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If you could make your own mega evolution...

Lord Chespin

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Edit: Ok M-Goodra appears to be a mega that's borderline Ubers. I ran some damage calcs for reference but for some reason it only showed the quote I posted.

Thing is, damage calcs show Goodra passes. The most effective EV spreads are

a. 248HP, 252+SpA, 8Def

b. 252SpA, 252+Spe, 4Def

It can run 4Offensive Moves, or Sub + 3 moves, with a great movepool to choose from. It appears it can be killed by STAB from faster pokemon, and SR helps OHKO various Dragon and Fairy type pokemon that are slower, like Azumarill, Dragonite, no spe EV Latias and so on. Also, the Rest/Talk set is quite fearsome to see when playing against stall teams (like the Sub +3 moves one), as Heal Bell/Aromatherapy support can be utilized with great success. It makes Stall work much more efficiently, since it will almost never go down with 1 hit when not STAB.

Right now, I'm just a bit skeptical on the idea (even though I like the concept and some boosts it gets), mainly because it seems to become nigh indestructible, given right support. Maybe AR can provide us with sample teams he had in mind when creating this. Goodra gets super powerful, and it's a shame if GF were to announce something like that only to see it insta-banned to ubers.

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Looking at my two latest avis on the forum...


Mega Hitmonchan

Type: Fighting
Ability: Scrappy

HP: 50

Attack: 105 -> 130 (+25)

Defense: 79 -> 120 (+41)

Special Attack: 35

Special Defense: 110 -> 119 (+9)

Speed: 76 -> 101 (+25)

This Mega Hitmonchan is bulky, which is the point of its creation. Iron Fist was lost as its ability, forcing Hitmonchan to lose power on moves like Drain Punch and Mach Punch, but a boost in Attack compensates for that. Instead, Hitmonchan now received Scrappy as its ability, giving it the chance to now hit Ghost-types with its Fighting-type moves as well, which is a major boost because a lot of Ghost-types were able to wall Hitmonchan before. Moreover, Mega Hitmonchan is would be the only Scrappy Rapid Spinner, giving it the chance to remove hazards at will, and not being walled by Ghost-types in the process.

However, even with Scrappy, Mega Hitmonchan is still vulnerable to Ghost-type Pokémon, as a lot of them carry Will-O-Wisp, which completely cripples it. The point of Scrappy is that Ghost-types don't have a free switch in Hitmonchan anymore, and that Rapid Spin can be used at all times.

While a Rapid Spin set is a possibility, with these stats Mega Hitmonchan can pull off Bulk Up sweeps as well.

And of course, if we have Hitmonchan.


Mega Hitmonlee

Type: Fighting/Dark
Ability: No Guard

HP: 50

Attack: 120 -> 145 (+25)

Defense: 53 -> 63 (+10)

Special Attack: 35

Special Defense: 110 -> 130 (+20)

Speed: 87 -> 132 (+45)

I might have gone a little overboard with the Speed and Attack. Oh well. I got the idea of a Fighting/Dark-typed Mega Hitmonlee... Man, I dunno even when. It just hit me, and then I remembered that it actually had Knock Off. Together with the moves High Jump Kick and Stone Edge, both of which will always hit now due to No Guard, Mega Hitmonlee has access to a very powerful movepool.

No, really. Those moves hit hard, especially combined with the fact that Mega Hitmonlee also gets Bulk Up. Sadly no Swords Dance, but hey. Does this thing need it. While it gets hit hard by some priority moves (Mach Punch, Gale Wings), Mega Hitmonlee can also shrug off one of the most prominent priority moves (Sucker Punch) without a problem.

Hitmonlee already had some troubles with Fairy, but thanks to its new typing, that problem skyrocketed. Though with the help of teammates and possibly Iron Head, Mega Hitmonlee could be able to deal with it.

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Now I felt the need to complete the trio. Please welcome....



Type: Fighting

Ability: Technician

HP: 50

Atk: 95 --> 125 (+30)

Def: 95 --> 125 (+30)
SpA: 35 --> 35 (+0)

SpD: 110 --> 135 (+25)

Spe: 70 --> 85 (+15)

The little brother of the Hitmon trio is back with a vengeance Mega!! Having seen his brothers receive fan-made mega evolutions, it could not stand by and be a mere observer, especially since he's the best out of the three. After all, he has "TOP" in his name. Normal Hitmontop is commonly used as defensive spinner that can tank both sides of the offensive spectrum, having a naturally high SpD stat along with Intimidate for physical attackers. The mega evolution caters to Top's needs, giving him nice boosts to both defenses as well as an Atk stat it can work with. Coupled with Technician, Top now can hit hard enough with priority moves but it's not limited to those, because it has several good moves as coverage options. Mega Hitmontop seems to be a balanced pokemon that can use a number of different sets, thus becoming a glue pokemon for several teams.

