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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 2: When the Kids are United [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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Investigation group

While Monika was having lunch on her seat, the same spot near the window where she'd always stay during the lessons, the other students were talking and discuting with the teacher. Monika tried to overhear what they were talking about but only some words were heard by the girl. But, Zander... she noticed him gasping after seeing something. At first Monika found it even slightly funny, but then heard some other bits of the conversation. "I-I-I'll g-give you m-m-my watch for it! Do you feel like you've gained any p-p-powers or s-something?" "If Ms. Reinier allows it, I'd like to create an investigation group so we can..." "I know I'm not one to talk but you should really reconsider this. I saw what these cards could do. They really are dangerous." "I object. Not to the investigation team. I object to Zander being the leader." "You are butting into things that are way too dangerous for kids your age." "The duel felt real. And as soon as my opponent summoned this Acid Golem thing, he started to act strange. It was almost like he was possessed or something."

So, someone dueled, and his opponent acted strange, and look possessed. He saw what some 'dangerous' cards could do. Then, today Zander was shocked because of that student's... object?

The day before, Ayatane said that he let his 'Number 12' corrupt him or something. So, if another duelist acted possessed during a duel, could it have been just a coincidence? What did the other student with "The duel felt real?"

The idea of an investigation group could even seem a good idea: not having all the students go together, or having a leader, on the other hand. "All that could be done is just... exchange phone numbers or something, to keep in contact. I wish I did that yesterday..." thought Monika. She didn't go where the other students were and talk just yet, and started thinking about her monsters; especially those that were in the Extra Deck. Other than the usual Constellar monsters, there were a Starliege Paladynamo and a Vylon Disigma, two cards she really liked to use. Vylons were the machines created by Constellars to protect the world: that deck was Synchro focused and could do great things with the right opening hand. Vylon Disigma, instead, was strange: it was an Xyz monster, similar to a commonly used and strong Synchro monster, Ally of Justice Catastor; on the other hand, Starliege Paladynamo was just a card she really liked because of its effect.

Could those cards help her against one of those dangerous cards? Probably yes, Disigma could even equip a monster to itself, and that monster could have even been a "Number" card... unless they had some special traits that prevented that from happening. Starliege Paladynamo, instead, could bring the Attack of a monster to 0 and negate its effects. She never used them in any duels; she received or bought them recently and didn't duel often in Heartland.

She did not like that much living here, either: there were more services but it wouldn't have been the same anyway with no close friends: it was time to make some new ones, and Monika was not good at doing so (or, at least, she thought).

After doing so, she looked around the classroom. Almost everyone who was still in the room was in that group of people, talking about investigations, with the teacher. Some students (Red first) ran away from the class as soon as they could, one guy was still there in his seat, like her, but she didn't want to bother him.

In the end, although she didn't want to at first, she decided to approach the other classmates discuting about the investigation group. "The case about Mr Tenjo's death couldn't have been resolved by the police", said Ayatane yesterday, also adding that there was something supernatural about it. But, as she still wanted justice to be made, she was now determined to know more and, maybe, resolve the case by herself - of course, with the help of everyone.

She walked to the other students, this time hearing perfectly the last words another girl (Setsuna?) said. Monika then replied: "Excuse me... Well, you are right, doing an investigation could be very risky. But we know there's something supernatural in the case of Mr Tenjo's death, that the police (who's supposed to resolve the case) will never care about. So it's just up to us..." She saw the card Lane dropped on the ground before. "That's why Zander was shocked. Lane's another Number Holder, and has even two of them! Not just one... One of them was of another person, but then he was able to steal it, it seems. After all, who would give away a card that gives him extrahordinary powers?" she thought, then talked to that student, identifying him as the crazy one who jumped out of the window the day before. "A small question for you. If the card you have is a Number card, which gives special powers to people and 'corrupts' them, someone wouldn't just give that away. That would be his or her 'precious' to defend! So, what happened to your opponent afterwards and how did you get that card from him, or her?"

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Arial took a long look at the rebel's cards, tilting her head slightly as Lane mentioned the circumstances surrounding their history. It sounded odd, that's for sure; it's kind of like the Shadow Game myth at the museum. What card could make a person lose his mind? And how could a duel feel real? She couldn't recall her Cyber Dragons trying to start a conversation with her whenever she summoned them (as much as she would like them to).

