aren't Christians at all. ....okay, "Yes"...and those people are one of my largest pet peeves. The way homosexuality is addressed in the new testament is considerate urging against it, due to what God had said on the matter previously. As Ghost mentioned above, Jesus dined and reclined with sinners - so to see today's "Christians" be so entitled as to actually put down other people just because they themselves are not guilty of a particular sin makes me seriously cringe...or desire to slug someone so hard they fall off a bridge.

There are some religious beliefs that are -not- to be respected, but that's not as a "Ima Christian, your belief is wrong" point of view, but more on a matter of National Security and protecting one's self. That being said, yes, Christians are still guilty at times for being intolerant at times. We're -allowed- to disagree, but we are not allowed to mock or disparage. The best we can do is plant seeds. Whether or not people want to look to "our" God is between the individual and said God.

I enjoy the Mario RPG games (Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario Series combined, RuneScape, Tactical Shooters such as Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Various sports titles, The Elder Scrolls, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, various fighting games like Tekken or Smash, various racing games such as Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing, the Mario Party series, Life simulation games are a guilty pleasure (the Sims, Spore)....and I -think- I covered everything -not- Pokemon...

Huh, you put this in a perspective that I never truly thought about. What I was really trying to say is that being comfortable in your own skin is just as if not more important than your religious beliefs. I felt horribly sad when you mentioned that you "wake up every day to come to terms that you are an abomination to God" because I have been down that road and it took me a long time to accept my sexuality (I am pansexual, btw). For me religion has not been a positive experience, therefore I avoid being any part of a religious sect. I am honestly happier that way; to me, religion was restricting me from my freedom and being true to myself. If religion is not doing the same to you, then that's great because at least you are happy and comfortable with it and I encourage you to pursue what you like best.

"Canon" Jesus, as I like to call him, was a homeless man of color who travelled with 12 men and hung out with all the socially undesirable and taught them a gospel about love and equality. That's the kind of Christianity I admire. Not the "fanon" Jesus that the jerk Christians like to make an example of when they try to put down others.

That said, I do believe in some higher force. I dunno whether it is a god, multiple gods, aliens, spirits, or forces of nature. It can be any or all of these things. It just makes sense that there is something bigger out there.

I think, looking at every loose end that we have yet to scientifically explain away, and every mathematical constant that can't be in the slightest changed, and every living thing and natural process and the history of humanity itself, that some sort of 'intelligent design' was involved, as opposed to life on our planet being complete chance. It's a question of "what is" that intelligent design, and I -personally- believe God is the best explanation.

It's safe to say a lot of "Christians" may not like who Jesus actually is, if He were to come back today.

Definitely not. My name is not Stan. Really, how did you come to that conclusion? :P

Not to mention, you missed the point.

Admittedly, I might have. I think you were going for "stick with what you were believe is true" or something...I -thought- I was tracking with you, but that doesn't mean I was. Sorry. :C

(lol Hukuna)

What led to your faith in Christ, and what strengthened said faith?

I have seen Him at work. I've seen the kind of transformation His influence has on others and I've seen Him in my own life. It's difficult to explain and it's not something I use to say -others- should believe, but for -me-, it's not really a choice, else I'd be lying to myself.

The appearance was my affirmation and solid foundation of my faith today. I wouldn't be so convicted if I hadn't had that experience to begin with.

hi im tired hi

waffles or pancakes

who's your 'fav 5'

whats your ideal breakfast, or otherwise favorite meal, or otherwise something i could cook for you to cheer you up or be special or something

and favorite kind of sweet?

can you tell im hungry as im writing this

why do you text me and then not respond when i text back within like the next minute like did you fall asleep in that singular minute or :c

what's your dream home

and why is carmen sandiego's name literally a place if the point of her existing is that you don't know what place she is

Hi I love you hi. c:

....French Toast. (I like waffles and pancakes equally, but both are quite inferior to French Toast)

You, Jericho, My friend Paul, My friend Jess, Jesus

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....you think I'm just going to give you -all- the answers don't you? (An Ideal breakfast would anything so long as there's coffee involved. I'll let you go trial and error for now. <3)


Yes, you seem peckish. <3

I didn't....even bother to check my phone because I'm the worst girlfriend ever.

It's a trap?!

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Key Lime Pie is one of my favorite desserts of all time. I could live off of the stuff.

Finally someone who understands. I eat half a pie for dessert and then the other half for breakfast in the morning (probably my favorite thing to eat for breakfast, actually) <3

Anyway, this might end up being an anticlimactic question if "no" is the answer but, have you ever been close to dying?

Edited by Pixl
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Admittedly, I might have. I think you were going for "stick with what you were believe is true" or something...I -thought- I was tracking with you, but that doesn't mean I was. Sorry. :C

You got that point just fine. The one you missed was the "pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name", which is not a literal wish for you to guess my own name.

And I still wonder how you concluded my name is Stan :P

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Ok i will not ask about religion as we'll begin to argue (again) and it'll ruin the fun for everyone so my question is: why do we always disag....nope not doing that again...eehm this one: do you think other intelligent races aka "aliens" exist or not? If not why.

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