This may be biased, but Hitmontop is one of my favorite pokemon. For this reason, I made sure the Mega Evolution is quite strong but not game-breaking, as I would love to see it being implemented in canon games and as such being viable for me to use in UU and OU. Give him some love and tell me if you would change or add something to this creation. :)

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Mega Regigigas


Mega Stone:Regigigasite

Ability:Sealed Power:(doubles attack and speed after 5 turns in battle resets if switched out effects of slow start are negated upon gaining this ability)








in my personal opinion Regigigas is long overdue on getting a buff and id say that it deserves it being always unfairly pushed back by its ability it has awesome lore a cool design and arguably one of the strongest legendary pokemon if it has its ability removed.now it has a great movepool and now with its ability reversed would discourage setting up on this guy by alot and even with its ability remaining inactive its base attk reaches over 500 so a pretty strong mega that most likely will be banned though but still and why the 20 points in its sp attk and not distribute them to its defenses or make his speed higher or that already monstrous attk cause i dont want to be to mean now do i so what do you guys think

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  On 3/26/2016 at 5:05 PM, NovaKnight said:

Ability:Sealed Power:(doubles attack and speed after 5 turns in battle resets if switched out effects of slow start are negated upon gaining this ability)

200 atk and 140 speed + this ability means this thing can get in, stall on a base of substitute/protect/substitute/protect, reach turn 5, and basically kill anything with a combination of crush grip (is a 121 base power attack when the foe has its full HP, plus it receives STAB, and is regis' signature move) and knock off. It is so fast that the few things faster than it cannot really touch it all that much.

Plus, normal type only has a weakness to fighting: remove all the potential fighting sweepers from the other team and you're almost guaranteed a regigigas sweep.

I think this mega Regigigas would go to anything goes, together with mega rayquaza. It is an awesome idea but too powerful IMO.

EDIT: oh good lord I had forgotten Regigigas does not get protect, well that's a good thing. However it does have confuse ray, thunder wave, and substitute. Using any of those and, well, the fact it has 200 base attack even before its ability activating, it can make time until his 5th turn by just substituting and attacking.

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I'd like a mega of Ninjask, like I know there isn't much you can do with it, but it really got its thunder stolen by Blaziken and Scolipede in what was supposed to be its niche. basically better attack, Maybe simple, to make it a better baton passer, but idk that might be op.

Mega Yanmega for the name pun

Primal Reversions for Dialga and Palkia (Gira-O gets a move-based mega ala ray-ray)

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Typing: Water/Ground

(New) Ability: Godly Light (New ability allowing it to restore all its health when it uses a recovery move)

HP: 95 -> 115 (+20)

Attack: 85 -> 95 (+10)

Defense: 85 -> 105 (+20)

Special Attack: 65 -> 85 (+20)

Special Defense: 65 -> 85 (+20)

Speed: 35 -> 45 (+10)

Explanation: A reading from the book of Sire, "It was said that in the ancient times, the almighty god could Mega Evolve, although it was known by a different name back then, 'Sire-Evolution' it was said to increase the power of a Pokemon, he used this power to help everyone, and when he saw a blind Ludicolo, he used mud shot on its eyes, and when he wiped it away, the Ludicolo was no longer blind, that is when he got his first Poke-Pal"

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  On 3/30/2016 at 11:15 PM, RainbowHugs said:


Typing: Water/Ground

(New) Ability: Godly Light (New ability allowing it to restore all its health when it uses a recovery move)

HP: 95 -> 115 (+20)

Attack: 85 -> 95 (+10)

Defense: 85 -> 105 (+20)

Special Attack: 65 -> 85 (+20)

Special Defense: 65 -> 85 (+20)

Speed: 35 -> 45 (+10)

Explanation: A reading from the book of Sire, "It was said that in the ancient times, the almighty god could Mega Evolve, although it was known by a different name back then, 'Sire-Evolution' it was said to increase the power of a Pokemon, he used this power to help everyone, and when he saw a blind Ludicolo, he used mud shot on its eyes, and when he wiped it away, the Ludicolo was no longer blind, that is when he got his first Poke-Pal"

1) HP cannot be boosted

2) Ability is broken af

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I kinda fancied the idea of a mega arbok.

new ability: toxicity(kinda like poison touch, but instead it's 30% chance to badly poison)




SP attack:80

SP def:85


Overall not an immensly OP mega, but the ability is what I want to capitalize on. Since most abilities are what make certain pokemon good, Toxicity would be one of those abilities people just enjoy when comboed with a stab gunk shot.

