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A sub-480 Base Stat Total run


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Well, I started a run in which I'll only use Pokemon with a Base Stat Total below 480 and conquer Reborn only with the help of underdogs, miscasts and a bunch of ugly dirty tricks. Bird Jesus is God and Coreys Skuntank's the Devil and these two are the strongest BST-wise Pokemon I can use.

Rules of the house:

1) There are no rules, I do whatever I please.

2) I want to use Pokemon with a BST below 480.

3) I can use Pokemon with final forms that go over 480, only as long as they are unevolved. If they evolve by level-up, I can use them untill they hit that level. That means, no canceling an evolution to stay under 480.
If they level up via Evo Stone, Link Stone, friendship or level-up under conditions, I can use them untill the pre-evolved form learns the last move on its level-up movepool. After that, they're illegitimate. Although, I'm not thinking of using anything I must ditch later because it will or can go over 480.

Exception: any pokemon that its pre-evolved form has a sub-480 BST and was its final form in any older generation (or else, Golbat, Magneton, Murkrow, Piloswine, Roselia and such are usable, as long as they don't evolve, by virtue of being final forms in older Generations)

4) Even if we apply the Pure Power or Huge Power effect on their BST, Medicham, Azumarill and that ground bunny are still elligible. And if you think I won't grab that big fat rabbitt after declaring my lovely Swampert and Golduck inelligible, you're crazy. It's the first time I'm gonna use it ever, anyway. Pure Power don't twerk that way, and I'm keeping these two, thank you very much.

5) I want to use only stuff I want to use. I won't bother with Hilda's favourite Hariyama, no Trubbish or Mr Bigglesworth etc.

Now. I have already KABOOM'd the Mosswater Factory with Julia, Florinia and of course Fern following me like Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow and I'm ready to storm Julia's Gym and drink all her espresso. The team, so far:


Male, Level 15
Ability: Keen Eye (will be made Prankster in due time)
Nature: Naive

Moves: Scratch - Light Screen - Covet - Confusion


Male, Level 17

Ability: Lightning Rod

Nature: Mild
Moves: Water Pulse - Flail - Supersonic - Horn Attack

(Caught it at lvl 8, so it didn't have Peck. But not much of a problem.)


Male, Level 15

Ability: Guts (just changed it)

Nature: Serious
Moves: Tackle - Tail Whip - Bite - Focus Energy

Not only did I use the first ability capsule on it, I also botched it when I deleated Quick Attack instead of Tackle by pressing down instead of up. It'll be worth though, in a Gym not far away.


Male, Level 15
Ability: Unnerve

Nature: Mild

Item: Black Sludge
Moves: Wrap - Glare - Poison Sting - Bite


Female, Level 15
Ability: Swarm (even without Technician, remains lethal early on)

Nature: Lonely

Moves: Growl - Leech Life - Struggle Bug - Fury Cutter


Male, Level 15

Ability: Lightning Rod (surprise, I know)

Nature: Rash

Moves: Leer - Howl - Quick Attack - Spark

I know, it was removed from 14.5. Ain't gonna use it against Julia anyway, but I really wanted to spare me some time auditioning Goldeens for LR. First time I use it as well, I always Marshtomped Julia and picked Mareep as my Electric type later on. Other than that, I'm a blatant cheater who found out right now (it said REMOVED in the Trainer Memo screen) and I actually started the game on 14.1.1 anyway, cause that's what's I use most of the time in my older playthroughs when I am in Reborn City (to avoid the random rematches triggered in 14.6) Still gonna keep it as my main Electric type, since the next best elligibles are Galvantula (too far away), Lanturn and Rotom.


Mudkip, lvl 7, cause I had to go out of the Grand Hall with a Pokemon

Meowth, lvl 4. Caught in case I'd start using it now and not after I reach Beryl. It has Pickup and it held a Quick Claw, bless my luck

Trubbish, lvl 9. Found it while grinding, caught it because it held a Black Sludge. Nice, Ekans liked it

Pachirisu, lvl 10. Pickup

And now the floor is yours, dear fellow members. I'm waiting for your comments, suggestions and maybe a little bit of blasting for Elektrike as well. Peace.

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I actually love Elektrike and so now comment here. I am looking forward to watching your progress as you fight with the weaker mons.

