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What if raticate. Isn't just vermin.

He shoots lasers and learns thunder people.

Now I've been thinking on this one for some time. And I think I've finally come to a conclusion.

*cue inception theme* what If reshiram and zekrom combined together to create thingy-bob. And then split, why was Kyurem even created?! What if, this "shell" was created by something different. For say the fact that two things that fuse break apart into their pure element when separated, how can there be a "shell" at all?

Does kyurem even exist?

Do we even exist?

Are we just shells of something greater like kyurem?


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What if Zinna didn't stop Steven and Prof. Cozmo from warping Deoxys to another world?

I think that's how Gen III Birth Island comes about.

What if there was a way to recombine Shedinja and Ninjask into a new, stronger Pokemon which is still Bug/Ghost (because that is WAY better typing than the Bug/Flying of Ninjask).

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