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I've never done this before, so... Wynaut? Another AMA!


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Yeah, I am terrified of most bugs. XD

As for names, I haven't decided on one for real life... thinking about Sophia. I have tons of internet names. =p

Edited by Eviora
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...Doesn't help when people expect you to "be a man" and squash them for you either >_> *Not so randomly starts humming an obvious song*

And Sophia is pretty, though it's also like obscenely common, #1 or 2 in the US IIRC Though I very nearly settled on Olivia, which is #3, so not like I'm saying that makes it bad to pick that name. Like, there's a reason it's popular

You remind me a lot of my character Cecilia for some reason

But yeah, as I said, name are hard. Best thing is to just randomly go about trying different things on until you find one that fits owo

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In my family everyone knows I won't squish the scary bugs. I make my dad do it all the time. =p

I wasn't aware that Sophia was so popular. O.o I haven't met that many people named Sophia before.

Maybe I should go to your topic for this, but what is Cecilia like and which story/game/whatever is she from? =p

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In my family everyone knows I won't squish the scary bugs. I make my dad do it all the time. =p

I wasn't aware that Sophia was so popular. O.o I haven't met that many people named Sophia before.

Maybe I should go to your topic for this, but what is Cecilia like and which story/game/whatever is she from? =p

...My family knows that too, yet my mom still tries to insist I do it. I'm thankful for my little sister being a boss and smashing them without a second thought

I've never met an Olivia either :P I do actually know a Sophia tho, she's a total brat (she's only six tho, so hopefully she'll grow up) Ironic that the name means "wisdom" :P

Oh, she's an OC I made for the Veins Universe. Basically she's this quiet unassuming girl who gets a whole lot of bad stuff happening to her for no reason, such as losing her ability to see. Her whole character is basically based around trying to make up for the flaw in her body (Okay, so that's kind of an obvious connection, but it's more about how she deals with it seeming similar) I, kinda wish I could explain it better, but explanations are hard for me. I do think she's probably a bit more headstrong than you, so it's not like it's just "you're exactly like this"

EDIT: As it happens, Alexus is a name stolen from a character who is literally me owo

Edited by KosherKitten
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The meaning of Sophia is one of the reasons I'm not sure I like it for myself... it feels arrogant or something. And I'm pretty smart, but I don't think I'm very wise, so that makes me self conscious. =p

I definitely relate to the concept of having the bulk of your existence devoted to compensating for a single flaw. I've kind of been doing that forever, consciously or not. I get to come out to my siblings in a few weeks, so that will be... fun... I think their minds might be blown because I am pretty good at faking stuff. >.<

Also, I relate to a lot of fictional characters in a lot of different ways. For example, my avatar here, C.C. from Code Geass. =p

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Mhmm. Well, Alexus means "helper" which is something I want to be, so I can certainly understand picking a name around something you'd like to be owo

Well, good luck with that. I have no idea how my siblings will end up reacting. They'll probably just make fun of me TBH...

For whatever reason, you feel really strongly like a C-name (as in, I feel like a name starting with C would be fitting) IDK, I'm weird. I'm also good at names tho ^w^

Yeah, I do that too. I think I'm P similar to Annie (my avi), though I'm not that big on the firez

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A C-name, huh? I dunno... I don't think many of the name I've used have started with a C. As for my siblings, hopefully they aren't assholes. I don't really think they will be, though I'm sure they'll be weirded out.

Also, I see you're the goddess of luck. So bless me with some! I'll be doing a lot of my low drop rate runs in WoW today and tomorrow. =p

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*Shrugs* It just makes sense in my head, I can be weird like that :P What's important isn't what I think, it's that you're comfortable with your choice ^^

I also had to do my middle name, since my given middle name was my dad's first name (somewhat ironically, I settled on his middle name owo)

Well, mine aren't assholes, I just don't think they'll have any concept of how to deal with it, and thus resort to teasing

Lol, will do ^^

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I haven't even considered a middle name... they don't seem to matter as much. I'll have to start thinking about it!

And thanks... I'll need the luck. So far my zombie horse has failed to drop 86 times. v.v

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Middle names are half the fun, trying to make them match up with your first name is great. Tho mine actually matches with Kyra (my previous name choice) a lot better than Alexus. Kyra Morgan sounds great, Alexus Morgan is just okay owo

86, wow. What's the drop rate?

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I always enjoy putting together names, part of why I like roleplaying so much owo My top two name+middle name combos ATM are Emmeryn Elizabeth and Kindle Hope

Ah, 1%, fun >_< Welp, it's better than shiny rates, right? INB4 you've never found a shiny Pokemon >_>

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I've never even tried it! XD

I have caught a few shinies over the years, but the thing about those is you can try over and over and over. I can only attempt to get my zombie horse once per week per character (I have 5 characters able to do it) and it takes 30-40 minutes for me to do an entire attempt. (I need to clear the entire place of bosses.)

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You totally should. It's fun to randomly make names. It's even more fun when you're a writer like me and can then build a character around them. Plus, I have two original universes I can make them in (both of which are more or less magical girls universes owo)

Oooh. That's no fun ono 1% drop rate with only five tries a week? Blergh, I'd have given up after week twelve (My Inkay are sitting at 500-something, still no shiny)

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Yeah, I linkied Veins from the Soul back when I mentioned what universe Cecilia was from (which is nowhere near done, I haven't had the time to work on it ono) You'll also find me in a couple RPs about here, especially ANKL (which I also need to work on >_<) my other main universe that I build random characters for owo

I sorta know the feeling, I play Terraria, and getting rare drops in that can be hell

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I'm basically been trying to write a fantasy novel... I'm not too far into the process, though. I posted the rather short prologue on the creative writing forum but not really getting any feedback. :<

Also, I the "Tales of" games are absolutely awesome! I love the music!

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