I'l leave some suggestions down here:

Mawile- even without a mega, it's got decent typing and a solid ability. BST-380

Sabeleye- doesn't really depend on attacks, but it is a strong support mon once you reach I. Valley. BST-380

Chatot- I don't think I really need to explain this one. Dem STAB moves are insane. BST- 411

Swoobat- This guy may not look like much, but Simple paired with Calm Mind via level up makes this fella rather frightening in-game. BST- 425

Sharpedo/Camerupt- Both fairly strong in their own right, even without a mega, although Camerupt might work for you a bit better since you'll have access to Azu. BST-460

Crawdaunt- One word: Adaptability. Breed Aqua Jet and DD onto it and you have one of the strongest mons you'll find under 480. BST-468

Gastrodon- They call it a wall. You'll run into it and not be able to get up. Also Quagsire should be mentioned here as well. Same typing and just as wally. BST- 475 and 430 respectively.

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damn here was me thinking heliolisk might be eligible but fate is cruel as he has a BST of 481

If you Are including pokes with 480 you might consider :



Possible Flying Types

Pidgeot-479(learnset sux tho)

Fighting type




Provided you can go back to episode 9, Mr.Mime with a BST of 460 is a pretty decent psychic type to have at your disposal

I think you can still get Xatu in reborn with a BST of 470 could be a nice replacement psychic pokemon so its learnset wont have as much coverage as Mr.Mimes but you will have flying type moves so you can avoid training Pidgeot.

Yeah Azumarill is gonna be one of the more powerful pokes in your run with huge power

For fire types is the battle of the slow with Marcargo and Camerupt your only real options(bar darmanitan which i mentioned earlier)

If you can fit Sableye into your team some time or another he could potentially be a decent insert

anyways goodluck with the run xD

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That should help when you're picking Pokemon.
Whimsicott, Lilligant and Ludicolo are great Grass Pokemon.
Darmanitan with Sheer Force is a beast.
Galvantula, Meowstic an Amoongus (though I don't like it) are really good supporters.
Quagsire for pseudo-Swampert.

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The run continues right on track after beating Julia without Electrike and without having Goldeen take an electric attack with its Lightning Rod as well. I just destroyed Florinia, who managed to actually use one, and only one turn in the battle. I started Kricketune, got the first Fury Cuter against Maractus, took a strengthened critical Needle Arm. The first Cutter left her right at 50%, she didn't bother with the Super Potion, got KO'd by the second. Then she puts it the Cradily, which took the third Fury Cutter just like that. Grotle took the fourth, Breloom got Psybeam'd by Meowstick, Ferroseed and Cacnea were handled by Numel. Some time before, Numel also scorched Pulse Tangrowth, normally a duty reserved for Kricketune and the FC. Numel is pretty much pushing Kricketune to retirement already, and I don't know if I should do it now or wait for the big showdown against ZEL and Taka, where both will be useful but Numel could pretty much destroy Kricketune in the Burning Field.

The team after executing the planed, swift, efficient neutralization of Florinia

Male, Level 25
Ability: Keen Eye (will be made Prankster in due time)
Nature: Naive
Moves: Psybeam - Light Screen - Psyshock - Disarming Voice

Female, Level 23
Ability: Swarm (even without Technician, remains lethal early on)
Nature: Lonely
Moves: Focus Energy - Leech Life - Struggle Bug - Fury Cutter

Male, Level 22
Ability: Unnerve
Nature: Mild
Item: Black Sludge
Moves: Wrap - Glare - Poison Sting - Crunch
This one retires. I was an idiot for bothering with it perhaps. I'll get another one in due time, to deal with a certain Gym Leader's ace. You can guess which, right?

Male, Level 20
Ability: Guts (took the first ability capsule)
Nature: Serious
Moves: Hyper Fang - Sucker Punch - Bite - Focus Energy

Will have Facade after I finish the post and get the last ~1000 coins. You can see what I plan to do with it.

Female, Level 23
Ability: Simple
Nature: Naive
Moves: Amnesia - Lava Plume - Magnitude - Flame Burst

Female, Level 19
Ability: Rock Head
Nature: Serious
Moves: Flail - Low Kick - Rock Throw - Feint Attack

Maybe I'm planning too much stuff I'll never need. This one's for Glaceon, Chatot and Shelly.

Male, Level 21
Ability: Lightning Rod (surprise, I know)
Nature: Rash
Moves: Charge Beam - Howl - Quick Attack - Spark

Takes Arboks place. I didn't have it against Florinia, would be dead weight.

Also starring:

Goldeen: Retired after Julia. It's still as in the first post
Budew: Gotta friendship-grind that little thingy. Ugh. And for what purpose? For a Roselia that I can't ever evolve. Still.
Venonat: I may catch another one later. It will take a while before it's useful.
Sunflora and Sentret: Trade bait. I actually thought about getting a Castform. I still do.
Meowth, Pachirisu, Zigzagoon, Oddish: Pickup and Sweet Scent and Cut
Mudkip: I had to come out of the Grand Hall in the start of the game
Trubbish: my dear Black Sludge donator

On to the Voltorbs. On to the friendship. On to the Beedrills.

