Cyaloom Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 (edited) With Arial (open for anyone to talk but there's a hint on who I'd like to talk with) "This is very interesting..." Monika thought, then listened to Anna, who was talking to all of the students. "And, now everything seems to make sense... there's a relation between those Games and what's happening now... At least it looks like it." "About yesterday... I could come with you even today, but we could decide that at the end of the school... if you want, we could talk more now, but I'll finish lunch first." she said, and then added, softly: "You are starting to become loud" with her usual smile. After that, she just began to eat the rest of her lunch, either waiting for an eventual reply from Arial, or for someone else - who could be interested in her rollerblades, just wanting to ask her something about the upcoming afternoon or the last one. She actually hoped that one person in particular could talk to her... someone that, after the school had finished yesterday, just went home. But he was not a "friend" like Arial, and Monika preferred to wait for him to approach her instead of talking to him first. Edited April 13, 2015 by Cyaloom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 (edited) [Arthur and the rest of the class]Setsuna heard. Arial was busy speaking her mind very loudly. It would actually be quite amusing if the information she was leaking was not so morbid. Even now, she was standing at the side of Arthur's desk waiting for his reply to her apology.Her mouth curved up into a smile. She had found it. One of her leads which she had thought to be a wild goose chase was actually still viable. The archeologist she was referring to was likely Ike Johnson, the man who she attempted to find at the Port the day before. If she was right, the man would be at the beach. Therefore, what she should chase was obvious. Going after the Ice Queen was dangerous and they were nearly killed by her. She had no definite information on her and no reason to believe that she would not follow through with her warning from before. "The Ice Queen can wait, then. I will not let you escape me again, Ike Johnson."Moreover, Arial seemed to be putting suspicion onto Anna, who Setsuna definitely had some suspicions about. So, she took out the D-Pad in her bag to message Dominic about the lead involving Ike Johnson and continued to wait as she listened to the little burst of exposition from the teacher who she pinned some suspicions on. She cringed at the amount of coincidental connections that she was insinuating. The armored man, the archeologist she was searching for, the late teacher, and the current one were all connected.She then spoke up. "I met the Michitaka guy as well. He even introduced himself to me after he knocked me over at the entrance to the hotel yesterday. Whether or not he had made some oath holds no weight on the matter. He was there."Setsuna was not sure why she had said it. It just popped out. Perhaps she did not want to feel left out in this exchange of information.It was at this point that Setsuna realized something. She had been allowing this talk of the supernatural to actually be normalized in her. She seemed to be accepting it for some reason…no, it wasn't just some reason. The encounter with the Ice Queen she had yesterday was definitely far from natural. Maybe she's a priestess of Isis or something of the sort. She did have darker skin from what little I saw of her. Setsuna rolled her eyes at her train of thought. I've been reading that novel series waaaay too much. Edited April 13, 2015 by Hiss13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 [Klive/Somewhat Robert] "It's Luna or at least I think it is. You aren't going to get a girl if you keep...wait a minute." Luna realized something the student had just said. "Did you just say you're neither a boy or girl. That can't be right. The only explanation is're an alien." She then stared right into Kilve's eyes. "So what planet did you come from?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 Zander's eyes gleamed like polished sapphires when he saw the card that Lane had dropped. His mouth opened larger than the size of the Hope Diamond and he began stumbling over his words. He leapt forward and grasped Lane's shirt in his hands. "W-w-w-w-where d-did you g-get that? I-I-I-I'll..." Zander paused and looked down at his wrist. His amethyst coated watch gleamed under the light of the class room. "I-I-I'll g-give you m-m-my watch for it! Do you feel like you've gained any p-p-powers or s-something?" It was then that Anna began to speak to them, an intriguing story about the connection between Duel Monsters and their current scenario, as well as the backstory of Anna and the various people Zander had heard of the evening before. If she had known all this information, why did she not tell us earlier? We could have gotten so much done last night had we known this information. When Anna brought up Ayatane, Zander held his mouth until she finished before deciding to speak. His hands still clasped to Lane's shirt, Zander proclaimed, "I met Ayatane in Heart Hotel earlier last night, and later, Roy, Paul, Monika, and I all found him in a alleyway here at the school. I already told you what he told me, and I guess that information is to be trusted now." Zander released Lane's shirt from his grip and turned to the class. "I don't know if the rest of you guys did any sort of investigating last night, but I'd like to ask that you do now. If Ms. Reinier allows it, I'd like to create an investigation group so we can hopefully figure out how all of this is linked to Professor Tenjo's death." As he mentioned Anna, Zander turned towards her with his hands open, palms up. "Are you alright with that, Ms. Reinier?