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Just when you thought you were safe~ AMA/Whois Hilda


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My dream home isn't something I have put too much thought into recently, due to just dreaming of having the ability to call a place home as of late. After consideration though, I would just want there to be a place that allows me to live, succeed, and be with people I love. Size, quality of amenities, etc are small issues, so long as I few safe wherever I am. c:

  On 4/4/2015 at 4:28 PM, Pixl said:

Finally someone who understands. I eat half a pie for dessert and then the other half for breakfast in the morning (probably my favorite thing to eat for breakfast, actually) <3

Anyway, this might end up being an anticlimactic question if "no" is the answer but, have you ever been close to dying?

Last summer, I broke my ankle in two places and had to have it surgically repaired. Post-Op however ended up being a bit scary because my surgeon was concerned with my high blood rate - to the point where he had prescribed me blood thinners (that even my MOTHER wouldn't let me take). The concern was that I may have begun to clot, which is not normal for younger adults as far as post surgery is concerned. That's about as close I have been to death. I know it's not much, but it's better than "No." c:

  On 4/4/2015 at 4:52 PM, Odybld said:

You got that point just fine. The one you missed was the "pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name", which is not a literal wish for you to guess my own name.

And I still wonder how you concluded my name is Stan :P

I was using a rhyming name in my response and just hoped for the best. I was wrong. As far as the intent, yeah, it went over my head. Sorry. c:

  On 4/4/2015 at 5:03 PM, Gaunt said:

Ok i will not ask about religion as we'll begin to argue (again) and it'll ruin the fun for everyone so my question is: why do we always disag....nope not doing that again...eehm this one: do you think other intelligent races aka "aliens" exist or not? If not why.

Gaunt, we actually agreed on option 'A' on Ame's thread about event Pokemon. c:

I think it's "possible" that there may be other living things out there. I won't affirm as such until it is proven for certain. Especially if you throw on the word "intelligent" life forms that are comparable to humans.

  On 4/4/2015 at 6:06 PM, KosherKitten said:

...I haven't had french toast in so long ;n;

I knoooooooow, me either. It sounds SO glorious right now

  On 4/4/2015 at 6:23 PM, StrawberryLoveIntervention said:

Do you like polar bears?

I do indeed like polar bears. Cubchoo and Beartic are some of my favorite aesthetic Pokemon. Those coke commercials are always cute. and you can bear-ly see them in their environment, which is pretty neat.

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  On 4/3/2015 at 10:56 PM, Hilda said:

An interesting contrast that I have is I am in a loving same-sex relationship that I wouldn't trade for any worldly thing ~ and oppose same-sex marriage being a national mandate. As a Christian I wake up everyday to have to come to terms with the concept being abominable according to God, but I also understand that God gave me the ability to make my own choices and that regardless of what sin we put in the spotlight, that I'm forgiven. I oppose political action that favors my relationship however, because currently the LGBT community (of which I am a part of, mind you) has an agenda that in it's quest to be equal, tramples over the rights of religious people to refusal on the grounds of their faith. I already listed above that I deem religious freedom to be of more importance -personally- than marriage "equality". This in NO way means I am being discriminatory, and I make it a point to respect the sexuality of others and treat my opponents with love (the internet is not the best medium to convey emotion and intent, so if I seem to be straying from being loving, PLEASE keep this in mind.)

You do realize marriage as instituted under the law and as instituted by the church are two separate things? Non-theists aren't demanding that the church change its ways and be more accepting. If anything, contemporary church members are.

Same sex marriage as a national mandate is a lie to scare up other conservatives to vote against marriage equality. Marriage equality is equality before the law. Equality before god is the church's problem and not one a discerning atheist cares to bother with. (*is suddenly reminded of Thadeus Stevens equality before the law statement*)

The church and state are separate. Let's not let them make a fake monster by saying these laws will tell the church what to do. They don't. It tells the states that same sex marriages are legally valid. I would be right with you if someone somewhere was trying to make laws to tell the church what to do AND they were being taken seriously. Because no one would take them seriously.

What's your favorite ice cream?

What's your favorite ice cream to get at cold stone?

Favorite pizza toppings?

Favorite fruit?

