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If you could make your own mega evolution...

Lord Chespin

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Bulbapedia does not include it, probably since no pokemon that has Strong Jaw learns Hyper Fang normally, but Serebii could also account for coding by having it hacked into a Sharpedo or a Tyrantum, so I have no reason to dispute that.

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If you let this thread die, I will HM01 you.



Type: Normal / Dark

Ability: Strong Jaw

HP: 55

Atk: 81 --> 131 (+50)

Def: 60 --> 70 (+10)

SpA: 50 --> 50 (+0)

SpD: 70 --> 80 (+10)

Spe: 97 --> 127 (+30)

Mega Raticate is a nightmare taken directly from the deep sewers of Demon Souls. Compared to a normal Raticate which is outclassed in everything by everyone, its mega evolution shows some serious sweeping potential. The typing gives it nice offensive coverage and a secondary STAB that is also boosted by its ability. If GameFreak wakes up and makes Hyper Fang be boosted by Strong Jaw, you might see this resident rat on steroids pack a nice punch full of hate. It has some coverage options it can use, some of which are also priority moves, which adds to unpredictability. I do not know if you are going to use it, but I know I certainly will. When I sweep your teams with it, I will have the right to say: "You were good, but my Raticate is at the top percentage of Raticate".

i always felt mega raticate could benefit more from adaptability since it learns only normal and dark moves by level up(and rats adapt to environment)but strong jaw sounds ok too.normal dark typing is a must.hope game freak makes a mega for raticate.my favorite early normal pokemon.i even hat it in my main team in reborn when it destroyed radomus and shade

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Ever since Beedrill came out, everyone puts Adaptability on their fake megas. In reality, every single organism has adapted in one way or another in order to survive. Physically Raticate learns Normal, Dark, Psychic, Bug moves that are quite strong, has access to priority and set-up moves, and if a mega were to be given to it, I suppose it would earn some elemental bites. I believe Strong Jaw fits best with Raticate thematically and it actually utilizes it much better than M-Sharpedo.

Anyway, since you gave me the opportunity, I'll post another one I had in mind.



Type: Electric

Ability: Levitate

HP: 85

Atk: 115 --> 145 (+30)

Def: 80 --> 95 (+15)

SpA: 105 --> 135 (+30)

SpD: 80 --> 95 (+15)

Spe: 50 --> 60 (+10)

This one is designed to bring you pain and take none of your shit. Utilizing both high Atk and SpA stats, along with a decent movepool, this little monster is very different from the other Electric types you are used to. It's not fast but slow. It's not frail, but can take some hits. It can still cause damage when used correctly, and if you play your cards straight, it can punch holes into the enemy team. From Giga Drain to Drain Punch, and from Flamethrower to Aqua Tail, this thing can use any possible combination of moves and still be useful for your team. It's glue for your team, as well as a nice tank. Certainly the wallbreakers of the meta are no joke, but when you are a huge eel whose opponents can never switch in 100% safely, you take pride in your abilities. Sure you are slow, but do you really care?

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Froslass [iCE/GHOST] (Cursed Body)

70/80/70/80/70/110 (480)

Mega Froslass [iCE/GHOST] (Shadow Tag)

70/80/85/130/85/130 (580)

Mega Froslass (F)
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Disable
HP: 281 - Attack: 176 - Defense: 206 - Special Attack: 359 - Special Defense: 207 - Speed: 394
Purpose of this mon is to trap and counter stall mons or set ups. Has enough punch to be sufficient even without a set up move at it's disposal. Not the greatest mega, but I think it makes sense logically.
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Cool M-Frozlass


Froslass [iCE/GHOST] (Cursed Body)

70/80/70/80/70/110 (480)

Mega Froslass [iCE/GHOST] (Shadow Tag)

70/80/85/130/85/130 (580)

Mega Froslass (F)
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Disable
HP: 281 - Attack: 176 - Defense: 206 - Special Attack: 359 - Special Defense: 207 - Speed: 394
Purpose of this mon is to trap and counter stall mons or set ups. Has enough punch to be sufficient even without a set up move at it's disposal. Not the greatest mega, but I think it makes sense logically.

