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Well... Here's my team, I'm at the point just before Serra: (I'm not using the typical format because I have way too many Pokemon)

Zelena (Skuntank) - Stench Toxic, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Acid Spray (Stunky at South Peridot Alley)

Knave (Scrafty) - Moxie Hi Jump Kick, Crunch, Swagger, Headbutt (Scraggy at Obsidia Slums Playground)

Hans (Houndoom) - Flash Fire Fire Fang, Bite, Rock Smash, Roar (Houndour at North Obsidia Alley)

Capt. Hook (Greninja) - Protean Water Pulse, Substitute, Smack Down, Cut (Froakie as Starter)

Ursula (Malamar) - Infiltrator (to be changed) Light Screen, Night Slash, Pluck, Psycho Cut (Inkay at Wasteland)

Kaa (Krookodile) - Moxie Dig, Strength, Crunch, Foul Play (Sandile at Tanzan Mountain)

In Box:

Gaston (Mightyena) - Intimidate Crunch, Rock Smash, Swagger, Sand Attack (Poochyena at South Peridot Alley)

Mr. Gold OR Rumplestiltskin (Cacturne) - Water Absorb Destiny Bond, Flash, Leech Seed, Feint Attack (Cacnea at Onyx Ward)

Shan Yu (Pangoro) - Iron Fist Karate Chop, Strength, Body Slam, Work Up (Pancham at Obsidia Slum Playground)

Bellatrix, Amycus, Alecto, Fenrir, Lucius (Nuzleafs, Amycus is Choice) LEVEL 25 - Growth, Nature Power, Fake Out, Torment (Beryl Ward Cave-place)

Cruella (Liepard) - Prankster Sand Attack, Attract, Fake Out, Assurance (Purrloin at West Peridot Alley)

Sidney (Sharpedo) - Speed Boost Aqua Jet, Swagger, Crunch, Ice Fang (Carvanha at Lapis Alley)

Jafar (Drapion) - Battle Armor Poison Fang, Night Slash, Hone Claws, Toxic Spikes (Skorupi at Wasteland)

Jadis (Murkrow) - Prankster Haze, Wing Attack, Feint Attack, Night Shade (Lapis Alley) (Have the Dusk Stone, but I'm waiting for Sucker Punch)

On the Hunt for:

Zorua, Spiritomb, Eevee

In case you couldn't tell, this is a Dark Monotype, inspired by Espy's TFL. I'll update later with levels and natures, don't have the game on this device.

Oh, and these guys are NOT EV trained, nor do they have perfect IVs. Too lazy to breed.

Bonus points for whoever gets the nicknames! (Nuzleafs being exceptions to the theme. But what else am I going to name 5 Nuzleafs? And they all should be in the same _____!)

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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1.Blaziken : starter

2.Mamoswine : his mother caught in cave across from Shade's gym, bred for icicle crash

3. Azumarill: azurill traded for growlithe, her offsrping bred for aqua jet

4. Honchkrow: murkorw caught in lapis ward alley windy day, team aqua hideout- its offpsring bred for brave bird

5. Cofagrigus: yamask found in Shade's gym

6. Mangenezone: Magmemeite found in Shade's gym

My team is basically on my signature

PC pokemon intended for backup:

1. Tyrantrum: jaw fossil- Helix cult place at 7th street

2. Smeargle: Mysidida cave

3. Gardevoir: get corrupted pokeball from railnet and take to pokeball shop

4. Ludicolo: obtained as lotad in coral ward, must have pokesnax with you and be a rainy day

5. Metagross: Bedlum caught In Byblosion grotto

6. Nidoking: Nidoran from Byblosion grotto

7. crawdaunt: Rock smash rocks in Apophyll beach

8. Bisharp: caught as pawniard in route 4

Edited by alaneapen
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Main Rotation

Swampert - Starter

Heracross - Aventurine Woods

Gallade - Railnet event + Dawn Stone

Chandelure - 7th Street

Weavile - Ametrine Cave

Masquerain - Peridot Ward

Scrafty - Obsidia Slums

Eelektross - Agate Circus

In Box:

Jynx - Citrine Cave

Forretress - Peridot Ward Headbutt

Torkoal - Pyrous Mountain

Bibarel - Peridot Ward

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Swampert - Starter -

Waterfall - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Hammer Arm

Whimsicott - Route 4

Giga Drain - Moonblast (asap) - Leech Seed - Stun Spore

Galvantula - North Aventurine Woods

Discharge - Bug Buzz - Electro Ball - (waiting for energy ball or giga drain)

Houndoom - Magma Hideout

Flamethrower - Dark Pulse - Nasty Plot - (waiting for sludge bomb)

Dragalge - Apophyl Beach

Sludge Bomb - Surf - Dragon Pulse - Sludge Wave

Gallade - Obsidia

Close Combat - Psycho Cut - Night Slash - Leaf Blade

Also have Metagross, Golurk, Rapidash, Loudred, Gigalith, Mamoswine, Emboar, Sudowoodo, Walrein, Pyroar, Sawsbuck, many more. But mostly use my queens.

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Main Team:

Froggeh (Greninja) Get it as a Starter

Beauty (Gardevoir)Corrupted Pokeball in the Underground Railnet Even though I got mine before it got put there.

Legend (Arcanine) Rescue all of the policemen in the Beryl and Jasper Wards and you will be awarded a dead policeman's growlithe \(^-^)/

Jolty (Jolteon) Find Eevee in a Chrysolia cave and it gotta be a windy day? And you have to follow the way the train tracks are pointing.

Batman (Crobat) Zubat used to be in the Underground Railnet but I forgot where it got moved to...

ChiChi (Cinccino) Chrysolia Forest

In the Box:

Bruce (Lucario) Get Riolu egg in Ametrine City by doing an event.

Clummzzy(Ambipom) I think I found it in the grass outside of Ametrine city.

Charlotte (Galvantula) North Adventurine Woods

Sapphire (Chandelure) Get a litwick at the summoning circle where Luna was chained. You have to have soul candle of course.

DewDrop (Roserade) Get budew when it is dancing ontop of the Lapis ward wall near the Flower Shop (gonna need a Rose Incense which you get from a Doxy in Peridot).

Angelica (Absol) Get it by getting an Ill-fated Doll and go to Route 4 and there should be a waterfall. Hop on the stones and Absol should appear.

Hoodlum (Scrafty) Get it by getting a dull key from the Underground Railnet and then going to the slums to unlock a door to go further into the slums.

BoomBox (Exploud) Get it by buying it from the Pokemon Dealer in 7th Street.

Supa-Hero!! (Gallade) Male Ralts in Corrupted Pokeball or breed your female Ralts with a ditto.

Emperor (Empoleon) Give a man in 7th street a "Rare Candy" and he will give you piplup. To get this you gotta mine a rock and then use the blast powder to mine it again and behind the rock is the "candy". This rock is located to the right when you go to the Arceus dungeon thingy.

Senora (Ludicolo) Get it by going to the Coral Ward when it is raining and you gotta have pokesnax with you to get it.

Mako (Sawk) Route 2

Blitz (Typhlosion) 7th Street Dealer

OmNom~ (Rotom-W) Get Rotom by getting the Yuyeyu key and then you go to shade's gym and open the door in the back and THEN you kill off all the Electrodes and THEN once you have Rotom go to Ametrine city and go in a house with a computer in it and no one else. That is where you can change Rotom's form.

Venu (Venusaur) Got replaced with Chikorita at Azurine Island event. Ignore this.

V1RU2 (Porygon-Z) Get Porygon at the Glitch World or get a Data chip and get a porygon from the computer in the Onyx Trainer School, then evolve it with the linkstone (holding upgrade) and evolve it agian (holding dubious disc which you can get from the Glitch World)

Neptune (Kingdra) Catch a Horsea in Ametrine Mountain and evolve it when it becomes a Seadra with a Linkstone whilst holding a Dragon Scale.

Ceros (Heracross) Complete the Adventurine Forest Event involving Honey, Log smashing, and Web cutting.

Paul (Electivire) I got mine on top of the Beryl Building, but it got replaced by Helioptile, but you can still get an Elekid in a house in Calcenon City. Basically, you gotta evolve Electabuzz with the Linkston holding the Electizer and then BOOM. But you gotta have the Electrizer to get Elekid. Oops.