{The Sugar Prince}

Before she had a chance to address Lane, Arial then felt a light tap from behind before she saw a crumpled piece of paper fall beside her. Scratch that, make that a wrapper, a familiar-looking wrapper at that. While Monika and the rest of the classroom continued their discussion on the investigation squad, Arial picked up the wrapper and threw it back at Ken. "You know, it's not nice to throw stuff at people. Especially if that person is a girl that you like." she teased once she made her way towards Ken. "What's up?"

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[unnamed, Leaderless Investigation Squad]

"You did not get what I am saying, Monika. I am not saying that we should not investigate. I am saying that we need to be wary of the risks involved when dealing with something like this. Between Lane and Zander's talks of special cards and possessed people and my and Dominic's weird encounter with her yesterday, there is some crazy supernatural stuff going on and frankly, I'm beginning to be inclined to believe that the late Tenjo's death was a result of some of the crazy supernatural stuff. If so, it's likely that the police will not be going after it due to how absurd it seems." She sat back on a nearby desk, crossed her legs and arms, held one of her bandaged palms up, and kept one of her eyes closed.

"My point is this. If we are going to do this investigate this, we need to be willing to understand the risks and proceed cautiously. It would be a problem if a bunch of us ended up killed because we decided to rush into this blindly. I want us to be completely aware of this. Otherwise, the results may be disastrous. That being said, let's share our information in an organized manner so we can pool all of it together and see what we can piece out of it."

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((Monika and classroom))

"Haven't you been paying attention? I already said the guy lost his mind! After I won the duel I tried to help him, but somehow this card transferred to me. And since my opponent seemed afraid of Utopia at first, I figured it would be best to keep Acid Golem." Lane said to Monika. His patience was being put to the test by his fellow classmates who seemed to be eager to get involved with Tenjo's mysterious death. He wouldn't mind, it's their business, but his parents hadn't found out about Tenjo's death or the rumors yet and he liked to keep it that way. But if his students also started to drop dead one after another...

Without realizing it, his tone changed as his sarcastic side took over. "Or are you accusing me of stealing people's cards for these so called special powers? As far as I can tell I haven't been able to spit fire or anything. Yet."

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{To the squad}

The blue-haired boy stood up yelled out: Well, hate to to spoil but me,Klive,Arial and Rene were at the beach yesterday at the end of our days, we discovered Lisa, and when we questioned her, she said something about an archaeologist, But I am going to say is this archaeologist is possibly this Johnson.

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Paul finally decided to speak his mind after waiting for his turn to chime in. He was interested in what everyone had to say, and while they did bring up good points. They would have to risk their lives in order to get to the bottom of all these strange happenings that have transpired over the past few days. But, honestly, he didn't care. He wanted to find out who was responsible for his teacher's death. And who knows, maybe he'd find something out about Sylvia...

"Hey, count me in. I know that we're gonna get ourselves into some danger, but I'm willing to take that risk. We've gotta find the culprit."

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  • Support Squad

[The Entire Classroom Kerfuffle]

((Ok, we need some Tl;Drs, this is goddamn ridiculous for a chat, even if there's like 16 participants. STOP TEXTWALLING PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD))

Klive watched the class descend into an argument, first about leaders, then to not have a leader, then the meat of the conversation reached sharing information which Klive noted dutifully, even if xe was creeped out when some random guy that Klive vaguely remembered lurking around xem, Arial and Rene at the beach began calling out their information and Klives name. Xe had never introduced himself... Still Klive had some issues with all of this.

