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If you could make your own mega evolution...

Lord Chespin

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Water, Electric





Sp. Atk:126 (50+)

Sp. Def:76

Speed:126 (50+)

I think Lanturn is very underused, and her typing is one of my favorite typings in the game! I think she needs to have more power though, and the ability to tank so adding Multiscale will allow her to go out, take half damage from hits, then hit hard and fast thanks to the Sp. Atk buffs and Speed buffs. This is just my opinion and I'm not very competitive, so maybe one of you master trainers can edit this for me

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The idea is good, certainly, but Lanturn isn't used much simply because the annoying washing machine has the same typing, better defenses, Levitate and access to annoying moves like Will-O-Wisp.

Multiscale on Mega Lanturn is questionable since it can't hold Leftovers and doesn't learn any recovery moves other than Rest, so I doubt it can make use of it. In my humble opinion, Lanturn is supposed to be a tanky pivot with access to a slow Volt Switch and support moves to facilitate switches. I'd rather grant it improved bulk, as its high HP is nullified by its abysmal defenses.

Since you asked for opinions, although I certainly don't claim to be a master (I hope you weren't sarcastic) I'd suggest a stat spread like this:

HP: 125

Atk: 58

Def: 98 (+40)

SpAtk: 116 (+40)

SpDef: 126 (+50)

Speed: 46 (-30)

Lanturn's niche is in Volt Absorb, which allows it immunity to electric moves and gives it a rare resistance to the BoltBeam combination of Ice and Electric coverage, which only a few, like Shedinja and the Magnemite line share. I think it's better if it kept Volt Absorb, or shifted to Lightning Rod if you want to take an offensive stance.

Another decent ability on it would be Natural Cure, as it could then use Rest to heal itself up to full health and erase sleep upon switching out. This makes a Rest+Sleep Talk set with Scald and Volt Switch very viable, as it can heal itself more reliably as well as have a chance to spread burns and switch out to a partner whilst also keeping itself awake and healthy. Heal Bell is also an alternative, as it allows Lanturn to help it's teammates.

Granted, it'll likely not be used in OU even this way, since Rotom-W still does the job better as it doesn't need to eat up a Mega slot, and since even with this edition, Mega Lanturn is very underwhelming in both power and bulk when compared to heavyweights like Mega Gyarados, Ampharos or Swampert.

However, Lanturn can definitely see more use in UU, though, where Megas aren't so heavily relied on and where it can claim a unique role as a supporting pivot or cleric (although again it faces stiff competition from Mega Ampharos in that regard.)

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Besides that, I think the max number a stat can be in pokémon is 255. So 280 goes beyond that by a fairly big range. Is not the same as having an ability that boosts said stat tho: a mon could have an attack stat of 255 and still have huge power for a greater attack after all modifiers are applied into calculation, but its base stat would still be 255.

You could make a mega shuckle with 255 def and spd, but... why not give it more attack then? for example, 105 attack, and keep defenses the same. Ability....uh....solid rock? then use power trick, and you have a mon with 230 attack and a somewhat decen 105 def helped by solid rock. With the right support and infestation to trap certain pokemon that cannot touch it... dunno I think it could work to a degree?

As for regigigas, I've started to see a trend on the mega evolutions people give this thing: first, that they all have 200 base attack, and second, that they include some broken signature ability. 200 base attack is greater than people might think. Fully invested it reaches 499, which is VERY high. So high in fact, that even if regigigas gets burned or slow start is put into account, its attack goes to ~250, which is the max invested of a mon with a base attack of 89, which is still fairly average, just to get an idea of how high 200 base attack is.

Regular Regigigas already has good bulk, only one weakness, and a fair range of attacking moves that do great damage when slow start wears off. The moment you give it 200 base attack coupled with those other atributes, and considering it can run retaliate/facade/return which only ghost is immune to (regi has dark coverage), it might be a bit too strong if you also give it an ability that doubles stats.