I am not sure about the ability, since it makes the pokemon completely broken, but the general idea is nice. Also, it can also learn Taunt and Nasty Plot to deal with stallers which are both more consistent than Disable.

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Mega Dusknoir!

Type: Ghost

Ability: Iron Fist


HP: 45

Atk: 100>150

Def: 135>150

Spatk: 65

Spdef: 135>150

Spe: 45>65

I've loved Dusknoir since the Explorers Mystery Dungeon games came out, and I really feel bad for it because of eviolite dusclops. Iron Fist makes sense since it has access to a lot of punching moves, including shadow punch for stab. (Drain Punch would be nice to have though...so maybe it could gain access to it?).

The stat increases help it's already pretty good bulk, although megaing doesn't work with HP which is unfortunate. The atk buff allows it to have great kill power, and the speed allows it to outspeed SOME things, even if it is still slow.

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I am not sure about the ability, since it makes the pokemon completely broken, but the general idea is nice. Also, it can also learn Taunt and Nasty Plot to deal with stallers which are both more consistent than Disable.

It can learn Taunt, but it can NOT learn Nasty Plot. Hence why I thought the ability wasn't too bad. The thought is, against one attack pokemon, send it in, use Substitute, if it attacks, disable, use sub again. Sub and Taunt can be used interchangeably.

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I was so certain it did, I didn't even bother to check. Sorry about that.

I still believe shadow tag is gamebreaking. Gothitelle, a pokemon otherwise residing in PU, was kept in OU till the ban, which shows how much it can help a pokemon. I suppose you pictured it as a means to stop sweeps or a niche pokemon for the Ubers metagame. However, when facing a generic defensive pokemon, which usually have only 1 attacking move, with the combination of Disable+Taunt, you can force it to use Struggle, and that's why I think it's broken for lower tiers.

You get a similar effect with Analytic, plus the boost in power if the opponent decides to switch.

ps. Do you just Google search those designs or do you have specific artists whose pages you happen to visit?

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Shadow Tag Froslass, WOW! While Shadow Tag is gamebreaking, ice typing kinda compensate it, i dunno.

Mega Swanna

Type: Water/Flying

Ability: Drizzle


HP: 75

Attack: 87

Defense: 63>73

Sp. Attack: 87>127

Sp. Defense: 63>73

Speed: 98>138

I don't know if it makes sense but we don't have Mega with Drizzle yet~ (Oh my bad, I don't see Mega Kingdra here before, just ignore this I guess).

Mega Arbok

Type: Poison/Dark

Ability: Speed Boost


HP: 60

Attack: 85>120

Defense: 69>79

Sp. Attack: 65>100

Sp. Defense: 79>89

Speed: 80>90

This is a reference of Agatha's Arbok from Pokemon Adventures Manga where two of its patterns increase its attack and speed. I know Speed Boost is broken but it fits with the reference, so yay!

Also is there any chance we could test this in competitive enviroment, perhaps in the showdown server? That would be great, I think.

Edited by PhantomBima
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ps. Do you just Google search those designs or do you have specific artists whose pages you happen to visit?

I use a google search and look through about 10-20 and pick one I like the most. Also try to make it fit thematically with the changes I makes to it.

As for Froslass, it doesn't have a wide variety of coverage like Gengar, and doesn't have set up moves like Gothitelle. It's weak to rocks, has no recovery, and its not particularly bulky. So it's life span isn't that great.


