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Me and Letters


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The thing about letters is that they are used correctly for the most part. But one way i have seen them used has me dead inside. It makes me feel bad about myself, especially when I see my parents. These letters are killing me and ruining my life...

If you haven't figured it out I have bad grades, I'm failing 2 classes, about to fail a 3rd and it stinks...

Also I am isolating myself from all technology until Summer. That means no more reborn for me until then... Unless of course I get on my phone at school. But yeah goodbye guys I will miss you... Oh yeah PRCL. I'll try to make that work as long as possible Bagel. However if I ever have any opponents, be aware I may only be able to fight at midnight... And that's if I am brave enough to defy my parents wrath that will be set upon me tonight.

Goodbye you guys. Have fun with episode 15 if it happens while I'm gone :')

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Lord Goomy will watch over you until you safely return to the Asylum.

I'm gonna miss you because you did so much for me and helped me get Lord Goomy to his final form in my MonoDragon Playthrough. Don't worry I've been where you are and I used to get D's in 6th grade but somehow I was still able to pass because my grandma came to straighten me out and I had to hit the books everyday non stop and I still do this because I want to feel like I actually accomplished something. Seeing you isolate yourself from technology is very mature of you because I could never do it :/

I need my daily dose of Technology..If I don't get it then I will be cranky. No joke.

Farewell... :(

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For some, there are moments like this in their lives where they experience hardships in their academics. I had something similar to this where I could have failed if I continued a certain behavior, but I re-prioritized my life and got back on track.

That being said, I wish you the best of luck with this mate. I'm glad to hear you are going to focus on your classes that you're failing in, even though you'll be gone from the community. Try to come back as soon as you can.

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