There are many abilities that could help mega regi without breaking it: stall would force it to move last and take a hit but it would give it a base 100 power payback. Guts would scare statusers away (although it doesn't fit thematically imo). Iron fist boosts its punching moves. Normalize could give it stab on everything but make it unable to touch ghosts. Soundproof makes it immune to the likes of hyper voice and allows it to set a safe substitute. Clear body prevents intimidation or sticky web.

ok did not know the 255 stat rule.shuckle is know for an extreme stat distribution.it could even gain those 50 points boosts to atk and sp atk,but this all relies on the use of power trick.As for regigigas that one was just for fun.regigigas even if it gest a mega it will have a hindering ability because it will be able to sweep if it doesnt.the best hindering ability i could think was that.or better give it an ability that prevents it from using damaging moves for 5 turns.that would be fair for a mega of its magnitude.The ability stall you mentioned would make it only attack last,but it would kill the enemy for sure.i think regigigas is a pokemon that for a mega requires a lot of creativity

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Ok before posting this one I'd like to apologize for my previous attempt at a mega evo, as it was caused by boredom in a french class

now for the mego evo of this post MEGA EMBOAR.

Ability: reckless

Type doesn't change


ATK: 123-> 133 (+10)

DEF: 65-> 80 (+15)

SP ATK: 100-> 110 (+10)

SP DEF: 65-> 80 (+15)

SPD: 65-> 115 (+50)
I'd figure Emboars biggest problem is it's lack of speed so I gave it 50 more speed, The defense boosts give it a bit more survivability,and I don't see any reason to change it's typing so it keeps its stealth rock neutrality. I figure it's going to be a threat in one of the tiers, just not O.U.
Edited by YinYang9705
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Mirror B has to have one of these

Mega Ludicolo


Type: Grass/Water

Ability: Regenerator


HP 80

Attack 70 -> 70

Defense 70 -> 90 (+20)

Sp. Attack 90 -> 115 (+25)

Sp. Defense 100 -> 130 (+30)

Speed 70 -> 95 (+25)

BST 480 -> 580

Grass/Water undoubtedly is a good typing, nothing drastically change in role of Mega Ludicolo compared to Ludicolo in this set, only stat changes complement it better in specially defensive sweeper and it doesn't have to rely heavily on rain setup for its poor speed. Regenerator increases its longevity in battles for a late game sweep.

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If this is a mega designed for mirror b, I'd give it Drizzle over regenerator for the doubles synergy.

also: exactly what is ludiculo supposed to sweep with? Water/Grass has plenty of weaknesses, especially to top-tier mons like talonflame

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Mega Arcanine


Ability:Flariate(all normail moves become fire moves together with the boost)It should gain effect of extreme speed cause it was its original signature move




Sp atk:130(+30)

Sp def:80



Make the legendary pokemon legendary

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Nice, but it's a little in competition with Zard-X, isn't it? Of course, it boasts greater initial power (on some moves) and speed, and has boosted priority, better coverage and even Wow + recovery, but Zard-X can boost its stats and is bulkier has and more reliable recovery.

Anyways, aside from Mega Magnezone, I have this:


(Still no drawing sorry :/)

Type: Water/Fairy (fabulous!)

Ability: Serene Grace (does this look like the face of mercy?)

HP: 95

Atk: 70 (+10)

Def: 109 (+30)

SpAtk: 130 (+30)

Spdef: 155 (+30)

Speed: 81

The stats mirror (heh, pun intended) those of Mega Gyarados. Which is fitting, since their base forms' stats are also exactly the same, just different in allocation, and they are counterparts in every way anyhow. Since one has already received a brutal, Dark Mega, the other ought to receive a kind, Fairy one!

Milotic is a good Pokemon in UU, being the standard bulky water type with a few perks like an acceptable speed and special attack, access to Recover and Calm Mind, and a cool (heh) ability range with Competitive and the RestTalk Marvel Scale phasing set.