Edit: ...and on to your suggestions from the other day.

I actually love Elektrike and so now comment here. I am looking forward to watching your progress as you fight with the weaker mons.

I'l leave some suggestions down here:

Mawile- even without a mega, it's got decent typing and a solid ability. BST-380

Sabeleye- doesn't really depend on attacks, but it is a strong support mon once you reach I. Valley. BST-380

Chatot- I don't think I really need to explain this one. Dem STAB moves are insane. BST- 411

Swoobat- This guy may not look like much, but Simple paired with Calm Mind via level up makes this fella rather frightening in-game. BST- 425

Sharpedo/Camerupt- Both fairly strong in their own right, even without a mega, although Camerupt might work for you a bit better since you'll have access to Azu. BST-460

Crawdaunt- One word: Adaptability. Breed Aqua Jet and DD onto it and you have one of the strongest mons you'll find under 480. BST-468

Gastrodon- They call it a wall. You'll run into it and not be able to get up. Also Quagsire should be mentioned here as well. Same typing and just as wally. BST- 475 and 430 respectively.

Thanks a lot for the ideas! I already can see Chatot opening against Samson, with Feather Dance and that boosted Chatter. The bad news will be if Ciel does that to us eventually when we get to fight her.

Simple Swoobat is a definite addition, but I'm not sure when. Should I get it at 20 in the Rhodochrine caves to use Air Cutter at Shelly, or better wait after Shelly to have Rock Smash and catch it in Citrine Mountain next to Shade, at around 28?

I'll definately get Sharpedo. Gotta have the speed and versatile moveset. Numel's already there. Archie and Maxie are proud.

But I won't bother with Crawdaunt. You're absolutely right, it's a beast. But it belongs to the horrid fluctuating experience hogging group and levels up slower than legendaries, it's tough to meet it again and again to get one with good IVs, since it comes from Rock Smashing boulders in Apophyll, and there's another solution. Adaptability Basculin. Easier to meet, catch, and raise. Weaker, but easiness wins this trade-off for me.

damn here was me thinking heliolisk might be eligible but fate is cruel as he has a BST of 481

If you Are including pokes with 480 you might consider :



Possible Flying Types

Pidgeot-479(learnset sux tho)

Fighting type




Provided you can go back to episode 9, Mr.Mime with a BST of 460 is a pretty decent psychic type to have at your disposal

I think you can still get Xatu in reborn with a BST of 470 could be a nice replacement psychic pokemon so its learnset wont have as much coverage as Mr.Mimes but you will have flying type moves so you can avoid training Pidgeot.

Yeah Azumarill is gonna be one of the more powerful pokes in your run with huge power

For fire types is the battle of the slow with Marcargo and Camerupt your only real options(bar darmanitan which i mentioned earlier)

If you can fit Sableye into your team some time or another he could potentially be a decent insert

anyways goodluck with the run xD

Thank you, I'll definately need some good luck. Or the mere essentialization of statistics, per Flobot.

480 is not allowed, sorry. As of Bird Jesus, I'd rather have Dodrio. Fast, hits hard and gets Drill Peck at 41. Good luck with that, Kiki!

I thought there is a trade for Mime Jr. in North Obsidia. Other than that, Xatu is definately an idea.

I think that Medicham and the Kiki way are a good start for a fighting type. The Hitmons and Primeape each have stuff that I like and stuff I don't like, but untill I reach Route 1 I'll propably have figured it out.


That should help when you're picking Pokemon.
Whimsicott, Lilligant and Ludicolo are great Grass Pokemon.
Darmanitan with Sheer Force is a beast.
Galvantula, Meowstic an Amoongus (though I don't like it) are really good supporters.
Quagsire for pseudo-Swampert.

Thanks, this list is very helpful, that's the one I checked before starting the run to see where I should put the limit. Although 480 prohibited, so no Whimsicott, Lilligant and Darmanitan for poor me. Also, cheers, I also dislike Amoongus real hard.

Gastrodon- They call it a wall. You'll run into it and not be able to get up. Also Quagsire should be mentioned here as well. Same typing and just as wally. BST- 475 and 430 respectively.

Quagsire for pseudo-Swampert.

Actually, out of sheer affinity, I'll go Whiscash. I like it more. Also, I kinda like its level-up moveset more. It can go with both physical and special moves, it can go the Rest and Sleep Talk way, it learns Zen Headbutt and Future Sight for more variety, and I think I can get it earlier as well, if I join Gang Magma and chase Gang Aqua out of their building. Although I'm Gang Aqua for life.

