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Events I feel like I missed out on

Fabled Asian


So I started a Misdreavus event and then gave up on playing hide and seek with it and started a Spoink event and "found" it in a warehouse in Coral Ward where it yelled ""spoii" and disappeared. So I decided to come back to it later after beating the game, but I don't know if they will still be there.

Bottomline is - If I left the misdreavus and spoink sidequest alone too long would I miss out on them? If not then would Misdreavus appear in places in need of Tauros and where did Spoink go after the warehouse? Can someone also explain the Team Meteor after clefa and igglybuff and the Kiki's "ghost" sidequest?

Sorry if it was really wordy and thanks for the help!

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Mis'us actually goes to places where you must get in and out of the Grotto to follow her, but no, you don't need a Tauros. Just explore, find her, talk to her, repeat.

I've never done the Spoink event though, so I can't help.

The only thing you must notice are the conditions of the events (weather, day/night, day of the week etc). The event Pokemon won't go away. And, once you find them, BE CAREFUL! If you talk to an event pokemon that wants to join you and a Yes/No dialog pops, there are cases where saying No makes the pokemon dissappear. There are other cases it will just stay there. But you don't wanna miss one because you clicked No and thought it would stay there.

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I don't think the event Pokemon ever disappear if you wait too long.

Talk to the old lady, talk to the 2 Team Meteor members in a house, rescue the old lady and get a Pokemon.
Kiki's ghost is for Ghastly. It's in a cave in the Wastelands.

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They do dissapear, if they're day/night exclusive and you wait so long that day/night ends. Source: I lost my chance for Misdreavus, Zorua, and Zangoose...

Really? I don't remember that happening with Misdreavus. Can't say about the other ones though.

As for missing out event... honestly the worst thing that can happen is if you're in the middle of an event and Ame removes it in the next episode.

but as long as you have the older episode...

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I actually meant the likes of Gastly (you say no, it dissappears into nothingness, leaving no trace behind), and Pinsir/Heracross when you meet them to beat one and obtain the other (if you say no, it plays the same line after opening the blockades (Herracross quietly ascended/Pinsir swiftly flew or something like that).

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i dont think events go away after time i meet kiki's ghost about a month ago came back when my pokemon where in the 60s and it was still there and i got spoink when i was on kiki even tho it ran to the where house before the 2nd gym same with mudkip the only one i don't know for sure is the Misdreavus havent dont that one yet

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You should still be able to find that Misdreavus. I left it for days after I started it and found it again. It only appears at night though and one of the places it appears makes it blend in a lot to the background. You just have to look really hard to see it.

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yeah, event pokemon don't permanently disappear unless you kill them or refuse to accept them into your team. misdreavus will show up at night on top of broken gravestones throughout the wasteland, while the spoink... should've been catchable in the warehouse? try checking the path back to obsidia from coral, and i'm fairly sure the weather is supposed to be clear too.

for cleffa and igglybuff, you have to talk to the woman in the house first. then at night, visit an empty house in peridot (it hasn't been used in any other events besides this, which should be enough to figure out which building) where there will be two meteor grunts. after a talk, they'll leave the house, and you have to go back to the woman's house and run them off. afterwards, she'll give you your pick of the two. as for "Kiki's ghost", you have to find a separate dimension in the wasteland. (at least, that's what the save menu calls it.) there are plenty of threads that have the exact process for it (it involves some boulder pushing), so i won't describe it here.

next time, maybe check out the location guide? it should tell you everything you need to know.

Edited by phoenix_fire
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