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Heya everyone. I apparently forgot to introduce myself! I made this account 2 years ago but I've been nothing but a lurker until now, so I guess in the end, I am a newbie here, so... Hai!

I'm just your average pokemon lover who doesn't limit herself to only playing the "real" games, but also tries out any other fanmade pokemon games! You can call me whatever you like, most of my friends call me Daze/Dai. I pass my time nerding awayplaying games and drawing, as well as buggingchatting with various people, acquaintances or friends alike!

I first heard of Pokemon Reborn from my close long-time friend Urv (RainbowDash) and of course, after seeing a glimpse of the game, I just had to try it! From there we've ragedplayed through all the available episodes at the time and had lots of ragequitfun moments! I must say, Reborn is the best fanmade Pokemon Game I've ever played and I always eagerly anticipate the release of the new eps. I wish the main pokemon games were even close to being like Reborn. What I like the most about it is that it doesn't stick to your generic hand-holding pokemon stuff, but rather delves into real life issues that many of us might be familiar with, if not encountered ourselves. I like the reality of it combined with the world of Pokemon, as well as the field effects and difficulty + originality of the game! Kudos to Amethyst for creating Reborn!

What else to say...well, I still have a way to go to be knowledgeable in the world of Reborn in regards to item/pokemon locations and stuff, but hey, I've recently started a 2nd playthrough, so it will help refresh my memory I hope! All in all, nice to meet you all and feel free to discuss anything in this thread, be it Reborn-related or anything else!

Daze out! :#fish:

Edited by Masquerain
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I didn't notice that until you pointed it out, shame on me xD

Also, yes, I full-heartedly support the lovely foxies, they need to make more!

P.S. Thanks Arkhi, thnx for the cool tune too !

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Welcome Masquerain, i hope this is not too hard to lose a unique type combination via evolving !

It's really hard, actually. At night I often cri and pray to GF to bring me a mega with a water/bug typing ! ;I

hey newbie welcome to reborn hope that train crash didnt kill you :0

Nope, nope, awake and alive! :v

Hey and late welcome i guess Dai. You know what to do, get crazy and have fun here.

How much rage moments? Curiousity.

Well, probably quite a few. I'm not sure if I remember all of them but I'll try listing a few

For example...the very first time I started a file on Reborn, I picked Charmander (there were no kalos starters at the time)... aaaaaand thinking it'd be a normal fanmade game, I went to solo with that charmander... It was raining, aaaaaaaaaand 10minutes in, the first ragequit surfaced! literally just restarted my game and picked mudkip :I

From there, I remember Corey made me rage a lot... Aya's double battle made me wanna throw stuff at the wall :v

And then Serra's double battle as well my team back then had it quite tough. Oh,oh.. but before Serra, ragequit forest Chrysolia Forest made me rage quite a lot, given that I'm really bad at directions and the confusion was just @_@ ..

From there, I took a break from Reborn due to RL stuff and when I returned, it was already at episode 11 (i had stopped at ep 9), also a lot of things were changed and added, so I decided to restart my game and took Froakie, with the team I picked up there, I didn't have rage moments until Noel... that clefable :I Just... ugh.

Almost ragequit the chess puzzle gym and adventurine woods.. yepyep, really bad with directions and got 0 knowledge of chess :v

Battle vs Charlotte was also rage-inducing and that's all I can think of atm, maybe there were more things, but I'd need to think a lot to recall 'em


I hope you get eaten.

The foxies shall prevail!

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Well, probably quite a few. I'm not sure if I remember all of them but I'll try listing a few

For example...the very first time I started a file on Reborn, I picked Charmander (there were no kalos starters at the time)... aaaaaand thinking it'd be a normal fanmade game, I went to solo with that charmander... It was raining, aaaaaaaaaand 10minutes in, the first ragequit surfaced! literally just restarted my game and picked mudkip :I

From there, I remember Corey made me rage a lot... Aya's double battle made me wanna throw stuff at the wall :v

And then Serra's double battle as well my team back then had it quite tough. Oh,oh.. but before Serra, ragequit forest Chrysolia Forest made me rage quite a lot, given that I'm really bad at directions and the confusion was just @_@ ..