480 is actually a not that bad number... you can have:

Diggersby, Medicham, Azumarril, Breloom (if you manage to get one), Manetric, Skarmory, Venomoth, Absol, and a lot more.

Good luck with that!

Thanks a lot! And god, that post is full of rejected temptations. Breloom and Skarmory aren't obtainable and Absol is way too far away. Yeah, sub-480 ain't horrible, but it still lacks a lot of options and firepower. But I'll pull it through, anyway.

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Personally, for later in the game (50+) I can recommend Satan(Vivillon).

It serves me really well in Showdown once I get that Quiver Dance up, spam that Hurricane that will barely miss with Compound Eyes.

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Personally, for later in the game (50+) I can recommend Satan(Vivillon).

It serves me really well in Showdown once I get that Quiver Dance up, spam that Hurricane that will barely miss with Compound Eyes.

I'll have to be kinda selective 'till then, since there's a great Bug type variety under 480, but that's definately a great option and a great set. Although I'd go for a more standard approach with Bug Buzz and Draining Kiss instead of HP and Sleep Powder, like the one in your sig. Thanks a lot for the suggestion!

...in other news, I beat Corey handily with Manectric dispatching Skrelp and dealing the finishing blow on Crobat, Numel taking Skuntank and Meowstic doing the bulk of the damage, downing Croagunk, Grimer and leaving Crobat a Quick Attack away from going down. I'm not sure if Numel or Meowstic did Nidorina. Anyway, that Guts+Facade Raticate was completely unnesecary, Arbok as well. I really did load on some trash in the beginning instead of getting Roselia as soon as I could. Damn.

Also, should I join Aqua or Magma? It's practically a Sharpedo vs Whiscash question, and I'm leaning on Magma, since Whiscash will be really good for the next few gyms. Muddy water gets a boost in Shade and Kiki, Cal is obviously a good matchup anyway, and then Ayas field boosts Mud Bomb.

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Also addition: Dodrio has swerved me well with Pluck fighting Shelly and completely Drill REKT Kiki, up to the point of being my MVP against Aya too! Victoria, Cal, Shade and many others have also fell against the might of Dodrio.

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Also addition: Dodrio has swerved me well with Pluck fighting Shelly and completely Drill REKT Kiki, up to the point of being my MVP against Aya too! Victoria, Cal, Shade and many others have also fell against the might of Dodrio.

I've already said somewhere here I'm getting Dodrio :P That Medicham gives me fits anyway, I never bothered in my other runs with a good flying or fairy attack at that stage, and Medicham would come in and go down only after kicking 2 or 3 of my mons good night. This time though I put a lot more thought and plan adjustments to sail smoothly. My Shelly plan includes Camerupt and Sudowoodo with Rock Slide, Dodrio and then Manectric for anything that flies. Maybe Persian with Power Gem for Heather the Yanmega and its bad SpD

I also have a much better knowledge of Gen 1, 2 and 3 mons, cause the last Pokemon games I played before Reborn were Ruby and Sapphire back in the day and then the occasional rerun out of nostalgia. Although Reborn has let me meet eventually all newer 'mons, I'm not that used to them.

What do you think about my Whiscash or Sharpedo dilemma?

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Personally, for later in the game (50+) I can recommend Satan(Vivillon).

It serves me really well in Showdown once I get that Quiver Dance up, spam that Hurricane that will barely miss with Compound Eyes.

I gotta try one time with vivillion. And rain dance is kinda better since then hurricane will never miss.

I'll have to be kinda selective 'till then, since there's a great Bug type variety under 480, but that's definately a great option and a great set. Although I'd go for a more standard approach with Bug Buzz and Draining Kiss instead of HP and Sleep Powder, like the one in your sig. Thanks a lot for the suggestion!

...in other news, I beat Corey handily with Manectric dispatching Skrelp and dealing the finishing blow on Crobat, Numel taking Skuntank and Meowstic doing the bulk of the damage, downing Croagunk, Grimer and leaving Crobat a Quick Attack away from going down. I'm not sure if Numel or Meowstic did Nidorina. Anyway, that Guts+Facade Raticate was completely unnesecary, Arbok as well. I really did load on some trash in the beginning instead of getting Roselia as soon as I could. Damn.

Also, should I join Aqua or Magma? It's practically a Sharpedo vs Whiscash question, and I'm leaning on Magma, since Whiscash will be really good for the next few gyms. Muddy water gets a boost in Shade and Kiki, Cal is obviously a good matchup anyway, and then Ayas field boosts Mud Bomb.

