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If you could make your own mega evolution...

Lord Chespin

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I was planning on making a Pokémon fan game eventually, and I was planning on putting fan-made mega evolutions in it (similar to the PULSE Pokémon in Reborn). I was having a little trouble coming up with ideas, though, so maybe you guys could help me brainstorm? You could describe your own mega evolutions like this:

[Pokémon name]




[inspiration/Explanation for creating]

For example, here are two ideas I came up with:

Mega Luxray


Strong Jaw

HP: 80

Attack: 170

Defense: 104

Sp. Attack: 55

Sp. Defense: 104

Speed: 110

I've really grown to like Luxray thanks to my recent TPP run of Reborn, but it definitely needs some improvement. With this mega, it gets a super-powerful STAB-boosted Crunch, as well as a stronger Thunder Fang. It also gets decent speed and improved defenses.

Mega Butterfree



HP: 60

Attack: 5

Defense: 50

Sp. Attack: 160

Sp. Defense: 80

Speed: 140

Ever since Beedrill got a mega, I've always felt like Butterfree deserved one too. I changed its typing to Bug/Psychic because it doesn't learn any good damaging flying-type moves, while it does learn some pretty good psychic type moves (such as psybeam or, from a TM, psychic). Adaptability is here because it worked so well on mega Beedrill, and I gave it stats resembling a special mega Beedrill.

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Mega Goodra



Hp: 90



Sp. Attack:150

Sp. Defense:180


Total: 700

Mega Goodra could be a very bulky tank. With adaptability it will have STAB on Sludge Wave/Bomb, and Dragon type moves giving it enormous power. With added Defense and Special defense, it's gonna be hard to take down.

Mega Weavile


Tough Claws




Sp. Attack:40

Sp. Defense:85


Total: 610

Mega Weavile would be so AWESOME!!! With Tough Claws it will be come an all out sweeper!!! WIth high Attack and Speed, it will be destroying teams!!! with a lil bit of added Defense it might be able to live on hit that is neutral or not very effective. This mega would actually benefit Ice types because Ice is kinda fragile and hard to use for some people and this would really give it a boost :D

Edited by DoubleAA14
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Mega Zoroark

Type Dark/Fighting

Ability Adaptability

HP: 60

Attack: 135

Defense: 60

Special Attack: 140

Special Defense: 60

Speed: 155

Mega Zoroark can be an extremly fast and hard hitter that is frail as a duck, the Fighting type makes sense to me because of the close resemblence Zoroark has to Lucario.

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I am still so disappointed that Mega Masquerain wasn't released.


Ability (idk doesn't really matter to me, maybe regenerator? Hydration? Compound eyes?)

HP: 70

Atk: 60

Def: 92/82

SpA: 90/100

SpD: 102

Spe: 100

A nice bulky bug, can boost Stats with quiver dance, burn with scald. It's almost like a water volc. It also has the benefit of being able to intimidate before it megas. And bug FINALLY gets a poke that can use water moves decently. Douse-drive genesect is such a waste

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Mega Farfetch'd

Type Flying/Fighting

Ability Huge Power

HP: 52

Attack: 85

Defense: 85

Special Attack: 28

Special Defense: 82

Speed: 120

Because, come on, Farfetch'd need more love and Brave Bird + Close Combat OMG O___O!!! (Dont forget priority sucker punch and Knock off)

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  On 4/10/2015 at 3:45 PM, supermario79411 said:

Mega Butterfree



HP: 60

Attack: 5

Defense: 50

Sp. Attack: 160

Sp. Defense: 80

Speed: 140

Ever since Beedrill got a mega, I've always felt like Butterfree deserved one too. I changed its typing to Bug/Psychic because it doesn't learn any good damaging flying-type moves, while it does learn some pretty good psychic type moves (such as psybeam or, from a TM, psychic). Adaptability is here because it worked so well on mega Beedrill, and I gave it stats resembling a special mega Beedrill.

You might want to change around butterfree's stats a little since she gets Quiver dance. Maybe buff her defenses a little at the cost of some speed and sp. Atc?

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Before anything, remind you all we have this thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12041&page=1

In case you wanna read it and see if you like any of the ideas there. Regardless...

