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If you could make your own Delta Pokemon...

Lord Chespin

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So, for those not aware, a Delta Pokémon is a Pokemon that has a different type that its species normally doesn't have, such as a Psychic/Fairy Bulbasaur. They originated in the Trading Card Game, but have been included in fan games such as Pokemon Insurgence. As mentioned in my post about fanmade mega evolutions, I'm planning on making a fan game myself, and I was planning on putting Delta Pokemon in. What Delta Pokemon would you like to see? You can describe the Delta Pokemon you'd like to see like this:

[Pokémon's Name and Evolutions]




For example:



Iron Will (New ability, boosts steel-type moves in a pinch) / Filter

Due to Chasnaught's similarities to Bowser, I figured I'd make him and his evolutionary line bowser-themed. The iron typing was also inspired by a GameXplain video, as they theorized that Quilladin and Chesnaught would be part Steel-type.



Faerie Call (New ability, boosts Ghost-type moves in a pinch) / Pressure

The Ghost typing comes from a fanart I saw of a Braixen and a Mismagius fusion. The Fairy typing comes from the aforementioned GameXplain video, in which they theorized that Braixen and Delphox would be part Fairy-type.



Battle Aura (New ability, boosts Fighting-type moves in a pinch) / Sand Force

The Ground typing helps it to better counter Chespin. The Fighting typing comes from the aforementioned GameXplain video, in which they theorized that Frogadier and Greninja would be part Fighing-type.

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Cold Steel(New ability,boosts Steel-type moves in a pinch)/Mega Slash(New ability,as well,Physical Steel type move have more chance of being a crittical hit if opponent have Fire/Ground and Fighting type in the field)

I like samurai,these guy are base on samurai with fan,so I make them a real steel by change that water shell that look like fan in to a sword.the ability Cold Steel is simple,Mega Slash Steel type is tough and with this it can have a chance to fight against those who can easily beat them,and make them look tougher.

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Thaw (New): Boosts speed if hit with certain attacks (Read- Fire type attacking moves, Solar Beam, ect). Also grants immunity to said attacks.

This mon is based on the idea of springtime and how in the spring the trees would thaw out and become lively again. I chose Abomasnow because he suffers from some of the worst defensive typing and this would certainly correct some of that as Water/Grass is quite nice typing as it is only weak to Bug, Poison, and Flying.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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  • 2 weeks later...

I WOULD give you my ideas.. but then I'd be Giving away spoilers for my fan game "Poke'mon Infinity".... well I guess I could just give one that isn't going to be in the game



Fairy Hunter (New): Grants Immunity to any and all fairy type moves

I was always confused to how it came about that fairies trumped dragons... Correct me If i'm wrong but don't dragons EAT fairies? well I decided to not only make this poke'mon part steel, but also strait up give it immunity to fairies. This poke'mon was inspired by the Autobot "Grimlock" from transformers. He was so strong that his power even rivals Optimus, their leader. I also game it the teal typing so that its main weakness would be fighting, the typing that is often represented as "The Hero". I would make something cooler, but again, I don't want ti give anything away for Infinity

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Delta Electrike line

Electrike Manectric

Dark/Electric Electric/Dark

Prankster New: Water Drain: Every it attack a ineffective type, it increase in speed.

My inspiration for manetric line was it mediocrity and his frickin mega. For Manetric ability, it has enough diversity to attack steel,ground, and grass so why not amp it up?

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Perhaps you all should add a Delta Mega if it's possible for the Pokemon to Mega Evolve? I remember that in Insurgence.

As for my Delta Pokemon, well, it's similar to my idea of a Mega Grumpig:

Spoink - Dark/Psychic - Ability: Corrupted

Grumpig - Dark/Psychic - Ability: Corrupted

This new Ability basically raises the Pokemon's Special Attack by 1 every time it defeats a Pokemon (like SpA version of Moxie, I remember it being in Zeta/Omicron by the name of Hubris?). It's corrupted nature basically makes it a sadist (hence primary Dark typing).

Notable Moves:

Level Up: Psychic, Trick, Dark Pulse, Thief, Wild Charge, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Psycho Cut, Bounce, Signal Beam, Power Gem, etc.

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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Flygon - Steel/Flying - Ability - Compound Eyes

Notable moves it gets:
Iron Head

Iron Tail

Dragon Rush


Stone Edge

Steel Wing

Brave Bird



Swords Dance

Wild Charge

Sky Drop


ΔFlygon @ Life Orb
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Iron Tail
- Earthquake
- Wild Charge

--Still needs a Mega though-- :c

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Ability: Bastion- Def and SpD increase and Spd decreases by 1 stage each turn.

