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If you could make your own mega evolution...

Lord Chespin

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How about some Eeveelutions?

Mega Espeon

Type: Psychic


Time Paradox (new ability - multi turn moves now only require one turn - putting preperation and re-charge turns at the very beginning [priority +7] or at the very end [priority -7] of the turn)


Magic Bounce (boooooring - there already 3 megas with it... - but nothing else really appealed to me...)

HP: 65

Attack: 65 --(+/- 0)--> 65

Defense: 60 --(+20)--> 80

Special Attack: 130 --(+40)--> 170

Special Defense: 95 --(+20)--> 115

Speed: 110 --(+20)--> 130

Mega Espeon with "Time Paradox" is a fast Special-attacker - and maybe even the strongest of them all!

With a big Bonus in Special Attack it rivals the Special Attack of several Mega Pokemon and is only trumped by M-Alakazam, P-Kyogre, M-Rayquaza, Deoxys Attack-Form, and M-Mewtwo Y.

However its slightly lower Sp.Attack is part of Time Paradox - since Multi-Turn moves pack a serious punch!

Future Sight with 120 BP and a 170 SP.Attack + STAB in ONE TURN would hurt... A LOT!

Hyper Beam with 150 BP for coverage against Dark types [or use Signal Beam - not as strong in BP but Super effective against Dark Types...]

Dig could be used to evade potential danger, when facing a faster opponent (dig undeground at the start of the turn -> opponent attack misses -> hit them with Dig)

Wish could be used like Recover (since Espeon only learns potential unreliable Morning Sun - since it depends on weather by Level up, and Rest would leave it vulnerable due to sleep)

*sigh* ... if only Geomancy were a thing for anything else than Xerneas - but hey setting up with Calm mind and killing everything with a one-turn Future Sight is fun, right?^^

[Why "Time Paradox" - Espeon can see into the Future, and Future Sight is its 'signature' move - in its Mega Form, these powers are amplified! It knows what will come and prepares its mind and body for those multi-turn moves.]

With Magic Bounce it would get a bit more of defensive capabilities, walling entry hazard users and other defensive Pokemon, that might use Toxic or Thunderwave to stall, and retaliates any one that dares to switch in, with overwhelming Special Attack

With 130 Speed it is now on par with Jolteon, and one of the faster mons, but is still outspeed by many other Megas, and is still slower than M-Alakazam.

The Bonus is Defence helps it to stay alive against Physical Attackers, and is bulkier than M-Alakazam.

So you could say it is kind of a reverse M-Alakazam, it is bulkier in both defences, has a bit more HP but doesn't quite have the Sp.Attack stat and is slower.

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All right, I have returned to cast forth my views.

First, MEGA MAGNEZONE! And now, duty finished, the next suggestion:



(No, I didn't draw Mega Excadrill yet, give me time~)

Type: Ground/Steel (Unchanged)

Ability: Arena Trap

HP: 110

Att: 165 (+30)

Def: 90 (+30)

SpAtk: 50

SpDef: 85 (+20)

Speed: 108 (+20)

OK, I'll be honest with you, this mega is designed for Ubers play, NOT REALLY FOR OU. Excadrill is already so awesome there that it needs nothing to buff it.

In Ubers, Excadrill is still a legit threat when paired with Tyranitar, as it outspeeds everything and has great power with a Life Orb. After an SD, even titans like Primal Groudon and sliiiightly weakened neutral Arceus will fall to it, and it has no problems cleaning up even +2 Xerneas (since those rarely run max speed). However, its main role of a Rapid Spinner suffers from one huge flaw: Zero Bulk.

Excadrill is one of those mons with high HP but paper-thin defenses. This Mega seeks to remedy that with a significant boost in both defenses. 110/90/85 bulk is not even bad by Ubers standards and excellent by OU standards (being much the same as Garchomp's really) as well as granting a big enough boost to its attack stat to be formidable, even when unboosted, in today's steroid-laced Ubers. This still does not match up to Life Orb in terms of raw damage output, but does come close without having to chip off 10% every turn. The speed boost is significant, as Excadrill loses out on Sand Rush on Mega Evolving. The given speed allows it to hit a nice speed tier that puts it above the myriad base 90s and base 100s in Ubers, but still below several Ubers staples like the Latis, Gengar, (M) Salamence, Mewtwo, etc.