I'll go for wishcash. It's pretty good for the gym later on as you said. Sharpedo can get defeated by kiki easily,

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I've hit a brick wall and I'm slowly chipping it away with my nails. No, not a gym leader, not a gang leader and not a rival. The toughest part the last few days is spicing up the roster and finding good IVs. I've added Emolga, Doduo, Zuzu the Azumarill, a female Meowstic (13% drop rate in the back alleys, practically 6,5% to get the right gender) and I'm stuck on the last one I want, a Barboach under 25.

And poor Shelly was brutally done with only Emolga spamming Acrobatics and Dodrio with Rage at the start and then Pluck. Camerupt, Manectric and Sudowoodo were spectators and nothing more. I've beaten Grasshole in the Grand Hall, sent Team Aqua packing (still way cooler than Magma) and I now have to face 100 Barboaches, 1000 "not even a nibble"s and Cain in the Beryl Cemetary to advance the story and storm the orphanage of Dr. Siggy Sparkblast and the Spiders from Mars.

The roster:

Male, Level 31
Ability: Keen Eye (will be made Prankster in due time)
Nature: Naive
Moves: Psybeam - Light Screen - Psyshock - Charm

Level 33 (can't find the pokemondb sprite for female)
Ability: Prankster (aka, the female Espurr with hidden ability which evolves and gets the male's hidden ability. 3 ability capsules gonna get wasted)
Nature: Quiet
Moves: Psybeam - Psyshock - Shadow Ball - Disarming Voice

Female, Level 33
Ability: Solid Rock
Nature: Naive
Moves: Rock Slide - Lava Plume - Earth Power - Flame Burst

Male, Level 34
Ability: Early Bird
Nature: Gentle
Moves: Rage - Double Hit - Pursuit - Pluck

Male, Level 32
Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature: Rash
Moves: Discharge - Bite - Quick Attack - Spark

Male, Level 34
Ability: Static
Nature: Docile
Moves: Nuzzle - Acrobatics - Double Team - Shock Wave

Female, Level 32
Ability: Rock Head
Nature: Serious
Moves: Rock Slide - Low Kick - Rock Throw - Feint Attack

It way retire as well, it may not. I don't know.

Male, Level 31
Ability: Poison Point
Nature: Impish (yeah, I know, bad nature, will change in 7th st.)
Moves: Magical Leaf - Giga Drain - Leech Seed - Toxic Spikes

As I said, I intend to keep Pokemon that had been final forms when first introduced. Roserade is stuff for champions like Cynthia, Roselia is more like ...Wally. Poor Wally.)

Coming soon:
Level 20 - 24
Moves: Mud Bomb - Amnesia - Water Pulse - Magnitude
I just have to fish one with good IV's and below 25, when it learns Rest and Snore and loses Mud Bomb. Which gets boosts in both Kikis and Ayas field.

Aaaaaaaand now, the Dead Weight Award goes to...

Male, Level 20
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Quiet
Moves: Charm - Bubblebeam - Helping Hand - Slam

Zuzu facts:
1. I have to max it's friendship, so I always go everywhere with it. I even brought it to Shellys gym, I can't store that thing.
2. Zuzu is a slang term in my country. For heroin. Whoops! I'm always carrying heroin on me and I even brought some to a 12-year old girl?!
3. Despite almost never battling it took a fainting when I caught that female Espurr.
4. I need to use an Ability Capsule on it, but I was getting desperate from the crappy IVs I was getting.
5. I can't level up it cause it will lose Aqua Tail. And I can't bother myself with common candies later.

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The run continues. I'm currently looking for the Ability Capsule in Azurine Islands, or rather, getting trolled, cause I can't find it. Srsly, if anyone remembers where it is, spill it.

Shade was definately the most respectable out of all the leaders I've faced. I can't exactly remember how it went though, I always do Shade 3-4 times to feel the vibes a bit longer. Unique battle. Dodrio was too much for Kiki's Medicham, and I stole some tricks from her as well, finishing her Lucario with a HJK from MY Medicham. Sadly, with no Move relearner, it will be useless against Aya. Who is not that tough a gym leader for me normally, but it's starting to scare me a tad in this run with all the hype she gets in the forum.

As of the team, I got my Whiscash finally, I got a Magneton, the aforementioned Medicham and evolved Zuzu the heroin to Azumarill. Sudowoodo retired. Emolga is also pretty much retired, can't figure much use for it onwards. So we're at a 10-mon roster right now.