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I really like Jellicent so

Mega Jellicent


Magic Guard

HP: 100

Attack: 60 -> 60

Defense: 70 -> 110

Sp. Attack: 85 -> 120

Sp. Defense: 105 -> 130

Speed: 60 -> 70

More bulk and more power were obvious, and I just added the last 10 EVs to Speed because wynaut. Magic Guard is handy since it means Jellicent doesn't take damage from Toxic, making it harder to whittle down.

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Alright, so I finally had a fully-fledged idea for a mega.



appearance: More sperm-whale themed, with a modern battleship's prow

BST: 500->600

170 (+0)


45 (+50)=95


45 (+50)=95


Ability: Pressure (Wailord's HA)

and it gets heavier. idk but maybe 398->450 or 500 kg

Basically, I love wailord (mostly because it's so stupidly large) but it's just so bad in so many stats that it can't do anything well.. I fully realize that this might be broken, just due to pressure+tons of hp+great typing pp-stalling out low-pp moves.

in my mind it would run a physical bulky set with heavy slam (heaviest 'mon that's not in ubers), and waterfall, earthquake, etc. but it lacks recovery outside of restalk/resto-chesto. steel typing adds some weaknesses, but it gives an important immunity to toxic.

Edited by doombotmecha
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Mega Miltank


Serene Grace

HP: 95
Atk: 80 -> 100
Def: 105 -> 105
SpA: 40 -> 70

SpD: 70 -> 110
Spe: 100 -> 110

Miltank gets a whole lot of nice moves that have secondary effects, so wynaut make it stand out as the fastest Serene Grace abuser? 110 Speed outspeeds quite a few Pokemon with investment. I boosted Special Defense a bit, so it's not quite too weak to special moves now. I also gave Miltank a boost to Attack, as most of its good moves (Body Slam, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Stomp, Elemental punches, etc.) are physical, but also gave it a boost to Special Attack since it does get some nice special moves like Blizzard and Thunder.

Enjoy your hax~ :]]]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time to bring this topic back to life!

I'm bringing you a Mega Evolution for a pokemon we all love and care about!

A pokemon used by every single trainer who has ever played X and Y.


Mega Gogoat

Type: Grass / Rock

Ability: Mold Breaker

HP: 123

Atk: 100 --> 130 (+30)

Def: 62 --> 72 (+10)

SpA: 97 --> 127 (+30)

SpD: 81 --> 91 (+10)

Spe: 68 --> 88 (+20)

I want you all to imagine how awesome the design for such a pokemon should be. Gogoat was introduced to us as a nice alternative to a bicycle and is a pokemon that, no matter how bad it currently is competitive-wise, we all wanted to have in our teams because of its design and concept.

What I did was turn this adorable little fellow into a viable choice for the competitive scene, that can be used in a variety of ways. Yes, it took a lot of time to think of the appropriate Ability, Typing and Stat Distribution, and I can honestly say I'm satisfied with the result. Now Gogoat is no more just another pokemon you catch for pokedex completion. It can work as a physical or a special wallbreaker, a defensive tank, either mixed or specialized in Def or SpD, a mixed attacker, or even a utility pokemon that can spam toxic / leech seed and phaze pokemon at will.

Gogoat has access to several fighting options, including reliable recovery, damage output in both spectrums, and few, although useful, support moves to deal with Stall. It's speed may be lackluster but one cannot wish for everything in life. Gogoat has the tools to overcome its weaknesses. It just needed a boost in the form of a Mega. I don't know what you think, but as far as I am concerned, this is a pokemon I would definitely ride into battle.

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I spoke of Mega Magnezone earlier. I cannot speak of any other without first mentioning that divinity.