"So, hi, yeah, aforementioned Klive here. I don't really have anything other than some lucid theories that don't involve supernatural means. I.e, there's any number of hallucinogens that can be turned into a gaseous form to help simulate a "Real" duel. Some theories like that float around but I doubt it will be heeded. Also, yes Lisa did say something bout an archaeologist but no names or real link to Tejo. She just kda mentioned the person." Klive siad to the class, not really expected to even be acknowledged. Xe then turned to Luna and Robert. "5 card packs says I don't get a calm response"

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Lane and Setsuna

"Of course I didn't pay attention, I've just finished eating in my seat and I've just come here. I only heard some parts of your conversation, but when you talked about that duel and how you got that card, surely your opponent couldn't have given ot to you. But, you said he was out of his mind... That's what I wanted to know: so something weird happened to your opponent, right? And the card 'transferred' to you... Also, do these monsters have special effects in the duel?" Monika said, also trying to apologize for popping in unannounced. Then turned to face Setsuna. She apologized with her for the same reason, and agreed with her: that investigation was surely going to be risky business. Then she added:"Also, here I can tell you that indeed there's something supernatural in this and that indeed the police won't be able to understand anything... This Ayatane guy, who also has Number 12, told me and the others who were with me this. " Monika's attention was caught by Setsuna's bandages on her palm. "Sorry for bothering you again but... Why do you have those bandages? And, more in general, what happened to you yesterday? You... Are insisting on the risks that this investigation has... Anyway, I agree with you about this."
Monika was already talking too much in a single day for her standards, but she felt like she didn't accomplish a lot yesterday: while she discovered about the existence of Numbers, Lane obtained two of them. Also, not a lot of people could have more than one number: Lane was truly a special person.
In the meantime, more people were coming near that group to take part in the investigations: Monika, who agreed with this, still wanted to wait some time and think about it. What could she do to help? Maybe chase down people who wanted to escape using her Rollerblades? Dueling? She didn't feel like she could help much and was also thinking she could even do the opposite.

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Robert ended up turning back to Luna after her later comment. "Well, yeah it seems almost everyone in here has looked into it in some way or another. Still better people just running around with whatever rumors they can storm up." After then hearing Klive's own words towards the classroom, Robert spoke with a grin as he pulled out enough money for 5 packs. "Sure, why_not. Though I may be wasting my money since you're pretty much being the anti-theory to what they're saying. But if you already heard about all that stuff and are staying logical about it, can't see why I couldn't believe you."

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  • Veterans

(Investigation Group)

Huh....a card that made someone seem like they were possesed? Charlotte sat at one of the tables near the group that were talking amongst themselves when she heard that little tidbit being said outloud by Lane. She took a look at the card he showed and could vaguely make out a few words"Number 30:Acid Golem"...a Number card...why would a man simply go insane because of using it?

"Perhaps it could be one of those ancient cards or something"Charlotte said more as a thought than an actual statement since she didnt actually know where the card even came from.

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{Investigation Group}

"An ancient card?" Arthur asked, patronizing Charlotte. "I know there's been some weird stuff going on, but come on. You really think that's the answer?" he questioned.

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I bet nobody saw it coming :P

Everyone in the classroom

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Anna is standing there, smiling of her usual, enigmatic smile... For a split second, it almost looks like the color of her eyes, that is already a bizarre golden normally, is now more innatural than usual... Was it just your imagination?


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Dean was shocked after what just transpired "The hell,just happened? Screwed up vision right there and my head is ringing." During the vision, Dean heard something in his head about "Izanami Lore 30:The world soon be engulfed by shadows!" he quickly looked at everyone and said "Hey guys, the heck just happened?"

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Ken grinned a cheeky grin for a second as he lazily caught the tiny paper ball. "While I wouldn't be opposed to going out sometime, I actually called you over for something a bit more important, cupcake." Ken said with a wink and a teasing tone in his voice not unlike the one Arial just used. Two could play at that game.

Stifling a quick laugh however, Ken's face immediately shifted as his eyes became slightly more focused on the girl in front of him and he lost his silly grin. " Yesterday, you mentioned how you played Cyber Dragons because you saw a famous duelist pioneer them. Everyone who even slightly follows the old pros knows you meant Zane. And if you're as big a fangirl as you made it seem yesterday, then you probably know of some unsavory underground dueling rumors. So, I thought out of everyone, you may have the best chance of helping me with this." Ken said as he took a deep breath, about to pop a piece of S.K. Rock Candy into his mouth ( Did he just forgo school supplies for putting sweets in his bag? Who knew. ) before hesitating slightly and putting it down, slightly worried about what he was going to reveal.