I have also amassed a huge Ability Capsule debt. I need 2 for Prankster M. Meowstic, 3 for Competitive Fem. Meowstic, 2 for Anticipation Whiscash (it senses that bad 4x grass weakness AND halves the damage in Radomous' field).

So, as we head towards Solaris, that Garchomp and those double battles with Vicky against wild mons, I have to ask. What should I grind there? Is there something I could add to the team long term, or would be a huge help in a certain gym or certain situations? Is there a 'mon amongst the ones availiable to me now that could be an important piece going forward?

Couple of lists:

The future planned or wanted 'mons

Cinccino the submachinegun

Dewgong in Iolia (for Thick Fat against Charlotte, Blake etc)

Zangoose (maybe post-game, it's child's play to raise it)

an Arbok strictly for Noel

maybe a Hitmon in Route 1

maybe another flying type, Bird Jesus, Xatu, Murkrow, Chatot or Golbat

Basculin or Sharpedo (or Lumineon?)

maybe Ninjask for the Baton Passes

maybe a ghost (Mis'us? Banette? Dusclops? Sableye?)

Seviper (definately post-game, it's a pain to raise, but worth it)

The good-but-not-wants

Crawdaunt (impossible to raise, exp-wise)

Cacturne (7 weaknesses, yikes)

Mr Mime and Swoobat (the 2 Meowstics pretty much offer more)

So, what should I take in Pyrous Mt to train? Shuppett? Krabby? Venonat? Something entirely else? Nothing at all? The floor is yours.

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  • Veterans

Don't be scared of Aya,even with her new field she is far from the nightmare she once was though if she catches you off guard she does a lot of damage. Watch out for the Drapion and Gengar though but besides those 2 your 2 meowstics should be able to deal with most of her team.

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Just some advice for Noel: have Arbok corrupt the field with sludge wave, then have Wishcash use muddy water. It not only gets a boost from the field, but also gains an additional poison-typing, making his Clefable easier to deal with.

Anyway, great job with the run so far! Keep up the good work!

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Just some advice for Noel: have Arbok corrupt the field with sludge wave, then have Wishcash use muddy water. It not only gets a boost from the field, but also gains an additional poison-typing, making his Clefable easier to deal with.

Anyway, great job with the run so far! Keep up the good work!

That's half the plan, actually. The second half is a nice Gastro Acid to make his Clefable actually feel some pain out of the field and other collateral damage.

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The run continued again for the last 3 days. I Cursed that Garchomp, beat Cain and then crossed the Wasteland with harsh sunlight for the first time. Too bright, too purple, too antiatmosperic, never do that. EVER. I did the top dog doggystyle, and I really loved his brand new Ferrothorn, apparently the only thing that my Camerupt can outspeed.

Then I proceeded to plow through Aya and her underleveled team. I started with MeowsticFemdom and Whiscash. I threw everything at Tentacruel to make sure Camerupt could come in later. I discovered her Nidoqueen wasn't doing much offensively, so I continued to direct every attack to whatever she brought out. Dragalge? Took a Psyshock and a Zen Headbutt and couldn't even start an attack. Her Gengar outsped Meowstic in the old-fashioned quick-draw dul. Dodrio came in and was too much, especially for her Venusaur. Whiscash fell due to a poisoning, but before that it had waisted a turn when Aya suddenly switched Nidoqueen for Drapion and I had gone for Zen Headbutt. Only to bring Nidoqueen out next turn though. Camerupt and Dodrio wiped out everything that was left of her team. Bye!

I beat Sirius with Cain rather easily. Well, Cain had some casualties, and maybe that Lava Plume with his Venomoth at my side didn't help him. Can't remember much of the battle though. Started with Whiscash, used a couple Muddy Waters... He took Chandelure out and then brought it back... not much.

Anyway, here I am now, I have reached the next long stop of my journey. I'm in Spinel Town. I'll sit here for a while, get E15 and then plow through the Voclains and their new shiny mirror floor. Inbetween, I'll beat them right now without the new field, but won't save it. Wanna have the newest of them in this run.

Since I hadn't played for a while, I had a lot of battles in the Grand Hall for grinding. The reason is simple: if I don't, I'll eventually fall far behind the cap. Normally, that isn't a problem, but now that I haven't got the superstrong pokemon, I think I'll pass on the chance to go to Samson at 58-62 and at Charlotte at 60-63 as usual. I don't need to grind like a maniac to overlevel, but I want to stay as close to that cap as possible, since I always start staying behind around Aya and Serra. Noel is annoying but doable, Radomous isn't hard and Luna is super easy, but Samson and Charlotte hit wicked hard, and fast as well. And... I don't think my team looks anything like overleveled, considering I'm two battles away from the cap rising to 55.