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Omega_Ra1der Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 (edited) {To the beach group} Dean got up from his desk and moved to where the group from yesterday were sitting and he responded to Rene's question: Well, I have some info that is almost unrelated to this topic but in my yesterday tenure near the pub, the bouncer ran out and practically crashed into me but I got up quickly,soon, he was surrounded and he said to a certain boy that isn't me, " You are just like the professor!" he panicked and ran." He also said: But consider this theory, What if the archaeologist is related to the professor death? Edited April 13, 2015 by OmegaRa1der Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tails12 Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 (Classroom/Beach Group from last night) "Seems like we all have found something yesterday," Rene said after listening to what everyone else who was in the classroom had said. He continued with confidence in his voice, "I like Zander's idea of an investigation group to seek out answer to Mr. Tenjo's death. I'm really curious to figure out the real cause behind his death and not just random speculations and theories." He wondered if anyone else felt the same. Then there was talk of the legends and myths from the ancient Japanese and Egyptian cultures. Rene wasn't too familiar with Japanese legends, but after hearing what his classmates had discussed along with Miss Reiner's lecture he could see some of the parallels between the two. He then curiously said to the group, "I wonder if there really is a connection between the ancient Japanese and Egyptian cultures, or even Isis and Izanami. Another thing I'm curious about is how people could draw Isis' power to start these 'Shadow Games' that the museum exhibit discussed yesterday." Rene seemed to have formed his own goal to get to the bottom of not only Mr. Tenjo's death, but also how it may have been connected with everything else that his classmates have brought forth to the table. With that on his mind, Rene thought he'd stay in the classroom to eat today so he wouldn't miss out on any other leads. He definitely wanted to go back to the beach later, but more to try and achieve his goal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaito Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 [speak to General classroom] Ken perked up slightly at the idea of an "investigation team." It was just like he was thinking of last night on the way home! He'd totally be a part of something like that. But it didn't show on his face as he listened to Anna's story from the back of the room with a slightly bored expression. Lucky for him, he had a great poker face. It was certainly an interesting tale... but at the moment, he didn't really find it too helpful. Informative, but not helpful. So, Ken sat back, watching the events of the classroom unfold before he decided to speak up, making sure his voice carried all the way to the front, loud and clear. "I like the idea of an investigation team. In fact, count me in. But screaming at each other isn't chill. So everyone cool your jets for a minute and be quiet. I know we all probably have something to say, but first let's nominate some sort of leader so we don't run around with our heads cut off. So let's do that, aye? I did my own investigation solo last night. I have something to share, but first let's get the leader thing down. Ken said loudly for everyone to hear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted April 13, 2015 Support Squad Share Posted April 13, 2015 [Luna/Robert] "I hail from Flargon 8, the marshmellow planet. Not as fun as it sounds, far too mushy." Klive responded flippantly. Xe was trying to listen in on most of the class. Xe figured it might be a good idea to pool together but something in them just stopped xem from speaking up like xe did yesterday. Hell, xe still only knew half the names of people in the class. Working with people you can't even name is always a bad start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 ((Zander and the classroom I guess)) Lane silently cursed and picked up the card as soon as Zander released his shirt. “Believe me, you don't want this card. I dueled someone for it and... it's hard to explain but it was almost like the guy got possessed by it or something.” He sighed as the other boy proposed to create an investigation group. “I know I'm not one to talk but you should really reconsider this. I saw what these cards could do. They really are dangerous.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboAura Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 (edited) (Klive, Luna) Robert laughed as he saw the conversation he found himself in. It seemed like Luna didn't exactly know what Klive meant by 'neither,' but it wasn't really his place if xe just went with the joke. He instead turned as he heard the big commotion in the classroom, something about an investigation group? "An investigation group? That would make things more organized, plus power in numbers." While he was saying it to himself, his thoughts were easy to hear out loud. Edited April 13, 2015 by TurboAura Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RanenVolt Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 To Lane (and whoever else is in the vicinity) Antex was about to leave when he overheard Lane talking about dangerous cards, and possession. Antex decides to go up to Lane and ask some questions "Hey Lane. I overheard you talking about a card that's dangerous. What exactly are you talking about?" Wondering to himself "could he be making things up? If not I might have to start checking things out." