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[OOC/Reroll] UNbOUND - Between Darkness and Neon Light


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Welcome to Derraton, a city-state of Science, Industry and bright lights at the surface, but with an underworld darker than black.
You are part of the UNbOUND, the Unusual Ocurrences Unit of Derraton, a special police squad made by the best of the best, though still cast out. You are part of a select group built to deal with problems that regular
police can´t (or don´t want to) handle. It´s a tough task, but you and your companions are surely up to the job...

Or are you?

When a streak of mass disappearances starts at the lower parts of the city´s steam-clad ghettos, the UNbOUND start their first investigation. But many are the difficulties in their way, and their prey in the shadows might
not be the only enemy lurking around the place...

Hello again everyone! Oh hell, how I missed this place XD.

For those who are new to the forums, my name is Notus and I used to be around here a lot, but then college, life etc happened and, well... What matters is that I´m glad to be back!

I´ll be your host for this story, which I hope you´ll enjoy. As tagged above, this is a Reroll project, which means it´ll have a limited number of players, who will play with pre-made characters. For more info on the idea behind this kind of RP, look into this handy thread by our mod Hukuna: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11930&page=1
Of course there are some rules and warnings everyone should take a look before we start, so let´s look at them.

Pretty simple: we´re all here to have fun, so no use being a "grasshole" right? If you´re bothered by something or someone please speak up, but do so in a civilized manner.

Just to warn you guys, this is a pretty dark and violent world so... yeah, things may get ugly.

To some extent it is acceptable, due to the nature of the RP scenary, but let´s try not to make the readers sick ok?

That´s basically it. I hope to have a great time playing with you, and that you enjoy the ride as well! Now, stay with some usefull information regarding the world and characters you´ll be playing with.

The City of Derraton

Derraton is a city as many others: with a well organized comercial/residencial zone, an industrial district at a safe distance - and a ton of unplanned and illegal factories and slums in between, result of disorganized growth for many years.
The city is a powerhouse in weapon technology, though that reality is more or less hidden under the way less threatening facade of it´s computer industries. It´s culture is a weird mix of many others, as the present population is almost entirely provenient of migration.
It´s underworld is ruled by drug and weapon dealers, criminal gangs, insane millionaires and whatever else manages to bloom in that rotten and lightless world.
A Map*:

To the Northeast is the original comercial center of the city and to the Northwest is the original residencial area, both the richest zones of the city. The island to the Southeast is were the bigger weapon and computer factories are, and in between is a mess of small factories, slums, and the poor zones of the city in general.

*(Map of Night City, adopted for this RP for convenience)


-> Brythit Rekimgrim: A young woman, twenty five years old, dark of hair and eyes and pale of skin. Daughter of the previous commander of the Derraton Police Department and owner of a genius grade IQ, she was the one who founded the Unit. Despite her young age, she is capable of quick decision making and has great deduction skills. She quickly progressed through the DPD ranks, when the current commander tasked her with making an special team of his taste, thus giving birth to the UNbOUND.

-> Bomoriel "Bom" Hibaam: With the looks of a elegant blond, green eyed man around his thirties, Bom is actually a demon. Though no one knows much about his past or reasons, he is one of the most powerfull integrants of the UNbOUND. He can move without being seen at night and in shadowed spaces in general, posesses an inhuman strenght and agility and can´t be killed - at least by conventional means. He´s also the newest member of the UNbOUND, having appeared out of nowhere asking to come in after the team was formed. He usually wears a white or black suit.

->Lia Morris: Lia is UNbOUND´s sniper, owner of a vision as sharp as an eagle´s and aim to match that. She is specialized in long distance shooting, but is dangerous at any range with a gun in hand. Raised in a poor family, she accidentaly killed her father (a small-fry drug dealer) after having found his gun when she was a teenager. Instead of getting away from weaponry, she started to learn with criminals how to properly handle them - and ended up being one of the best shooters in the underworld. Brythit heard of her, and ofered her a job due to her skill.
Lia is twenty one, with a deep red, straight hair and blue eyes, usually wearing a casual clothing (jeans and T).

->Lt. Rob Cohington: Ex-military agent well known by his close quarters combat skills. He was forced to retire after having his right arm and part of his leg blown off by a bomb during a raid to a criminals´ hideout. Brythit´s father arranged so he could have cyberized prothesys made - which would demand a small fortune otherwise - and since then they´ve been friends. Now he works as Brythit´s tracker and frontline fighter.
Lt. Cohington is 42 years old, strong, blond and always wears trousers and long sleeve shirts in order to hide his prothesys.

->Indy Haggard: A talented hacker and genius mechatronic engineer, Indy is responsible for the team´s equipment and inteligence. When on fieldwork she is always accompanied by a drone equipped with stun guns and other "harmless" equipment such as: explosives, arrows and a flamethrower.
Her family´s company was a leading force in tecnology development for the army, but a rival in business arranged for her parents to be killed and the company to be closed. After some years of wandering alone in the streets and making some not very recommended friendships, she learned all about computers, becoming quite infamous through the hacker circles. Brythit managed to discover who she was and instead
of arresting her, gave her a job at the UNbOUND.
Indy is around thirty years old (no info on exact age because "it´s a girl´s secret"), a tall and thin brunnete with chestnut eyes. Despite having perfect vision, she insists in wearing glasses because she likes it.