And I'll do the same once E15 comes out and I beat Bennett and Serra, since it will take a while and the Grand Hall battles will pile up again.

The team has really gotten huge, goes 10 deep already.

Male, Level 44
Ability: Keen Eye (will be made Prankster in due time)
Nature: Naive
Moves: Reflect - Light Screen - Psyshock - Charm


Female, Level 47
Ability: Prankster (aka, the female Espurr with hidden ability which evolves and gets the male's hidden ability. 3 ability capsules gonna get wasted)
Nature: Quiet
Moves: Psychic - Psyshock - Shadow Ball - Signal Beam

Female, Level 47
Ability: Solid Rock
Nature: Naive
Moves: Rock Slide - Lava Plume - Earthquake - Flame Burst

Male, Level 47
Ability: Early Bird
Nature: Gentle
Moves: Rage - Double Hit - Pursuit - Drill Peck

Male, Level 47
Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature: Rash
Moves: Discharge - Bite - Quick Attack - Wild Charge


Male, Level 44

Ability: Huge Power

Nature: Quiet

Moves: Play Rough - Aqua Tail - Bubblebeam - Rollout

That thing is too powerfull and grows too fast. I pretty much don't use it in big battles. Way too OP, first time I use it and I see why it will get moved.


Female, Level 48

Ability: Pure Power

Nature: Careful

Moves: Zen Headbutt - Recover - Ice Punch - High Jump Kick

I'll show everyone Medichams pure power and Kikis staggering spirit!


Female, Level 47

Ability: Hydration (will get changed to anticipation)

Nature: Relaxed

Moves: Mud Bomb - Aqua Tail - Muddy Water - Zen Headbutt

Look at that smug smile. It really killed me trying to catch that thing.


Level 46

Ability: Sturdy (maybe will be made Analytic? dunno)

Nature: Relaxed

Moves: Spark - Flash Cannon - Metal Sound - Discharge

So much cooler than that gen 4 UFO. I can use it, since it was the end of the Magnemite line for three generations.

Male, Level 43
Ability: Poison Point
Nature: Impish (yeah, I know, bad nature, will change in 7th st.)
Moves: Magical Leaf - Giga Drain - Leech Seed - Toxic

Or else, the tank destroyer. Roselia is weak and reminds me of poor ol' Wally in R/S, but I can't have Roserade, and can't resist to that Leech Seed - Toxic combo.

I may have these, but I want moar! Give me moar! This is a list of Pokemon I'll definately get in this run.


Thick Fat is gonna be good against Charlotte and will completely wall off Blakes Blizzards. 8x resistance, baby! It gets both Aqua Jet and Ice Shard, Signalbeam via relearner and Drill Run via Agate Tutor, can attack both ways and can defend as well.


Better Defense than Hitmonlee... Iron Fist, elemental punches and two priority moves via levelup... a great help to one Gym Leader I see as a big roadblock: Samson can hit very hard and sometimes very fast, and he'll be tougher than when I can use whatever OP monster I want. His Mienshao has a great moveset and unmatchable speed, but Hitmonchan can fool it into using Bounce and exploit the -1 priority on landing to throw 2 Sky Uppercuts with double power, STAB, Iron Fist boost and the field boost.


I KICK myself for that one. I replayed Solarischomp couple times for one reason: I wanted all the experience to go to Shuppet. (Yeah, Curse. No, didn't want to use 2 ACs on the malesub Meowstic to get Prankster and then beat him with Azumarill and the rest, which was totally possible... other than the fact that I needed the AC stock more than the Prankster malesub Meowstic. So, I got all the exp to a Pokemon... I decided to not use.


I should have gotten a Meowth and given all the exp to it. Persian seems weak? Well... Insane speed for my run, Nasty Plot, Technician, and gets Water Pulse, Icy Wind AND Shockwave in Agate. It has Feint Attack for Radomus, access to a lot of dark moves, status moves, Play Rough, Power Gem! I really value Power Gem! Special rock attack! Only two of them exist!

Also, money and insane amounts of Giovanni swagger.

Hired guns Arbok (for Noel, Sludge Bomb for the field and Gastro Acid for Clefable) and maybe Kecleon for Radomous (Protean, Feint Attack and 120 SpD basestat)

Cincinno the submachine gun: obvious, really obvious.

Wobbuffet: not sure what Amethyst plans ahead, but it'll be nice for counterattacks to OP stuff she tends to bring out.