It is, however, rather unremarkable, and faces some competition from Vaporeon and other bulky waters. This Mega makes it OU material, and will see excellent usage alongside a Ferrothorn or a Heatran on Balance teams as part of a FDS or FWG core.

The Fairy typing makes aesthetic sense on a pretty Pokemon like milotic, but Competitively (heh, I'm making so many puns) it grants it a great offensive and defensive typing. Its greatly improved defenses augment this; in fact, it's special bulk is quite astronomical, especially factoring in its access to Recover. It also has a good SpAtk stat boost, that while rather underwhelming on its own, can easily accumulate Calm Mind boosts to turn fearsome very quickly.

The most significant change is in granting it Serene Grace. It makes great conceptual and aesthetic sense on it, and turns it into the worst kind of bulky water to take down; if you thought a 30% burn rate on Scald was bad, how about a 60% burn rate? Makes Volcanion's burning shenanigans loomk pathetic!

But it doesn't stop there. Serene Grace Moonblast (which of course it will receive) means a huge chance to drop the foes' special attack, combining with the burn rate from Scald to make it progressively difficult to even touch Milotoc, from both special and physical spectra. It can even abuse Ice Beam to fish (heh) for Freeze hax, and can utilize a max defense RestTalk set to thwart Toxic and become a nightmare to break through.

However, Milotic still has trouble with statuses if it doesn't run Rest, and it struggles to take down fat Grass types like M-Venusaur, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth and Celebi (although all but the last hate burns) and it can't touch Volcanion or any such. It also falls to powerful wallbreaker, especially physical ones, like Kyurem-B, and it can't handle powerful moves from the likes of Thundurus, Serperior, and many other offensive threats that can boost. Pink blobs also don't have much to fear from it.

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alright this pokemon deserves a mega due to its brother getting one so how about this one so an idea


Mega Slowbro









pretty much same as slowbro except reverse defences gave him a boost in def seems fair as a calm mind start isnt as efficent with this guy also pair with regenrator that makes him a dangerous wall even without setup and a quick switch away from max health now seeing as a trend with some pokemon with divided mega like gardevoir getting a broken ability and galade a very situational one i decided to do the same here slowbro gets shell armor so he dosent get crit usefull when crits are happening and mega slowbro regenrator a very good ability to say the least

Edited by NovaKnight
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mega Eelektross






Sp atk:145(+40)

Sp def:80



The typing makes total sense sine its evolution line can learn a lot of poison moves.and the most important thing at the cost of one weakness(to psychic) it gains a ton of resistances like fairy,fighting,bug,grass and poison in addition to electric,steel and flying which it had before.Ground even at 4x weakness cant touch due to levitate.with 8 resistances one immunity and only one weakness,this pokemon cant be great,because electric/poison is a good combo and this is the best pokemon to capitalize that since it has levitate.it can be used ad a mixed attacker,physical or special.(has a lot of potential)

Edited by Bessi
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Since nobody is holding back in this thread, I might as well follow.


Mega Skarmory

Type: Steel / Flying

Ability: Rock Head

HP: 65

Atk: 80 --> 115 (+35)

Def: 140 --> 165 (+25)

SpA: 40 --> 55 (+15)

SpD: 70 --> 85 (+15)
Spe: 70 --> 80 (+10)

Here it is, the Mega Bird you've all been waiting for! M-Skarmory enters the realms of men and pokemon to satiate its enormous hunger. It feeds upon the flesh of the innocent, and cares little about recoil, as its physical characteristics allow it to sustain no damage. Increased defenses so it can laugh louder when you try to damage it, and a slight boost in speed just to mock slower pokemon and their inability to stop him. Skarmory may reprise his role as a hazard lead, or a defensive tank able to take and dish damage back, all while abusing roost to the maximum. Angry Birds representative? Check.

