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Rate my Water Monorun Team

Daniel Blackworth

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So, I just finished my first run of Pokemon Reborn and I'd like you guys to rate my Water monorun team. I'd appreciate the help.

My Team:

Empoleon (Water/Steel) Lv. 71 Ability:Defiant

- Water Pledge

- Hydro Pump

- Drill Peck

- Metal Claw

Swanna (Water/Flying) Lv. 71 Ability: Hydration

- Hurricane

- Brave Bird

- Roost

- Surf

Seaking (Water) Lv.72 Ability: LightningRod

- Waterfall

- Rain Dance

- Megahorn

- Horn Drill

Azumarill (Water/Fairy) Lv. 72 Ability: Huge Power

- Double Edge

- Superpower

- Bounce

- Play Rough

Ludicolo (Water/Grass) Lv.71 Ability: Own Tempo

- Mega Drain

- Surf

- Brick Break

- Knock Off

Sharpedo (Water/Dark) Ability: Speed Boost

- Crunch

- Skull Bash

- Surf

- Ice Fang

Most gym leaders were not much of a problem except for Shelly (Confusion and Lowering stats hax), Serra (Don't know why), Noel (Thunder Wave hax, and that Porygon and Cincinno), and Ex-Leader Blake (Blizzard hax).

What moves and abilities should I change? And any pokemon to add? Thanks.

Edited by Mr. Divergent
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Consult my pinned guide for pre-E13 breeding for Empoleon. With that, you can make a Empoleon quite a powerhouse. I use Agility, Ice Beam, Scald(Hydro Pump works too I guess, I just hate the accuracy) and Grass Knot and sweeping is rather easy with it. Then switching to Torrent instead of Defiant would be much better.

Don't bother with Roost since we not only have healing items, but also because Swanna is also really frail. No point in running 2 Flying STABs. You could run Rain Dance and a Damp Rock, both to strengthen Water STABs, to make Hurricane 100% accurate and to actually use it's Ability. Aaaaand Ice Beam, pre-E13. And maybe Endeavor from the tutor.

Horn Drill is terrible. Instead, Poison Jab could be rather useful. You can also get Body Slam onto it for some paras, or maybe Agility to fish for flinches with Waterfall or something, Seaking really doesn't have too many options.

I'd go for the standard Belly Drum Azu: Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Play Rough, Waterfall/Superpower(or Brick Break to not lose stats)/Bounce/Body Slam.

Pre-E13 Ice Beam. With that new Lotad, don't evolve it for a while and you can get Giga Drain. And how the hell did you get Knock Off onto it. For the 4th move (because it's physical attack is mediocre at best), you can go with Rain Dance and change it's Ability to Swift Swim.

Instead of Crunch, Night Slash would be better since it would crit 50% of the time if you give it a Scope Lens from the Obsidia Department Store. Next, Waterfall>Surf. And a move that needs to be charged up is terrible on something with Sharpedo's "defenses". Instead, Destiny Bond would be ideal, just grab yourself a Qwilfish. Or Bounce I guess.

But if you're asking me Swanna and Seaking can definitely go, and maybe also Sharpedo. For replacements, all worth using along with their move options are:

-Sheer Force Kingler with Agility, Crabhammer, Knock Off, Brick Break, Facade, Swords Dance or Rock Slide or X-Scissor. The last 3 are pre-E13 moves and it's currently impossible to get both SD and RS. Sheer Force also negates Life Orb recoil. Agility and Crabhammer are almost a must, and I'll leave the other moves up to you.

-Swift Swim or Rock Head Relicanth with Head Smash, Waterfall, Earthquake, Rock Polish (if not Swift Swim), Zen Headbutt, Bounce. EQ and RP are pre-E13 moves, Geodude easily gets both moves for you.

-Adaptability Crawdaunt with Dragon Dance, Knock Off, Crabhammer, Superpower, Rock Slide, X-Scissor. The last 2 are pre-E13 moves, but you can't get one of those and Dragon Dance.

-Torrent Swampert with Waterfall, Earthquake, Curse, Avalanche, Brick Break/Hammer Arm, Rock Slide. I'd go for the first 3 with either Avalanche or Rock Slide as last.

-Volt Absorb Lanturn with Discharge, Hydro Pump/Surf/Scald, Ice Beam, Charge Beam, Signal Beam, Thunder Wave. I'd go for the first 4, with Hydro Pump for power, Surf for reliability or Scald for something barely weaker than Surf, but with a very high burn chance. I'd go with Scald since Hydro Pump's accuracy is atrocious and the high burn chance works well with Lanturn's great bulk.

-Clawitzer with Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam. First 4.

-Rotom-Wash with Hydro Pump, Discharge, Charge Beam, Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse, Will-o-Wisp, Hidden Power. Will-o is a pre-E13 move. I'd go for HP, Discharge, WoW and any 4th move.

-Any Water typed Shell Smasher

And the 2 best Water types currently in the game:

--Water Veil Huntail with Shell Smash, Sucker Punch/Crunch, Waterfall, Ice Fang, Body Slam, Bounce. I'd go for the first 4 with Sucker Punch instead of Crunch for when you can't afford to set up, but that should generally not be a problem. You can also run Baton Pass.

--Gorebyss with Shell Smash, Psychic, Hydro Pump/Surf/Scald, Ice Beam. I'd go for Scald, since the user of a set-up move that lowers defenses cannot afford to miss and Surf is barely stronger than Scald, plus the burn chance technically boosts your physical defense.

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It's a really good team overall, although there is space for development. 1st I recomend breed a new Lotad with giga drain and leech seed and with rain dish for it's ability (swift swim is also a good choice). Sharpedo is better wih physical moves so waterfall/dive > surf. Also adaptability crawdaunt is another choice for water/dark. Rain dance support is also really helpful so you can learn it to more pokemon (swanna and ludicolo i think are the best to set it up). Definetely get a physical water stab on azumarill over double edge. I also recomend lanturn and a water/ground pokemon (swampert and quagsire are the best) for covering the electric weakness instead of the seaking.

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And how the hell did you get Knock Off onto it.

Lombre learns it at level 36.

Some good water types not mentioned:



I forgot the EV spread, so I'll post it later.

- Toxic

- Scald

- Recover

- Stockpile

Such a stally powerhouse, it can deal with Terra alone, after 3 stockpiles you'll be indestructible. All the four moves are avaliable through Panpour - Buizel - Skrelp - Pelipper - Gastrodon - Wooper.


Swift Swim

Maximize Spatt and speed

- surf

- sludge wave

- earth power (from corsola)

- grass knot

And make it modest, you can also give it a life orb for more power, but of course you'll need rain support.


Thick Fat

Maximize HP and spdef

- Curse

- Earthquake

- Waterfall

- Ice ball

This thing doesn't get a recovery move, so unfortunately you'll have to spend your money in healing items, but it's definitely a monster, I tested it. The chain for EQ and curse is camerupt > spheal

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