The REAL change is in giving it one of the most dastardly of abilities: Arena Trap. Why Duggy the whack-a-mole gets it when a real mole doesn't is beyond me. This fixes that logical loophole while also actually helping Excadrill out very greatly: It basically debars things like Primal Groudon from switching out, thereby hopefully balancing out that thing's unholy level of influence in today's Ubers. In fact, it would finally be able to help the whale get back some relevance, since sniping P-Groudon can help P-Kyogre actually do something threatening. This also grants Excadrill excellent utility in Rapid Spinning or taking on a bulky Rocks role. Note that Excadrill can remain perfectly viable un-mega-ed as well, so a TTar + Drill can still work fine to remove fast things or boosted things before Excadrill mega evolves and traps the slower things.

And yet it is not game-breaking in Ubers. There are plenty of things that can outspeed it and Revenge Kill it (since almost everything in Ubers is on steroids and can end worlds) and its improved bulk is good but not fantastic, especially considering its lack of recovery of any form. It will also be limited by its moves to either Swords Dance or Rapid Spin; it can run both only at the cost of valuable coverage. Besides, there are many things in ubers that float, so Arena Trap is not as bad as, say, Mega Gengar's Shadow Tag.

Edited by Viridescent
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This is a mega Pokemon thats quite evil if i do say so myself, so here it is MEGA SPINDA

So here are its stat changes


ATK 60-> 30

DEF 60-> 30

SP.ATK 60-> 30

SP.DEF 60-> 30

SPD 60-> 50

But Yin, you might be thinking, doesn't this just make Spinda worst? Well it would, if mega evolving didn't give it its own ability, which it does, and I have dubbed this ability HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED!... I'll think of a better name later. This ability gives Mega Spinda the base stats of its opponent, while giving said opponent Mega Spinda's God awful base stats upon Mega Evolving. Image the havoc you'll wreck with a Spinda with the base stats of Mega Salamance?

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Mega Krookodile

Type: Ground/Dark

Ability: Strong Jaw

HP: 95

Attack: 117 -> 132

Defense: 80 -> 100

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 70 -> 90

Speed: 92 -> 137

Mega Krookodile. Ooooh boy. Where do we start. First off, insane boost in Speed, while both Special Defense and Defense get a decent boost as well. Attack is boosted less, mainly because I didn't think Mega Krookodile needed all the investment in it. The boosts in the defenses helps to cover for all its weaknesses, given that Mega Krookodile doesn't kill him enemy before they have a chance to strike due to its ridiculous Speed.

Talking about ridiculous Speed. This Krookodile has the ability Strong Jaw. Strong Jaw boosts Krookodile's Crunch, Fire Fang and Thunder Fang. The latter one probably won't be used too much, but Crunch and Fire Fang are useful. But why Strong Jaw, and with its ability not something like Moxie, an ability it inherits directly from its regular form? A Krookodile can still kill something off when it still has Moxie, to get the boost in Attack. And only then mega evolve, to become even stronger with Strong Jaw. Okay, maybe regular Krook's Speed is a little lackluster. Sometimes you will have to mega evolve without being able to get the Moxie boost.

Agreed, Moxie would be a better ability still. But we're not here to make everything broken to infinity, are we?

this thing was made rather hastily so if you have any suggestions please leave them

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Suggestions: why is a crocodile supposed to be so insanely fast? :P doesn't make all that logical sense IMO.

More attack is needed. Megas can't hold items and in this meta 132 base attack is rather weak; maybe 152 attack and 102 speed is fine. More can go into bulk to make it very much harder to take down, like, 115 physdef and 90 Spdef.

Also maybe it can use idk, Tough Claws? That Knock Off is gonna hurt.

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Suggestions: why is a crocodile supposed to be so insanely fast? :P doesn't make all that logical sense IMO.