Empoleon [Water/Steel] (Defiant)

84/86/88/111/101/60 (530)

Mega Empoleon [Water/Steel] (Bulletproof)

84/96/118/121/141/70 (630)

Mega Empoleon @ Empoleonite
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 192 HP / 252 SpA / 64 Spe
Modest Nature
- Agility
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Flash Cannon


HP: 357 - Attack: 206 - Defense: 272 - Special Attack: 375 - Special Defense: 318 - Speed: 192

The specific speed EV's allows it to outspeed everything up to and including Weavile that could threaten it after setting up an agility. This is a relatively straightforward Bulky Offensive set and the nice perk of Bulletproof which fits thematically makes it immune to attacks such as Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, and Shadow Ball.

252+ SpA Empoleon Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Serperior: 214-252 (73.5 - 86.5%)

252 SpA Life Orb Serperior Leaf Storm vs. 192 HP / 0 SpD Empoleon: 142-169 (39.7 - 47.3%)

252+ SpA Empoleon Flash Cannon vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Weavile: 314-372 (111.7 - 132.3%)

252+ SpA Empoleon Ice Beam vs. 96 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Tornadus-T: 150-178 (46.4 - 55.1%) -- 63.7% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Empoleon Ice Beam vs. 96 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Tornadus-T: 150-178 (46.4 - 55.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Tornadus-T Superpower vs. 192 HP / 0 Def Empoleon: 150-178 (42 - 49.8%)

252+ SpA Empoleon Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Breloom: 310-366 (118.7 - 140.2%)

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Let's address all the other suggested megas

@DMK that's an impressive Dusknoir you got there. Only 1 question: How do we kill this thing now?

@PhantomBima I like that Swanna. I personally would have given more bulk and less SpA, since it gets its water moves boosted by rain and a Hurricane that cannot miss. OU material right there.

@Jericho Empoleon looks nice. I made some damage calcs and it seems quite balanced for OU. To my surprise, Zard X has a 18% chance of defeating it after 1 agility, given it chooses to DD the first turn, tank the hit and attack with EQ the next one. Common things that stop it are Conkeldurr, Slowbro, Ferrothorn (since you cannot spare a slot for HP-fire due to fairies, Weavile and the occasional Kyurem-B ) and AV Raikou. Not gamebreaking, nice stat distribution and the ability makes sense while protecting it from common threats. In my opinion the canon mega should look like this.

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Here was my take on a Mega Dusknoir a while back:

Well I'll reintroduce my Mega Dusknoir since the CAMP got a silly Normalize one....

Mega Dusknoir


Ability: Dark Aura

HP: 45

Atk: 100 -> 135

Def: 135: -> 170

SpA: 65 -> 70

SpD: 135 -> 170

Speed: 45 -> 35

Dusknoir @ Dusknoirite
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Payback
- Shadow Sneak
- Pain Split
- Will-O-Wisp



Accelgor [bUG] (Hydration)


Mega Accelgor [bUG/DARK] (Regenerator)


Mega Accelgor @ Accelgorite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 80 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- U-turn
- Knock Off/Energy Ball/Hidden Power Ice
- Bug Buzz
- Focus Blast/Energy Ball/Hidden Power Ice
HP: 301 - Attack: 296 - Defense: 104 - Special Attack: 399 - Special Defense: 156 - Speed: 407
Very Similar to Mega Beedrill, but it already starts with it's high speed so there's never a need to carry protect. And it is also a very capable mixed attacker. Defenses are more or less a wash between the two, but Beedrill -does- get Adaptability and so it's STAB moves will hit a bit harder. Mega Accelgor can hit hard through subs with STAB Bug Buzz, gets good pivot and Regenerator to deal with the pesky stealth rock damage it will be taking. 407 speed is enough to outspeed Mega Manectric and Lopunny
252 Atk Mega Lopunny Fake Out vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Accelgor: 153-181 (50.8 - 60.1%)
252 SpA Accelgor Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Lopunny: 302-356 (111.4 - 131.3%)
Certainly has it's checks though, namely Fairies and Priority
252 Atk Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Accelgor: 222-262 (73.7 - 87%) -- 87.5%
Mega Altaria Counters Hard without HP Ice. So, if you can do a bit of move scouting, it's far from unbreakable. Fairly balanced in my opinion.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, so this Mega requires a backstory...

