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Let your voice be heard!

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With the passing of time, improvements are made to anything and everything. A few weeks ago (yes it's been that long) the Reborn staff collectively decided to grant users with the rank of Voice (+) the ability to use the broadcast commands in order to differentiate the voice status and (in most cases) ace members a bit more from everyone else and give added importance to the rank. You might ask yourself, what is broadcast and why should I care? Broadcast allows an individual to use particular commands programmed within Pokemon Showdown and output the results to everyone within the chat. To do so, simply replace the / with a !

-Quick Reminder: To obtain voice, one must be an Ace Member, have at least 500 posts, and be in good standing in the community.

As seen here in this previous news post by @Amethyst regarding the warning point system.

1 point : The user is no longer eligible for voice (but they won't lose it if they already have it)

3 points: The user loses voice if they have it

In addition, as a measure to prevent these commands from flooding the chat, we've also installed a new warning under the more generic name of 'Server- Spam', but it will apply to those who abuse the broadcast function as well. The warning is only worth 1 point, but keep in mind, it only takes 3 points to lose voice. We just ask that you use your better judgment on when to use it. We'll more than likely be fairly lenient on the matter just so long as it isn't blatant 'spamming'.

Commands that can be broadcasted:

(some info and text taken from smogon site)

/data (or) /pstats /stats /dex /pokedex

/data: Data is one of the most used commands, as it's an extremely practical tool, especially when it comes to teambuilding. Using /data [Pokémon] in the chat, replacing [Pokémon] with the name you're searching for, will bring up the Pokémon's stats, typing, abilities, and tier. Oftentimes staff will broadcast this to answer someone's question regarding stat spreads or to start a discussion about a particular Pokémon.

The /data command can also be used for items, moves, and abilities.

/details (or) /dt

/dt is an expansion of /data, which shows you the height, weight, as well as the Pokémon's egg group(s) and other info!

The /details command can also be used for items, moves, and abilities.

/weakness (or) /weak /resist

/weakness [pokemon] will list all of the resistances and weaknesses of the indicated pokemon, with Bolded ones being even more resisted or weak to.

/effectiveness (or) /matchup /eff /type

/effectiveness [attack], [defender] will give the effectiveness of a particular move against a particular pokemon. (Can be especially useful for those crazy dual type moves)

/dexsearch (or) /ds

/dexsearch [type], [move], [move], ... - Searches for Pokemon that fulfill the selected criteria.

Search categories are: type, tier, color, moves, ability, gen.

Valid colors are: green, red, blue, white, brown, yellow, purple, pink, gray and black.

Valid tiers are: Uber/OU/BL/UU/BL2/RU/BL3/NU/PU/NFE/LC/CAP.

Types must be followed by ' type', e.g., 'dragon type'.

Parameters can be excluded through the use of '!', e.g., '!water type' excludes all water types.

The parameter 'mega' can be added to search for Mega Evolutions only, and the parameters 'FE' or 'NFE' can be added to search fully or not-fully evolved Pokemon only.

The order of the parameters does not matter.


+ Voice - They can use ! commands like !groups, and talk during moderated chat

% Driver - The above, and they can mute. Global % can also lock users and check for alts

@ Moderator - The above, and they can ban users

& Leader - The above, and they can promote to moderator and force ties

# Room Owner - They are leaders of the room and can almost totally control it

~ Administrator - They can do anything, like change what this message says

**Note these capabilities are somewhat different on Reborn and will be updated accordingly in the future.


Provides information on how to change your Showdown sprite as well as a link to the site shop to buy a custom one.


Links to the Showdown FAQ on smogon's website.


Links to the Pokemon Showdown rules page. (May be Reborn rules page in the future).


Provides multiple links regarding the basics of the Smogon competitive battling format.


Displays the room intro.


Provides multiple links to things regarding Smogon tiers for competitive battling.

/othermetas (or) /om

Provides link(s) to a Smogon page with the details on all of the unusual tiers on Showdown (e.g Super Staff Bros, Enter the Dragon type, etc.)

/learn (or) /learnset /learnall

/learn [pokemon], [move, move, ...] - Displays how a Pokemon can learn the given moves, if it can at all.

/analysis (or) /smogdex /strategy

/analysis [pokemon] will link to the respective pokemon's info on Smogon including it's competitive examination and recommended sets.


Provides a link to the Smogon Pokemon damage calculator.

/staff -- (link not yet working)

Links to the staff for Pokemon Reborn.

/pickrandom (or) /pick /pr

/pickrandom [item1], [item2], [item3], [item#]..... picks one of the inputed items at random.

You can always type '/commands' to see much of this within showdown yourself.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Get out there and speak your mind!

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