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Teambuilding advice: Good Poison Types?


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Heya! I'm Just starting the game (The game is awesome, I like the difficulty and the stuff) and the limited amount of pokemon early game just made me think of resetting the game and picking a new starter sometimes. Right now, Im gonna try going for the grass gym, though I'm quite confused to what pokemon to use for her. Right now my party is:

Quadilin - Bulletproof - Adamant

- Vine whip

- Leech Seed

- Bite

- Rollout

Noibat - Frisk (Im gonna catch a new one. This one has Lonely nature, which is pretty bad)

- Screech

- Air Cutter

- Bite

- Supersonic

Swirlix - Unburden Calm (This little cotton candy pokemon is a beast! I love it so much! <3 )

- Fake Tears

- Play Nice

- Cotton Spore

- Fairy Wind

Right now, Im trying to decide a good poison type. I've then ruled out all possible Poison types I've found in game and then have Koffing and Trubbish.

Koffing has a good Defenses, Has levitate, a tad wider movepool.

Trubbish has poison spikes, more spread out stats, and a tad faster than koffing.

Help me decide? :o

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For Florinia I would advice a Trubish. Spam Toxic Spikes to badly poison her pokes to give you a massive advantage against her, especially Cradilly, which has Recover+Leftover and a lot of bulk.

Simple Swoobat is a life saver, especially if you get a couple of charge beam boosts - just reck her with air cutter.

Makuhita also fares well against Cradily and the rest of her team.

Good luck.

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If you want poison types,i give you poison types: Skorupi-evolves into Drapion,Ekans which evolves in Arbok and if you know how to use him it can beat almost anything,Grimer when evolves in Muk is a beast with Sludge Bomb and Sludge Wave and it has good defences,Skrelp which evolves into a Dragon/Poison type and Zubat..you can catch zubat in Bxby Wasteland's cave,and i guess that's all!

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Arbok, Dragalge and Weezing are pretty good Poison types.
Arbok has Glare and Acid Spray, as well as Crunch.
Dragalge learns Water and Dragon moves while having crazy Sp.Def.
Weezing is a solid wall and can use Explosion

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I've been using Stunky (now a Skuntank) for a while. It's got weak defences but it has decent speed, only one weakness (Ground), learns Toxic/Flamethrower (as Skuntank)/Night Slash, Good HP, and Stench ability might net you the odd flinch or two. I might replace it now I'm into the 'meat' of the game, but since I caught it near the start it's done very well for me.

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For early game Trubbish was great. I was very surprised by its speed. Mine outsped most enemies, plus Toxic Spikes - Sludge - Acid Spray at early levels helped me a lot with Florinia and even up to Shelly it was quite useful. After Shelly however it was boxed and not looked at again.

Later ingame, around the 6th gym you can get a Good Rod to fish up a Skrelp, Dragalge helped me a lot from Noel and further. Personally very little experience with other poison types, I love Roserade but since there's no TM for Sludge Bomb in game it needs breeding for the good moves.

I think Muk is a reliable Poison type too with learning Sludge Bomb and Mud Bomb by level up, and Crobat of course can be a beast. The Nido's are also only available after the 5th Gym.

Venomoth, is great for support but needs a bit of a set up with Quiver Dance and relies heavily on TMs, Scolipede is a fast, reliable physical attacker with Steamroller/Megahorn and Poison Tail(Poison Jab TM isn't ingame) and perhaps Rock Climb, and Ariados doesn't have the greatest stats but it has some great moves with Poison Jab, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch and Sticky Web by levelup.

Swalot is a lot of fun to work with and I hear great stuff about Toxicroak. Vileplume, Dustox and Amoonguss are great to work with from slight experience in the main games, but again, TM's bruh.

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