DoomFish (Sharpedo) Get it as a Carvanha for joining the Aqua Gang and you can also catch it in the water in the Aqua Gang territory.

BTW..... When I get bored I catch, breed, and EV train pokemon...which is why there are so many in my PC


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Torterra- Starter

Toxicroak- Cave across from Shade's gym (after Corey event, need rock smash)

Houndoom- Beat Magma Story line

Beartic- Same cave as Toxicroak

Magnezone- Shade's Gym

Barbaracle- Rock smash rocks on Apophyll Beach

Mismagius- Hide and Seek with it in the Wasteland

Yanmega- Azurine Island, Daytime

Florges- Aventurine Forest, step on flower that normally knocks you out with floral charm

Beeheeyem- Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie

Cinccino- Chrysolia Forest

Druddigon- Route 3 caves

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My team is currently very understaffed. I've just opened the bixbixon wasteland so I'm gonna catch a nidoran M.

Here it goes:

Blastoise - Caught: Starter / Ability: Torrent / Nature: Modest / Moves: Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Bite, Rapid Spin

Arcanine - Caught: Rescue Policeman Quest / Ability: Intimidate / Nature: Jolly / Moves: Flare Blitz, Crunch, Outrage, Flamethrower

Swoobat - Caught: Underground Railnet (Onix Ward entrance) / Ability: Simple / Nature: Lax / Moves: Charge Beam, Psychic, Air Slash, Calm Mind

Herdier - Caught: Quest / Ability: Sand Rush / Nature: Jolly / Moves: Crunch, Retaliate, Roar, Reversal - going to be replaced soon

Piloswine - Caught: Bred from egg (mother caught in the cave in front of the powerplant) / Ability: Thick Fat / Nature: Jolly / Moves: Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Trash, Ice Shard

Just caught these two. Both are shines. Gonna raise them to fight Aya.

Magnemite - Caught: Powerplant / Ability: Sturdy / Nature: Mild

Trapinch - Caught: Onix Arcade 10.000 coins / Ability: Hiper Cutter / Nature: Jolly

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I'd like to mention...


DewDrop (Roserade) Get budew when it is dancing ontop of the Lapis ward wall near the Flower Shop.

Angelica (Absol) Get it by getting a weird doll (idk the name) and go to Route 4 and there should be a waterfall. Hop on the stones and Absol should appear.

V1RU2 (Porygon-Z) Get Porygon at the Glitch World, then evolve it with the linkstone (holding upgrade) and evolve it agian (holding dubious disc which you can get from the Glitch World)

Budew needs a Rose Incense, which you can get after defeating a Doxy in Peridot.

The doll is called the Ill-Fated Foll, from the Beryl Ward Mansion.

You can also get a Data Chip, plug it into a computer in the Onyx School, and get an early Porygon (non-shiny, however).

Toxicroak- Cave across from Shade's gym (after Corey event, need rock smash)

You also need Corey's Silver Ring which you can get after beating Corey and he does his... thing on Beryl Bridge in his room.

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I'd like to mention...

Budew needs a Rose Incense, which you can get after defeating a Doxy in Peridot.

The doll is called the Ill-Fated Foll, from the Beryl Ward Mansion.

You can also get a Data Chip, plug it into a computer in the Onyx School, and get an early Porygon (non-shiny, however).

Thanks Piggie!!!!

Lord Goomy will spare your delicious tenderness for later. Meanwhile, he has to eat all these foxes that are running wild..

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Here's my current team. Still have to go face Terra. Now, let's see:

Infernape (Mega Fist): Grand Hall

Gyarados (Water GOD): Grand Hall

Cinccino (Lil' Devil): Day-care Couple -> Hatched in Lower Peridot Ward

Jolteon (Blitz): Day-care Couple -> Hatched in Peridot Ward

Avalugg (Table): Ametrine Mountain

Lucario (Auriol): Apophyll Academy

Honorable Mentions!

