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  On 8/16/2015 at 5:32 PM, Juuzou said:

NUMERO articUNO: How does one achieve "Rupees"? Initially, I had intuitively thought that you had to buy them with real world currencies but I swear I had more today than I did before... maybe I'm just paranoid...

NUMERO zapDOS: Where are the suspenders? Where?? Suspenders are a perfectly legitimate piece of clothing and they should have the same rights as any hairstyle (even Cain's) or novelty headware. In case you don't know, I'm talking about these things:

NUMERO molTRES: (That's right, I added another one) There doesn't seem to be any slippers in your store. How am I expected to waste my life sitting in front of a computer without relaxing, virtual slippers? It's unthinkable! Preposterous! Heretical! (okay maybe not heretical).

Number One: Rupees are obtained from posted in every forum or subforum EXCEPT The Wasteland.

Nombre Deux: There is a thread used for suggesting item additions, though it hasn't been added to in a long while nor is it open for posting. You can find it here. Items that were added from requests can be found in this thread.

Номер три: Slippers could be added, but it again comes down to whether or not Ame opens up requests again.

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Edited the OP to reflect that this was done:

-Add imports from Pokemon Showdown! for out Create a Trainer Card! page. Capability currently does not exist. (Suggested by Reignited'Light, 4/26/15)

It was added after the site recovered from downtime.

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Typically, I'd just copy the old status, then remove the typo, but I could see the use in this if the status in question is old enough that posting it again would be redundant or... just weird. Added to the OP.

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  On 8/21/2015 at 8:47 PM, Arkhidon said:

So the Reputation tab on users' profiles should be ordered by latest upvote?

I think that's how it works, but I'm not so sure it's always 100% accurate. Such as if it is towards an older post. Let me test that with one of your old posts real quick Ark.

Yup just upvoted the OP of this thread and it didn't show up in there. Kam, while it's an idea I like. I think it's more trouble than it's worth to rewrite whatever code determines that from the base of IPB v3.

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Very minor thing: The Nuzlocke Guidelines page (http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/nuzlocke.html) has not been updated for E15, so it doesn't have the Water Treatment Center listed in the available locations.

Oh, also, maybe we should move to the "Pending Friend Request" page somewhere that's more accessible? I once accidentally cleared all of my notifications thinking there wasn't anything important, and I must've missed a friend request, so I didn't add them until I got another friend request and was able to see that the person wanted to friend me. Maybe just make something linked to the Friend Requests in the Notifications page?

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I'll add the first to the list.

As for the second, I'm not sure that would be worth the trouble, especially if it takes coding to get it to work. If you really do think it could be worth it, then I'll add it to the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This isn't applicable for most people but it falls under site suggestions anyway. When using the merge tool in topic moderation can we get an indicator of which topic will be the dominant one and which will be merged into it?

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Let me just look at some of the "old" things in the main post real quick:

-Concerning using the Forum Moderation notation at the bottom of some sub-forums. (Suggested by Arkhidon, 11/13/14)
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A suggestion for the site is what I'm making, though it is more aimed towards Mods & Staff.
In the Roleplaying and Reborn City forums, in the lower right corner of the page is listed: This forum lead by: Names be Here. While many members of the community know, at the least, that Hukuna leads the Roleplaying forum, some may be unaware of who leads others. (I've been asked where the global moderators moderate)

We're on the process of doing that, since we've adding new section mods lately. Now all sections have mods yet, but we might aim for that.

As for the GMods thing, that's a "different" case, but we're looking into it (Basically, this could be looked as an accepted suggestion, tbh)


-Allow statuses to be upvoted (Suggested by Chubb the Pig, 6/1/15)

Doesn't this conflicts with this:


-Adjust and balance member upvote limits, if possible.(Suggested by Arkhidon, 6/23/15)

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With a great rise in the number of upvotes recently, the system is inherently deprecating itself of its value. A member with over 1000 Rep. should be a rare sight: they are an "actual superstar", after all. A role model should not be one who posts too frequently and obtains an increase in reputation just from the act of posting. Except Ame, because there's no way around the influx of upvotes from new episode releases. As such, the limit of upvotes must be adjusted. A lower capacity should do the trick, at least for now.
Members: 3 upvotes
Ace Members: 5 upvotes
Staff & Developers: 6/7 upvotes
The higher-ups shouldn't have this problem to begin with.

Or would we be thinking about a separate quota for normal posts vs status?