Blastoise becomes the tank it was always intended to be, quite literally with that steel armor and canon it's got. But as usual, that bulk comes at the cost of speed. (it still has aquajet though, so that's a thing. Imagine it getting shell smash though...) Flash cannon becomes more effective and the steel resistances to dragon turns this into quite the handy fairy AND dragon slayer if you toss in ice beam. Fire types got all the really good/broken abilities anyways.

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Had a new idea:

Delta Phanpy and Delta Donphan


Ability: Water Absorb (maybe?)

Notable Moves: Ice Fang, Horn Attack, Rapid Spin, Scald, Hydro Pump, Waterfall, Bounce, Fly, Air Slash, Gyro Ball, Hyper Voice, Ice Shard, Play Rough

This is pretty much inspired by Dumbo, who can fly (Flying typing and moves) and has big ears (Hyper Voice). The Water typing, moves, and ability is based off of how elephants can suck up water and spray it using its nose. I also gave it some of Phanpy/Donphan's regular moves and changed up some to fit it better.

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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  • 6 months later...

Insurgence should have thought of it.

Delta Espurr and Meowstic

Type = Ice if female and Fire if male

Ability = Prankster if female and Competitive if male

Notable Moves = (if female) Helping Hand ,Ice Shard , Covet , Disarming Voice , Fake Out , Attract , Ice Beam, Calm Mind , Moon Blast. (if male) Fire Spin , Ember , Covet , Disarming Voice , Fake Out , Flamethrower , Calm Mind , Moon Blast , Fiery Dance.

This Delta is based on the zodiac Gemini or "Fire" and "Ice", why is that? Because Meowstic has a DIFFERENCE with its female and male apperance fitting huh?

P.S try to make its shiny by making the male blue and make the female red (like how the original color of the female is blue and the male red).

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...



Gravitation Ability: This ability ups the power of Steel and Fire type moves while also letting Rhyperior use gravitational forces to float in mid-air, negating its weakness to Ground type attacks.

This pokemon's evolution line is changed when it learns any fire type attack as Rhyhorn. Once it evolves into a Rhydon, it drops the Ground typing in favor of the Fire typing.It rough skin has become tempered to look like black stone and it very durable. Once it evolves into a Rhyperior through protector, that extra protection gives it the steel typing, furthering its defences. it also looks a lot leaner as it floats in the air with it arms crossed, ready for any type of attack, along with the fire like veins running along its body



Master of Illusion Ability: The illusion abilities of this pokemon have been mastered to a degree that when a person encounters one, they question their own sanity as everything is turned into an illusion.

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  • 3 years later...

I've had this idea rolling around in my head and finally perfected it to day. Might as well share since these are some ideas I'm sitting on for a fan game idea.

 "Delta" Meowth - Dragon

Dex entry - "Delta" Meowths behave much more feral than their counterparts. They will often hiss and run from humans. However, upon being caught or having it's hoard of stolen shiny objects discovered will tear into the aggressor viciously. "Delta" Meowths like to hoard their treasures in their den.

"Delta" Persian - Dragon Fire

 Dex entry - "Delta" Persian retain the coin on their heads and to them it's a symbol of pride. They can't breathe fire very far, often times preferring to coat their jaws in searing hot flames or using it to heat up their claws. These Persian like to gather valuable metals and gems and will protect them fiercely.

Ablities- Muliscale, Gold Rage (if the user is holding any item that is made from precious metals or gems attack and speed go up and defense and sp. defense drop) Flash Fire.

The inspiration was feral domestic hybrid cats ( like the Bengal or Savannah) and playing with Meowth's like for shiny and the myths of a dragon's hoard. In terms of moves and stats I was thinking a physical oriented hitter with moves like Fire Fang and Dragon Claw. I'm still not to sure on what Gold Rage's effect should be other than the held item trigger.


 "Delta" Skitty - Fairy

 "Delta" Delcatty - Fairy Psychic

Here's me trying to make these two useable and not completely useless. The idea is that instead of being all hoti toti Skitty and Delcatty became more intelligent and mystical in a way (also it's a moon stone evo so that could play into it). I'm not sure on abilities but I think I'd boost the special attack stat a bit. Moves would be like Moonblast, Psychic that kinda thing.

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