Xatu (GOD): Citae Arc-d' Astrae Aerie

Qwilfish (Ballon): Ametrine Mountain

Swampert (Tidal Wave): Byxbysion Wasteland

Crobat (Fangora): Byxbysion Grotto

Alakazam (Sleeper): Trader House

Lanturn (BALLS!): Day-care Couple -> Hatched in Lower Peridot Ward

Porygon2 (ICQ): Solo Dorm

Hitmontop (Beegees): Day-care Couple -> Hatched in Peridot Ward

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Feraligatr - Day-Care

Lilligant - Day-Care

Gourgeist - Day-Care

Ninetales - Day-Care

Archeops - Day-Care

Toxicroak - Day-Care

Durant - Day-Care

Heliolisk - Day-Care

....is where I got my current team members. That place isn't going outta business while I'm around I guess.

The locations of the "raw materials" are Grand Hall, Obsidia Park post-Tangrowth, Beryl Cemetery w/Soul Candle, Obsidia Salon event, Spinel Museum event, Citrine Mountain, Tanzan Mountain and Beryl Rooftops.

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Swampert (Gipo) - Starter

Raichu (Puna) - Egg hatch

Hitmonlee (Junior) - Trade at Route 1

Arcanine (Mawror) - Police event

Staraptor (Razor) - Route 3 (Hard time with Aya)

Gigalith (Byssu) - Tanzan Cove

That's my main (I'm not sure about the rotations)

Druddigon (Pork) - Route 3 (Cave)

Krookodile (Moo) - Tanzan Cove

Scrafty (Turmy) - Obisidia Slums (Dull Key needed)

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Typhlosion (Tyrone) -Starter- Lava Plume/Smokescreen/Nature Power/Bulldoze

Azumarill (Was Azula now Zuko) -Police Trade- Play Rough/Waterfall/Charm/Superpower

Trevenant (Alrune) -Route 3 Night- Horn Leech/Shadow Claw/Sunny Day/Will o' the Wisp

Drapion (Tristain) -Byxbysion Wasteland- Knock Off/Cross Poison/Toxic Spikes/Hone Claws

Gardevior (Eden) -Undergound Railnet (need rock smash) Psychic/Moonblast/Calm Mind/Shadow Ball

Ampharos (Aiden) -Jasper Shack- Discharge/Signal Beam/Confuse Ray/Thunder Wave


Meowstic-F (Sooki) -Peridot House- Light Screen/Psyshock/Dark Pulse/Charge Beam

Reuniculus (unnamed) -North Adventurine Forest- Psyshock/Recover/Light Screen/Reflect

Lopunny (Jessica) -Obsidia Ward (Post Pulse Tangrowth)- Hi Jump Kick/Return/Baton Pass/Bounce

Jynx (unnamed) -Citrine Mountain- Blizzard/Psychic/Lovely Kiss/Perish Song

Aerodactyl (unnamed) -Ametrine Mountain (praise Pidove)-Sky Drop/Rock Slide/Roar/Bulldoze

Gliscor (unnamed) -Route 3 (Mountain side)- U-Turn/Swords Dance/Bulldoze/Knock Off




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My recent play:

Swampert - Starter

Luxray - Onyx Game Corner Prize

Gothitelle - Beryl Library Event

Cinccino - Chrysolia Forest

Glaceon - Mysidia Cave

Chandelure - El's Sanctuary

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I'm currently at Citrine Mountain

Greninja(Lazarus , Starter) Protean level 68 Modest - Ice Beam , Scald , Dark Pulse , Extrasensory . 252 Sp. Att and Speed EV's , 4 HP EV's

Alakazam(Gypsy, reverted episodes traded for litleo) Magic Guard level 69 Modes - Energy Ball , Calm Mind , Psychic , Shadow Ball . Same EV's as Greninja

Medicham(PunchChamp, obtained from listening to all zen lectures at apophyll) Pure Power level 69 Jolly - Zen Headbutt, Thunder Punch , Ice Punch, High Jump Kick 252 EV's in Attack and Speed , 4 HP

Darmanitan(Punk'd , traded luvdisc for darumaka at apophyll academy) Sheer Force level 70 Jolly - Flare Blitz , Belly Drum , Rock Slide , SuperPower . Same EV's as Medicham

Gengar (KingBoo , obtained ghastly from wastelane event) Levitate level 68 Mild - ThunderBolt , Shadow Ball , Destiny Bond , Sludge Bomb . Same EV's as Greninja and Alakazam .

This team is bred and EV trained to be in its best condition to win .

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