Favorite animated movie? (okay, that's probably tough so maybe top 5?)

What would you do with $1000 if it came with the stipulation that you had to spend it all (not give it away) or you wouldn't get the money?

Do you ever look back fondly at your short marriage to Godot?

If you could play Cards Against Humanity with any 5 people (from history or anywhere), who would they be?

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Do you like me

Is there any form of media that you never paid attention to that you would like to get into? I.e comics, classic TV, anime etc (I myself have a long list of classics that several people would probably kick me if i said i hadn't watched them owo)

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  On 4/4/2015 at 10:24 PM, Azeria said:

Am I the supreme duck?

......Suuure...why not?

  On 4/5/2015 at 1:06 AM, Maelstrom said:

You do realize marriage as instituted under the law and as instituted by the church are two separate things? Non-theists aren't demanding that the church change its ways and be more accepting. If anything, contemporary church members are.

Same sex marriage as a national mandate is a lie to scare up other conservatives to vote against marriage equality. Marriage equality is equality before the law. Equality before god is the church's problem and not one a discerning atheist cares to bother with. (*is suddenly reminded of Thadeus Stevens equality before the law statement*)

The church and state are separate. Let's not let them make a fake monster by saying these laws will tell the church what to do. They don't. It tells the states that same sex marriages are legally valid. I would be right with you if someone somewhere was trying to make laws to tell the church what to do AND they were being taken seriously. Because no one would take them seriously.

What's your favorite ice cream?

What's your favorite ice cream to get at cold stone?

Favorite pizza toppings?

Favorite fruit?

Favorite animated movie? (okay, that's probably tough so maybe top 5?)

What would you do with $1000 if it came with the stipulation that you had to spend it all (not give it away) or you wouldn't get the money?

Do you ever look back fondly at your short marriage to Godot?

If you could play Cards Against Humanity with any 5 people (from history or anywhere), who would they be?

The sometimes-unfortunate thing about politics is that it's very precedent heavy. I -wish- I could tell you that all parties involved with the field are not pushing the envelope when it comes to separation of C&S, but I would be lying if I did. I wish that conservatives really were just scaring voters in the name of opposing something that isn't on their agenda, but that's not the whole story. As someone who has worked in a church and sees the other side of the coin every day, church officials are rightfully concerned about infringement of separation. If you want to see something pretty recent, see Indiana's recent Religious Freedom bill (which was to outline the state's specific rights when it comes to religious practice, including the right of refusal) that was eaten alive by activist groups such as the NAACP and communities such as the LGBTs under the grounds that the bill "supported discrimination" and even after immediate amendments to the bill were drafted, the bill was still taking flak from said groups. This is an instance where it would seem that Liberals are just as good at lying and manipulating people to further their agenda.

We're are at a point where activist groups don't care about rights that don't concern their respective causes on both sides of the aisle - and these groups are large contributors and supposed benefactors when it comes to political campaigns. I appreciate your vote of support should things "actually be a problem" - and I understand that you are allowed to disagree with me. For that reason, I wish to leave it at that for now. This thread isn't the place.

Now, to the fun part of your post. C:

My favorite kind of ice cream is Vanilla. It's a safe bet, it's really cheap at McDonald's, and it's just as boring as I am. c:

The Temple Cold Stone used to be in the mall...and it's been closed for like....seven years now. My favorite ice cream flavor is actually the Peanut Butter Perfection pre-packaged stuff you put in your home freezer and eat when you just wanna cry. :D

Pepperoni, and LOTS of it. Pepperoni Lover's at Pizza Hut? The bomb. - Pizza actually tears my stomach up though, so it's a rare treat for me, as I have to be in the mood to claim the porcelain throne for the remainder of the night of consumption.

Cranberries and Bananas are my favorite fruit. Most of the time, it's Cranberries.

5. SharkTales 4. Toy Story 3. 3. The Incredibles 2. that Mr. Peabody and Sherman movie?....1. Toy Story

If I had to spend 1K I would either pay back some of my college debt or....yeah, that's probably all I would do with it. (If I wasn't in debt, I would purchase some game consoles and hunt down some vidya games that I enjoyed in my childhood, as well as keep up with the Pokemon franchise and build up a game library that I don't currently have.)