From there, I took a break from Reborn due to RL stuff and when I returned, it was already at episode 11 (i had stopped at ep 9), also a lot of things were changed and added, so I decided to restart my game and took Froakie, with the team I picked up there, I didn't have rage moments until Noel... that clefable :I Just... ugh.

Almost ragequit the chess puzzle gym and adventurine woods.. yepyep, really bad with directions and got 0 knowledge of chess :v

Battle vs Charlotte was also rage-inducing and that's all I can think of atm, maybe there were more things, but I'd need to think a lot to recall 'em

Ah bad luck. That was fast.

Corey was annoying in episode 9 for me, so agreed.

Aya's double battle was my most hated one. I was fighting against her literally hours. And when it was one vs one, it was muk vs roserade. And plus the mimizie and roserade flash attack. The battle was over half of an hour just of these two agaisnt. I still remember the black sludge muk heal up and my roserade with lot's og giga drain, shadow ball and potions.

Chrysolia was hard to, until i found the solution.

Froakie was really strong, and noel was really hard to me too.

I cheated with the chess one, and adventure wood/route 1 was probably my most hated place in entire game.

First time was rage(pre-nerf), second and the others was alright. Thank god for rain dance.

Edited by ShingSt
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Ah bad luck. That was fast.

Corey was annoying in episode 9 for me, so agreed.

Aya's double battle was my most hated one. I was fighting against her literally hours. And when it was one vs one, it was muk vs roserade. And plus the mimizie and roserade flash attack. The battle was over half of an hour just of these two agaisnt. I still remember the black sludge muk heal up and my roserade with lot's og giga drain, shadow ball and potions.

Chrysolia was hard to, until i found the solution.

Froakie was really strong, and noel was really hard to me too.

I cheated with the chess one, and adventure wood/route 1 was probably my most hated place in entire game.

First time was rage(pre-nerf), second and the others was alright. Thank god for rain dance.

Yep, I thought the rain was permanent for as long as I'm in that entire area and my char did no dmg so..ragequit

I don't even remember at this point how I beat Aya, but I think I probably had a big stroke of luck <.< I probably lost over 5 times before I managed

I wandered around Chrysolia forest for a good few hours before I understood that the paths change and such.. I thought I was just stuck <_>

I still remember my battle with Noel.. I literally somehow Stalled that Clefable into running out of Moves and going struggle mode ... That fight took so long and I only managed to not get annihilated after losing 5times over again

I gotta admit, I watched a playthrough video for the chess thing ._. I just really am way too bad at chess. I still hate going through Adventurine woods when backtracking ... But I hear you can find joltik there? I thought of picking one up for my current file

What was changed for Charlotte after the nerf? I'm not sure if I faced her pre or post-nerf o-o

And I just remembered that I also raged a good amount on the Route 2 crustle puzzle..heh , that was annoying

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thnx yu !

I'd like to say welcome, but Masquerains are... "intimidating".

vinny ded

Anyway, mega ultra LATE welcome to Reborn!

You've resgistered way before me, so what can i say?


See you o/

Noo, Masquerain are awesweet! And thnx you

Why is everyone said late welcome?oh well gonna go with the flow then

Hi and late W3LC0M3!

It's because my account exists since 2 years ago, but I never posted anything with it until now (been lurking)

Welcome to Reborn! I like your avy and I'd like your conversion to blue c:

Thnx yu, and what do you mean?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am just passing by to announce that yet again, Charlotte proved to be the most rage-inducingdifficult Gym leader so far :I But woop, we managed to overcome her! (who says normal mawile sucks?? ) Is it a bad thing that I'm kinda liking my current playthrough more than my original one? o3o

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Hello Masquerain! Say hi to my stealth rocks~ <3 Just kidding~

Welcome to the Reborn community! I hope you enjoy your stay here! :D

JUst you watch when I finally get my water/bug mega :I !! Ibelieve!

-coughcough- Hello, though! I've already been lurking here so long XD

Hello, welcome to Reborn~ I'm pretty new myself, so if ya wanna chat or anything, feel free to message me! Have a nice day~

I failed to multiquote but heya! I'm a bad convo starter but I do like chatting a lot :I

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