More attack is needed. Megas can't hold items and in this meta 132 base attack is rather weak; maybe 152 attack and 102 speed is fine. More can go into bulk to make it very much harder to take down, like, 115 physdef and 90 Spdef.

Also maybe it can use idk, Tough Claws? That Knock Off is gonna hurt.

possibly but iron jaw makes more sense for it

and why I made a crocodile so fast, blame nick

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Haven't dropped anything here for a while...

Mega-Mega Rayquaza

Just have it hold Rayquazite while knowing Dragon Ascent for an impressive additional stat boost, ending it at

HP: 105

AK: 210

DF: 100
SA: 210

SD: 100

SP: 145

TT: 880

Ability changes to your choice of Huge Power, or a Special varient of it.

This is banned to AGIMMR (Anything Goes, Including Mega-Mega Rayquaza)

Now that that's out of the way... random pokemon time.

...Gigalith, it would seem.


Design: Gigalith's crystals grow out and spread in extreme proportions, concealing most of its form, and weighing it down to the ground, making it nearly immobile.

Type: Rock, what else. Crystals != Fairy. (Diamond Storm, Power gem)

Ability: Unaware (...Assuming it can still see, in the first place. I'd like a slight accuracy debuff on GigaGigalith, for the same reason)


85 --> 85

135--> 140

130--> 160

60 --> 85

80 --> 140

25 --> 5

(Yes, I really did just lower its speed to raise its Satk. Which it won't use.)

Monstrous defenses, rock type further boosts its absurd SDef in Sandstorm, and setup can't phase it. However, if you hit hard enough by default, it'll still die, easy enough. Better do it fast, since this thing can and will toxistall your team on its own.

252 SpA Life Orb Lucario Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 4+ SpD Gigalith in Sand: 213-252 (56.9 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Okay, maybe a bit powerful, but no good recovery, outside of Rest. Cros your fingers, and hope you deal 76% damage so it can't sub, I guess!

Still dies in one hit to MM Raycraycray

252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Rayquaza Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gigalith: 356-420 (95.1 - 112.2%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

EQ off effective 1140 base Attack is a ~70% chance to OHKO max bulk?

Okay, M-Giga, straight to Ubers MY BAD SORRY

Edit: What if M-Blissey with +100 Defense, tho.

Edited by Cobalt996
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If you wish to blame me, I might as well give you a valid reason to.

Do not make random megas people!!


Mega Trevenant

Type: Ghost / Grass

Ability: Natural Cure

HP: 85

Atk: 110 --> 150 (+40)

Def: 76 --> 96 (+20)

SpA: 65 --> 75 (+10)

SpD: 82 --> 92 (+10)

Spe: 56 --> 76 (+20)

I just saw a movie called "The TRevenant" and it was fantastic! It became much fiercer, stronger and now the Ghost Tree is a defining force in the current meta. It got a nice Atk boost with which it now can make use of its "draining moves" like Horn Leech and Drain Punch, as well as take advantage of its decent physical movepool. At the same time, Trevenant gets out of its Harvest niche and doesn't need to rely on Leech Seed to stay alive, but it's perfectly viable if it wants to. Nice bulk, balanced out by its typing as Grass is naturally weak to multiple common threats in OU and UU, but if trainers warm up to Trevenant they will be able to use it. Natural Cure was the Ability of choice, an ability Trevvy already has in its base form, which helps it sponge status and get rid of pesky PRZ and BRN that would cripple our little sprout right away. It can function either as a Wallbreaker or focus on the defensive and Toxic/Leech stall your opponents to death. Make sure you plant a tree on your way out, and watch over so you do not get planted by one.

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Let's do this!

Mega Volcarona


Type: Bug/Fire

Ability: Drought

HP: 85

Atk: 70 (60+10)

Def: 95 (65+30)

SpA: 155 (135+20)

SpD: 125 (105+20)

Spe: 120 (100+20)

Drought is honestly the only ability that makes sense thematically. Volcarona is said to have once replaced the freaking sun! The defense boost gives him respectable bulk, but he still won't be taking any rock attacks any time soon. A Solar Beam or Fire Blast off this thing will hurt after he's done quiver dancing.