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Type: Fire / Normal

Ability: Scrappy

HP: 86

Atk: 68 --> 168 (+100)
Def: 72 --> 92 (+20)
SpA: 109 --> 49 (-60)

SpD: 66 --> 86 (+20)

Spe: 106 --> 126 (+20)

This Mega is a joke. Don't take it too seriously.

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Dabgnabbit I was saving Mega Skarm. You turned it into a literal Stymphalean Bird.

I wanted one like this:


Type: Steel/Flying

Ability: Filter (BALK)

HP: 65

Atk: 120 (+40)

Def: 180 (+40)

SpAtk: 40

Spdef: 100 (+30)

Speed: 60 (-10)

Why not just make it the fattest thing alive. Because it would do well in OU by current indications then, giving Quag and Alo and Chansey and Cress some company as they mindlessly blob around everywhere (disgusting stall I hate it so much...)

Anyways, this thing is a nightmare to take down, because Roost and Filter and bulk that is insanely high. Loses a bit of speed, but gains a respectable 120 attack stat so it might even pull off an unassailable SD set with Iron Head, Brave Bird and Roost. As a hazard setter or defogger, this thing will be even more ungodly than its base form too.

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the first one I have is serperior. im thinking of one for infernape so ill post that later. but for now my signature mon

mega serperior




attack:75 --> 115 (+30)


sp.att:75 --> 115 (+30)


speed:113 --> 153 (+40)

I fixed it after juggler pointed it out. its been modified to the actual requirements.

here serperior is brought to his full glory. given the appearance of a somewhat dragon his attack and sp.att are increased to provide neutral forms to different types of builds. its speed is where its put the most as it can easily outspeed alo of things with its base speed. it unlocks its contrary ability making it able to adapt to reverse effects of moves. its defenses were only given a small boost as its not its prime area of effect. this is a mon that should be available in the future it would be awesome.

Edited by Jmanultrax1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Literally copy+pasting this from my art thread because reasons;

I present to you the next in the Mega evolutions series: Goodradus Megatherion!



Type: Poison/Dragon

Ability: Liquid Ooze

Base stats:

HP: 90

Atk: 120 (+20)

Def: 110 (+40)

SpAtk: 130 (+20)

SpDef: 180 (+30)

Speed: 70 (-10)

This one is actually a favourite of mine. It's inspired by the nudibranch, a sea slug that eats poisonous sea anemones and imbibes the toxins to become poisonous itself. That's why Mega Goodra is Dragon/Poison! The crown of tentacly antennae and the larger row of the same on the back are a reference to this, as are the bright colours that advertise toxicity. It's still a cuddly, gooey, huggy Dragon though! Cute and yet icky.

Now, getting competitive, I wanted to do Goodra some justice, really. A great concept ruined by subpar typing, not-very-good(ra) physical defenses and a crippling lack of recovery. I debated about giving it Regenerator, but that's not strictly in conformance with slug biology, and like with Mega Yanmega with Levitate over the not-inconsistent Tinted Lens, it's absurd for a thing to not have an obvious biological ability. So, Mega Goodra gets Liquid Ooze as an ability, improving over Gooey in terms of physiological logic.

Now, Liquid Ooze is a rather meh ability, situational but not beneficial in particular. And yet I wanted to patch up Goodra's flaws. So what do I do? Why, the most evil of things, of course: Grant Goodra access to Recover!

It makes sense, really, if Gastrodon can get it, why not the other sea slug? Recover makes Goodra much more potent as a tank, and lets it stick around (here) longer to abuse it's fantastic coverage: Draco Meteor, Outrage, newly STAB Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Power Whip, and so on. And now, it can't even be poisoned, so it can even run a horrible defensive set with Toxic or Dragon Tail and Recover!

As I'm giving it reliable recovery, I may as well make it the fattest thing on the planet.

