Aurorain Posted May 3, 2015 Share Posted May 3, 2015 (edited) Here's my team, at the end of Episode 14. Maybe...I grinded a bit too much, haha. Reveal hidden contents Some in my team I didn't initially have, of course, but after catching/hunting for and trying 'em out, they just sort of found their way in. :3 (Also, yeah I replaced the icons with their newer gen 6 ones; They don't move or anything so it's a tad odd, but..they're so pretty... ;u;) Edited May 3, 2015 by Aurorain Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamerzerek Posted May 3, 2015 Share Posted May 3, 2015 My team so far Exploud Lv 41 typlosion lv 41 kricketune lv 41 Raticate lv 41 lumineon lv 42 Noibat lv 42 Primeape lv 42 and Meowstic lv 42 going to start training a phanpy soon and evolve it into a donphan and catch me a zorua and hopefully a croagunk ( i don't know how to catch him since I talk to him and he doesn't respond. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
La Aurora Posted May 3, 2015 Share Posted May 3, 2015 (edited) Clefable (71) - Moonlight, Icy Wind, Flamethrower & Moonblast Azumarill (73) - Aqua Jet, Superpower, Waterfall & Play Rough Sylveon (73) - Wish/ Attract, HP Ground, Shadow Ball, Trump Card Gardevoir (73) - Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Psychic & Moonblast Florges (75) - Wish, Aromatherapy, Grass Knot & Moonblast Mawile (74) - Brick Break, Sucker Punch, Play Rough & Iron Head and many others. ^.^ Edited May 3, 2015 by Persephone Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dankicks83 Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 Empoleon (Starter, Defiant) - Bubblebeam, Hydro Pump, Metal Claw, Aqua Jet Arcanine (Jasper Ward Growlithe event, Justified) - Flamethrower, Extremespeed, Outrage, Crunch Krookodile (Tanzan Cave, Anger Point) - Earthquake, Foul Play, Sandstorm, RockSmash/Strength Noivern (Railnet, Infiltrator) - Dragon Pulse, Super Fang, Air Slash, Roost Amoonguss (Azurine Island, Effect Spore) - Spore, Toxic, Rage Powder, Giga Drain Meowstic Male (Sketchy house, Prankster) - Light Screen, Reflect, Psychic, Fake Out Currently benched Metagross (Byxbysion Wasteland, Clear Body) - Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm Skuntank (Peridot Garden, Keen Eye) - Feint, Flamethrower, Ngith Slash, Toxic Heracross (South Adventurine Woods, Guts) - Close Combat, Megahorn, Brick Break, Cut/False Swipe I have Gastly, Abra, Mudkip, and a Male Ralts to train if I need. Just about to finish in Iolia Valley. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frostilicious Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 Delphox (Starter) Gengar (Kiki event) Gardevoir (Railnet event) Dragalge (Apophyll beach) Azumarill (Trade growlithe for azurill) Vanilluxe (Ice cream event in candy store or 7th street) Ninetails (Vulpix event) Lilligant (Petilil found sunbathing in a sunny day at the park next to candy store or Iolia Valley) Manectric (Rainy day found electrike outside Julia's gym) Excadrill (In the mountain where you fight 75 lvl steelix) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunriseinnovator Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 Greninja - Starter, breeded (Surf, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Dark Pulse) Chandelure - Soul candle at where Luna was locked, breeded (Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Minimize) Roserade - Budew event at Peridot, breeded (Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Sleep Powder) Mienshao - Route 3, breeded (Drain Punch, Acrobatics, Knock off, Swords Dance) Sylveon - Railcave event (Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Baby-doll Eyes, Shadow Ball) Magnezone - Shade's gym (Discharge, Flash Cannon, HP Grass, Thunderwave) Rotation: Alakazam - Abra from 7th street (Psychic, Shadow Ball, Recover, Calm Mind) Ninetales - Vulpix event in Obsidia (Flamethrower, Hex, Will-o-wisp, Nasty Plot) Swampert - Mudkip event in wasteland (Waterfall, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Hammer Arm) Gengar - Gastly event in wasteland, breeded (Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Thunderbolt, Destiny Bond) Scrafty - Scraggy event in Obsidia slums (High Jump Kick, Crunch, Headbutt, Rock Climb) Noivern - Underground railnet (Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Roost) Well, clearly some questionable movesets in the rotation crew because I can't be bothered to breed everyone...oh well, someday. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frostilicious Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 On 5/3/2015 at 1:44 AM, gamerzerek said: My team so far Exploud Lv 41 typlosion lv 41 kricketune lv 41 Raticate lv 41 lumineon lv 42 Noibat lv 42 Primeape lv 42 and Meowstic lv 42 going to start training a phanpy soon and evolve it into a donphan and catch me a zorua and hopefully a croagunk ( i don't know how to catch him since I talk to him and he doesn't respond. In order to get croagunk go back to Corey's room, you'll find sth that belongs to him. Take it and go talk to croagunk. (I think the item is called Silver ring?) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zareason Posted May 5, 2015 Share Posted May 5, 2015 Still didn't finalize my set up depending on how i decide to fight samson: Starters: Blaziken Golem Floatzel Loudred Other/Rotation: Machamp, Roserade, Drapion, Pidgeot, Ampharos, Nidoking, Swampert. None of them are breaded/IV trained, only gym's which i needed more then three tries to win are bug/ice/normal. Usual strategy is to train up a specific pokemon leading to a gym, if that doesn't work out and i'm having trouble i just use the scouting i already did to set up 2-3 bulk ups for my blaziken and then sweep their team. The physic gym was the easiest by far, especially because i had my meowstic learn the anti trick room just before, didn't even have to use the dark type i had prepared. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hymdall Posted May 6, 2015 Share Posted May 6, 2015 I'll be posting my 2nd playthrough team here, as it's probably gonna be the playthrough I stick with, despite not having some of the all-stars of the first playthrough(See Garbodor and Dusclops). Sol Badguy(Typhlosion): Starter Lv 72 Hidden Power Electric, Nature Power, Flame Charge, Flamethrower. Flash Fire Hawking(Metagross): Obtained via Wasteland event. Lv 73 Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Agility, Hammer Arm Clear Body Estelle(Gardevoir): Obtained by saving Corrupted Pokeball Lv 72 Moonblast, Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball Synchronize Flavia(Scrafty): Obsidia Slums event Lv 72 Crunch, High Jump Kick, Head Smash, Strength Aganos(Golem): Underneath the Grand Stairway Lv 72 Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Smash, Stealth Rock March Hare(Vaporeon): Chryssolia Forest event Lv 72 Surf, Aurora Beam(When will Ice Beam return from the war?), Shadow Ball, Dive. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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