Hmmmm, if fake abilities can come into play, then I'll re-post mega shedinja (what? a man can dream...)

Mega Shedinja


Heaven Guard

Hp: 1



Sp. Attack:30

Sp. Defense:20


Total: 336

Everything goes to physical attack and speed. Heaven guard works as a mix between magic guard and wonder guard: you can't burn, toxic or leech seed M-shedinja, neither can it die to the likes of stealth rock and spikes. However, it still takes one hit from a super effective move to take it out. With 130 attack and 110 speed, access to swords dance, hone claws and an actual utility for facade now, shedinja might actually pose a threat.

If fake abilities aren't an option, then....Mega Kecleon and Mega Dunsparce. Both have been deemed as garbage and abandoned throughout the years. So:

Mega Kecleon



Hp: 60



Sp. Attack:80

Sp. Defense:120


Total: 540

Kecleon's leveling up movepool is full of normal and ghost type moves. With normal/ghost as base typing, Kecleon receives 3 key immunities, and a single weakness to dark (making things like knock off and pursuit a threat). Protean allows it to use its wide movepool to change to any of the types it can reach, while receiving STAB on anything it uses. While not as good as a protean user as greninja is, I think M-kecleon would be a nice touch for a pokemon that is so weak outside of the mystery dungeon series.


Mega Dunsparce


Speed Boost

Hp: 100



Sp. Attack:115

Sp. Defense:65


Total: 515

I wanted a normal/dragon M-dunsparce, but the poor thing doesn't even get dragon moves. Instead, it has access to things like thunderbolt and return, both of which could receive good STAB from its typing. Speed boost could turn that awful 45 speed into something decent after a protect or two, and while it would certainly die to any earthquake/close combat, at least invested in HP it could survive minor hits, while hitting back with decent moves of its own.

Edited by zimvader42
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  On 4/10/2015 at 5:11 PM, Generalguy64 said:

Mega Cofagrigus. It would have a mummy peering out of inside it.

Type would keep as ghost, or would it be ghost/something? Ghost/steel cofagrigus would make it resistant as hell, not to mention that if both of his defenses were boosted, it would be able to set as many WoWs and Toxics as it wished to before dieing.

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  On 4/10/2015 at 4:03 PM, DoubleAA14 said:

Mega Weavile

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wat about M-Quagsire?

Stole my Thunder eh? I'd still vote for a Weavile that has an ability that gives it priority regardless of the opponent move :I

Mega Bidoof (No, not Mega Bibarel. Mega Bidoof)

Typing: Normal/Ghost

Ability: Moody Levitate

HP: 59

Attack: 85

Defense: 50

Sp. Attack: 35

Sp. Defense: 50

Speed: 81

Total: 350

Inspiration: yTFHXxu.png

or this

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Alright this is a mon I've wanted for a long time:

Mega Typhlosion


Fire-Type Gale Wings (Maybe called Early Eruption or something) If REAL abilities, then Dry Skin, since the intense heat would dry him out and cause him to not because to stay mega-d for extended periods of time.

HP: 78

Attack: 84

Defense: 78

Sp.Atk: 109

Sp.Def: 85

Speed: 100


Hp: 78

Att: 84

Def: 123

Sp Att: 139

Sp Def: 100

Speed: 110

Gains new move : Energy Ball

Boosts to his Special Attack, boosted defenses, and even access to priority. Energy Ball for strong coverage and this thing goes from Nu threat to possible Ubers monster.

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  On 4/10/2015 at 4:54 PM, MetalKing1417 said:

You might want to change around butterfree's stats a little since she gets Quiver dance. Maybe buff her defenses a little at the cost of some speed and sp. Atc?

Hmmmm, good point. How about the one I already posted becomes mega Butterfree X, and I make a Mega Butterfree Y that works something like this:

Mega Butterfree Y



HP: 60

Attack: 5

Defense: 145

Sp. Attack: 90

Sp. Defense: 125

Speed: 70

Whereas Mega Butterfree X is a fragile speedster, Mega Butterfree Y is designed around one thing: Quiver Dance. With bulkier stats and better defensive typing (my idea is that it wears its shed cocoon as armor), it can take a couple hits while it sets up a quiver dance or two, then proceed to wreck teams with its super-boosted stats. Its speed, Sp. attack and Sp. defense aren't buffed as much as its HP and defense because it can quickly patch them up with Quiver Dance. The only flaw it has that I can see is that it lacks reliable recovery.

