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The choice that Sirius gives you [possible spoiler for end game]

sound of silence

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So I remember somewhere on the forums that you can get a slightly better ending on your playthrough of reborn if you pick the correct options to certain choices you are given along the way in your playthough.

Unfortunately, I have no idea where the thread went, nor do I remember anything about the choice Sirius gives you when you beat him in the belrose manse, and asks you whether you go upstairs to help laura or stay downstairs.

Does anyone know which option is the correct one for the special ending? For reference, I'm playing 14.6 and I chose to remain downstairs.

I wouldn't mind knowing as I did store a spare save at this point in case I chose wrong, but I'd prefer to know before making too much further progress (especially since I got stupidly lucky in the arceus battle)

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It not start there,it start at Yureyu building when Sigmunt ask you if you wanna fight him or not if not you gonna fight him at Belrose and got another scene so there can be 4 scene happen after that,don't wanna spoil it.

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Well, if you want, I think these are the results (not sure, but it's somewhat like it):

Sigmund at Yureyu -> Sirius (Downstairs) -> Noel and Anna kidnapped? OR Shelly and Charlotte kidnapped?

Sigmund at Yureyu -> Sirius (Upstairs) -> Laura kidnapped

Sirius at Yureyu -> Sigmund (Downstairs) -> Saphira kidnapped

Sirius at Yureyu -> Sigmund (Upstairs) -> Laura kidnapped?

Is that better? I dunno.

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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If Reborn have different ending what will you do?mine is play it again.

Well, if you want, I think these are the results (not sure, but it's somewhat like it):

Sigmund at Yureyu -> Solaris (Downstairs) -> Noel and Anna kidnapped
Sigmund at Yureyu -> Solaris (Upstairs) -> Laura kidnapped
Solaris at Yureyu -> Sigmund (Downstairs) -> Noel and Anna kidnapped?
Solaris at Yureyu -> Sigmund (Upstairs) -> Laura kidnapped?

um Chubb it's not Solaris,it Serius and Serius choice is not like that

Stay with Serius->don't know yet
Stay with Sigmund->Sephira kidnapped.

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um Chubb it's not Solaris,it Serius and Serius choice is not like that

Stay with Serius->don't know yet

Stay with Sigmund->Sephira kidnapped.

edit:oh shit!I double post again.*face palm!*

If you stay with Sirius, Shelly and Charlotte get kidnapped instead.

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And it appears I screwed up if what BBD has posted in his spoiler is correct. Athough how she of all people gets captured really is beyond me...

Edit: Actually, now I'm even more confused based on Amanojaku's post. Also how do you use spoiler tags? And who was I meant to have be captured?

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And it appears I screwed up if what BBD has posted in his spoiler is correct. Athough how she of all people gets captured really is beyond me...

Edit: Actually, now I'm even more confused based on Amanojaku's post. Also how do you use spoiler tags? And who was I meant to have be captured?

you have to type spoiler in the [...] and close with spoiler in the [/...]

Edited by BBD
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I don't think you get the special Laura in Chrysolia story with each of the choices, so i think the one in which you do is the best one. In the end, it probably won't matter much.

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And it appears I screwed up if what BBD has posted in his spoiler is correct. Athough how she of all people gets captured really is beyond me...

Edit: Actually, now I'm even more confused based on Amanojaku's post. Also how do you use spoiler tags? And who was I meant to have be captured?

The ending that's usually considered the "canon" one is the one in which Sapphira gets kidnapped, since you get to learn more about a certain spoiler character. You can't get it if you fight Sigmund at Yureyu and it's not something that changes the game that much, so you shouldn't really worry about it.

Sapphira only gets kidnapped because she's poisoned by Sirius' Seviper, by the way.

Edited by Amanojaku
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I played through it twice, both times fought Dr Connal at the Yureyu Building (I thought I would fight him anyway, and I just wanted that xp)

First I stayed downstairs and Anna and Noel got kidnapped

Second I went upstairs and Laura got kidnapped

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I played this 4 times so I made different decisions.

If you fought Sirius at the Corporate Building and you pick to stop Sirius from going anywhere in the house, which then causes the Dcotor to go in the kitchen. Saphira comes in the house and then Sirius tells us that the Doctor captures Charlotte and Shelly.

If you fought Sirius at the Corporate Building and you picked to stop Sigmund from going anywhere in the house which then causes Sirius to go upstairs. Saphira comes in the house and beats Sigmund around, which makes Sirius come downstairs and subdue Saphira and therefore, capture her.

If you fought Sigmund at the Corporate Building you have to beat the Orderlies in the house while Sigmund goes upstairs. Then, after you beat them you have to fight Sirius. THEN, you have to choose whether to go upstairs or stay downstairs and if you go upstairs Laura gets captured, but if you stay downstairs the twins get captured.

Phew...that took a lot of remembering...

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The 'correct' selection to make is probably the one that leads you to Laura's backstory - which involves one of my very favorite Reborn scenes involving a certain person getting hyperbeamed xD

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I like to not battle Sigmunt so he will explain his backstory and then stay with Sigmunt so we can know more about Lin,
The other scene was nothing at all I mean there one way to get Laura with us other wise Sephira gonna come with us.

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Damnit I really have screwed up with my choice and the timing of my saves...

Really do not want to have to backtrack that far since my only save before yureyu was before fighting solaris...

One last question then. Spoiler tags for the answer I guess. With the current choices I have made, will I still get an option to have



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