So I'm a competitive battler, and I build really strange and unique teams. I was building a UU team, and I needed a Dark type special attacker that could fly/levitate. There are 2 options. Hydreigon and Honchkrow. Me, being the weirdo I am (and because EVERYONE uses Hydreigon), I decided to try a special attacking Honchkrow with Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, and Psychic. Needless to say, because of Krow's speed and bulk, I never did anything with it cause it died to anything and everything that it didn't resist. I still want to use a special attacking Honchkrow because the idea of it is still one that I would like to do. Sooooooo...here's a mega I thought would help Honchkrow at everything, not just as a special attacker.

Honchkrow-Mega @ Honchkrinite

Type: Dark/Flying

Ability: Gale Wings
HP - 100

Att. - 165 (+40)

Def. - 52 (+0)

Sp. Att. - 135 (+30)

Sp. Def. - 52 (+0)

Spe - 101 (+30)

With the added boosts, plus access to Air Slash and Hurricane, we would have a much better Honchkrow that could function as a sweeping monster from both sides. Nasty Plot still only works if they switch or if you take a resisted hit, but priority Brave Bird/Hurricane (with a Nasty Plot) is insanity. Still dies often, though, but it could be effectively like a Mega Beedrill, but with priority.

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Mega Gastrodon-East

Type: Water/Ground

Ability: Poison Heal

HP: 111

Attack: 83 -> 83

Defense: 68 -> 98

Special Attack: 92 -> 112

Special Defense: 82 -> 142

Speed: 39 -> 29

Mega Gastrodon-West

Type: Water/Ground

Ability: Regenerator

HP: 111

Attack: 83 -> 103

Defense: 68 -> 148

Special Attack: 92

Special Defense: 82 -> 102

Speed: 39 -> 29

Just a Specially-based and Physically-based Mega Gastrodon based on the different form you use the Gastrodonite on.

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Mega Goodra 2.0



HP: 90
Attack: 100 -> 120
Defense: 70 -> 110
Special Attack: 110 -> 130
Special Defense: 150 -> 160
Speed: 80 -> 90
BST: 700
Goodra seems like it can pull off being a Dragon/Fairy and with it's excellent defenses and decent speed, it can be an amazing sweeper ;O

yay for color!!

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Mega Goodra 2.0



HP: 90
Attack: 100 -> 120
Defense: 70 -> 110
Special Attack: 110 -> 130
Special Defense: 150 -> 160
Speed: 80 -> 90
BST: 700
Goodra seems like it can pull off being a Dragon/Fairy and with it's excellent defenses and decent speed, it can be an amazing sweeper ;O

yay for color!!

Only if it has Truant.

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Back with More Mega-Evolutions!! This time we have a pokemon that disapponted the fans with it's evolution, so it has come here for a long due apology.


Mega Aromatisse

Type: Fairy / Poison

Ability: Regenerator

HP: 101

Atk: 72 --> 82 (+10)

Def: 72 --> 92 (+20)

SpA: 99 --> 139 (+40)

SpD: 89 --> 99 (+10)

Spe: 29 --> 49 (+20)

This is not the Plague Doctor we deserve, but the one we need right now. Strong, bulky, resourcefull and with many tricks up their sleave. It was a Healer before, taking care of its allies, but now all it cares about is Regenerating itself, so it can survive longer than its opponents. It's a corrupt doctor that hurts all that threatened him before, while still keeping his medical status. He can now laugh at Poisons, since he now uses them, and instead kill them with a variety of Psychic-type moves in its arsenal. M-Aromatisse gains boosts to all stats, most notably balancing its low defenses and receiving a generous Special Attack increase, which now makes it a prominent threat to the metagame. Moves added to his learn-set include Taunt, Clear Smog, Sludge Bomb, Agility, and Dark Pulse. Now it can work as either a tank that abuses Regenerator, or a Special Wallbreaker with sweeping potential based on Agility. If nothing else, it looks badass.