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red_Chaos Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 *Burrrrrrp* Red appears to have finished her lunch. To Herself: "Opps....hope nobody heard that....." Red quickly looked around, but noticed that the lunch room was more empty then usual. Most of her classmates hadn't even made it to the cafeteria. Which would explain why she was sitting by herself again. To herself: "Sigh, I guess I'm the only one interested in lunch....or I'm the only one not liking the new teacher..." As Red sighed, she began to open her lunch box and started picking up her wrappings, containers, and silverware. One by one, she started to place all of them back inside. Though as she continued to mess with her stuff, she begin to wonder about what happened in class. To herself: "Why did Anna bring up that story, it really had nothing to do with class. Unless she's got some kind of deal with the museum......and still.....why is it similar to the same story the teller told me at the park...." Red continue to ponder in her head as she pulled out a red and light blue notebook from her backpack. After her memory loss incident, Red had decided it was best to start jolting down these strange occurrences. Once she found the right page, she made a small journal entry about class and time stamped it. She then took out her duel deck box, search for the card, and laid it out on the table. The Izanami Lore #81 card hadn't changed back to blank. Which was kind of a relief for Red. To herself: "I'm guessing that there must be more of these and eighty one might not be the finishing point. But, where or who has the others.....Could the people from my headache vision have them...or was it just me being crazy...." Red then put the card back into her deck box and flipped her notebook to a new page. She then wrote one through eighty one on each line of the paper. After reaching eighty one, she wrote what was on the card, "Only the Number Holders have the power to save the world"!" To herself: "What the heck are number holders?...." Red's Notebook Strange events Reveal hidden contents Monday Some how I ended up in the gardens with the janitor. Can not remember how I got there and there's a strange blank card in my hand. Walked to park to grab food, met a FT that somehow made my card change to Izanami Lore card. Told story about Izanami and hubby with Prophecy deck. Tuesday: Anna hates me. Mentions museum and tells us a story similar to Izanami story but with an Egypt twist. Are these connected??? Or does she just like to tell off topic stories???? Izanami Lore Reveal hidden contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 81: #81: "Only the Number Holders have the power to save the world"! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverJakler Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 (edited) {Classroom} Paul was awoken by Ken's sudden announcement to the class. Good thing too, he was having a crazy dream about some weird goddess or something throwing marshmellows at him... frankly, Ken's short speech couldn't have been made quick enough. He only caught a bit of what his fellow student was saying, but he heard enough. He wanted to appoint a leader for some investigation team. But for what? "Oh, duh." he thought to himself as the answer popped in his head. They're probably talking about all the weird stuff that's been goin' on lately. Welp, better just sit here and wait for what he has to say, cuz I'm sure as hell not cut out to be the leader..." He continued to listen to the conversations around him, waiting to see who would become their fearless captain. Edited April 14, 2015 by SilverJakler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pixl Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Will finished mopping the bathroom floors and stopped to assess his work. He gave a short nod, and if satisfied, and then sighed and rested his head against the end of his mop. He reflected that yesterday was way too crazy for him. Perhaps he should lay lower for a bit. The janitor remained in that position for a moment before packing his things up and heading down to the supply room. There he opened the door with his keycard and entered, putting up all of his supplies in their rightful places. Then he sat in a nearby chair and said to himself, "Well... That's that, I guess. Wonder if there will be any more trouble today..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 [Zander, Ken, Lane, and Antex] "I like to join the group, and as for the leader I say Zander since this was his idea." Roy said getting up from his chair. He then turned to Lane. "Would you just let us watch and have you endanger yourself, I can't let that happen." He could never watch someone endanger themselves while he could do something about it. Especially what had happened to him before as a kid, he could never let that happen ever again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 {Zander and anyone else relevant} Arthur raised his hand, looking toward Zander. "I went to the docks last night with Setsuna and Dominick, but I didn't find anything. All I did was get trounced by Mr. Arclight in a duel," he said unhappily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 (edited) [Arthur and anyone else paying attention to the investigation group setup]"Be glad that's all that ended up happening to you. The result could have been much worse." Setsuna sighed a sigh of relief. At least it seemed that he held no hard feelings towards her for her sudden flight.So, she turned to look back at the people discussing the formation of an investigation team. Since the conversation had already started, she felt no problems intervening. "I object. Not to the investigation team. I am on board with that as well and I'm sure my partner from yesterday would likely be on board with it too. I object to Zander being the leader. Let me remind you that we are talking about searching for the reason behind a murder." She held up her left hand with three fingers up and put her finger from her opposite hand onto her exposed (and bandaged) palm. "It is highly likely that we could run into the murderer him or herself. It is highly likely that said murderer could attempt