"I didn't want a big swarm of people, so I needed to get your attention.But while everyone else was out doing investigating or who knows what, I ended up doing some solo work of my own. But I know how Tenjo died... or at least got an eyewitness account of it. He was dueling a kid, and after the duel ended, he apparently... dropped dead. And the only time I've heard of duels mortally wounding or killing people were in those seedy undergound leagues. So. Do you know of any possible way that a person could just drop dead from dueling? You've probably done some sort of research about that, anything at all would be helpful. Ken said quietly, ending his little speech. He'd tell everyone else later when it wasn't such a screaming clusterfuck of voices. This was why he preferred the background...

And then, without warning, some wierd vision popped into his head. Ken clutched his head for a slight second from the shock. People running... World engulfed? What the hell was that? For a second, he wondered if it was just some fever dream or something...

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{Arthur, Arial, Ken}

Arthur doubled over in pain, squeezing his eyes shut and clutching his head as the vision played out in his mind. He wasn't even able to fully process it until it was over thanks to that blistering headache, but as quickly as it came it ended. The blue-haired boy opened his eyes tentatively, observing the confusion around him. I think they all had the same thing as I did, he thought in wonder, but wasn't fully ready to believe it until he had more solid evidence. He looked over to the girl who'd helped organize the investigation the day before. Arial?, he thought as he tried to remember her name. If anyone will know something about what just happened, it's her, he decided. He stood up and walked over to her and Ken, looking anxiously from side to side. "Seems like a lot of people got that headache. I figured since you were organizing the investigation after school yesterday, you might know something," he said tentatively.

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Antex (to himself)

Clutching his head he wonders "what was that? It looks like everyone has a headache. Heh. I was about to go to and eat but after that it looks like I lost my appetite." I could be tired, I think im gonna go lie down in the nurses office."

To the Investigation group

"Hey guys, im a little tired so im gonna go see if I can get some shut-eye at the nurses office for the rest of lunch." He gets up and starts to leave, then turns around and says "if we are going to investigate, lets meet after school." He walks into the hall and thinks to himself "I really hope that im just tired."

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The headache felt earth shattering. Visions of people being slaughtered appeared before him. Those that weren't brought down by the horrible, terrifying monsters were consumed by the shadowy blue flames. Their screams filled every inch of his mind, along with the grotesque forms of the monsters that were slaying them. The images flashed by him in a matter of seconds, but it seemed like he was trapped in the sick nightmare for hours. When he finally woke up he found himself lying on the floor, clutching his head in pain.

He got up, shaking like a leaf and examined the rest of the room. Whether or not his classmates had the same vision he did or they all thought he was crazy, he couldn't tell. He only had enough energy to say,

"N-nurse..." as he attempted to scamper out of the classroom. As he passed by the front desk he caught a glimpse of Anna's face... something didn't feel right. He couldn't tell what but he didn't care. He needed to find some pain killers or something as quick as he could. He didn't get far after he made his exit, stopping to kneel and lean against a wall as the pain started to subside.

"What... the hell..."

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Luna noticed that Klive and Robert went over to this ever growing group in the classroom. This large group somewhat intimidated her and she didn't feel like trying to intrude. She didn't even know what they were talking about as one spoke out right after another. She simply just made her way through the door and into the cafeteria. When she reached her destination, she noticed a girl writing something in a book. She quietly made her way over to the girl, grabbing her attention by grasping her shoulders with her arms. "You look a little tense there. You writing a last minute essay or something. I hope you get it done in time. I remember the last time I turned in an incomplete paper. Those were dark times."

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Anna watched with her mysterious smile on her face, as her students fell victim to her little stunt one ofter the other. All the attention the card had gathered had been a stroke of luck, hopefully that was her opening to get out from under the fire, while still giving the kids something to ponder on, in order to keep them headed in the right direction...

"Oh? Are you guys having headhaches or something? This is what happens when you think too much about something on an empty stomach! I suggest you suspend this meeting for now, and resume it after properly nourishing yourselves, better if in an occesion when I cannot hear you: as a teacher, I am in theory supposed to stop you from pursuing such interests, by talking so openly about them in front of me, you are putting me in an awkward situation..."