Pretty advanced, typical Cyberpunk style (If you watch Ghost in the Shell you know what I mean). It´s not uncommon for people to have cyberized prothesis to substitute limbs, though those are expensive and thus limited to the people with money or their employees. Weapons still use projectiles, and drones are an everyday sight working with the police, fire dept. and even advertising for shops. Many aspects of the city sistems are controlled by computer, what makes hackers a big problem concerning public safety.
The inventary of the UNbOUND counts with:

-Armored and civilian vehicles: Mainly cars, though they can request an helicopter once in a while)
-A base of their own: Basically a floor of what once was an underground bunker, partially distroyed but still usable. The main DPD building is above it.)
-Intelligence equipment: First quality, high processing power computers, brought by Indy.
-Stealth equipment: Military grade optical camouflage, only enough for two agents. A courtesy of Lt.Cohington.

About Demons

Yes it might seem strange, but there is a bit of magic in this world. Despite few people knowing it, there are beings who feed on the dying souls of animals and people, the so called demons. They usually don´t appear before humans, requiring special equipment to be seen, but when there is a big enough cathastrophe they tend to lose control and swarm the place, requiring removal before it can be cleared. It´s a really new discovery, and the authorities still don´t know what to make of it.
Though most demons are animalistic in appearance and behavior, some appear in human shape and show a highly developed intelect - which is the case of UNbOUND agent Bom. Those are extremely rare ocurrences though, with none other than Bom´s being known to the Unit.

The Cast

ZephirEnyalos, as Brythit Rekimgrim
Hukuna Fulmine, as Bomoriel "Bom" Hibaam
Yash, as Lia Morris
leocain, as Lt. Rob Cohington
Trainer Red, as Indy Haggard

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Seeing as I already know the gist I am game lol. Not sure how you will be picking who is who but I am not overly concerned with that now since i wouldn't mind playing really any of the characters lol.

((I am going to be brutally honest here Strat... maybe lol. This is actually probably going to be the big test for it. However, I will let Notus explain further if he wants lol.))

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Yeah! I weighed my time carefully and I think I can get back for good, so this will serve as a test. ^_^

As for the characters... I already have the first one defined, but the others will be on a random basis.

EDIT: And holy hell Faust, I almost didn´t recognize your profile XD. It´s great to see you again mate!

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This seems interesting but I've got a lot on my plate at the moment. Think I'll let the noobs take a crack at this to start off.

It would be good to have some small time RPs that promote more activity in this Sub-Forum and they would also be a useful teaching tool for newbies and just a way to have fun without a lot of player prep.

I am already in two different Roleplays, but I have to say this looks interesting.

Also, welcome back on the forums Notus! (Maybe you don't even know me but I have to say this anyway :D)

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Hahahaha, glad that you liked the name, Dobby! XD

And hey Cyaloom, nice to meet you! It´s great to get back and find some new faces around. I hope I´ll have the chance to play with you soon!

Hehey, so that closes the cast! I made a random character assignment (that consisted on a friend of mine choosing numbers from one to four without having any idea of what was going on) and it looks like this:

ZephirEnyalos, as Brythit Rekimgrim (previously accorded)

Hukuna Fulmine, as Bomoriel "Bom" Hibaam

Yash, as Lia Morris

leocain, as Lt. Rob Cohington

Trainer Red, as Indy Haggard

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Awesome.. I get to be a sniper crazy assassin.. I totally wanted either her or Bom..:D..

Will we get any more information about our character or is what you have told us so far all we get from your side??

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Aww Yeah...

I got my favorite kind of Character: the Tech-savvy Computer-loving Inventive-and-nerdy-and-possibly-explosive-happy Engineer/Scientist/Researcher/Intel Agent. Prepare for some Bleeding-edge Tech to come our way!*


Bronzed Finish costs extra. See your local Retailer for details.

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Kkkk nice to see you guys enjoyed your characters. I left some info out to leave some space for you to develop them as you like (Huk´s suggestion).

And yeah Huk, Bom is the real deal XD. I think he´ll get pretty awesome in your hands mate.

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Cool, cool. We're also given creative freedom on how we want to play out our characters' personalities? I noticed that they're not entailed.

Yes, that was a suggestion I gave to Notus, that way the player's could stylize them in a way they felt comfortable with, and to at least have some control over the character they received. It was something I did with the original Reroll I set up that way players at least had some way to express themselves even when being given a pre-made character. ((Pre-mades are actually things I don't like in pen and paper RPGs, but in a forum setting the biggest essence of a character is who they are and what they are like, therefore if that part is left out that character more or less is still not a character until the player gives them that. Until then they are just a springboard for them to get started, clues into what that character might be like.))

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^Huk covered it all so... Yeah, you´re free to develop your characters in any way you want - actually that´s what I´m looking forward to see the most.

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Alrighty then.. Let's get this show on the road..

Also I found this on google using these exact words.. "anime girl red hair blue eyes jeans sniper".. The first image in the search.. Couldn't be better.. The eyes.. Everything I needed her to be..


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I would say it is damn accurate for sure lol. I am not one of those that really likes faceclaiming personally ((just cause my head canon is always a bit different lol.)) but anyways I would say that one is certainly spot on for the character.

((I am not going to bother looking for one for Bom... because... to me Bom doesn't have just one look... what that means... I am not saying now, you shall see. You shall see in time.))

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