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I'm curious what others think about my Reborn team as for a type match up

157.gif Flash fire-Modest Moves: Flamethrower, Smokescreen, Eruption, Cut(WtR)

260.gif Damp-Naughty Moves: Earthquake, Surf, Waterfall, Hammerarm

468.gif Super Luck-Rash Moves: Air Slash, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, Flamethrower

003f.gifChlorophyll-Modest Moves: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Strength(WtR)

065f.gifMagic Gaurd-Mild Moves: Psychic, Flash, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball

330.gif Levitate(Duh)-Adamant Moves: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw, Rock Smash(WtR)

***If someone can tell me a good move for my WtR (Want to Replace) on Nova, Venny, and Flynn

Edited by Ganolth
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We'll need your EV spreads and movesets to tell. Right now it looks like you are going for something balanced. If Swampert is physically defensive, Venusaur is specially defensive, Typhlosion, Flygon and Alakazam all-out attackers, and Togekiss to pass wishes around, you might stand a good chance of doing well in the game.

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Ice weakness on 3 of your Pokemon. You might want Fairy coverage and a more reliable Dragon move rather than just Dragon Claw.

I don't recommend both Surf and Waterfall on Swampert. Sunny Day + Solarbeam on slow Venusaur is hard to use.

Take out Flash and Smokescreen. I don't like accuracy modifiers.

No Rock Smash or Cut.
You might want some moves that are not just purely offense.

Still, it's an in-game team so there shouldn't be much problem.

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Here's my two cents.

Typhlosion: It gets extrasensory from egg moves and nature power from TM. tha would seem like better alternatives to cut and smokescreen.

Swampert: I would change the ability to torrent, since self destruct moves ingame are rare after Julia. Torrent gets more use. Also I would modify it's nature to an attack or a defense based role, instead of a mix sweeper. Other pokemon fare better at that. and on that note, remove surf, since it becomes redundant with waterfall.

Venusaur: Kinda slow and fragile to set up sun by itself. You could run a timid nature, with growth, giga drain, sludge bomb and sunny day. Giga drain can make it recover health so it has more staying power, while it sets up growths.

Alakazam: Remove Flash for charge beam - you gain coverage and the special attack boost are frequent and nice. Using calm mind with alakazam is tricky - it's very frail.

Flygon: Seems ok, just remove rock smash for a coverage move, preferably fire ou fighting (superpower is perfect)

Togekiss: Switch Super Luck for Serene Grace. I would switch aura sphere for extremespeed - priority +2 is always nice and aura sphere is redundant with flamethrower.

Also your team is very vulnerable to ice types. I would recommend removing either venusaur ou togekiss, and replace them with a fighting type. Mienshao is a nice choice for you team, since it uses u-turn and has regenerator, giving you alot of chances to switch in your other fragile team mates, like alakazam and typhlosion.

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