to silence anyone who attempts to uncover his or her identity. It is just as likely said killer used some method we don't know of. As such, we need a leader who can direct us to move with a fair amount of caution and has at least a fair bit of skill in keeping a group and large amount of information organized. Zander, from what I've seen of him fails on all accounts. He may be the one who suggested the idea but his recent outburst with Lane just now over that card just now demonstrates my point spectacularly." Edited April 14, 2015 by Hiss13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkLight Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 {Classroom - Investigation Squad formation, Setsuna} Arial blushed in embarrassment as Professor Reinier and Monika called her out on her obnoxious voice. "Bad habit, sorry~" she apologized as she slipped back into her seat, scratching the back of her head. Now she could see why that other student disappeared as soon as the bell rang. But the professor didn't seem disturbed about it at all. In fact, the professor seemed glad that they were so curious about Professor Tenjo's death. Once Anna finished her anecdote, Arial could see why that was the case. 'So Professors Reinier, Tenjo and Ike Johnson were once buddies! No wonder she kept on dropping those random facts at us! Since that's the case, I absolutely must go to the beach today! Not only for Lisa, but for Johnson as well! No doubts about it!' The green-eyed teen then continued to listen quietly to the voices around her as she ate, not willing to make a fool out of herself again, despite the professor's praise. 'So this weirdo samurai was at the school and Klive is a non-binary individual. No wonder I couldn't tell if xyr is a guy or a girl. That clears up all the confusion there.' Finally, she heard Zander suggesting to form an investigation squad to solve Professor Tenjo's death. She's all for the idea, but now there is a debate on who gets to be the leader. After the others finished their statements, Arial finally spoke up in her normal voice. "Hey, count me in on the action too! Although I wouldn't be great as the leader..." she shivered at the thought of her ordering her classmates like soldiers. Arial finally turned to address Setsuna's point. "Since you think Zander wouldn't be suited for the job, who would you recommend? Don't tell me you're going to nominate yourself." she teased as she took another bite of her salad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 {Investigation Squad} Zander was a bit taken aback at how bold Setsuna was. "Setsuna, I understand your opinion and respect it fully, but if I could just have a chance to defend myself here? Those who were with me yesterday, I think can vouch that I'm not normally like this. What you just saw was, at least from my perspective an act of passion. I guess it wasn't all too clear that I was willing to give up riches beyond comprehension to gain information, or confirmation that what Mr. Ayatane Michitaka told me last night was correct. And that's probably only one minor piece of the puzzle. And to say that it was merely over a card is a bit preposterous, right? Mr. Michitaka told me that cards like this hold power beyond mere comprehension." Zander lowered his arms quickly to his outer thighs, creating a sound much like a smack, before continuing. "Also, you said that I managed to fail on all accounts. Isn't that a large assumption to draw from a small window of time to gain a perspective on me. Once again, I'll return to the others who were with me with Mr. Michitaka yesterday. At least, to me, I think I was able to properly approach him given the situation and information I had gathered during my investigation yesterday evening. Now, I'm not saying I'm the ideal leader, nor am I saying that I even think I should be. In my opinion, it would be best for us to at least see who else wants to be a part of this group and go from there. We're rushing this quite a bit, don't you think? Lunch just started. Let's give it a moment before we try to engage in any formalities" After his tangent, Zander turned to Arthur. "Sorry to hear that, Arthur. Perhaps we can discuss plans to locate him again a little later once we have things organized? Is that alright with you?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Blair listened intently to Anna's speech, but was mostly preoccupied with waiting for the rest of the students to leave the room. However, a group seemed to be doggedly refusing to do so, which irritated her up until the point that she heard the words "investigation team." While she preferred to work alone, more people could cover more ground. She stood up from her desk and moved over to where they were meeting, and she overheard some of their discussion. "An investigation team?" she said as she walked up to them. "I would be willing to assist in this. I tried to investigate some on my own but didn't get anywhere." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 [To Klive/Maybe Robert?] "Don't take me for a fool. I know Flargon 8 ain't made of marshmellows. It's actually made with a special..." She stopped when she heard something about an investigation group before looking back at Klive. "Don't tell me there are more people after the nutty professor. It's already hard enough as it is." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaito Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 [To: Entire classroom/Arial] Ken grinned as he just watched the discussion take place, in particular the debate over the leader. He sure as hell didn't want to do it, so he figured that someone else would gladly step up to the plate. Helios seemed to want it the most, but it looked like Arial and Setsuna had both been opposed to the idea. Speaking of Arial though... he had to remember to talk to her later. Something he heard from Charles yesterday made him think, and considering her affinity for Cyber cards and how she said she fell in love with them after seeing someone use them... If she meant who he was thinking of, she may know something about underground dueling herself, if she was as much of a fangirl as she made herself sound like. Ken once again projected his voice from his seat in the back of the room. He always took a seat in the very back, mostly because it was the best spot for napping without getting caught. But it also had perks like being able to project his voice to the entire room, which he could use to his advantage quite easily. So, Ken spoke loud and clear, like a sort of mission control loud enough so everyone could hear. "Zander's right, surprisingly enough. Ken paused, a cheeky grin on his face for his playful jab at the Helios kid " Let's get more people in on this, the more the merrier. It'd be better to get organized and facts straight before we rush into things. It was stupid of me to try and get a leader decided right away. Why don't you all go recruiting? I'll tell you my story when we've got more people willing to listen." Ken said grinning as he took a piece of Snickerdoodle Chewing Gum - Another original creation courtesy of pops, it was amazingly easy to make homemade gum once you had the right ingredients - and popped it into his mouth. With the wrapper though, the lazy youth discretely made it into a small paper ball and flicked it towards Arial, hoping to catch her attention with the mini-projectile. He really didn't want to be swarmed when trying to get information. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tomas Elliot Posted April 14, 2015 Author Share Posted April 14, 2015 Anna was keeping her poker face, but she was absolutely jubilant inside: they were going exactly where she wanted them to go! Without even needing the extra push! Granted, they were wasting time discussing on who should be the leader, but that was to be expected, they were still kids on many regards... Still, events were steadily taking a turn in the direction she wanted: she wasn't going to miss the new developments, that for sure... "My oh my, you are really getting worked up over this, aren't you? As a professor, I should second mister Nazario's motion and remind you that you are butting into things that are way too dangerous for kids your age. But as a researcher I am intrigued: I want to see where the path you choose for yourselves will lead you! If I can give an unrequested suggestion however, I would recommend to drop the whole discussion about the leader: back in my days, we found out that a fluid organization, in which information are constantly shared with the others and everyone is kept up-to-date in real time is more effective, for this kind of endeavor, than a situation in which a single person has to coordinate everyone's efforts. You have the technology to pull it off, don't you? Why don't you start a chat group you can access at any time with your D-Pads? It can be hosted on the school's server, I am surenobody would mind oreven notice..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 ((Antex, Roy and everyone else in the class)) "Is that really something a teacher should say?" Lane sighed before turning his attention to Antex and Roy who had addressed him. "Who said I'm going to endanger myself? Look, you guys don't understand. You want to know why I called these cards dangerous?" This time he also revealed his Utopia card alongside Acid Golem. "I don't know how to explain this, and it may sound ridiculous, but the duel I fought felt real. And as soon as my opponent summoned this Acid Golem thing, he started to act strange. It was almost like he was possessed or something." The young rebel shook his head in frustration. Somehow he felt his story wouldn't have the impact he tried to achieve; stopping people from blindly investigating Tenjo's death. "Before everyone decides to play detective, I just want you to realize what you're getting yourself into. The guy I got this card from said I'm just like the Professor. I failed to find out which one he meant since he lost his friggin mind!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 (edited) [unnamed, Leaderless Investigation Squad] Setsuna thought for a bit when she was confronted by Arial who was asking who a suitable leader would be. However, before she could think of one person to nominate specifically, Anna had ended up speaking and giving up a good suggestion about having more of a network rather than a pyramid structure or a figurehead leader. As much as she did not want to agree with her teacher, she did bring up a good point. "I was thinking something like what Professor Reinier said. Rather than having a group with a defined leader, we can start with a group with more of a network structure. It can allow for an easier flow of information. At the same time, we may end up tending towards nominating a leader at a later point if it becomes necessary or an obvious choice becomes apparent. Rather than focusing now on having a leader, it would be more prudent to focus on disseminating the information we have within the group. At the same time, if something happens to one of us, the network structure will help to mitigate any extra losses whereas if something happens to the leader, the group will fall apart if we stay with a leader-centric structure." It was at that point that Lane made his warning. "Let me remind you all what I said a minute ago. We are chasing after a killer. We have no idea of who this person is. We have no idea of what this person's methods were. We have no idea whether this person would be willing to silence any civilians who attempt to investigate. Understand the magnitude of the risk we'd be taking in this before you actually decide to start an investigation." Edited April 14, 2015 by Hiss13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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