If you wish to know where I got my inspiration from, click the spoiler


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I've made enough custom megas so far to make this post insanely long, but for now just take these two.


Mega Watchog

Type: Normal/Psychic
Ability: Compound Eyes

HP: 60

Attack: 85 -> 132 (+47)

Defense: 69

Special Attack: 60

Special Defense: 69

Speed: 77 -> 130 (+53)

'Bibs did you really just only boost it in Attack and Speed.'

Why yes, yes I did. 130 Speed makes it nearly as fast as Mega Lopunny and Mega Manectric, of which we all know they are lightning-fast. 132 Attack also makes for a stat nearly as high as Mega Lopunny's. So is this Watchog just a cheap rip-off from what Mega Lopunny can? And why part Psychic, in a metagame where everything carries Knock Off and Sucker Punch?

First let's take a look at the ability. Compound Eyes is a move mostly used for Bug-type Pokémon, but look at its eyes and tell me that Watchog can't have Compound Eyes. The chances of Iron Tail hitting are a lot higher now (I can't be bothered to calculate it), and Gunk Shot, Aqua Tail and STAB Zen Headbutt will always hit. But that's not really the main reason for the ability. The main reason is Hypnosis, which now has 78% accuracy, making Mega Watchog one of the fastest sleep inducers of all Pokémon. It's still not 100% reliable, but hey. It's still better than Sleep Powder. Also, thanks to Hypnosis, Mega Watchog can troll the Sucker Punch users, while not being weak to Mach Punch anymore.

Of course Watchog isn't made to be top-tier or something. I mean, it's Watchog. There's only so much you can do for this thing. Its bulk is still so low that it would probably die quickly to any attack as soon as its opponent wakes up. But hey, we tried.

And on that note.


Mega Lumineon

Type: Water/Flying

Ability: Serene Grace

HP: 69

Attack: 69 -> 94 (+25)

Defense: 76 -> 86 (+10)

Special Attack: 69 -> 94 (+25)

Special Defense: 86 -> 106 (+20)

Speed: 91 -> 111 (+20)

One of my custom megas I am the fondest of. This Mega Lumineon is built to troll. And I literally mean troll, as in Scald now has a 60% chance to burn your opponent. Not only that, but Lumineon has quite the movepool to abuse Serene Grace. Psybeam and Signal Beam with 20% chance to confuse. Silver Wind and Ominous Wind can boost all your stats, and have a chance of 20% of doing so. Ice Beam has 20% chance to freeze. Last but not least, Nature Power turns into Tri Attack in competitive, and has a chance of 40% of freezing, burning or paralyzing your opponent. But except for Scald and Ice Beam, none of these moves really excel.

That's why Mega Lumineon also received Attack investment, as well as the new Flying-type. Yes, Flying is not only to negate the Grass weakness. You see, Mega Lumineon also has a funny physical movepool as well. First off, of course Waterfall. Waterfall has solid power, plus now a 40% chance to make your opponent flinch. Next up, Bounce. Bounce now gets STAB, plus it has a 30% chance to paralyze...before Serene Grace. So actually 60%. And last but not least, Lumineon can use U-turn as well, to get out of the battle if it becomes too dangerous for it.

Mega Lumineon's stats still aren't the best. It would be a lot better if only it got a move like Roost, but sadly, Gamefreak didn't permit that. Its attacking stats aren't stellar, and neither is its bulk. However, it is able to troll quite a few Pokémon. Most notable checks to poor Lumineon are Electric-types. If you use Bounce and your opponent switches into a slow Electric-type Pokémon, you're in a world of pain.