Edited by Sohn der Höhe
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Mega Flareon








This poor little guy is one of my fav. mons, and he needs a mega BADLY. Magmarize is one of those abilities that turns every normal type move into a fire type move, letting him finally take advantage of his huge attack stat. They should drop his special attack stat and give that to his speed and throw the rest into his defenses so he can live more hits. This could work really well, especially on a sun team.

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The defense boost gives him respectable bulk, but he still won't be taking any rock attacks any time soon.

(Hippowdon because it has reasons to not invest attack, it lacks STAB, and still has respectable base attack (112))

Even though literally nobody else does this:

0 Atk Hippowdon Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Volcarona: (80.2 - 95.1%), [Mega](63.1 - 74.8%)

And it should be able to retaliate and kill, too. Definitely not a good choice, but it'd be able to trollishly tank one coverage, uninvested rock attack.

[Not-Gigalith will appear here later, hopefully]

Imma edit this after lab with a more realistic mega that I thought up at work. If I remember it then :P

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And it should be able to retaliate and kill, too.

With the sun up it has a good chance :3

Sun powered 252 SpA Volcarona-M Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Hippowdon: (91 - 107%) with a 99% average.

Another Mega idea, this time something gimmicky:

Mega Ditto


Type: Normal

Ability: Imposter ---> Gestalt (Changes into the enemy Pokemon on sight and boosts Atk, Def, SpA, SpD and Spe by one stage)

HP: 48

Atk: 68 (48+20)

Def: 68 (48+20)

SpA: 68 (48+20)

SpD: 68 (48+20)

Spe: 68 (48+20)

Might be a bit broken, but hey, GF does that sometimes as well. You need to survive the first speed tie on the first turn of mega evolution, but afterwards you have a monster. The speed boost always lets you outspeed, the boost to the defenses makes up for the lack in HP and it can attack hard with boosted offenses. What happens if you change Ditto out you ask? It keeps its Gestalt but loses the boosts.

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With the sun up it has a good chance :3

Sun powered 252 SpA Volcarona-M Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Hippowdon: (91 - 107%) with a 99% average.

Another Mega idea, this time something gimmicky:

Mega Ditto


Type: Normal

Ability: Imposter ---> Gestalt (Changes into the enemy Pokemon on sight and boosts Atk, Def, SpA, SpD and Spe by one stage)

HP: 48

Atk: 68 (48+20)

Def: 68 (48+20)

SpA: 68 (48+20)

SpD: 68 (48+20)

Spe: 68 (48+20)

Might be a bit broken, but hey, GF does that sometimes as well. You need to survive the first speed tie on the first turn of mega evolution, but afterwards you have a monster. The speed boost always lets you outspeed, the boost to the defenses makes up for the lack in HP and it can attack hard with boosted offenses. What happens if you change Ditto out you ask? It keeps its Gestalt but loses the boosts.

Ability: N+1

M-Ditto transforms into the enemy pokemon with its stat boosts, and receives a +1 in speed so it can outspeed any time.

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Yeah, I wanted to limit it to just boosting the speed at first too, a scarfed Ditto without the restriction, but then I thought long and hard, took into consideration what Game Freak would do and came to the following conclusion: lel w/e might as well make it broken m8

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I have returned. Here is my suggestion:

MEGA MAGNEZONE (see earlier)

Right, now here is my other suggestion:



Oh yes. Huehuehue. We need more pseudo-legend megas anyway.

Type: Dragon/Dark (unchanged)

Ability: Levitate (Unchanged)

HP: 92

Atk: 145 (+40)

Def: 100 (+10)

SpAtk: 155 (+30)

Spdef: 100 (+10)

Speed: 108 (+10)

The Dark Lord returneth to ravage the field of OU. Hydreigon is a very solid Mon, previously an OU menace due to his respectable 92/90/90 bulk, excellent 105/125 offenses and, most importantly, his unholy massive movepool. Dark Pulse, Crunch, Draco Meteor, Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Superpower, Head Smash, Tri Attack, U-turn, Flash Cannon, healing in Roost... You name it, Hydreigon had it. That alone made it one of the few Pokemon in OU who could boast to have zero true switch-ins. His only real flaw was a slightly lower-than-standard base 98 speed.