Loses speed a bit, because it's so FAT, but who cares, this thing can drink EQs and Psyshocks with ease!

And there were are. Enjoy!

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Loses speed a bit, because it's so FAT, but who cares, this thing can drink EQs and Psyshocks with ease!

0 Atk TankChomp Earthquake vs 252 HP / 252+ Def M-Goodra: 48% - 57% (Guaranteed 2HKO after Rocks)

252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Outrage vs 252 HP / 252+ Def M-Goodra: 91% - 107% (Guaranteed OHKO after Rocks)

252 SpA Life Orb Latios Psyshock vs 252 HP / 252+ Def M-Goodra: 61% - 72% (Guaranteed 2HKO)

This on the other hand is impressive as fuck:

252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 252+ SpD M-Goodra: 69% - 81%

And more relevantly:

252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs 252 HP / 0 SpD M-Goodra: 87% - 103%

Your M Goodra has a chance to survive a super effective Draco Meteor after Stealth Rocks without any special investment. It's a tiny chance, but that's still some godly bulk.

Edited by Sohn der Höhe
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Mega Slurpuff

Type: Fairy / Fighting

Ability: Filter

HP: 82
Atk: 80 --> 110 (+30)

Def: 86 --> 91 (+5)

SpA: 85 --> 120 (+35)

SpD: 75 --> 85 (+10)

Spe: 72 --> 92 (+20)

Today's mega is the epitome of anti-racism. Mega Slurpuff is a Fairy/Fighting cotton candy that does not care if you're black, white, yellow, purple or all of them together. It will still kick your ass. Our little resident fairy has received buffs in both Atk and SpA, which it can utilize even with its rather shallow movepool. The ability of choice is Filter, which powers down the super effective hits, and provides extra turns of survival which may judge the outcome of the match. A little bulk here and there to fare well against serious wallbreakers, and some speed since it has lost the niche in Unburden. M-Slurpuff appears innocent at first glance, but give it some time, and you'll have yet another reason to love cotton candy.

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(No time nor skill to make cool fanart)

Strong Jaw
HP: 60
Atk: 125 (+40)
Def: 104 (+35)
SpA: 45 (-20)
SpD: 99 (+20)
Spe: 105 (+25)

Basically, this mega would grant it a key immunity to Psychic and STAB to Crunch, which gets strengthened alongside all the Fang moves (including STAB Poison Fang, with a chance of badly poisoning the foe).
Its physical stats get major buffs, as does it get an important speed above 100, nailing mons that would otherwise counter it (like Garchomp, e.g.) These stats make it also viable to run a strong Coil-set, with all of the boosts being relevant (Gunk Shot has 80% accuracy).
I'm a little unsure how to distribute points over its defenses, as well as how much I can detract from its special attack without being too ridiculous (subtracting more would obviously go to defend itself better).

Simply put, it's a big fat snake with a baaaad temper. It probably isn't going to bust OU, but it would at least be respected in UU, I believe.

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Mega Electivire

HP: 100 (+25)

Attack: 150 (+27)

Defense:80 (+13)

Sp Attack: 100 (+5)

Sp. Defense: 90 (+5)

Speed: 120 (+25)

For an ability, either Sheer Force or keep Motor Drive.

You cannot add HP.

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Mega Klinklang

Type: Steel/Fire

Ability: Motor Drive

HP: 60

Attack: 100 -> 138

Defense: 115 -> 132

Special Attack: 70

Special Defense: 85 -> 97

Speed: 90 -> 123

New Moves: Overheat, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz (from move relearner)

So this thing was entirely based on me thinking of gears spinning really fast and grinding and heating up and creating fire and stuff, and wanted to be a little different. Motor Drive gives it immunity to Electric Moves, including the ever present Thunder Wave. The new moves are based on the overheating idea. Boost to defenses are useful with the change in type, and of course it is a physical attacker. Other possible abilities are Bulletproof, Flame Body and Turboblaze.

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