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I need help with noel and tips in how to beat him this is my team:

Stoutland (Royal) Lvl 50

Scrappy Ability Brave nature



Take Down

Work Up

Crawdaunt (Clamps) Lvl 52

Adaptability Ability Naive nature

Knock Off

Crab hammer

Night Slash

Swords Dance

Leavanny (Link) Lvl 52

Chlorophyll Ability Timid Nature

Swords Dance


Struggle Bug

Leaf Storm

Primeape (Tekken) Lvl 52

Defiant Ability Careful Nature

Rock Smash

Karate Chop

Cross Chop


Meowstick (Orin) Lvl 52

Prankster Ability Quiet Nature



Charge Beam

Shadow Ball

Charizard (Blaze) Lvl 53

Solar Power Ability Bashful Nature


Flame Burst

Dragon Rage


Can You Please give suggestions for the pokemon i should lead with or things like that thanks

Edited by InvalidCode
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first off, there is a thread that's meant to help with these problems. it's called the official gym leader help thread and it's tagged at the top of this subforum.

i never had trouble with noel and i'm not that useful with teams in general, so i'll be of limited help. but have you tried lighting the field on fire yet? you can do that with charizard's flame burst. in this field, fire-type moves in general are also boosted against grounded pokemon by 1.5x, which could help for about 2/3 of noel's team.

you could also try battling him on a sunny day (forecasts for the week are on the tvs) and see if your charizard's solar power and leavanny's chlorophyll can help. (don't use leavanny with a lit field though; it'll take 4x field damage per turn, as it's type-scaling.)

and why have a prankster meowstic if you're not going to take advantage of that? if you have access to the move relearner, reteach it reflect and light screen (and slap on a light clay if you have one). if you've got the heart scales, fake out could also be helpful.

general grinding might also be helpful if you think you need it; the level cap at this point should be 55, guessing by your current levels.

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Changing the terrain is one of the preferred strategies around to take Noel on, see thread in previous post. You practically want to take out his lead, Cincinno, as fast as possible: Skill link+King's Rock is something you don't want to get hith with first (and Rock Blas/Bullet Seed/Tail Slap has quite the coverage). Setting up screens (especially Reflect) makes it easier for the rest of your team, so you probably want to do that wirst (prankster guarantees setup of one screen, might as well use charm too). For the rest, you really should check out that thread.

P.S.: Timid Leavanny? You're probably better off with Jolly, but raising another might take quite some time...or if you can wait a few badges there will be a solution for that...

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Can you be specific as to what particular pokemon is giving you trouble? If it is Cinccino i recommend a defensive wall, such as Avalugg or something of similar nature. This can be acquired after you can learn, and use rock smash, near shades gym.

I'm not particularly up to date with Noels team, as it has been an episode or 2 since i've fought him.id suggest finding something that learns counter via level up and using that, as it can hurt a lot of his team, but that is just me

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since cinccino is up first the logical way to do it would put Primape first, provided you have a speed advantage or can survive its first attack it should be a piece of cake with cross chop, then he should send out swellow to combat the primape, not sure where to go after that as you dont have a natural way to take out flying types presuming next he will send out porygon Z or girafarig which ide be tempted to send primape back out again. After that its dealers choice with the clefable (knowing my luck it will be the one who sweeps you lol)

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You could try to reteach Meowstic Light Screen as it will be most beneficial against that Porygon-Z

Cincinno may be a tad annoying due to its Skill Link + King's Rock Combo, you could get a Magneton/Klingklang/Aggron as they are great walls for its attacks, or as JapaneseWallpaper says Avalugg. Not to mention they would be great against Clefable and Wigglytuff if they can take a Fire Blast or Focus Blast(not sure if it has this).

Pimeape and Charizard would be your win conditions if you can give them enough speed. Charizard's Flamethrower would burn up the field taking away all health recovery.

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If you can get rid of Noel's Staraptor, Steelix will wall all of his pokes for days.

And it also got that STAB to f*** that Clefable.


OR... if you have something with Bulk Up that can survive, try that. It's effective, i promise c:

no actually i don't promise anything

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He actually got nerfed so I don't think he has that Staraptor anymore, which basically means he has nothing to take on steel types. Steelix, Aggron, Escavalier, take your pick, they'll all win it for you so long as you play smart with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would suggest getting a Lilligant with HP Dark.. Noel starts with Wigglytuff now.. So you can send in Lilligant and Quiver Dance a few times and then full heal any T-Waves the Wigglytuff uses.. Then synthesis till full health and Petal Dance.. With Own Tempo it really kicks ass.. The only thing that stops the Petal Dance is Girafarig, which has sap sipper, where you can use HP Dark... Everything else gets hammered by Lilligant.. Specially if you give it a metronome to hold..

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I just started up a new playthrough not too long ago and I honestly felt that Noel was nerfed pretty hard with the latest changes. Wigglytuff isn't as intimidating of a lead Pokemon as his Skill Link + King's Rock + Tail Slap/Rock Blast/Bullet Seed Cinccino, so I was able to use my Timid + Simple Swoobat and set up three Calm Minds without any trouble and was able to sweep his Girafarig, Cinccino, and Porygon-Z. Swellow came in and wrecked my Swoobat with Guts-boosted Brave Bird, but after using Noel's turn to heal Swellow to use Featherdance on it from Swanna, I just switched between using Featherdance and Roost until I had crippled its Attack stat enough to where I felt comfortable to start attacking with Bubblebeam and Air Slash. Then to wrap up the battle, I took on his Clefable with Drapion and 2HKO'ed it with Poison Fang after a Hone Claws boost.

I miss his Staraptor. Wiggs is no replacement. ;~;

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All I can say is hit first and hit hard. The more time you give Noel to set up, the harder the fight gets. Also, use a Ghost type against Swellow. Its Façade will mess you up BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.

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