Yes, He and I had something....something special....Well, I guess we still do, we both like 'Tekken' a whole lot. Ah, Christmas parties folks. Super fun.

Um......Abraham Lincoln, Hitler, Ame, Adam Sandler, and a carbon copy of Myself so it wouldn't be so weird to laugh at my own plays. C:

  On 4/5/2015 at 1:17 AM, DobbyTheElf said:

Do you like me

Is there any form of media that you never paid attention to that you would like to get into? I.e comics, classic TV, anime etc (I myself have a long list of classics that several people would probably kick me if i said i hadn't watched them owo)

Dobby, you are a sophisticated, unique, and great individual, who someday someone will be lucky to call theirs. I think. You're certainly a likeable person, and I think you're nice and cool and funny and all that jazz. If this sounds roundabout, I'm trying to spare your life, Elfy.

Anime is something that has largely escaped my interests, and not only would I like to delve into it, Ame is probably going to shove it down my throat.

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  On 4/4/2015 at 9:58 PM, Hilda said:

Gaunt, we actually agreed on option 'A' on Ame's thread about event Pokemon. c:

Ah that's right! Another question if i may:

As a person who really loves spicy food (and tried many different types) i have to ask: what is the most spicy thing you've eaten and would you recommend it...is it just me or the topic is gradually becoming a "culinary" one?

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  On 4/5/2015 at 6:24 AM, Gaunt said:

Ah that's right! Another question if i may:

As a person who really loves spicy food (and tried many different types) i have to ask: what is the most spicy thing you've eaten and would you recommend it...is it just me or the topic is gradually becoming a "culinary" one?

I had a hamburger in Austin that had a sauce with a Ghost Pepper base. It was delicious, but Ghost Peppers are not for the faint of heart.

  On 4/5/2015 at 3:38 PM, Solace said:

How many walkers have you killed?


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Um.....that information is classified you two. If I had to tell either of you, that number would just -have- to go up. Nobody want's that, right?


Contrary to any sense of hard demeanor I may have, I'm actually just a frightful person who occasionally has enough adrenaline rush to persevere though some situations. Various forms of horror media are consistently labeled as "Nopes" - even something as simple as jump scare hell (Lookin' at you 'Woman in Black' and the 'Five Nights at Freddie's franchise) - and it usually takes large group participation if I am to do any of that type of stuff. For this reason, Halloween is a bit of an annoying holiday because there's always the way-to-realistic costume-wearer that shows up on your stoop and all you want to do is scream or react out of instinct. I don't have that kind of poise.

I absolutely loathe driving places that I can easily walk to. There are few things I am particularly frugal over, but Gasoline.....man, nothing irrationally kills a day like having to fill up. It's because of this that I am lucky the school I work at is just down the main city road from my subdivision. As Mike and I like to often joke, that's more McNuggets later on. c:

I have several insufferable weaknesses regarding living and let living, accepting defeat, and coping with lack of resolution. It's natural of me to not back away until the job is passably finished or the situation is resolved. It's very nerve-wracking to leave issues on the shelf and let them sit on the back of my mind without fixing them. This often gets me into trouble, because I don't have the best sense of "I need to stop, because I may be hurting the other person" until it's a bit obvious and thus too late.

Caffeine is ....the replacement for my blood cells or oxygen or something. I'm an absolute fiend for the stuff. Late night soda runs, or multiple cups of coffee every morning. That stuff is like crack.

My favorite strategy regarding competitive battling is to punish my opponents decisions. This depends heavily on my opponent doing what I think they are going to do, and is very prone to second-guessing, and making poor assumptions about my opponents next move - and as a result, my win-loss ratio is nothing to be proud of - but when it works, MAN does it work. This makes facets such as trapping opponents using Scarf Pursuit, Magnezone, Dugtrio and making a correct prediction regarding an opposing switch and opting for a coverage move or positively crippling move instead resulting in a KO on the switch extremely rewarding. If it works, my sweepers get their chance to come in and clean up and I win. If it doesn't it usually means I was too sloppy preserving Pokemon I needed later in the match, I was missing the battleship instead of hitting it far too often, or the opponent had a team that was vastly superior to mine from the start of the match (this is referred to as getting counter-teamed, where your Plan A and possible back up plans are adequately checked by the opposing team.)