Long story short. Mega Lumineon isn't top-tier either, but it can work.

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Alright, so this Mega requires a backstory...

So I'm a competitive battler, and I build really strange and unique teams. I was building a UU team, and I needed a Dark type special attacker that could fly/levitate. There are 2 options. Hydreigon and Honchkrow. Me, being the weirdo I am (and because EVERYONE uses Hydreigon), I decided to try a special attacking Honchkrow with Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, and Psychic. Needless to say, because of Krow's speed and bulk, I never did anything with it cause it died to anything and everything that it didn't resist. I still want to use a special attacking Honchkrow because the idea of it is still one that I would like to do. Sooooooo...here's a mega I thought would help Honchkrow at everything, not just as a special attacker.

Honchkrow-Mega @ Honchkrinite

Type: Dark/Flying

Ability: Gale Wings

HP - 100

Att. - 165 (+40)

Def. - 52 (+0)

Sp. Att. - 135 (+30)

Sp. Def. - 52 (+0)

Spe - 101 (+30)

With the added boosts, plus access to Air Slash and Hurricane, we would have a much better Honchkrow that could function as a sweeping monster from both sides. Nasty Plot still only works if they switch or if you take a resisted hit, but priority Brave Bird/Hurricane (with a Nasty Plot) is insanity. Still dies often, though, but it could be effectively like a Mega Beedrill, but with priority.

That'd be crazy Broken, Talonflame is already crazy as is with Priority Brave Bird, and a max attack of 287. 165 Base Attack gives a max attack of 471 (64% more damage). Couple that with Priority? That's just insane.

Oh just throw something in that resists flying? Like Tyranitar or Heatran? Well about that. Honchkrow learns STAB dark moves like... SUCKER PUNCH. Oh also SUPERPOWER. Not to mention you can also get it an attack boost before Mega Evolving with Moxie.

This would break things and be banned, I'm almost positive.

Mega Gastrodon-West

Type: Water/Ground

Ability: Regenerator

HP: 111

Attack: 83 -> 103

Defense: 68 -> 148

Special Attack: 92

Special Defense: 82 -> 102

Speed: 39 -> 29

Just a Specially-based and Physically-based Mega Gastrodon based on the different form you use the Gastrodonite on.

That... oh goodness, that won't ever die unless you have grass coverage. Regenerator, Recover? Give it Scald, Recover, Ice Beam, Toxic. This thing is mean.

Love the premise though.

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It was just my way of saying that this creation has the potential to destroy the metagame, unless you nerf it with a hindering ability like Truant.

I wouldn't say so. Goodra doesn't really get stat boosting moves or recovery does it? That's also not very fast at just 90. It's a good mega not game breaking if you ask me.

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Mega Drapion


Ability: Tough Claws


Attack: 90+20=110

Defence: 110+30=140

Sp.Atk: 60+10=70

Sp.Def: 75+25=100

Speed: 95+15=110

Drapion is one of my favorites of all time, so I'd like to see it get something nice (like a Mega...). Tough Claws as it's new ability makes sense when you take a look at it's Pokedex entries, not to mention it gives Drapion even more power. Basically that's why I didn't want to give Drapion that huge boosts to it's Attack stat, but instead focus on defences.

Mega Dusknoir


Ability (I saw this idea in Gamefaqs I think, so credit goes to the person who came up with it): Dimensional : Activates Trick Room upon entry. Works similarly to weather abilities like Drizzle or Sand Stream, but instead activates Trick Room for a set amount of turns.


Attack: 100+20=120

Defence: 135+30=165

Sp.Atk: 65+15=80

Sp.Def: 135+30=165

Speed: 45+5=50

Dusknoir is often dismissed because Eviolite Dusclops has better bulk, so Mega Evolution would give Dusknoir the edge over Eviolite Duclops. I personally wouldn't boost Dusknoir's Speed very much, since it's supposed to be slow enough to make good use of it's new ability.

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