She smiled again, before heading to the door.

"Well then, if you will excuse me..."

[[NOTE: I am having Anna leave because I need her out of this discussion for plot reasons, and there is also the fact that tomorrow will be a busy day, so I don't know if/when I will be able to post (so yeah, I'd rather have her out of the way so I don't stall anybody if I cannot post). Therefore please, I ask of you: I really need her to get out of the way, do not address her or try to follow her or ask her to stay with your future posts...]]

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(Classroom - Inner Monologue)

Rene was currently minding his own business eating his lunch while he overheard everyone trying to talk about starting the Investigation Squad or whatever the name was going to be. Rene had his mind set on what he was going to do after school so he had no further reason to discuss his plans. He was definitely concerned about what happened to Mr. Tenjo and any info he could find to help explain it would be immense. There was even talk about some strange cards between some of the students for which Rene wasn't not paying attention too. He then thought to himself:

'What are they going on about with ancient cards or something? I know the amount of information we have found has sparked an interesting conversation, but to how many tangents will this discussion go?' Rene continued eating more of his lunch and continued to think to himself, 'Can't we all just agree to continue finding out more clues surrounding Mr. Tenjo's death as our main focus? If there is too much to go on, then our attention could be split and we may miss something... Regardless of what it is, I'm still going to the beach and see if that archaeologist Lisa mentioned is going to be there. Perhaps he might know something regarding Mr. Tenjo personally or help explain what the museum exhibit showed a bit more clearly.'

At that point, Rene took a big sip of water from his water bottle as he was getting quite thirsty at this point. As soon as he put the water bottle down, he started to feel an intense pain in his head. Suddenly, a horrific vision appears in Rene's mind...Heartland...engulfed in rather bright, blue flames and on the brink of destruction. There are screams everywhere as the painful and horrifying image takes front and center of Rene's thought for the few seconds it was there. Then, in a flash, everything appears to return to normal and Rene finds himself looking down at his lunch face-down. He quickly gasped a few times as he couldn't believe the sight of the vision he had. He then thought to himself:

'That...could not be real...What...was that...' It was then he remembered a rather grim message...He recalled the message as if it where directly repeated in his brain one thousand times so that was the only thing on his mind. He then thought to himself again, but with concern, 'Shadows and destruction...it just doesn't make any sense to me!'

Rene continued to gasp heavily for a bit there trying to make sense of the vision he saw before him. When he could collect his breath once again, he took another drink of water before returning to a calm state of mind. He took a few deep breaths and thought to himself:

'I don't know what that was, but it had to be important somehow if I saw it...I just hope it doesn't have any similarities to what happened with Jack and my other relatives who died back in the city I used to live. It doesn't seem like it, but I can't dismiss it like most would. What happened then was extremely tragic and if the vision I just saw did come true, then it would be another tragedy here in Heartland. Do I really need to experience such pain again?'

At this point Rene thought nothing else other than what happened over a year ago with Jack and his relatives. It brought him to a point where he just packed up his lunch, put it away in his backpack, and took out his deck. He immediately went to his Extra Deck and took out the Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon card from within it. Just looking at the card made Rene remember the good times he had with Jack prior to his death. He would remember all of the duels he had with his cousin and all the times they had their stronger duels. It started to bring a smile to his face and he even said out loud without realizing it, "I really wish you were still alive Jack. With everything that's been going on here lately, this makes it two people that I need to find out why the really died..."

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Gripping his head as the headache began, a feeling a pure horror washed over him as a sight of HeartLand in blue flames had taken it's place in his head. Even after it finally subsided, Robert still kept a shocked and freaked-out gaze with his hands on his head. 'W-what was that?!?! Just now, just what did I see?! No, no there must be some explanation. Am I sick? Is something wrong with me? What exactly was that, was that even real?' While he tried to reason what happened just then, he overheard Anna's own 'reasoning' of what likely happened to them. Having no actual idea what just went down, he decided to comfort himself with that idea and started to open his lunch as quickly as he could, leaving other possibilities for afterwards with the same shocked gaze.