But then everything changed when the sissy Fairies attacked. Becoming x4 weak to them, and missing the speed jump, made him plummet to UU.

This Mega intends to bring Hydreigon back to OU as the terror he was. Like Scizor's, this Mega Evolution is an updation of an existing model: no changes in kind, only in degree.

To that extent, Hydreigon's Speed has been boosted by a small but hugely significant amount to 108. This allows it to outspeed all those base 100s that it couldn't previously, while speed tying with Keldeo and Terrakion. However, it is still outsped by the Lati twins, Mega Metagross and other base 110s, and it doesn't get any moves to boost its speed, so it is not going to rip everything to shreds like Mega Salamence.

But it will still be ripping lots of things to shreds with its improved attack and special attack and its aforementioned awesome coverage, along with an actually useful move in Work Up that boosts both offenses by one stage. 145 attack and 155 SpAtk place it statistically on par with other megas, specially other Pseudo-legend megas. It will be a monstrous wallbreaker rather like Mega Gardevoir, but unlike her, this guy isn't a one-trick pony. He can act as an able scout and pivot with U-turn, and can also take hits better with his good, improved bulk.

Scary as he is, he is not unbeatable. He still is probe to being outsped by many naturally faster Pokemon, Priority users like Talonflame and Mega Scizor or Scarfers like Landotus-T and Garchomp. His typing also still leaves him very weak to Fairy types, especially fat ones like Clefable and Mega Altaria that can tank a hit and KO back.

Hydreigon also suffers from 4MSS, in that he will always be checked by various mons depending on his moves. If he forgoes Fire Blast, Scizor ends him. Lose EQ or Superpower and Heatran and Ferrothorn have an easier time. No Poison Jab or Flash Cannon means Fairies have no major problem. Give up on a STAB move, U-turn or Roost and he will be underpowered or worn down easily. Running Work Up will limit his coverage still further.

Edited by Viridescent
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Mega Archeops


Ability:optimist(Doubles the users attack and special attack when hp lower than 50%)




Sp atk:127(+15)

sp def:80(+15)



Mega Cloyster


Ability:skill link




Sp atk:100(+15)

Sp def:80(+25)



Mega Gigalith


Ability:solidate(all normal moves become rock moves with bonus)




Sp atk:60(+0)

Sp def:110(+30)



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You were constantly asking for this, so I delivered. Today I'm posting the almighty broken version that's flying straight to Ubers. Yes, you read well. FLYING. Because this M-Magnezone gets Levitate. Hold onto your butts, because I made it and it's B E A utiful!!!


Mega Magnezone (Project Magneto)

Type: Electric / Steel

Ability: Levitate
HP: 70

Atk: 70 --> 85 (+15)

Def: 115 --> 125 (+10)

SpA: 130 --> 165 (+35)

SpD: 90 --> 105 (+15)

Spe: 60 --> 85 (+25)

Mega Magnezone broadcasting loud and clear! This is an upgrade. Our main goal was to reinforce our tank's outter layer to be more resilient to hits by blunt objects. This goal has been reached albeit compact plans we made for the project left little room for recovery. We discarded the old analog system with the technology that's used in Maglav trains to reduce friction during movement, which led to a suprising boost in speed and utility. Finally, we made sure to enhance the damaging capabilities of the positron cannon by ... borrowing the plans used for M-Gardevoir's psychic abilities and M-Blastoise's hydraulic press modifications. Their combinations led to a triple core charging system that boosts the radioactive material we inserted to each core, dealing both electromagnetic and radioactive damage. Standing next to the project while in function is ill-advised. The user is to remain outside the blast radius because M-Magnezone is going to be devastating.

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I love it! I'd move the useless attack points to speed though, and shift maybe more to speed to make it tie with Mega Metagross.