Now that I have paid homage to the one true Magnet God, I may now proceed to theorize about other, lesser Megas. For instance:


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Type: Grass/Poison (unchanged)

Ability: Prankster

HP: 60

Atk: 70

Def: 85 (+20)

SpAtk: 155 (+30)

SpDef: 135 (+30)

Speed: 110 (+20)

Roserade is one of those Gen4 last-stage evolutions, like Yanmega, Togekiss and MAGNEZONE that deserves a Mega to remain relevant in a changing metagame.

Roserade's primary role as of now in UU is to act as a Spikes/TSpikes lead with access to Sleep Powder and a good defensive typing that lets it take on water and fighting types, or as a Powerful special attacker with excellent moves like Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam and a choice of Hidden Power to use alongside status or hazards. It has a good base 125 SpAtk stat and decent 105 SpDef stat along with Synthesis and Natural Cure Rest to use with this, but is let down by poor physical bulk and rather average speed.

Mega Roserade reclaims its DPPt position with relative stat modifications. An increased Special Attack and Special Defense bolster its good points to current levels of power, and a significant boost to its pitiful Defense stat lets it take at least the few odd hits.

A good speed boost puts on par with other powerful offensive mons like the Lati twins, Gengar, M-Metagross, M-Gallade (and M-Magnezone.) So far, Mega Roserade is like Mega Scizor: an updation of an existing model with changes in degree not in kind.

The real change is in giving it Prankster, to let it play shenanigans with its great support movepool. If you thought Whimsicott was bad, this is version 2.0 with good bulk and great power! Prankster Hazards and Substitute! Prankster Sleep and Paralysis and Poison! Prankster Recovery with Synthesis and Leech Seed! It can even use Prankster Sunny Day and act as a Sun starter whilst grabbing itself a pseudo-STAB in Weather Ball. The creativity is endless.

However, it isn't broken by any means. It is still checked by many common Steel and Fire types if it can't sleep them or if it hasn't got HP fire/ground, and it is still Revenge killed easily enough. The 110 speed tier is also crowded enough to prevent it from being too easy to use.

Edited by Viridescent
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Wow, this thread sure has prospered a lot since I last saw it! I think it's about time to introduce a Mega I was planning on making for a fan-made Pokemon game of mine (once I learn Ruby, of course...):


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Type: Water/Dragon (Replaced Ice with Dragon)

Ability: Swift Swim

HP: 130

Attack: 110

Defense: 110

Sp. Attack: 110

Sp. Defense: 115

Speed: 60

Now, I don't know much about the metagame, but when I look at Lapras' stat distribution, I see "bulky tank". Sadly, its Ice/Water typing is terribadtastic defensively, which severely hampers its effectiveness. With this set, It gets a better defensive typing that still has a good STAB combination to fit its movepool (it learns outrage physically, and dragon pulse specially). As for its stats, while most of my Megas are skewed towards either physically or specially offensive, this guy is designed to be viable regardless of whether you go physical or special: if you go special, you get higher base power moves to compensate for its lower attack stats compared to other Megas, and if you go physical, you have either curse for a bulkier set or dragon dance if you want to attempt to sweep. You can even take advantage of its ability to pull off a sweep under the rain, as has a favorable matchup against other rain teams and can abuse the rain with an 100% accurate thunder. It's not perfect, though; it lacks reliable recovery, and it has somewhat lackluster attack stats for a mega. Overall, though, I'm rather proud of it.

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  On 4/10/2016 at 4:04 PM, NickCrash said:

Time to bring this topic back to life!

I'm bringing you a Mega Evolution for a pokemon we all love and care about!

A pokemon used by every single trainer who has ever played X and Y.


Mega Gogoat

Type: Grass / Rock

I want you all to imagine how awesome the design for such a pokemon should be. Gogoat was introduced to us as a nice alternative to a bicycle and is a pokemon that, no matter how bad it currently is competitive-wise, we all wanted to have in our teams because of its design and concept.


Like that?

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Mega Shedinja

Type: Bug/Steel

Ability: Wonder Guard

HP: 1

Attack: 140

Defense: 110

Sp. Attack: 30

Sp. Defense: 110

Speed: 110

First off I love Shedinja as a Pokémon that has one of the coolest abilities, as well as the most unique drawback. Although because of this he either sees no play or uber play to mess around with dear legendry Pokémon that are ill prepared for his coming. Yet even his arrival is unimpressive as he is easily knocked aside by a single grain of sand, or a tiny ice pellet that touches his little angelic halo. In addition toxic spikes, spikes and stealth rock knocks him out before he even has the chance to show his talents. I really do feel sorry for the little guy, and he has won me many battles on numerous occasions by forcing choice holders. Not to mention Shedinja Endure Weakness Policy is a terror to behold with either a speed boost in some form or way.

