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What Murks Below...


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Can't say I disagree, but it is thematically appropriate for the region. Plus, the disgusting water has been a theme literally since the start of the game.

Fortunately, this will be the last poison one.

This is implying you already have every field effect planned out. If so why don't we have them all.

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  • Developers

This is implying you already have every field effect planned out. If so why don't we have them all.

well most of the feild effects we get are parts of the episodes they're introduced in and since there is still about 4 episodes after 15 those feild effects will be spread through-out those episodes

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This is implying you already have every field effect planned out. If so why don't we have them all.

I would venture to say she has (maybe even "has had") the entire game planned out; doesn't mean she'll tell us anything too far in advance :P

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*cough* Starmie *cough*

Thing gets reflect type and camoflauge. It is actually one of several water types able to surive in the water by taking on its fellows poison typing

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Yeah, the whole game was planned out as of E3 and all of the field have been planned as of E13. I don't want to overload the players by adding all of them at once though, and I don't want to make the code so unstable by cramming so much in there without it being tested.

I ain't just makin' stuff up on a whim here.

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Yeah, the whole game was planned out as of E3 and all of the field have been planned as of E13. I don't want to overload the players by adding all of them at once though, and I don't want to make the code so unstable by cramming so much in there without it being tested.

I ain't just makin' stuff up on a whimsicott here.

Some fields might not make sense to introduce immediately anyways though. Like the glitch field, that wasn't necessary until E14, so no reason to put it in.

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tbh i want it DONE so we can have it good to go when we need it. also gives us time to fix bugs/correct documentation aaaaand do that thing with them that's going to make everyone-who's-no-on-the-dev-team's lives a lot easier.

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