In fact, I wasn't idly quoting Mega Magnezone, because in fact I had already made this thing on this thread, some three pages ago or so. But yes, I am honestly overjoyed that other people agree with me in that Magnezone needs a Mega and needs Levitate!

For the record, here's my version, which I posted earlier:

I can't believe I didn't find this sooner.


Type: Electric/Steel [unchanged]

Ability: Levitate [finally]

HP: 70

Atk: 70

Def: 115

Spatk: 160 (+30)

Spdef: 110 (+20)

Speed: 110 (+ 50)

Magnezone has always been one of my favourite mons, but it's a shame that its niche as a steel-trapper is shrinking in today's OU meta with the huge influx (pun intended) of offensive threats that outspeed or outmaneuver it, leaving it unable to utilize its great SpAtk. The horrible weakness to Ground (one of the commonest, if the THE commonest, attacking coverage moves) also renders its acceptable bulk rather exploitable. Magnezone needs a revamp, and what better than a well-deserved mega evolution?

Mega Magnezone Gains significant boosts to its SpAtk and SpDef, on par with many other mega pokemon, but most importantly, it finally gains Levitate, which it should have had from the start, (GF logic is bad) and a large boost to its speed along with it, which actually makes sense, since finally being able to get its butt off the ground means that it can fly fast. (Look at Metagross, for a similar justification.)

This makes Magnezone very dangerous, as it can retain Magnet Pull pre-mega to switch in on and trap steel types, and proceed to then Mega Evolve and obliterate them with a stronger HP Fire or Thunderbolt, while also gaining greater bulk and a safe mega evolution, along with a speed boost the next turn. The trapped steel types cannot escape on the turn Magnezone mega evolves, so this allows it to do its job while also gaining the benefits of being a fast, hard hitting, bulky special steel type that can finally make use of its godly typing to shrug off attacks from eleven types out of eighteen.

Edited by Viridescent
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mega zangoose


Tough claws

attack 150

defense 80

speed 110

special def 80

special attack 100

the first time I've ever used a zangoose was xd gale of darkness and while I thought zangoose was pretty good I always thought he was lacking something like an evolution. so with the introduction of gen 6 I thought zangoose would be among the few mons lucky enough to acquire mega evolution (nope) now we're at oras and still no dice. So I figure maybe you could be the one to make it happen.

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How about some Eeveelutions?

Mega Espeon

Type: Psychic


Time Paradox (new ability - multi turn moves now only require one turn - putting preperation and re-charge turns at the very beginning [priority +7] or at the very end [priority -7] of the turn)

So a +7 priority Hyper Beam with no recharge turn on a pokemon with base 170 Special Attack? Are you insane? Why not just give Slaking Huge Power........

Okay, M-Giga, straight to Ubers MY BAD SORRY

252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gigalith: 218-260 (58.2 - 69.5%)

4 Atk Gigalith Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Conkeldurr: 101-119 (28.7 - 33.9%)

Not even close to ubers. Were you being sarcastic, I really can't tell.

Let's do this!


Type: Bug/Fire

Ability: Drought

HP: 85

Atk: 70 (60+10)

Def: 95 (65+30)

SpA: 155 (135+20)

SpD: 125 (105+20)

Spe: 120 (100+20)

Mega Ditto


Type: Normal

Ability: Imposter ---> Gestalt (Changes into the enemy Pokemon on sight and boosts Atk, Def, SpA, SpD and Spe by one stage)

These on the other hand, Quick bans both.

Mega Archeops


Ability:optimist(Doubles the users attack and special attack when hp lower than 50%)




Sp atk:127(+15)

sp def:80(+15)



>Why don't you just give Slaking Huge Power while you're at it?
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Jericho you got Time Paradox wrong:

PREPERATION and CHARGE UP have +7priority, and recharge turns are -7

the attack itself has normal priority!