The typing I gave him in his mega is to deal with sand storm a common weather option when it comes to fighting. If he doesn't even get a chance to get on the field how will he ever make it to the spotlight. Not to mention the bug/steel typing leaves him with one weakness being fire. Yet there are numerous other ways to knock this little fellow out like stealth rock, burn, hail, burn and curse. The second reason for the bug/steel is to add in some steel stab moves that can make him viable for fairy crushing, or showing Xerneas out the door. Still he has no options against fire types which makes them a huge problem in regard.

Now on to his stats. His HP is needless to say unchanged. After all it is what makes him absolutely unique. His boosted attack stat I believe good enough to prove a threat that the enemy cannot simply keep their sweepers in play, and forces them to either swap out or get heavily punished. Now his defense and special defense stats I have boosted because of the unique play of substitute. Substitute's defense and special defense are affected by the current Pokémon out while the HP of the substitute comes from the Pokémon that used substitute. This allows a baton passed substitute to Shedinja to be very effective, and can turn Shedinja into a very powerful sweeper after a sword dance or hone claw.

I upped Shedinja speed so that he can best middle tier speed, and join the ranks of top speed with the idea to punish not outright kill unless conditions are ripe. His improved but still mitigated attack allows him to be a good damager, but is just a bit out of range of true fashion sweeper. Still he could become a sweeper with a bit of set up which is easily played into his wonder guard that can surprise the enemy and buy you a turn for that set up.

Overall I am pretty sure this may be broken or be underpowered due to the one hit point, but hell I love this little thing its adorable.

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Mega Bibarel


Ability: To really make Bidoof a mega it needs a unique ability that makes HM moves 30% stronger, let's call it HMight

HP: 80

Attack: 125

Defense: 60

Sp. Atk: 110

Sp. Def: 60

Speed: 71

You know, bidoof is alright, but bibarel is the best pokemon, brobarel as a random character in Reborn states. It doesn't need to be good, but it has to be the supreme champion of the HMs. Without Bibarel and its HMs i would never have made it through Diamond, but bibarel saved the day.

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  On 4/13/2016 at 8:14 PM, cakeofdoom said:

Mega Bibarel


Ability: To really make Bidoof a mega it needs a unique ability that makes HM moves 30% stronger, let's call it HMight

HP: 80

Attack: 125

Defense: 60

Sp. Atk: 110

Sp. Def: 60

Speed: 71

You know, bidoof is alright, but bibarel is the best pokemon, brobarel as a random character in Reborn states. It doesn't need to be good, but it has to be the supreme champion of the HMs. Without Bibarel and its HMs i would never have made it through Diamond, but bibarel saved the day.

I should repeat that HP cannot get a boost, even if it's a single point in it.

Original Bibarel stats:

HP: 79

Atk: 85

Def: 60

SpA: 55

SpD: 60

Spe: 71

It appears you gave Bibs a solid 96 points. I wonder why you kept those 4 back. I suppose a Mega Bibarel with a full +100 boost is too much, isn't it?

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Mega Stunfisk

Type: Ground/Electric
Ability: Dry Skin

HP: 109

Attack: 66

Defense: 84 -> 134

Special Attack: 81 -> 101

Special Defense: 99 -> 129

Speed: 32

C'mon now, you gotta love this little guy. 101 Special Attack isn't great, but good enough to spam Earth Power, Discharge and Scald with. Dry Skin gives Stunfisk an immunity to Water-type attacks, while becoming weaker to Fire. Which shouldn't be too much of a problem because Earth Power. Ridiculous boost in Defense for the inevitable Earthquakes, Power Whips and Ice Punches that are coming this guy's way, and not too bad Special Defense for the Energy Balls, Giga Drains and Ice Beams.

I am lazy and dont give enough explanation

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  On 4/14/2016 at 11:01 AM, Morshu said:


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I am lazy and dont give enough explanation

This is something I could see being used in the lower tiers. I would go as far as decrease Atk to 61 and make SpA 106

Oh and

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