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TXIV- Assassins


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They're coming for you.


[u]The Premise[/u]
Are you familiar with the live-action game, Assassins, commonly played at high schools and colleges?
[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin_%28game%29"]In case you aren't, this should help.[/url]
Now we're going to do the same thing.

-This is a game of survival. If you are killed, you are out of the tournament.
-This is a game of goals. If you fail to kill your target, you will not progress to the next round.
-At the start date, each player will be sent the name of another player. That person is your target.
-Just as you are hunting someone, someone else will be hunting you. Be on your guard.
-In order to "kill" a person, you must KO at least 2 of their Pokemon in a battle.
--It's okay to use an alias for the kill, as long as we can trace it back to you to confirm it really was you.
--Official Gym Leader matches will not count.
-In order for the kill to count, PM a log of the battle to me on the forums. If you do not do this, it will not count.
-If you successfully kill your target, you will then receive their target. You are not required to kill the second-hand targets in order to advance to the next round, but if you do, it will mean less competition later on.
-If you and your target are in a back-channel, alone, and you make it clear to them that they're being hunted for the tournament, they may not refuse your challenge.
--If this is the case, and they still do refuse the challenge, PM a log of the event in place of a log of the battle. In choosing not to defend themselves, they will forfeit their "life."
--Auth may not use the /invite command to satisfy this channel rule.

In order to clear the round, you must:
1- Survive
2- Eliminate your target (and PM record proof)
If you fail to do either of these things, you are out.
However many people survive to the next round is how many there will be. This means only as few as two players might make it to the second round. No matter how many players there are, or how many rounds it takes, the last one standing is the winner.

Pokemon from Reborn's Uber tier may not be used
You are NOT restricted to use the same team from match to match, nor do teams need to be registered.

3rd Place: $R 1000
2nd Place: $R 1500
1st Place: $R 2000

[u]Entry and Dates[/u]
In order to enter, PM Amethyst on the forum confirming your interest. When you receive a confirmation, assume you are in the tournament. It is advised NOT to post your entry to the tournament in this topic, because it will blow your cover, so to speak.
I will also not report the identities of players, only the number of people playing.

If you have any questions or confusions about the game at all, regardless of if you intend to enter or not, please do ask about them here.
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  • Administrators
Q: If you knock out two of your assassin's Pokemon when they challenge, are they eliminated?

A: No. Because in the first place, if your assassin has any kind of stealth on their side, you won't know that that's who they are, so you wouldn't know to try and KO two of theirs, or to PM me the log. However, it's irrelevant because you can only "kill" the person who is your target. The except is if, probably in the final round, your assassin also happens to be your target. Then of course it would count (that is again, assuming you're aware that this person you're battling is indeed your assassin/target).
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Well, that would be a pretty poor strategy on their part because it means that they won't have a chance to hunt their target either. What's much more likely is that they'll only come on under aliases, in which case you'll have to do some detective work to figure out who they are. In that case, they're probably still going to be talking to their friends and such, wherein maybe you can get one of said friends to spill the beans on who the person is.
Even better, if you can somehow find out who your target's target is, you may even be able to bait them into a channel using their target, where you can kill the person yourself.

Just ideas~ It'll be difficult if people play smart, but if they don't want to lose, which they don't, they'll -have- to be around.
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Q: How are you supposed to force people to battle you? Asuming they play smart and make sure they don't get isolated in a back channel, and never battle except with ana lt against their target.... You just can't really get them to battle you.
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  • Developers
Q: What if you kill the person that's target is the person trying to kill you and you end up battling them and two pokemon from both parties are KO'd? [s]Which is almost certain to happen in a battle.[/s]
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  • Administrators
Q: Hypothetically, what if someone goes on a different server, then comes on the server with an alt under the name of their opponent and makes a fake battle?

A: If there's reason to suspect that, Nyu logs literally everything on Reborn's server. We can check.

Bullet- The equivalent of this in the live-action game would be never leaving the house/safe-zone. However, more often than not, that doesn't work out how one would anticipate it to, even if the person does have the discipline to follow through on such a thing. It works better in theory than in actuality.

Inuki- The person that's target is the person trying to kill you... So, a triangle, right? A hunts B hunts C hunts A. A kills B, therefore, A hunts C hunts A. In that case, it's basically whoever KOs two Pokemon of the opponent first. The final round will probably come down to something like this anyway. Once their Pokemon are down, take the log and run before they can finish killing the second of yours.
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To your first question, see the first reply I posted in this thread.
To the second, because the IRL version of the game instills certain amount of paranoia and disturbance into the day-to-day life of its players. They take extra precautions even moving from their front door to their car. In order to recreate this, I've lowered the kill-number to two so that people might change their battling style as the cautionary measure instead.
It also means that there's a greater emphasis on stealth and trickery than the battling itself, which I think is the appeal of this tournament.
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to be honest, I don't see the battling even being relevant... If you can successfully initiate a battle with your target, your chances of killing are staggeringly high..
I only go perhaps 1 in 20 battles without losing at least 2 Pokemon.
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It'll be harder for everyone if it has to be all six. Is that something everyone wants to do, then?

Wolf- Safe zones are usually the classroom buildings/players homes, but since neither of those really apply to Reborn, I don't think there will be any.
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  • Administrators
In that case it means we won't be able to verify battle dates and possibly not aliases, so if it is on another server, then you run the risk of the kill being disputed by either of those things. Alias checks- we can just ask one of their auth to do the same thing, but I doubt that all servers log everything like we do.
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  • Administrators
All assassins should have been sent their notice of prey.
If you have signed up and did NOT receive your mark, please message me ASAP.

Although no clever competitor will admit that they are playing in this tournament, the number of current assassins is...
Be watchful, Reapers.

In order for a kill to count it MUST be PM'd to me.
I will then post a notice of that player's termination in this topic. I act as a proxy for all players. Therefore I am not playing myself; this I promise you.

You have one week. That is, until midnight of Monday, July 25th. If, at that time, you have failed to eliminate your target, you will be eliminated instead.

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I knew I was gonna be first.

And I KNEW that I was dead when I saw who my slayer was when it challenged me because almost no one challenges me otherwise. <_<

Yep, I dont like to admit it, but at battling, Im pretty sure Im the lowest rank.
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