EDIT: Forgot that megas can't have their HP raised/lowered. I adjusted the stats accordingly.

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  On 4/10/2015 at 5:19 PM, Vinny said:

wat about M-Quagsire?

Stole my Thunder eh? I'd still vote for a Weavile that has an ability that gives it priority regardless of the opponent move :I

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I just wanted to see how you would react ;)

But, ask and you shall receive!!!!

Mega Quagsire



Hp: 95

Attack: 135

Defense: 135



Speed: 15

Total: 530

With Unaware, Mega Quagsire will nearly be unstoppable to beat and because its defenses can't be lowered and if anyone tries to set up on it...Well lets just say it just wouldn't care and you can just use stockpile. With access to Recover, Stockpile, and Toxic, Mega Quagsire can be the perfect pokemon to wall threats to your team.

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I think there's already a topic for invented mega evolutions; it could give you other ideas: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12041

Anyway, I could just say the Mega evolution I posted there, Mega Porygon-Z (It's my favourite Pokemon, not Breloom).

Mega Porygon-Z


Adaptability (If this ability is too good or you want to replace it, maybe add some more Special Attack)

HP 85

Atk 95 (+15)

Def 80 (+5)

Sp. Atk 165 (+30)

Sp. Def 95 (+20)

Spe 110 (+30)

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  On 4/10/2015 at 6:01 PM, DoubleAA14 said:

I just wanted to see how you would react ;)

But, ask and you shall receive!!!!

Mega Quagsire



Hp: 95

Attack: 135

Defense: 135



Speed: 15

Total: 530

With filter, Mega Quagsire will nearly be unstoppable to beat and because its only weakness is grass and if that is weakened by filter plus the boosted defenses, Quagsire will absolutely be the most bulkiest thing ever. With access to Recover, Stockpile, and Toxic, Mega Quagsire can be the perfect pokemon to wall threats to your team.

That sounds terrifying. Awesome, but terrifying.

Still, I would preffer M-quagsire with unaware. Since it has just one weakness, filter will make it go to x3 instead of x4, so despite the defenses it might still die to a powerful solarbeam/energy ball. Unaware though.... any attempt to lower its defenses would be useless.

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  On 4/10/2015 at 6:10 PM, zimvader42 said:

That sounds terrifying. Awesome, but terrifying.

Still, I would preffer M-quagsire with unaware. Since it has just one weakness, filter will make it go to x3 instead of x4, so despite the defenses it might still die to a powerful solarbeam/energy ball. Unaware though.... any attempt to lower its defenses would be useless.


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  On 4/10/2015 at 6:01 PM, DoubleAA14 said:

I just wanted to see how you would react ;)

You gave Weavile what is needs in a Mega. Even more attack and more speed. But we all know that Weavile's biggest problem is priority. Makes no difference a base 250 speed when all the Mach Punches are going to hit you anyway. lern 2 sucker punch weavile

I still like it though. Tough Claws Weavile would be very interesting.

Mega Qwilfish

Typing: Water/Poison

Ability: Huge Power :I

New move by TM: Swords Dance

HP: 65

Attack: 105 (+10) >> Cuz Huge Power already

Defense: 95 (+20)

Sp. Attack: 55

Sp. Def: 85 (+30)

Speed: 125 (+40)

Total: 530

Qwilfish has more physical attack than special, surprisingly. So let's make it better at attacking than now. Unfortunately, Qwilfish doesn't learn any fairy/ice moves, so dragons would be really hard to take down.

Inspiration: Qwilshark.jpg

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  On 4/10/2015 at 4:03 PM, DoubleAA14 said:

Mega Goodra



Hp: 90



Sp. Attack:150

Sp. Defense:180


Total: 700

Mega Goodra could be a very bulky tank. With adaptability it will have STAB on Sludge Wave/Bomb, and Dragon type moves giving it enormous power. With added Defense and Special defense, it's gonna be hard to take down.

Surely mega Goodra would be Dragon/Water or just pure Dragon, combined with adaptability this isn't mega Goodra, it's mega Dragalge with higher stats.

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