1) M-Espeon uses Solar Beam (lets ignore that it doesn't learn it for now) while the opponent uses a Quick Attack as priority move

Solar Beam charge up turn would be +7, the attack itself +0 - the enemy Quick attack is +1

so that wpuld be the turn order:

Priority +7: "M-Espeon stores sunlight"

Priority +1: Opponent uses Quick Attack

Priority 0: M-Espeon uses Solar Beam

2) M-Espeon uses Hyper Beam and opponent uses Quick Attack as priority move

Turn order:

Priority +1: Opponent uses Quick attack

Priority 0: M-Espeon uses Hyper Beam

Priority -7: M-Espeon recharges after using Hyper Beam

Effectiveley it just gets rid of the Charge-up or Recharge turn itself by using it in the same turn!

The way I designed the ability (with the priority system) is for moves like Dig, Fly, Phantom Force etc. - those get a +7 Priority on their preperation turn, making the using Pokemon 'invulnerable' for the turn, unless one of those special moves is used, or the opponent uses negative priority moves, or is just slower


1) M-Espeon uses Dig, M-Alakazam uses Shadow Ball (as I mentioned from Base Stats M-Alakazam is still faster then M-Espeon

Turn Order:

Priority +7: M-Espeon digs into the ground

Priority 0 (speed advantage M-Alakazam): M-Alakazam uses Shadow Ball - Shadow Ball misses

Priority 0 (speed disadvantage M-Espeon): M-Espeon uses Dig!

2) M-Espeon uses Dig, M-Alakazam uses Earthquake (again lets ignore it doesn't learn it)

Turn Order:

Priority +7: M-Espeon digs into the ground

Priority 0 (M-Alakazam): M-Alakazam uses Earthquake - Earthquake hits with double power!

Priority 0 (M-Espeon): M-Espeon uses Dig

3) M-Espeon uses Dig, M-Alakazam uses Counter[-5 priority] (Gen.1 TM - ha! take that!)

Turn Order:

Priority +7: M-espeon digs into the ground

Priority 0: M-Espeon uses Dig

Priority -5: M-Alakazam uses Counter

However - yeah a 170 Sp.Atk Hyper Beam that only uses one turn hurts a lot...

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Effectiveley it just gets rid of the Charge-up or Recharge turn itself by using it in the same turn!

The way I designed the ability (with the priority system) is for moves like Dig, Fly, Phantom Force etc. - those get a +7 Priority on their preperation turn, making the using Pokemon 'invulnerable' for the turn, unless one of those special moves is used, or the opponent uses negative priority moves, or is just slower

Ceph do you realise that a slow pokémon with this ability and access to at least one of the dig-like moves would be literally untouchable right? I know you intended the ability for mega espeon primarily, but the implications of it in the case of, say, a skill swap, are scary as fuck.

Say for example that I skill swap it into a marowak holding a lagging tail: marowak is already slow on its own, but the lagging tail makes it always move last when it uses a move of the same priority as the opponent. Now, it gains the ability to select dig and becomes invulnerable to literally any form of attack or direct damage except earthquake, with a +7 priority charge that prevents even moves like extreme speed from hitting and shuts the lagging tail down as no other move has the same priority bracket. However, when the time to attack comes, marowak's dig will still and always come in last place, as the lagging tail makes everything else on the field move before marowak's dig hits, at the end of the turn. Basically if it wasn't because dig can't hit flying types, EQ will hit underground marowak for double the damage, dig itself has only 10 PP and rare no guard foes can still hit.... this would be literally broken. I still think it is, kinda. When you have to resort to obscure negative priority attacks (vital throw, avalanche, revenge) to hit, then there's a problem.

A mon with access to fly in the same circumstances as the marowak above is literally a god, as it cannot be touched by any attack unless it runs out of fly PP (which could always be helped by a teammate with lunar dance), and nothing is immune to the flying type. The opponent has to resort to either toxic stall before the mon acquires the ability (assuming this is a double battle and you skill swapped time paradox into it), or rely on damaging weather, ghost curse, having an excellent wall that can PP stall, or just forfeit.

In doubles particularly this would be a nightmare of an ability that would probably get banned depending on what mons get it, as I'm pretty sure some specific partner combinations can win the game by simply leading with them.

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