I also think about getting some of them, but not sure:


Plus: between Psychic, Frost Breath, Draining Kiss, Wring Out and Shadow Ball, she hits hard and fast. And Amethyst said she may give egg moves to less popular event 'mons, and I pray for Nasty Plot. Please make that happen!!! It'll also 1HKO Rawrchomp in the Glitch Field, if it can outspeed it and be kinda close level-wise.

Minus: as Terra would say, defensively she's abwhorent. Resists only her types, has 6 weaknesses and a Defense base stat of ...35.

Flying type X: Can't figure it out. Chatot? Golbat who I must cancel its evo forever? Bird Jesus? Xatu? Murkrow? None? Dunno. I really like Golbat, it's legit due to being a Gen 1 final form, but I'll hate myself spamming X every time it levels up. So maybe Chatot?


Plus: Adaptability, two way attacker and good speed. Aqua Jet for priority, Bounce for Samson. Also an irrational love for water types.

Minus: An irrational love for water types, bad defenses, overlaps with the other water types

Rotom and Galvantula:

I already got better electric types, I really like them but think they'll be redundant.

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I'd have to say galvantula could be worth looking at if only due to sticky web, which I think could help in later battles, even if you have to use it as a suicide lead. Very good choice against samson provided you can take on his hawlucha. It could also help vs terra as if you outspeed under the glitch field, you'll get an increased chance to land critical hits. Also good for randomus and some of luna's team.

Piloswine may also be worth a look in if only due to blizzard for charlotte. Basically have a team-mate use fake out against typhlosion, hope it survives a hit from darmanitan, and then use blizzard to terminate the field.

Real shame there's no eviolite in the game too, looking at your options.

Good luck for ep15.

Also for arbok, you don't need to go to that much trouble. Just make sure it knows acid spray. That will cut through clefable's defenses soon enough.

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  • 6 months later...

I played the new Serra right when E15 community came out... and then kinda shorta abandoned the run. After playing her non-stop for about 3 days to get the ins and outs of the field, winning, losing, getting haxed, haxing her... hitting Serra with a physical attack is borderline hax in itself.

Scroll above to see the older members, and also check something I got before I stopped updating, and used it against Serra.


Female, Level 48

Ability: Sheer Force

Nature: Naive

Iron Head - Play Rough - Crunch - Rock Smash

That thing will love the LO after Noel. And I may give it Suckerpunch, since it mostly works, now :P

I will resume after a long session of training and adding and training teammembers. Bear with me. These will be the little shits I'm going to add in the next few days of grinding.


I've already caught Venonat and a Cubone and bred a Meowth with HP Fighting to make a Technician sweeper with Nasty Plot, I'm looking forward to Smoochum's egg moves, Zangoose is strong, Sharpedo line is Sharpedo line, thank you very much. Now. Catching and Grindathon. See you in a few days, while I'm getting pumped up and start to reembrace the challenge!!!

In the meanwhile, E15 brought home Sneazel, who is perfectly legal and will whoop some ballerina butt if it comes with Icicle Crash as an event egg move.

What made me sad about the event egg moves though? I missed my shot at Brave Bird Murkrow. Damn. Well, still awesome Prankster support.

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Vague memories of this run, even though it is one of the runs I've been wanting to try FOR A WHILE.

This might be my kicker. We'll see.

In the meanwhile, E15 brought home Sneazel, who is perfectly legal and will whoop some ballerina butt if it comes with Icicle Crash as an event egg move.

Ame might be nice enough to bring a Sneasel in, but it's one of the events that still doesn't have any egg moves. RIP Icicle Crash.

Also, if you're not going to use Sneasel because of that, tell me already so I can get the f*** out of this topic. That's a joke :T

What made me sad about the event egg moves though? I missed my shot at Brave Bird Murkrow. Damn. Well, still awesome Prankster support.

meh who cares about stupid brave bird anyway


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Well I did stop it a month before E15 came out. And then I just beat Serra like a pissed teen beats an old doll. And then had totally lost momentum. And then I did a rerun of the game spamming shift every three steps and writing the Item Guide. And then disappeared for months on an island without my pc. And then came back but I wasn't in Reborn rerun mood.

Also I may breed Sneaz for it, allthough I'm no fan of the sport. Also I forgot I hadn't picked up Murkrow yet so my Prankster+BB shit will be reality soon enough.

Also Venomoth and Persian are in the low 40s and Marowak is evolved too. The new blood is coming along nicely. I will need to go on a fishing spree soon to grab Heart Scales, but thanks to the Exp Share, I can grind easily.

I also have a Chatot at 44. Not sure if I'm gonna use it though. Also, I love how my BST cap is there to just keep me out of one of the best Fire Grass combo in the game, Darmanitan and Lilligant. Heh.

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