I am not a big fan of public displays of affection, nor is physical touch my love language - although I do understand that it's a part of a relationship I want to improve on because others have different stimuli that they respond to. I feel loved most when people go out of their way to spend time with me, or offer me words of encouragement.

My biggest pet peeves are Sore Winners, Lack of Resolution, and Witnessing Self Destruction.

- Being a sore winner is being someone who doesn't take their victory with happiness and opts to complain or belittle their own efforts in their stead. Complaining and getting better should be on the losers immediately after the conclusion of a contest. If you come out on top, tip your cap, revel, and take home the trophy. Own it. **This isn't to say you have the right to put others down and be a jerk in the process, just that you have a right to celebrate your victory.**

- This was explained as a weakness of mine to overcome, but even when I'm a third wheel in the situation I have a natural tendency to be irked by non-resolution. This comes in the form of non-reconciliation, in "agreeing to disagree" on matters where I feel agreement is important, and in splintered or severed relationships. This one ties with my parents having divorced when I was very young. For the longest, Mom and Dad had nothing nice to say to each other, and even when they split and the immediate problem was "solved" it took years for them to move on from petty dispute. I'm too impatient as is to want to follow suit - even if the other person or the two parties feel separation is best.

- I'm guilty of this one all of the time, but putting oneself down or disparaging oneself really hurts me to see. There are times where I care enough to get frustrated and try to intervene, and there are times where I'm not the best counselor in that moment, but every single time, I always feel annoyed somewhere in the back of my heart by stuff like this, and as a humanist who wants to improve the lives around her and counsel others, that's...actually kinda frustrating to deal with. I at least can own it as a problem and fight to display some self esteem, and I have some assurance from God and others to fall back on, but, perhaps hypocrit-esque and unfair of me, it seems to really rub me the wrong way when others do it.

I could eat most things, at pretty much any time of day. If I feel full, it's probably because I had the ability to eat 4 or more times in the span of 24 hours, and even if I am full, I wouldn't turn down a free meal. It's probably not very healthy of me, but at least for now...whatever.

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  On 4/6/2015 at 11:40 AM, Gaunt said:

I have a really important question:

What would you do if a "Zombie Apocalypse" scenario happens? Would the fact that you're "easily scared" hinder your survival?

There's a lot of variables involved here. I tend to be very reactionary, which is probably going to spell trouble in some scenarios (hiding when in cramped spaces) and could potentially work out in others (grabbing a lengthy piercing object that can be used as a weapon and hacking at them on sight due to fear.) I think most people would get overtaken in a large mob, and I don't like my chances unless I'm in a group of survivors.

  On 4/6/2015 at 12:15 PM, Sheep said:

Do you miss our chats as much as I do? (A lot).

What's your opinion of the Fire Emblem franchise?

Well, I dunno how much -you- miss our chats, but I know it's been awhile and that -I- miss them quite a lot. Someday we'll both have some time. Don't worry.

I've -never- played a FE game, and there are several reasons for that. It was like pulling teeth to get them originally to be localized in the United States (and that only happened because of the popularity FE characters generated from Super Smash Bros.), and it's not a franchise that I ever remembered to pick up.

I have intentions on playing Awakening very soon, but we'll see if that actually works out. I think the franchise is pretty neat, and Marth is one of my Melee mains.

  On 4/6/2015 at 1:44 PM, Helia said:

Do you like Drag Race?

I assume you mean RuPaul's Drag Race and not the 'drag races' we Texan folk are familiar with. I haven't seen the show, but I've heard of it from 'Game Theory' and it looks interesting to say the least. Unfortunately, that's all I have to say on the matter.

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  On 4/6/2015 at 3:51 PM, Hilda said:

I assume you mean RuPaul's Drag Race and not the 'drag races' we Texan folk are familiar with. I haven't seen the show, but I've heard of it from 'Game Theory' and it looks interesting to say the least. Unfortunately, that's all I have to say on the matter.

Yes. I think you'd like it.

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