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Red flinched and quickly turned her head around to see who had touched her turn. She then saw a girl with brown hair looking down at her. At first she wasn't sure who she was, but then Red noticed that this was a classmate of hers.

To Commander: Oh.....um..hi...there..This isn't really school work...its more of an obsession project. Or I'm having a mental breakdown....I don't believe we have meet outside class...or we maybe have and I can't remember. Luna Fitzgerald, right?

The more Red looked at Luna, the more Red knew she had see her before. Then it clicked. Luna was one of the girls from the vision.

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{Anyone who is capable of noticing a distressed Zander}

The excruciating headache came on faster than any Zander had experienced. The vision of dying people and ominous flames all swirled through his head in an instant, and words he couldn't quite make out at the moment were spoken. He barely had a chance to react aside from thrusting his hands towards his head to keep it steady. One would think after having been the infamous bejeweled teenager for years, he would know how to not hurt himself with the hard stones. But with how hectic things had suddenly become, Zander's caution was practically nonexistent. His platinum and emerald ring slammed into his head, cutting small portions of the side of his head open with their distinct and well cut edges. Zander let out a shout of pain before seeing his hands doused in crimson blood. "Sh-sh-shit!" The boy made his way, as quickly as a boy injured in the head could, to the bathroom to clean up the mess.

He burst into the bathroom, his hands curled but still open in front of him, trembling. He quickly shed his rings and began running his hands in cold water in the sink, and quickly began rinsing off the rings. In his haste, however, he accidentally let go of the emerald ring her treasured dearly. With a gasp that sounded more like a yelp, he tried to grab it before it went down the drain. Fortunately for him, the Emerald stone at the top prevented it from fitting down the drain, and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Next came his head. He collected a small pool of water in his cupped hands and move his head closer to the sink. He sighed and began washing the blood out of his hair. "I was not born with yellow topaz hair only for it to be stained to ruby topaz!" He growled, frustrated, and cleaned off the small cuts on his head. He then grabbed a few paper towels and started dabbing the cuts, trying to prevent the bleeding.

Finally finished with the mess, he fell into the bathroom wall and slid down, a small sigh of relief slipping past his lips. Now, what the hell just happened. Zander began wracking whatever part of his brain could still function to remember what had just happened. People dying, big flames. Something about the world and shadows and destruction. It had some sort of like title to it too... Iza...yamu... no. Aza...nami? Umm... Izanami... That's it! Izanami! Ms. Reinier was speaking to us about Izanami earlier.

Zander's mood of success shifted quickly to curiosity. But... isn't that a pretty big coincidence? We just start talking about Izanami and BOOM! Some huge bomb dropped on me about death and destruction, wrapped up in a little bow called Izanami Lore #30.

Zander began to shuffle through the events of the morning, to see if there could be some link. We talked about Izanami and Isis, we talked about Professor Tenjo and Ms. Reinier's link to him, Lane had a card, something like "Number 30: Acid Golem thingy," we talked about the investigation... 30! NUMBER 30! This Izanami Lore or whatever, it has the same number as the Number Card that Lane had. Ayatane said having a Number Card grants the user extraordinary powers. But what kind of power is seeing the death of thousands of people and some caption with it? And why the hell did I see it?

Zander began pushing the back of his head against the wall lightly, a few droplets of water trickling off his hair that weren't dried. Why would this card show something to me? On second thought, why the hell is something like this even happening? This can't even be real!... But, if the goddess Izanami is attached, perhaps this is some sort of situation beyond our reach?

Zander shook his head back and forth. Focus Zander, focus! Why would the card display something to me? Ok, let's think about the card. Was something different about it? It looked like an XYZ, a 3 star at that. 30... 3... 3x10 equals 30... It was a water attribute... so why would it be linked to fire? Zander paused and his face contorted inquisitively. The image in his head wasn't just of the card, but it's surroundings. The floor... That's it! Lane wasn't holding it, so perhaps it was set free or something, and the power was invested in me? But... why the hell is this even happening? Two issues on top of another. Certain death of everyone, and the certain death that already occurred to Professor Tenjo. Shit man, I just want to solve the latter first. I'm just a kid, I can't like... save the world or something.

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