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Xatu x Goomy.

Now we have a new religion.










GoomyxXatu OTP

Edited by Azeria
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Hmm, Weavile X Mega-Aggron? Insane weavilistic speed and attack, while insane defense and bulk powered by M-Aggrons side. However, a dark/ice/steel pokemon would have too many important weaknesses, mainly a x6 weakness to fighting, a x4 weakness to fire and x2 to ground. Filter would take those down to x4,5, x3 and x1,5 respectively, so maaaaaaaybe it would survive minor hits. Dunno.

Maybe Shedinja X Elektross


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Xatu x Goomy.

Now we have a new religion.











GoomyxXatu OTP


I'd say Goomy and Quagsire:

With Goomy's Sp. Def on Quagsire and Quagsire's unaware, they will be unstoppable.


Edited by DoubleAA14
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It all depends on how the base stats, abilities, moves and types will be passed on the fused pokemon.

As the most powerful, the answer is obviously Blissey and Shuckle. With Shuckles defences, Blissey's hp and Natural cure, with acces to softboiled and Infestation. Try to take on that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

why do i think this topic is -eventually- gonna turn into a pokemon shipping topic 0.o


All the tyrougue evo's (hitmonlee, hitmonchan, hitmontop) fused into one mecha-pokemon >:D (think of a mega machamp, but with unnecessary body parts)

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