And I don't know how worth it would it be to have upvotes on the status bar. While I can see the point, there are some of those status that could've been made into a topic, and get said rep. But maybe that's just me.

But my main concern here is the conflict of interest in the two suggestions.



-Site Cleanup #2. (Suggested by Chubbs, 7/7/15)

Those topics are in the announcements because they were brought in as new things. We didn't always use the report system.

The idea of those topics initially was to catch people's attention. Cowtao's topic was a redux of something that's been brough up a lot of times already, and both Hilda (back then) and Ark couldn't post in the Announcements section.

As for why those topics are not pinned, well... I don't know. I can understand why the mod that made it wouldn't want to pin it, but I don't know why the other mods decided against it. While I could move them to the Grand Hall and potentially pin them there, I'm more keen on a new sub-forum only for forum-related questions. I should have brought that up before.


-Site Cleanup #3. (Suggested by Chubbs, 7/11/15)

Do you see how old those topics are? Don't bother. Really.

Back then we didn't have all those sections that we have now, so just leave them where they are. It's history.


-Clean up the On the Hunt forum. (Suggested by Damage, 7/8/15)

What are people's opinion on this, right now? I can see two problems related to topics, but one will be fixed when Sheep does the thing. The other one, I don't know.

Just a few things for now. I have to check back on this every now and then, tbh.

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  On 9/8/2015 at 2:50 PM, Vinny said:

We're on the process of doing that, since we've adding new section mods lately. Now all sections have mods yet, but we might aim for that.

As for the GMods thing, that's a "different" case, but we're looking into it (Basically, this could be looked as an accepted suggestion, tbh)

Got it, I'll mark it as Resolved.

  On 9/8/2015 at 2:50 PM, Vinny said:

Doesn't this conflicts with this:

Or would we be thinking about a separate quota for normal posts vs status?

And I don't know how worth it would it be to have upvotes on the status bar. While I can see the point, there are some of those status that could've been made into a topic, and get said rep. But maybe that's just me.

But my main concern here is the conflict of interest in the two suggestions.


Upvoting statuses is only a luxury. If it comes down to site limitations, then the suggestion is, in the end, only a suggestion meant to make the site more attractive. Since there are no returns on investing time and effort into this, then it doesn't need to be added.

As for if it conflicts, I wouldn't think so, so long as a member has used their upvotes for the day. And even then, keeping track of the upvotes for statuses and actual posts could end up being more trouble than it's worth.

  On 9/8/2015 at 2:50 PM, Vinny said:

Those topics are in the announcements because they were brought in as new things. We didn't always use the report system.

The idea of those topics initially was to catch people's attention. Cowtao's topic was a redux of something that's been brough up a lot of times already, and both Hilda (back then) and Ark couldn't post in the Announcements section.

As for why those topics are not pinned, well... I don't know. I can understand why the mod that made it wouldn't want to pin it, but I don't know why the other mods decided against it. While I could move them to the Grand Hall and potentially pin them there, I'm more keen on a new sub-forum only for forum-related questions. I should have brought that up before.

While it's expected people will read the rules and understand the limitations and guidelines of the site, people.. kinda don't follow instructions. I think it would just be worth creating a new thread. Though if you will make a Forum FAQ sub-forum, you, Chubb, myself, or another could make a list of important enough threads to be moved there. Preferably, that would cut down on Reports and Warning Points to be made. But again, I think attention is better called to the rules when a recently-made thread is announced.

  On 9/8/2015 at 2:50 PM, Vinny said:

Do you see how old those topics are? Don't bother. Really.

Back then we didn't have all those sections that we have now, so just leave them where they are. It's history.

Holy crap, those threads are from 5ever ago. I mean, it's nice to have the whole forum organized, but they can be moved to Mews & Announcements once everything else is clean. So yeah, once hell freezes over and the human race attains nirvana, then I guess they can be moved. But only then.

  On 9/8/2015 at 2:50 PM, Vinny said:

What are people's opinion on this, right now? I can see two problems related to topics, but one will be fixed when Sheep does the thing. The other one, I don't know.

I don't know if this thing Sheep is to do has been done, but the On The Hunt forum looks cleaner now. Honestly, very few people check out this thread, so I don't think any other people will pitch their opinions. It's up to you.

Edit: edited the OP, moved some suggestions to the Implemented/Discarded bin, and made the thread a little more manageable to read and understand.

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